Post Interesting Fan Theories...


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Fan Theories are, for the most part, awesome. I always find new and interesting fan theories that add a new and different way of watching a TV series, movie, reading a book, or even playing a game. Then, of course, there are some utter shit fan theories out there that makes no sense and only really give us an idea of the more depressing people in the world who watch things far too much.

Nonetheless, fan theories are something which I have been finding myself reading a lot more and really enjoying some of the better ones. So use this thread to post some of the more interesting fan theories that you've come across in the media world.


In George RR Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice, Jon Snow is introduced as the bastard son of Ned Stark, but little is known about the maternal side of his parentage, as Ned rarely spoke of the matter before his death. While a number of female characters have been brought up as the possible mother of Jon Snow, the uncertainty has led many fans to seek an alternate explanation, the most prominent theory being that he is the child of Rhaegar Targaryen, the deceased heir of King Aerys II Targaryen, and Lyanna Stark, the sister of Ned Star who was abducted by the former. According to the theory, when Ned reaches his sister in the Tower of Joy a year after she disappears with Targaryen, Ned finds her dying “in a bed of blood,”, not from wounds but from childbirth. It also suggests the promise she made Ned give her, which has yet to be revealed in the series, was to take care of her son and conceal his Targaryen heritage.

This theory is one of the most well known theories in regards to the Game of Thrones series of books and TV show. What's more, it has massive repercussions for everyone in Westeros if true. What I like most about this theory is the repercussion for the next season of the show, where we are bound to find out whether this theory is true or not. With the Red Priestess at The Wall in the TV show, it seems entirely likely that, when burned, Jon will emerge from the flames like Dani did in the first season with her dragons.

It has been said that Jon is the personification of A Song of Ice and Fire; fire being that of the Targaryen house and Ice being that of the Stark house. With this theory in mind, it has been really interesting to watch the plight of Snow throughout the last season of Game of Thrones.

Believability: 8/10
GoT has so many interesting theories...

As for R+L= J its pretty believable. Through 5 books you could hear almost every theory except that one. Ned and Ashara Dayne(sister of Arthur Dayne who Ned killed at Tower of Joy) is one of them also. With almost confirmed "Tower of Joy" scene at season 6 its certain that we will see what happened there. Whole point of Roberts rebelion was that Rhaegar stole Lyanna and raped her. Though, in the way Rhaegar was represented in the books(noble knight) its unlikely that acctually happened and its more likely that Rhaegar run of with Lyanna Stark causing one of the most realm changing event just because of love.
My favourite theory is for 500 days of summer. A fi;m I watched with Dave the weekend after I split with my ex girlfriend.

They theory for 500 days of summer is that he made up the relationship in his head when talking about it to the boys to make him sound better. I know a few people who do that and over exaggerate things. It explains Summers hot and coldness rather than the standard "she's a bitch".
An interesting fan theory has developed out of Mad Max: Fury Road. The theory is that Tom Hardy is not playing the character that Mel Gibson made famous, but rather he is the feral child from The Road Warrior, who has now taken the name of the man who saved them. This theory has some decent creedence, as in FR, Max gives one of Joe's wives a music box, which could be the same music box that Max gave the feral child in RW.

Another one I like in regards to 'Batman Forever' and 'Batman & Robin'. According to theory, these movies do not take place in conjunction with Tim Burton's Batman films; they are in fact movies that were released IN Burton's Batman universe.

To elaborate; after the events of Batman Returns, a heartbroken Bruce Wayne hangs up the cowl and reveals himself as Batman to the public. Wayne's life is dramatised in films which portray Gotham in a more "vibrant" light while the events are much more crowd pleasing. A strange theory, but it accounts for the shift in tone between films.
There's an interesting theory about the aliens and the invasion for Signs 2002. The theory is the aliens are not aliens. Instead, they're actually demons:

When you think about all the crop circles, and the physical appearance of the creatures, jumping straight to aliens is an easy conclusion. BUT water is an odd choice for the primary weapon to kill the creatures, no? They're supposed to be alines, right? So where's all the advanced technology, the massive spaceships, and the weapons to exterminate mankind? Also, you never see any abductions in the movie.

On top of that, you have to remember Signs (for the most part) is all about Mel Gibson's character losing his faith. The priest needed a reason to believe again, and you could say his restored faith played a part in the glass of holy water ("swing away, Merill") killing the alien inside the house after Joaquin Phoenix smacks him with a baseball bat. Also, Morgan's recovery from the final asthma attack is considered to be a miracle.

The invasion, Morgan's recovery, and other events in the movie all lead up to Gibson's character regaining his faith in the final scene of the movie, so the invading demons theory holds a good amount of weight.

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