Possible Spoiler: Cryme Tyme back in the WWE?


Houston's Hometown Hero
I'm not sure if anybody noticed this, but when Triple H invited everyone backstage to come out and say thank you to Ric Flair and the rest of the guys came out to say good bye came out, both JTG and Big Shad could be seen coming out shortly after Jesse and Festus. If anyone remembers, it was reported that Cryme Tyme was let go after acting very unprofessional following a match with Cade and Murdoch. Could this mean that Cryme Tyme has gotten a second shot in the WWE or could it just be a tryout?

What are your thoughts on Cryme Tyme getting another shot in the WWE?
I don't know if you missed the opening of Raw or not, but the first match of the night was Cryme Tyme v. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch. They were the opening surprise of the show, they picked up a victory.

I'm unsure what to make of them returning. They're an okay Tag Team, and what Raw needs more of.. but definately not one of the best. I'm sure they'll end up with the Tag Team Championships by Backlash, or Summerslam at the very latest, as long as they can stay out of trouble.
Yeah, Cryme Tyme wrestled earlier in the show, beating Cade and Murdoch, so yes they have received another shot with WWE, and I am estatic. They were a beath of fresh when they first came in, they looked like they could make the Tag Team division decent again, now there back and hopefully get the titles on them soon. They are a great charismatic tag team and could be great for many years to come.

Cryme Tyme for Tag Team Champions!!!!!!
Cryme Time gives WWE a few decent teams now. I like where this could be going. Cryme Time wasn't the best tag team in the world but they were better than most of what WWE has going right now. Looks like they're back in, and I for one am glad. I wouldn't mind them against Londrick at all. Sounds good to me.
They technically still have a shot at the tag titles that they never cashed in LOL. Its a good thing in my eyes, as they are easily the most over tag team in WWE, and were always pretty funny in promos, and maybe just maybe this is the beginning of revival in the WWEs tag team division. we got straight up TWO TAG MATCHES on RAW (!) tonight....
yeah I think you missed the first match

I know I went crazy when they came out LOL, but I always thought they would eventually comeback so I was not all that suprised, they are needed in the tag division right now badly, finding them good fueds besides Cade and Murdoch could be a problem though, hopefully they can help try and save a tag division that is completely dead right now
Wow I forgot about that tag title shot. How long ago has it been since they earned that? 2 years or so? I'm liking the direction the tag division is going in. Londrick gets the win, Cryme Time gets a nice win. Still not sure how Holly and Rhodes fit in. When the Highlanders are healthy again, that's 5 teams. That's almost....a division.
Yeah, I had just gotten home from work and hadn't viewed the tape when I posted this thread. I'm liking that they are back, but I must say that I wasn't too crazy about the comment that Jerry Lawler made about them having been on an island for 6 months, Riker's Island. And then JR said his camera was missing at the end? I mean the whole cheating and stealing thing is one thing, but that was a bit much if they want this team to truly help revamp the tag team title picture, which is going the same route as the Cruiserweight division.
I'm happy to see Cryme Tyme back as I think they could be the next Harlem Heat and my next black heros. I alos glad to see them wrestling the team that help get them fired in the first place on Raw. See JTG was still in shape while Shad look like he had one too many burgers during his time off. This was my favorite sterotypical tag team, I love the over played black tones of us being criminals. All I can say is Money, Money, Yeah Yeah, I said Money, Money, Yeah Yeah!
This will be brilliant for the WWE. They finally have something else they can call a meaningful division.......which is weird actually. :blink: Anyway, I believe this will be great for the WWE, and hopefully the tag divsions. Cryme Tyme is fantastic, with charisma and can wrestle, not to mention the size of Shad. They are obviously the most over tag team, quite easily really. I hope the WWE uses this well, because they can have good tag matches and good competition now.
The one thing that I have to wonder is this. Did the WWE resign Cryme Tyme because they feel that they can help rejuvenate the tag team division on RAW OR did they resign them to keep TNA from signing them? If it well known that TNA has been sending out feelers to both JTG and Big Shad and that they would be able to keep the gimmick upon signing as JTG would more than likely revert back to the name Neighborhoodie, which he used in OVW(just as ODB was able to). But it is something to give some thought to.
yeah id have to say, when i saw cryme tyme back i was pumped, wow the wwe, finally got my attention for once, i havnt posted because wrrestling has just been boring to watch these dayz, whoever writes this stuff, seriously idk bout your skillz or lack there off, your storylines are bland, and boring, but i like the whole khali big show concept that's gonna be very nice to watch play out, Big show should be face my opinion, tonight he showed alot of heart on raw i think but cryme tyme haaaaaaa money money yeaaah yeaah, i thought they worked really well and jtg learned some nice real ol school wrestling moves ,,,nice
Man Cryme Tyme are shit. Terrible. I can see why kids are amused by them, but I can't see the appeal for adults.

