Political Correctness

George Steele's Barber

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I'm not the most politically correct guy in the world and I usually overlook it when people say insensitive things.

However, I just want to say how sorry I feel for all of the Batista supporters in the WZ Tournament for having to live their lives being called "******s" and "mongoloids" all the time.

It's not right and it's not fair. Batista supporters may be "mentally challenged" and "special" but that is no reason to have to go through their life being called names.

I'm guessing the generalization is that his fans are all of Filipino or Asian descent. This is news to me. As far as ******s go, that goes around a lot on these forums. Folks are gonna talk shit, that's the way it goes. And PC goes out the window. Doesn't make it right, but just let it roll off.
[QUOTE="Mr.Incredible" DC;3895719]Political correctness. One big pile of bullshit that is not needed.[/QUOTE]

You're wrong. As per usual.

[QUOTE="Mr.Incredible" DC;3895719]Political correctness. One big pile of bullshit that is not needed.[/QUOTE]

For a spastic Yid that makes sense.
I'm not the most politically correct guy in the world and I usually overlook it when people say insensitive things.

However, I just want to say how sorry I feel for all of the Batista supporters in the WZ Tournament for having to live their lives being called "******s" and "mongoloids" all the time.

It's not right and it's not fair. Batista supporters may be "mentally challenged" and "special" but that is no reason to have to go through their life being called names.


It's hard voting against those shiny trunks

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