Potential Feuds

The American Legend

Dark Match Winner
After watching the Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler match on Raw tonight, (awesome match, watch it when you can) with CM Punk on commentary, I couldn't help but think, might WWE give us a Punk vs Bryan feud?

The sheer thought of this makes me giddy. WWE has shown they are willing to give Bryan match time. His ppv matches with Miz, Morrison, and now Ziggler have all been top notch and good lengths. If they let Punk and Bryan go at it for any amount of time...awesome. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think Punk and Bryan ever fought each other before.

Also, they mentioned Evan Bourne being 'taken out' by Punk. This is another good feud waiting to happen. Bourne is a good worker, good striking, good offense. He and Punk could easily have a classy feud much like the Bourne Jericho feud earlier this year.

What do you think? Do you want to see these feuds happen? Which one would you enjoy the most?

CM Punk/Daniel Bryan feud would no doubt be an awesome feud. I've been praying for this to happen since Punk came to RAW. As soon as Punk came out tonight I marked out. I know it will happen soon enough. The two biggest indy stars of the last decade. Both have great skills and would put on the top match of the card. The only problem with this is Punk is a former fucking three time World Heavyweight Champion. He's already established himself as a main eventer. He doesn't need to lower himself to midcarder and the midcard championship. He should be facing Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. But, since this year has been a little down hill for Punk, i suppose a match with Bryan would be fine. Lol WWE needs to do what ECW did with Guerrero and Malenko and give them up to 45 minutes to put on a match of anything they want to do. It would be top notch feud and probably one of my favorites. Of course Punk>Bryan:) I want this to happen...Punk/Bourne...ehhh, not so much. Bourne isn't that great in the ring. It'll just be a Rey Mysterio/Punk feud all over. I suppose it would get Bourne over. but I don't want to see this as much as I want to see Punk/Bryan. Can't wait to see how this plays out...
After watching the Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler match on Raw tonight, (awesome match, watch it when you can) with CM Punk on commentary, I couldn't help but think, might WWE give us a Punk vs Bryan feud?
oh, first off, that was another good match with Ziggler and Bryan, Bryan can put on good matches and CM Punk announcing made it better. As for a Punk/Bryan feud, that would be AWESOME. IF given time, i honestly think these two could put on a 5 star match, Punk and Bryan both are good in ring wrestlers, possibly great. Punk is awesome on the mic, i love listening to him talk as a heel and a feud with these two would be great.
it feels like they brought punk over to raw, just for a feud with bryan, they have fought before on the indy's. so they already have previous chemistry, it just sucks that both of their move sets are limited in the wwe, but the two of them still could put on a 5 star match regardless.
When Punk was announced as the wrestler SmackDown! traded to Raw for Edge, I was hoping that this feud would come about and I think that tonight was the first step towards that direction. I did expect Punk to jump into the ring and eventually cause Bryan to lose the match, or at least to jump him when the match was over.

I've got no complaints, however, that they didn't go down that road tonight. But Punk's presence there at ringside, his sarcastic little golf-like clap while looking at Bryan suggests to me that a program between these two is all but written in stone at this point.
To be honest I was thinking in left field. My first thought when Punk came down and said he was scouting I thought he meant he was looking for Raw talent to be apart of his new Straight Edge Society.
Well, I doubt they'd have even had CM Punk there during the match if they weren't planning at least a mini-feud if not a big one with one of them and since Punk and Bryan are now on the same brand, it only makes sense. The reasoning's solid and I personally think it could work for a number of reasons.

I could also see CM Punk attempting to recruit Bryan. Let's face it, this guy is as close to straight-edge as anybody is on Raw besides CM Punk. After all, they keep mentioning that he's vegan and it's likely for a reason. Perhaps they're wanting to add a "who's straight-edgier than who" angle with the feud if it happens. Also, Punk's never had a run with the U.S. Title, so it only makes sense that he might want to grab it for himself...
I would love to see a Daniel Bryan Vs Cm Punk feud, they've already had a feud in the indys but not in WWE. This means they would have plenty of chemistry between them, the matches would be excellent even without them knowing eachothers abilitys. The only thing is Bryan is the US Champion so does this mean Punk's going to drop down to the mid-card to fight over the title or will this mean for a push for Bryan and move him up to the upper mid-car?

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