Poor Tyler Black Fans & One Annoyance With FCW


Getting Noticed By Management
I have been patiently waiting for Tyler Black aka Seth Rollins to make his WWE debut ever since he had his last match on ROH. If the WWE wanted to they could have made him debut at the beginning of NXT Redemption. When they said that the winner of Redemption would be in the next season's NXT I signed because I knew that would be the season that Rollins starts on. However something very odd if going on with season's NXT. IT'S JUST NOT FRICKIN ENDING. It went from a show that was a competetion, to a show about competetion that lost it's focus, to a show that overnight turned into a show about all up and coming WWE stars, pretty much like Superstars #2. This is good news for a lot of young WWE stars but for guys like me who just want to see Rollins debut this really sucks.

Remember the good old days when WWF, WCW and ECW were battling each other and on any given night one superstar would jump from one company to another. And the shock and unpredictability we'd feel when that performer would just show up a rival TV show. That's how thing that FCW takes away.
Because now when a potential star comes in from ROH or TNA they have to jump through FCW hoops for who knows how long.

For all the ROH/Tyler Black fans out there, I just want you people to know I feel your pain, I'm as annoyed as you are. It's almost like we have to forget about the guy completely and shut off and then turn back on when he finally shows up on WWE TV.

FCW does a lot of good things don't get me wrong. It gives wrestlers another warm up spot before they officially get into the bright lights on the WWE. They have their performers do little jobs like being doormen and tearing tickets like what they do in the actual indies and they have lot lots of great legends to help them grow to be better at what they do as they go along. But if you're waiting for someone from another organization to debut on WWE don't hold your breath. At least FCW episodes are available on youtube, I mean if you can find them.
I do think Tyler's been in there too long. It's been like what, 2 years?

In my opinion, he & Jon Moxley should debut the night after WM like Sin Cara did. It'd give WWE a full year to focus on them.
I am surprised that Tyler has been in FCW for so long. He is super talented, but definitely needed some work.

It is good that they are booking him at the top of the card in FCW and I do think they have plans for him. I am hoping they are just taking their time to make sure they don't fuck it up.
If anything,him being down there longer is a good sign for wwe developmental system. Guys like Brock,Shelton,Cena,Orton,Ziggler,etc all spent 3 or more years in OVW before getting called up. And before that it took even longer for a guy to make it to wwe. So the fact guys like Richie,Xavier,Seth,Dean,Ohno,Cessaro and many others are spending more time down there,is great imo
1st of all idk about you guys but im glad hes not on crappy nxt and 2nd its been reported that he and ambrose are ready to be called up so im sure them and a lot of others will be on wwe tv after Wrestlemania and when they have a strong gimmick and character ready for them and ive been following fcw and theyre both doing really well and im not sure but according to wikipedia hes the new Fcw world champ. so im sure he'll be there soon we just have to be a little patient a little longer
I couldn't bear to read all your post cause you really don't understand anything on the matter, your just being an angry senseless fan. Tyler Black hasn't debuted yet because it's wrestlemania season mate, the wwe is actually looking out for Tyler by not having him debut right now because if he was to debut right now right before wrestlemania his debut would be forgotten in the WM season rush to get matches onto the card. I expect to see Tyler within the first 3 weeks after wrestlemania, that would be the best time to have him debut. best opponent would be Cody Rhodes or Dolph Ziggler.
2 years is hardly long. tyler black is a good wrestler, but can he cut it? his promos have been pretty bland for most of the part. Johnny Curtis spent 5 years on developmental, and he's pretty much the best thing in WWE (and yet he's not given a chance). i'd rather wait 'till black has something relevant to do rather than just randomly debuts him (which often kills wrestlers' momentum more often than not)
I don't follow Tyler Black.

But from what I have heard, he's bland on the mic and average at best. He's in developmental for a reason. TO DEVELOP. It takes time. 2 year's is nothing. Look at Damien Sandow for crying out loud, how long has he been down there? When he & WWE are ready, he will be on TV.. patience :lol:
I'd just like God's Last Gift in WWE one of these days, taking time is good, but if I see that move I will let a smile stay on my face for awhile. I have to agree letting him debut after WM is a much better idea than getting burried for the simple fact that no one is paying attention. Not burried really, just quickly forgotten.
I've only seen a few of his matches in ROH, development time is good as he was talented but very indierific and reports say he impressed Triple H when him and Ambrose worked with the Raw crew on a recent set of house shows.

To debut on Raw or SD post-Mania with an actual direction to go in via Triple H's mandate, will be much better for him long term than being on NXT.
Why are you complaining? Seth Rollins being kept in FCW is a good thing. A very good thing.

For one, Rollins isn't that good. He has tons of potential, but he's average in just about every way at the moment. I have previously been skeptical about what wrestlers learn in FCW, but I now understand that developmental performs a pretty important role in creating stars. The longer Rollins in FCW, the more refined a wrestler he will be in WWE.

