Possibly the most Flamey post I have ever read.


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
First off, wow, there are so many marks in this thread.. it's quite unbelievable. I'm not going to go quote every single moron that has posted in the thread, instead i'll just address certain things and put you idiots in your place.

It's insanely funny that the Orton haters thought they had something on the guy with this interview video that turned out to be just a shoot, just reading your comments it's obvious how excited you people were to think that Orton fucked up. Well, reality took it's hand and smacked your pathetic faces, now didn't it?

This thing starts out as "Orton is an asshole, heres the proof that he hasn't changed", then turns into "well fine, I was wrong, but he's still an asshole. Once an asshole always an asshole"... cuz yea, people never change right? But now, oh my gosh, poor Kennedy got fired because of Orton. Yes, Orton has that much pull that a few comments he made got the dude fired. Y'know what? If someone you were in the ring with, was constantly injured and fucked up a move that could have injured YOU, then I think YOU would do the same and address that situation. You have to figure, Kennedy was going to be put in a storyline with Orton, they were going to feud eventually as it seemed like that was being what was built up from Kennedy's short lived return. So, knowing this, Orton probably was concerned with having to fight the guy during the feud as he ALREADY made a mistake on HIS FIRST NIGHT BACK. I'll say it again, his FIRST NIGHT BACK!

If someone is endangering your career, by being sloppy in the ring, then you would voice those concerns as well. Especially if he almost reinjured your shoulder that would have put you out of action for quite some time. Is it just a coincidence that Kennedy keeps getting hurt? Maybe. But i'd say thats quite improbable, no i'd say the reason would be that he's just sloppy inside the ring. He doesn't take spots well, doesn't know how to wrestling very well, and puts people in harms way when they are in the ring with him.

Now, lets talk about Orton's "attitude". Sure, i'll admit he does have a jerkish attitude, but it has improved vastly from what it once was. I mean, what kind of immature asshole things did YOU do at the young age of 24? If you were thrust into fame and fortune like that, at that young age, what would YOU do? You can't judge a man that you don't know, all you hear is the things he's done or see him on tv in character. So, keep your judgements to yourself, because Orton isn't the first asshole in the WWE nor will he be the last.

You people, especially Wes, are pathetic moronic Kennedy marks. You hold a grudge against this man because you think he got your little wrestler-crush fired. Well, fuck off, because you don't know the story in it's entirety. Only Vince does, he has his reasons for firing him. But as I said before, don't blame a guy for voicing concern over a sloppy opponent, this is their life afterall.
It also makes me laugh at this guy
I'm glad that my post had such an effect on you that you felt the need to make a thread about it.
Just ignore the "flaming" I did, since your so sensitive, and you'll see that my points are valid.
After it gets deleted I may delete this one just to annoy you.

Shucks, that would annoy the HELL out of me! That post is my life, dude, if you deleted it i'd toss my computer at the wall and have a complete emotional breakdown.
Thank you, unbiased people will see my post for what it is.

And I see the mistake I made now, won't happen again.
:lmao: I knew I'd get them fired up. That was fantastic.

I got alot to reply too, this may break my own personal record for biggest post.
:lmao: I knew I'd get them fired up. That was fantastic.

I got alot to reply too, this may break my own personal record for biggest post.

Eh, spewing a bunch of biased nonsensical bullshit isn't something to be joyful about. You didn't say anything with the intention of "firing" everyone up, you did so because you thought you were knowledgeable only to find out that your a moronic nobody who was wrong.

It's okay, we all know you must have gotten a little red in the face when you found out the whole thing was just a shoot. Better luck next time, bro.
It appears as if we have a little forum fight on our hands ??!!

I hope neither one of you "bash the others teeth into their skull" :lmao:
Meh, I'm sure I've made flamier posts

Orton fans are just ridiculous, the guys an asshole, always has been always will be
Meh, I'm sure I've made flamier posts

Orton fans are just ridiculous, the guys an asshole, always has been always will be

And every other superstar in any wrestling industry is just ever so pleasant and kind. Give me a break, the argument isn't wether he's an asshole, who gives a flying fuck if he is, but hey.. you don't want to listen to reason. Instead you'd like to chuck a bunch of horseshit comments out, well good for you, congrats on that my friend.
And every other superstar in any wrestling industry is just ever so pleasant and kind. Give me a break, the argument isn't wether he's an asshole, who gives a flying fuck if he is, but hey.. you don't want to listen to reason. Instead you'd like to chuck a bunch of horseshit comments out, well good for you, congrats on that my friend.

Dude... are you going to attack everyone on the WZ forum ??

I'm secure enough in my manhood to admit that Orton's pretty ripped, but damn, you've taken the whole man crush to a completely new level.

If I didn't have a firm grip on reality, I'd be inclined to think Orton himself was moonlighting as the "Unholy Profit" to protect his badass image ??!!
You didn't say anything with the intention of "firing" everyone up

I don't have to say anything. It's fairly obvious most of the time.

you did so because you thought you were knowledgeable only to find out that your a moronic nobody who was wrong.

Wrong about the video not being a work, yes.

The other stuff? Nope.

It's okay, we all know you must have gotten a little red in the face when you found out the whole thing was just a shoot. Better luck next time, bro.

Nah, it was disappointment. I really wanted Orton to make himself look like a fool again. Much like you do in almost every post. You try to hard to be funny with mindless flames left and right. They aren't funny. You're not Xfear. You're not Justin. You're a fucking n00b that nobody gives 2 shits about.
Nah, it was disappointment. I really wanted Orton to make himself look like a fool again. Much like you do in almost every post. You try to hard to be funny with mindless flames left and right. They aren't funny. You're not Xfear. You're not Justin. You're a fucking n00b that nobody gives 2 shits about.

And every other superstar in any wrestling industry is just ever so pleasant and kind.

They should be, the fans are the reason they are able to have the success they have, not to mention it's kinda hard for them to have good matches by themselves, being an asshole to the guys you are working with, the guys who you need to trust to help you deliver a good match seems like a pretty dumb fucking thing to do

Give me a break, the argument isn't wether he's an asshole,

Umm, yeah it fucking is dumbass, that was the whole reason I made that fucking thread in the first fucking place

who gives a flying fuck if he is, but hey.. you don't want to listen to reason.

Appearently you, I mean fucking Christ man, didn't realize you and Mr. Orton were fucking buddies

Instead you'd like to chuck a bunch of horseshit comments out, well good for you, congrats on that my friend.

I said he was an asshole, which he is, he has proven himself to be a fucking asshole time and time again, so I fail to see how the hell I'm "chucking a bunch of horseshit comments out"

Seriously dude get the fuck over yourself, Orton's asshole deal with it
It's the fucking bar room people. Half of the point of the bar room was so that people could flame eachother. That's not even the worst flame I've read this week, let alone ever. Sure he made a few remarks about Wes, so what? Everyone's been called out atleast once.

Chill Milenko my man.
It's the fucking bar room people. Half of the point of the bar room was so that people could flame eachother. That's not even the worst flame I've read this week, let alone ever. Sure he made a few remarks about Wes, so what? Everyone's been called out atleast once.

Chill Milenko my man.
It was in the wrestling section I just put it here

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