Possible upcoming WWE DVDs - have they lost their minds?


Lovable Curmudgeon
As has been reported on WZ the WWE has been polling their fans about their interest in several possible DVD releases. Namely the following:

Best of Shotgun Saturday Night
Best of Velocity
Best of WWE Superstars
Best of WWE Saturday Morning Slam
Thanksgiving Moments
Best of Bra and Panties
Top 25 Superstar Entrances
The Christmas Collection (All of WWE's best Christmas-themed moments)
Music of WWE (The best entrance songs)
Best of the Slammys
Best of Tribute to the Troops
Brothers of Destruction
Top Divas
Santino Comedy Hour

Now, is it just me or could that list not be any more horrifying if they tried? With the exception of the Brothers of Destruction DVD, I'd rather get waterboarded than sit through those abominations.

Am I wrong? Is there anyone out there going "Oh boy, a collection of WWE Christmas moments! Those are always so great, I can hardly wait!" Or maybe "Yaaay, best of Saturday Morning Slam, where they wrestle as tamely as possible to keep it kiddie friendly. Must have!!!" How about "A DVD chuck-full of only Divas matches? Hot diggity!"

My question is is the WWE completely out of touch with its fanbase?

Bonus question: What DVD ideas could possibly be worse?
Aren't these supposed to be $10 "value" dvds? Either way, I wouldn't mind the best of Shotgun Saturday night. If only for the Flying Nuns aka the Sisters of Loooooove.
My guess is that these are (hopefully) a joke and they are trying to be funny in their poll question. If not then yes they just might be out of touch.

Worse title: Best of the Backstage Interviews
Yeah, most of dvd those ideas suck hard. When I saw the article, I said to myself, "WWE can't possibly be running out of ideas for new WWE dvds to produce." Brothers of Destruction & maybe Best of WWE Superstars are the only ones that look appealing but only if the Superstars one features the 80's & 90's stuff, not the more current stuff nobody even bothers to watch. I mean seriously, the only people who are going to buy the divas & bra & panties dvds are sex deprived teenage boys who can't get there hands on actual porn to begin with.
Worse ideas:

Top 20 Mae Young moments of Raw
Best of WWE Diva title matches. (note: not Women's title)
Hornswaggle's Best
Best of The Great Khali Kiss Cam
Top 20 MizTV moments
Gillberg: the man; the myth
Top 20 Macho Man Randy Savage Slim Jim commercials
Lex Luger's Best Poses.
WWE's Best of Pre-PPV matches
Behind the Chair: the story of Dr. Isaac Yankeem
Best of Shotgun Saturday Night could be decent, as it had some good matches or match ups in its first year before it become a joke of a show. They could put in highlights of the first few shows that took place in night clubs.

Some decent match ups they had on Shotgun in its first year:
1/18/97 Rocky vs Triple H
1/25/97 Bret Hart vs Mankind
1/25/97 Rocky vs Savio Vega (Rocky hurts his leg...Returns as a heel months later)
2/1/97 Ahmed vs Vader
2/1/97 Bulldog vs Mankind
4/26/97 LOD vs Godwins
5/3/97 Bulldog & Owen vs the Blackjacks
5/10/97 Mankind vs Triple H
5/31/97 Farooq, Savio, Crush vs Undertaker, Vader, and Mankind (unsure if that ever happened)
6/14/97 RVD & Lawler vs Headbangers
6/28/97 Owen vs Goldust
7/26/97 Mankind vs Owen
8/9/97 20 man battle royal featuring Vader, Triple H, and the Patriot
4/11/98 New Age Outlaws vs Rock n Roll Express

Those are just some examples of matches they could have, of course if Owen isn't allowed then it would take a chunk out of what they could do with 1997 matches. And from what I know most of the Shotgun matches have never been put on DVD sets before.Though most matches in in DQ.

And of course Best of WWE Superstars could be good if it featured most of its good 80s and 90s matches, moments and interviews. with little of the current run of Superstars making the cut it could be good.
Kind of digging the saturday morning slam idea, i would love a dvd with some vintage hornswoogle.
Best of Shotgun Saturday Night could be decent, as it had some good matches or match ups in its first year before it become a joke of a show. They could put in highlights of the first few shows that took place in night clubs.

