Politically incorrect joke thread.

how do you stop a baby swinging on a clothesline?

with a spade

What's pink and red and gets smaller and smaller?

A Baby with a potato peeler
how long does it take for baby to paint a wall?

depends on how hard you throw it.
Why aren't there any Puerto Ricans on Star Trek?

Because they aren't going to work in the future either.

What should a woman do after coming home from the Battered Women Shelter?

The dishes if she knows what's good for her
A black man and a white man are standing on the edge of the Golden Gate Bridge, both ready to jump off. The black man is sweating and shaking but the white man is nice and calm. The black man says to the white man:

Black Man: "How are you so calm? We're both about to die! And I hear that people get second thoughts about jumping half-way down."

White Man: "Oh, you don't know? If you get second thoughts, all you have to do is relax, stretch out both your arms and legs, and you'll float back up to the top."

Black Man: "BULLSHIT. I'd like to see you try it."

The white man jumps off the bridge, stretches out his arms and his legs, and floats back up to the top. The black man is amazed. So he asks the white man to do it again. The white man jumps (as the black man checks for strings or rope), stretches out his arms and his legs, and floats back up again.

Black Man: <calms down and smiles> "WOW!!! Thanks so much, man. I feel so much better."

The black man jumps off the bridge and SPLAT!!! He's dead.

In the distance, two cops hear the crack and splash of the black man hitting the water.

Cop #1: "What the fuck was that???"
Cop #2: "Oh, that's just Superman fuckin' with the ******s again."
How did Helen Keller's parent's punish her?

They gave her a basketball and told her to read it.
A man was out on some country roads in his car. He saw a black man on the side of the road. He was taken over by a sudden urge to run the man over in his car. He tried to fight the urge, but couldn't. He ran the black man over and continued on his way.

As he was driving, he came upon a police man on the side of the road. The police man's car was broken down. The policeman asked to get a ride with the man, and the man reluctantly agreed.

As they were driving, the car came upon another black man in the road. The man once again had the urge to run the black man over. He fought the urge as well as he could, but in the end started to speed up toward the black man. At the last minute he swerved out of the way.

The man stopped in the road and sighed. He said "Phew. I think I missed that man back there."

The policeman said "No, don't worry. I caught that fucker with the door on our way by."

What happens when you put a baby in a blender?

I don't know, I was too busy jacking off.

A trucker was driving with a load of bowling balls. He saw a black man on the side of the road, and had an overwhelming urge to kill the man. He pulled over and did the deed. He threw the black man in his truck, with the idea of dumping the unfortunate black man later on in his travels.

Down the road a policeman pulled the man over for a faulty brake light. The policeman asked to make a routine inspection of the truck's contents, and the trucker reluctantly agreed. The policeman went around to the back, opened the door to the truck's contents, and gasped in surprise.

The trucker ran to the side of the policeman and expressed surprise, in an effort to throw at least a little bit of suspicion off of him.

The policeman turned and said "There's a black man in the back of your truck, and he's laid a bunch of ****** eggs!"
A poor Mexican, a rich Mexican, the tooth fairy, and the Easter Bunny are walking along the street. A $100 bill is in their path. Who gets it?

The poor Mexican; the other three don't exist.
What's 20 feet long and wrapped around a cunt?

A turban

What do 9 out of 10 people enjoy?

Why do black people always have sex on their mind?

Because they have pubic hair on their head

Why do Mexicans by cabbage patch dolls?

Because they come with birth certificates

Why do black people like basketball so much?

Because it involves running, shooting, and stealing
I came home to find my girlfriend furiously packing her bags ready to leave.

"Whats wrong?" I ask

She replies that she's been reading the newspapers and she wants nothing to do with a peadophile

"Peadophile?" I reply "Thats an awfully big word for an 8 year old"
Why is Mexico always so bad in the Olympics?

Because any of them that can run, jump, or swim is already in America.
What's worse then a dead baby?
A pile of dead babies

What's worse then that?
A pile of dead babies with a live one at the bottom

Whats worse then that?
The live one's eating his way out

What's worse then that?
He goes back for seconds.
What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a Porsche?

I don't have a Porsche in my garage.
What do you call a black guy with a wooden leg?

Shit on a stick.

What do you call a black guy with two wooden legs?

A waste of wood.

What happens when a Jew with a boner walks into a wall?

He breaks his nose.

Difference between a Jew and a Pizza?

Pizza doesn't scream when it goes into the oven

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