Pope's A Bad Influence and Devon's An Idiot


Lord And Master
Staff member
I don't think I've ever seen a more ridiculous tag team that we are supposed to take seriously. Just what in the blue hell is the appeal to this cat and mouse dynamic Pope and Devon keep up? What's Pope's fixation with Devon and his kids and why the hell does Devon keep bringing them in the first place? I get this is a scarce time for the tag teams of TNA, but this stupidity between the two has been going since... What, June? The hell is the point? If there is so much friction, why the hell do they keep pairing up?

Is Devon some sort of twisted masochist?
They wanna keep Pope around and have nothing for him is my guess here. Another good talent floundering coz the likes of Garett Bischoff are getting air-time.

Was a huge Pope mark when he started doing his stuff initialy.The man could cut great promos, have good matches. I mean if I look at the TNA roster, it's embedded with such great talent that just need a storyline to make them showcase their talent. And Pope is one of them. I absolutely do not want him to move to WWE because he will be very inhibited even if the E is all cutting edge PG now, No. Pope is brilliant when let loose. Hope he runs into the main-event program soon, after AJ is done,also they can build Storm vs Roode longer if Roode is preocuppied.
Like PaperGhost said, I'm thinking that they're doing this with Pope, and even Devon, because they just don't know what else to do with them.

The segment in and of itself was pretty ok I thought until Devon's brats jumped the rail. The stuff with Devon's kids getting in the middle of what Pope & Devon are doing has been going on for months and it's even less fascinating now than it's ever been. It's hard to take Pope & Devon seriously as a team, in my view, because it's looking as though TNA eventually intends to put these two into a feud with Devon's brats in the middle. They've just decided to really, really drag it out to an unnecessary degree.

Whenever we see Devon interact with his kids, he looks as though he's half a step away from delivering an Ike Turner pimp slap upside both their heads. His overreaction to everything his kids do makes me wonder if they're gonna go down the route of portraying Devon as someone that's been an abusive father.
There's absolutely nothing for either of these men to be doing right now, so they're in this shit, simple as that. It really is sad though, they should skip this stuff and have them do nothing or atleast pull Devon's goddamn kids out of the mix because they're annoying as hell just like the situation. But I agree with what Jack Hammer said, Devon is the pissed off daddy and Pope is the cool uncle figure that the boys like to hang out with but it's not ok with pops. In the end of this horrendous pairing they will face off with D's boys in the middle of it and it'll be bad but atleast it'll be the end of it. As long as the 2nd generation Dudleys don't pull a Garrett Bischoff EVER, we can just ride this out til it is ended like a rabid dog getting shot in the head.

I wish they could be doing anything else right now but there simply is not enough room for all this talent to be involved in something good, I wish there were some way to tie them in with the shit between Garrett and Immortal, it's a pretty crummy story and maybe they could somehow team up with Garrett and then have a 3 on three match against Gunnar, Steiner and Bully. But I think in the end the best thing to do is ride this out and wait for it to end ASAP, and when it's done lets pretend it never happened.
As everyone else has said these two have been thrown together as there is nothing else for them to do. However I also think there is another reason, a typical wrestling writers decision, both these guys are black so lets put them together. Ignorant yes but it happens all the time in wrestling.

I for one see Devon only being kept around for when 3D get reunited, Pope on the otherhand is a legitimate talent and they need to give him some TV time to stop him leaving for greener pastures.

As much as I dislike the team, perhaps if TNA actually gives them a decent story and promo time then they could help rejuvinate the tag division. Maybe we can have The Pope and Reverend Devon start to irradicate the evil within TNA and finish opponents with a crucifix powerbomb pin combination. Lets hope they start with Inc Ink and lay a bible on Shannon Moore and burn his book of sillyguff.
I doubt it's because there's nothing for them at the moment. Devon for one, is pretty damn worthless and looks like the dumbest parent ever. Pope on the other hand at the least has the X Division or TV title scene as an option. He did start in the X Division even if he isn't a high flyer. His mic skills can at the least give Austin Aries something better to do than put over Jesse Sorensen. I realize the Tag Team scene needs support, but why are these two going over more understandable pairings like the Brits, Ink Inc or a totally new pairing that makes sense?
I'm not buying into Pope and Devon as a tag team. Never really did. Nor have I ever been a fan of involving any wrestler's children in a storyline. I know that TNA is trying or at the very least want to make an effort to keep these two mainstays relevant. They're paired up, albeit reluctantly, and now have a title shot. But it seems to me that all of the segments and interference of Devon's boys is building to a plot similar to Raven/Sandman back in old ECW. I'll admit I'm a fan of Devon as a singles competitor, though he's not over like Bubba Ray has gotten. Likewise for Pope. TNA has other wrestlers, possibly in the X Division to make another up and coming tag teams. Pope and Devon should be competing individually at mid card or for the TV title. Another notion I've considered is that they were paired together based on ethnicity, like Mex Am.
I think Devon and Pope could be a good tag team, if they just worked together and forget getting the kids involved. the kids are what completely ruin this for me.
Devon and Pope should both be one. Devon seems face and Pope seems heel. together I don't know what they are. they could both be heel or face, but just together. maybe work better as a couple thug heels.
I like the team, almost like one portraying a face and the other heel. I think its unique if they're fused the right way and that includes getting his sons out the picture. I disliked this idea in WCW - especially with Buff Bagwell's mother being on air that burned out real life family being involved for me. But i agree with some of the comments with Pope not being properly handled and he does cut great promos and wrestled well.
This storyline with the kids like three month old milk...just spoiled. It's never taken off, and we as viewers/fans don't care at all about this storyline.

Couldn't we get:
Sorensen/Brian Kendrick
Bubba Ray/Steiner (Bubba tried the singles thing, and how many belts does he have?) Gunner/Steiner
Daniels/Van Dam (I know RVD is face, but seriously he's not doing ANYTHING atm)

Any of these options are better than forcing Devon and Pope into a storyline that has no payoff in sight. Let Pope and Devon face off, and put this damn thing to bed.

Forgot one: Samoa Joe/Gunner!
This storyline with the kids like three month old milk...just spoiled. It's never taken off, and we as viewers/fans don't care at all about this storyline.

Couldn't we get:
Sorensen/Brian Kendrick
Bubba Ray/Steiner (Bubba tried the singles thing, and how many belts does he have?) Gunner/Steiner
Daniels/Van Dam (I know RVD is face, but seriously he's not doing ANYTHING atm)

Any of these options are better than forcing Devon and Pope into a storyline that has no payoff in sight. Let Pope and Devon face off, and put this damn thing to bed.

Forgot one: Samoa Joe/Gunner!

Why is Ray's singles career being based on his lack of title reigns? He is a midcard fixture and you need guys like him in storylines to keep the show interesting until main event. Surely I hope you didn't expect him to be fighting Roode.

RVD was pushed to stardom the second he came to TNA, never agreed with it. I feel TNA backed off on heavily pushing outside talent once they saw the potential in their homegrown talent. RVD is now being misused much like WCW misused Bret Hart 14 years ago. But it doesn't matter, I will take guys like James Storm in the main event anyday over a star that was already over for 2 companies. Understand, I definitely understand they only pushed him at first as a business move.

Say what you want about Devon and his kids but atleast it isn't being in the main event like Garrett Bischoff. I'm just burned out on "family feuds" altogether. That face time Devon and his sons made backstage was a waste of time and could've been used getting another wrestler over. In a promotion with so much talent and one show, face time has to be allocated better.

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