Some decent match ups they had on Shotgun in its first year:
1/18/97 Rocky vs Triple H
1/25/97 Bret Hart vs Mankind
1/25/97 Rocky vs Savio Vega (Rocky hurts his leg...Returns as a heel months later)
2/1/97 Ahmed vs Vader
2/1/97 Bulldog vs Mankind
4/26/97 LOD vs Godwins
5/3/97 Bulldog & Owen vs the Blackjacks
5/10/97 Mankind vs Triple H
5/31/97 Farooq, Savio, Crush vs Undertaker, Vader, and Mankind (unsure if that ever happened)
6/14/97 RVD & Lawler vs Headbangers
6/28/97 Owen vs Goldust
7/26/97 Mankind vs Owen
8/9/97 20 man battle royal featuring Vader, Triple H, and the Patriot
4/11/98 New Age Outlaws vs Rock n Roll Express

Those are just some examples of matches they could have, of course if Owen isn't allowed then it would take a chunk out of what they could do with 1997 matches. And from what I know most of the Shotgun matches have never been put on DVD sets before.Though most matches in in DQ.

And of course Best of WWE Superstars could be good if it featured most of its good 80s and 90s matches, moments and interviews. with little of the current run of Superstars making the cut it could be good.

Shouldn't be a problem having Owen on the dvd seeing as how he's been on quite a few in the past. With that line-up of matches, I'd certainly pick it up. Although I'm fairly certain that 1/25/97 Rocky vs Savio Vega (Rocky hurts his leg...Returns as a heel months later) isn't the match where Rock injured his knee/leg as he won the I.C. belt shortly after that match from HHH & didn't leave tv until May or June of that year.
While they may sound like bad choices from a marketing standpoint I can see a few of these being big sellers. Anything with Taker as the focus will always sell so tge Brothers of Destruction gets done for sure. Yea the best of Tribute for the Troops doesnt sound all that great but if WWE puts some type of "we'll donate $1 for every dvd sold to USO" there goes another instant seller. Shotgun Saturday Night, Velocity, and Superstars would do decent sells and quite frankly the best of bra and panties would be a huge seller if it only the horny teens who watch wrestling brought it so while these sound like horrible ideas I'd bet my last dollar that most of them would do decent enuff numbers.
The other thing is these dvds don't sound like anything that they normally put out. Who the hell would buy a best of the divas dvd. This has to be some sort of joke. The best of Shotgun Saturday night could be cool. Here is a funny idea for a dvd. The Life and Times of Big Dick Johnson. hahaha.
Out of all those, Shotgun Saturday Night interests me the most, especially if they show matches that were taped in NYC Clubs. The other ones I wouldn't buy. I'm surprised Bra and Panties is an option since they are PG now.

Worse ideas? Best of Brooklyn Brawler, Best of Outback Jack, McMahon family drama of 2003, Brodus Clay diet tips, Fandango dance lessons and if you ask Mick Foley- the best of Al Snow:lol:
Best of Shotgun Saturday Night
Best of Velocity
Best of WWE Superstars
Best of WWE Saturday Morning Slam
Thanksgiving Moments
Best of Bra and Panties
Top 25 Superstar Entrances
The Christmas Collection (All of WWE's best Christmas-themed moments)
Music of WWE (The best entrance songs)
Best of the Slammys
Best of Tribute to the Troops
Brothers of Destruction
Top Divas
Santino Comedy Hour[/I]

My question is is the WWE completely out of touch with its fanbase?
i wouldnt say they are completely out of touch, but i wont say that these are the best ideas. they arent completely out of touch because they do have the B.O.D DVD idea, the top 25 superstar entrances can be good. best of WWE SuperStars and best of WWE Shotgun Saturday Night could be good for people who know WWE history and music of WWE doesnt sound awful.
Bonus question: What DVD ideas could possibly be worse?
oh where to begin. how about the best matches of the Great Khali, that would be BRUTAL. or the best of Hornswoggle. the History of the Diva's Championship wouldnt be all that great or long. they could do a DVD of the best moments on MizTV or even a DVD of the career of Michael Cole.
Wow. A best of Velocity DVD?

Brothers of Destruction is the only DVD on that list truly worth buying.

I'm quite surprised they'd release a Bra and Panties DVD hahaha
I think best of WWE(F) Superstars and Wrestling Challenge would be AWESOME. For those who weren't alive to witness that greatness, it was our weekly dose of wrestling awesomeness in the late 80s/early 90s on the weekends, before RAW was even a thought. Squash matches, studio segments from Mean Gene or Sean Mooney, arena interviews, and a decent main event every week. Plus at the end, you always looked forward to who would be featured in the following week, and if anyone was making their debut.
Best of Shotgun Saturday Night
Best of Velocity
Best of WWE Superstars
Best of Tribute to the Troops
Brothers of Destruction

These are all okay ideas.
It's already been mentioned but for the Superstars one it should definitely include a lot of the early stuff.