Plus, wasn't there that report that Triple H wants to keep wrestlers in FCW until they have a strong gimmick and storyline? Makes sense to me. Far too many talents have been brought up without anything to go on. In plenty of cases, that has led to talented guys being made irrelevant or even being sacked. If Seth Rollins debuted today, he'd sink without a trace.

So yeah, just have some patience. Being kept in FCW is the best thing in the long run.
I think longer stints in the way to go. Lesner, Cena n Co spent years at OVW. Too many indy darlings think they are ready for the big league way too soon. Even punk, when he showed up on ECW....he needed alot of work, work that he could have used in the developmental era. I think longer stints is the way to go.
I've never had the opportunity to watch Black, so I can't say how good he is or isn't. The consensus seems to be that Black is one of the best young men in all pro wrestling today. However, as much as it kills some people to admit this, there's a big difference between being great on the indy scene and great in arenas with 12,000 people and another 4.6-5 million people watching at home.

Every spot monkey, uncharismatic drone, glorifed jobber or overrated scrub on the indy circuit seems to have their own following of fans proclaiming them to be the greatest thing to happen to pro wrestling since Ric Flair. I know everyone knows what I'm talking about. We read the various posts on numerous wrestling sites all the time. That doesn't mean that there aren't damn fine, quality guys on the indy circuit of course, but it seems to be whole lot easier in general for you to come off as a star among indy crowds.

Seth Rollins, AKA Tyler Black, being in FCW for a few years isn't the end of the world. After all, isn't Rollins just 25 or 26 years old? On top of that, every report I've read suggests that Triple H is a huge fan of the guy, as well as Ambrose, and that's a great thing for Rollins in the long run. In a few years, Trips is pretty much going to be running things so having his support can only lead to good things. Also, a while back, I created a thread stating that, according to reports, Triple H doesn't want to bring FCW talent up to the main roster without WWE Creative having a solid storyline and gimmic ready for them. It'll mean that there'll be less guys moving up to the main roster from FCW from now on, but that's not really a bad thing as this will mean there's a much better chance of only the cream of the FCW crop making it up to the Raw or SD! rosters.
You guys do bring up some good points. If they're gonna take their time with him and build him and make him a true star, what true fan of his really wouldn't want that and I will support that.

But there's also this part of me that says, dang if the kid showed up on Monday Night Raw or Smackdown a month after he signed with the WWE I'd be pretty damn excited. I like the guy, he is very young and he wrestles a fast paced style, he's a bit of a daredevil but he's also technically sound. He's also got that Jeff Hardy like appeal in the way that he's exciting and a good looking cat. He's a marketable guy. And make no mistake about it, when he left ROH it hurt them because they could have build their company around this guy for years.

And I know, I know, just because he came from bingo hall indy wrestling doesn't mean he'll amount to anything in the WWE. Damn that sounds pessemistic. I think he does have potential and I tend to put my faith in a guy I believe in and have him fail me, than short change a guy and when he becomes a success say "Oh I always knew he had the talent."

I'm not saying he's gonna be the next Shawn Michaels (or he could be what do I know) but in my opinion he's a hell of a lot more entertaining and fun to watch than guys on NXTwho are so called ahead of him (and even some guys on Raw and Smackdown...heaven forbid :S).

They should equip all stars with everything they need to become a success and I support that just kind of sucks I haven't seen this talented guy wrestle on my TV screen for a while.
He reminds me of John Morrison. They should put him on NXT soon. They seem to have gotten away from the silly competitions, and just kind of turned it into a wrestling show for their young unestablished talent.

He could gain some valuable experience from being on NXT before he goes to smackdown or raw.
I agree that some wrestlers need to stay in FCW to develop, but at the same time there are examples of other wrestlers who have not had to stay there very long like Daniel Bryan & Alberto Del Rio.
Seth Rollins is already a very good wrestler, tho his promo's are lacking. But i think it is more about there being no place for him on WWE TV right now . Daniel Bryan was a great choice for NXT season 1 and Del Rio had an automatic feud with Rey Rey and Smackdown needed a heel. There are already plenty of wrestlers on the roster that can wrestle and average on the mic, so no room for Rollins till roster cuts.
Also, Dean Ambrose is a very good wrestler and very very good on promo's, he should be in WWE now but there is no place for him. Im sure after WM they will make room for him, because he is on fire now.
Maybe we will see what happens on NXT with Regal in charge.
Alberto Del Rio was an international star already, and Daniel Bryan was already incredibly well-rounded.

This young guy needs to do a lot more work, and not just on his mic work. I think Steamboat is still doing his dirt down in FCW, as is Norman Smiley. He can learn a lot from those guys for in ring stuff. And Dusty can teach anyone just about anything they need to know.

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