Pope Thread

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Let it be known that on this day, Justin Bieber's dead hamster was more important to social media than the Vatican failing to elect a new Pope.


Come. Make fun of how ridiculous the Pope electing ceremonies are.

I was actually thinking about ways to make them more fun. One idea is to have whichever country wins the Summer Olympics pick the next Pope. Mostly because then we'd have a shot at Pope Obama. Or better yet, Pope Joe Biden. LOL.

You would think that at least two-thirds of God would be smart enough to realize that electing an 80-year-old man every decade is just straight-up inefficient. Make them run those stupid presidential fitness tests. If American gradeschoolers can do them, the leader of the religious world should be able to...

I'm just sad they don't use the golden hammer to smack dead popes in the head with, to pronounce them dead. You have to think that started because some guy murdered the Pope, and covered it up with the first bullshit excuse he could think of. "Um...GOd has divined that we must test the pope's death by striking him with this hammer! And thus....he is dead!"

Yeah. I'm out of Pope jokes. It's 6am and I haven't slept. THis is what happens. I just watched Argo. It wasn't that fantastic. Just Ben Affleck sucking off Hollywood trying to get the Oscar nod. Don't get me wrong, it was good. Just not better than Django.
Black smoke for a black Pope. I think we're ready. If the President can be half black, the Pope can go all the way. That tends to be one of the differences between politicians and clergy, anyway.

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