Best Dance Moments would be pretty bad.

I think they already put out one of the worst dvds ever which was WWE Biggest Knuckleheads.
Almost everything on this list would be better than that.
As has been reported on WZ the WWE has been polling their fans about their interest in several possible DVD releases. Namely the following:

Best of Shotgun Saturday Night
Best of Velocity
Best of WWE Superstars
Best of WWE Saturday Morning Slam
Thanksgiving Moments
Best of Bra and Panties
Top 25 Superstar Entrances
The Christmas Collection (All of WWE's best Christmas-themed moments)
Music of WWE (The best entrance songs)
Best of the Slammys
Best of Tribute to the Troops
Brothers of Destruction
Top Divas
Santino Comedy Hour

Now, is it just me or could that list not be any more horrifying if they tried? With the exception of the Brothers of Destruction DVD, I'd rather get waterboarded than sit through those abominations.

Am I wrong? Is there anyone out there going "Oh boy, a collection of WWE Christmas moments! Those are always so great, I can hardly wait!" Or maybe "Yaaay, best of Saturday Morning Slam, where they wrestle as tamely as possible to keep it kiddie friendly. Must have!!!" How about "A DVD chuck-full of only Divas matches? Hot diggity!"

My question is is the WWE completely out of touch with its fanbase?

Bonus question: What DVD ideas could possibly be worse?

I would pick the Brothers Of Destruction DVD, too. It sounds promising.

"The Best of WWE Superstars"- Depends what it is. If it is the current product, then no. However, if it includes matches from the 80's, when they used to have WWE Superstars Of Wrestling, I wouldn't mind, especially if they show the Ricky Steamboat v Randy Savage match where Savage "injured" Steamboat's larynx with a ringbell. The match itself was very good and Steamboat's selling of the attack was incredible.
Other ideas that didn't quite make the list:-

Katie and Kane - Endless Love
Best of Triple H's Burials
The Marine - Audition Tapes
Making the Perfect BBQ Sauce Roundtable with JR.
Joey Styles - Path to Glory
Rabid - The Best of Stevie Richards
How to play like Kerwin White
The ReConstruction of The Ultimate Warrior
The Fall Guy - greatest falls in wresting history including Owen.
Dumb N' Dumber - Epic Fails in the WWE.
Behind The Music with Man Mountain Rock
Blu Brothers - It's 1995, we're bald, Appalachian and not wearing sunglasses...
Randy & Stephanie - The Untold Story
Just 24 Little Hours - The Best Defections from the WWF (Luger, Rude, Savage)
The only 3 that appeal at all are The Brothers of Destruction one as it would be interesting see in depth how they came up with the whole Undertaker Kane angle, and the best of Velocity and Shotgun Saturday Night. There were occasionally really good matches on those shows from talents you wouldn't normally get to see as often on Raw and Smackdown, so I would give those a watch.

If these were budget DVDs I'd be happy to pick them up. The others are fucking awful ideas though!
If they're going to the $5 Bin at your local Wal*Mart, then yeah I have no problem with any of these DVDs mentioned.

But if you really don't want fans to buy your shit, here is another list you can really mark out to-

Turning Faces: Fan Reaction Compilation
WWE Best Of Celebrity General Managers Vol. 1
WCW Revenge of Mongo
Total Divas Season 1 Box Set
ECW's "Where Are They Now?"- The Zombie
The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Akeem
History of The Anonymous GM
Mike Adamle Presents The Mike Adamle Story
Lifetime Original Movie: "It Wasn't His Fault"
The Rise and Fall of Eugene
Red Mist - The Bolsheviks Greatest Matches
BoogEat Diet - Bastion Booger and the Boogeyman show you the real blow away diet... (DISCLAIMER: Eating moles can cause health issues and none were eaten during this video)
Audience Of One - Vince McMahon's spoken word DVD in the ring, on his own...
Ron Simmon's 50 Best Damn Moments...
Are You Serious presents Puppet H - Full Sail
I Finally Got The Answers - Frankie Williams Retrospective
Brawl For All - The Whole Tourney on DVD
Punjabi Playmates an expose of Khali's past including candid video of Vicki, Bertha Faye, Maye Young, Leilani Kai, Moolah, Michael Cole and Stephanie McMahon...
WWE (Responsibility) Crib - Vince McMahon, Triple H, Stephanie and Linda move into DDP's place where he tries to teach them something...cameos from his neighbour Eric Bischoff.

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