Post your Desktop


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I've been here for over a year now and I'm pretty sure this topic hasn't been done since I first joined, and I really don't know why because nearly every forum I've ever been to has this topic.

Anyway, let's see your desktop so we can get a small feel of what it's like to be at your computer screen. To do so, first just press the little button on your keyboard that says "Print Scm" and then go to Paint or whatever photoshop thing you have. Then simply press paste, and it’ll paste the picture of your desktop. After that, all you have to do is save the file and upload it from photobucket. or tinypic.

Also, I think it would be best to spoiler the picture, since they're all going to be large. To do this, simply put the image code between the following (without the *):

[Spoiler*=Desktop]PUT IMAGE CODE HERE[/Spoiler]

So, let's see 'em.

Here's mine. I've had it for a couple of months now and will probably keep it forever due to its awesomeness.


I've just changed it to this. That's about it really.

Also, spot the fact that one of the open tabs is this thread. Spooky.


Yeah, yeah, I'm a hopeless wrestling nerd. I switch it out for every PPV.
I've never been able to copy my desktop so here's my background.

So...why do people have so many icons on your desktop? I hate that. Why clutter up your computer desktop with them?
Amen to that. I only have a firefox one, recycle bin and TVU player which I use to stream football games.

It's prolly cuz random shit you download adds one on there. I've had to delete alot of them.
Most of mine were there when I bought the computer. The only ones that are mine I use all of the time: KES, Mozilla, championship Manager 01-02 and Spotify.
Everything I keep on there is something I use regularly, at least once a week, so it warrants being in easy reach.
One, Macs FTW. Two, Bo Burnham FTW. Three, I made it myself.


Macs don't need icons. They're all hidden. :D
Nah, I've bought about 4 since that one came out and they've never been as good. Also, I'm the fucking king of that game. Got Rushden and Diamonds into Europe, but my crowning acheivement was probably winning the European cup with a Swedish team.
I tend to rotate my background image pretty frequently, but for the past few weeks it's been;

Anyone surprised?
man i love champ manager 01/02 its the best out of the lot. Ended up Maccesfield town winning the champions league after a 2-1 victory over Real Madrid.
Well I don't know how to nor do I want to take a picture of my backround, but on this computer the backround is: The Rock on the ropes holding the WWE title in his signature on-rope pose. On my fiance's laptop it is a picture of us.
man i love champ manager 01/02 its the best out of the lot. Ended up Maccesfield town winning the champions league after a 2-1 victory over Real Madrid.

It's so good compared to the others, right level of detail. I just remembered a better acheivement was when I took San Marino who are in Serie C2/C and won the Champions League in 5 years, having won each division in turn.

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