Anyway they're just adding numbers to a worthless division. At least they're a proper team, with a proper name, and similar ring attire. I hate teams like Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes. Random wrestlers just put together. If they do that then they should wear the same attire and have specific music for the team.
I hear ya Jake. What ever happened to the hey days of tag team wrestling where you had The Killer B's, The Powers of Pain, The Hart Foundation, The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, The Quebecers, The Rockers, The Fantastics, Strike Force and such? I mean even the friggin Steiner Brothers don't look alike anymore.

The tag team division has been killed by too many angles where you have two singles stars who hate each othr but get teamed together to win the tag titles. This has happened far too many times and pretty much makes all of the guys who are supposed to be credited with having chemistry and team work as their main strength look weak. Holly and Rhodes should even be in the tag team division. Neither should The Miz and Morrison. But both of these team hold the titles whole perfectly good teams job to them? Where is the fucking sense in that?
I have to admit, I marked out to Cryme Time when I heard their music. They got one of the biggest pops of the night. Anyways, I hope the WWE can finally use their tag-team division well, because right now it's lacking. Hopefully London and Kendrick win the belts off of Holly and Rhodes and have a triangle feud with Cade and Murdoch and Cryme Time. Cryme time is athletic and can still go. I'm happy the WWE resigned these guys because they were entertaining.
I was going to post this last night, but was simply too tired. I'm seriously hoping that Cryme Tyme will help the hurting tag team division in the WWE. It seems to me that perhaps WWE is going to try to fix it a little bit with Londrick picking up a win, and with WWE bringinng back Cryme Tyme... Perhaps we'll see an actual tag team storyline between two legit tag teams again as opposed to two guys randomly thrown together? With Cryme Tyme returning, I'm looking to see matches such as tag team turmoil return in the near future featuring... Cryme Tyme, Londrick, Rednecks, Highlanders (if they return), and Holly and Rhodes.
Cade and Murdoch are sweet!! They have the quicker, athletic guy in Cade (trained by Michaels) and the power, tough guy in Murdoch (anyone seen his dad wrestle). They got pushed to the top, then forgotten, just like WWE does with all the tag-teams these days. Examples: Londrick on SmackDown, Cryme Tyme the first time around, the Highlanders....They don't know how to push tag-teams or get them over at all, and thats the problem...

Does anyone see Ron Killings joing up with Cryme Tyme?
I was really surprised to see them back in WWE I thought they were done and over with it and wrestling but obviously not kudos to WWE for making that one secret. Im sure by Summerslam they will be our next tag champs, and seemed to me last night WWE was almost trying to build the tag division back up again, and I hope so it needs it! But yeah I think was a good return!
if you have read about smackdown vs. raw 2009 they have redone all of the tag team action, and it seems like the game is focusing mainly on tag teams
so hopefully the wwe is also going to put a lot more focus on the tag titles and they will reform same great teams like dx, the hardys, and rated rko and with cryme tyme back there are a lot of good young teams that will fight for the titles so hopefully in the next few months we will see a lot of good tag team matches
I think that this was a great decision by WWE. Bring back Cryme Tyme is a great move to help the pathetic thing that is known as the tag team division right now. I mean they are not good enough to save it by themselves, but they are a step in the right direction, young, charismatic, athletic, an all around good tag team. I do have to say though, you shouldn't be throwing out names like DX, the hardy's, and Rated RKO in the same sentance as Cryme Tyme. Cuz there is really no comparison, Cryme Tyme is no where near that level.
yea i kno and none of the tag teams right now are that great. It seems like most have been random guys thrown together like miz and morrison, and wwe neds to stop having rivals be on teams because its getting old like when Matt Hardy and MVP were champs on smackdown

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