POINT BLANK, the greatest of all time!


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Who really is the greatest wrestler of all time? I'm a break it down like wrestling manager Slick said like this...

1. Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Great in the ring, great on the mic, leader, tough as nails, and a true champion. He didn't have the grestest career (cough*cough* Montreal '97), but close enough. Faction: The Hart Fondation

2. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: Great wrestler, great on the mic, great businessman, sold out shows, international wrestler, and a true champion. Faction: The Four Horsemen

The greatest of all time?

Hulk Hogan. No matter how fucked up his personal life is, he can always get a pop when he comes back. The Hulkster made the WWE popular. He took the WWE to the mainstream. He was the first one to be (as the smarks would put it) "shoved down our throats". Although none of his matches were technical masterpieces, his positive attitude and amazing physique kept us interested in everything he did. When he slammed Andre, we all couldn't believe our eyes. When he beat the Iron Sheik for the title, we were all proud to be an American. When he dropped his leg over Randy Savage's neck and alligned himself with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, we hated him, and all the kids cried. Whether you want to admit it or not, Hogan made this business what it is today. Without him, there would be no Attitude Era, no mainstream WWE. Hell, I'm pretty sure WrestleMania would have been a flop without Hogan there. All in all, Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea made wrestling what it is today, which is why he is the greatest of all time.
The Undertaker. He's been a draw since his WWE debut. He's great on the mic. Incredible for a man his size (and now, age). Can work with anything he's given (who else could make a supernatural gimmick, not come off cheesy in the least?). And he's had more Main Event longevity than anyone (Hogan couldn't put on a decent match to save his life 10 years ago, let alone today).
Point Blank Period its Hulk Hogan. He took wrestling to new heights, and made it a part of pop culture. He is still the most recognizable wrestler in the world. Sold out more shows than Flair and Hart, and STILL would be a HUGE draw. He is the greatest of all time.
When talking about the greatest of all time, Bret Hart's name should never be mentioned as even a runner up. Bret screwed Bret!

There are three that come to mind and these three really can't be disputed. Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Hulk Hogan was a huge draw. Sold merchandise, was great on the mic, helped build WWE and then almost single handedly destroyed it. In alot of ways, Hulkamania will live forever.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was also a huge draw. He sold merchandise, was great on the mic, and he almost single handedly won the Monday night wars for the WWE. He is by far the most recognizable figure from the 90's and he could relate to damn near anyone.

If we look at success, ratings and popularity, then, it's either Austin or Hogan, however, if you want to talk about the business and craft of professional wrestling, no one, and Undertaker's#1 fan means no one, was better than Ric Flair.

Ric was great on the mic, better in the ring than both Hogan or Austin, started stables(pretty much), sold out every show he went to, put more guys over than both Austin or Hogan combined, is the reason we hear a WOOOO everytime a chop in delivered, and lets not forget the minor detail that he is a 16 time World Champion.

Simply put, Ric Flair is the man and should be considered the greatest wrestler of all time.
When talking about the greatest of all time, Bret Hart's name should never be mentioned as even a runner up. Bret screwed Bret!

There are three that come to mind and these three really can't be disputed. Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Hulk Hogan was a huge draw. Sold merchandise, was great on the mic, helped build WWE and then almost single handedly destroyed it. In alot of ways, Hulkamania will live forever.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was also a huge draw. He sold merchandise, was great on the mic, and he almost single handedly won the Monday night wars for the WWE. He is by far the most recognizable figure from the 90's and he could relate to damn near anyone.

If we look at success, ratings and popularity, then, it's either Austin or Hogan, however, if you want to talk about the business and craft of professional wrestling, no one, and Undertaker's#1 fan means no one, was better than Ric Flair.

Ric was great on the mic, better in the ring than both Hogan or Austin, started stables(pretty much), sold out every show he went to, put more guys over than both Austin or Hogan combined, is the reason we hear a WOOOO everytime a chop in delivered, and lets not forget the minor detail that he is a 16 time World Champion.

Simply put, Ric Flair is the man and should be considered the greatest wrestler of all time.

Well said Undertaker's #1 fan! I agree 100%
Are you guys talking about wrestling skills wise or popularity wise? Because all I see is based on popularity wise. Wrestling wise it is Bret Hart no matter what. There will never be another wrestler compare to Bret any way. After Bret it will be Benoit, Angle and Jericho and I don't even need to explain why.

Well I'm going to break this up into a couple categories. Because i don't think there is just ONE best of all time.

The person who was the best wrestler of all time was Bret Hart. He could get a great match out of anyone. He was technically profficient, and is definitly the mold for alot of these indy guys who are technical hounds; ie: Bryan Danielson. Hell, i even believe he helped influence CM PUNK...who is a great now. The Best there is, the Best there was, the best there ever will be....not just a moniker. A truth. Honorable Mentions include: Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit (though no one would EVER let him top this list)

The best entertainer has to be Stone Cold Steve Austin. He was responsible for the new american dream: Kicking your boss's ass weekly, drinking beer, and getting paid a schload to do it. In the late 90s, you couldn't go ANYWHERE without seeing a Steve Austin T Shirt. Austin 3:16 was legendary, and invaded all walks of sport. The fans loved him like none other. And he was pretty good in the ring too, something you don't see out of alot of entertainers. He and the Rock saved the WWE from going under, and he sold merchandise like Jesus would have sold merch. Honorable mentions include: The Rock, Triple H, Mick Foley, John Cena (He may not be the greatest yet, but you give him time. I hate him like everyone else, but it's time to face facts.)

If we're talking the guy who put wrestling on the map, and has an undying legacy, you're talking Hulk Hogan. In the 80's wrestling was Hulk Hogan. We ran the gamut of emotions with the Hulkster...and he could invoke those feelings with a simple shake of the head accompanying a pointing finger. He was a hero to some, and a damn fine role model. He was in many feature length films that were actually successful. (sorry Dwayne...)He had his own show (Thunder in Paradise anyone?). And he was the most prized free agent when Turner picked him up. Austin and Rock may have won the Monday Night Wars, but the Hulkster was the reason they existed in the first place. Honorable mentions include: Ric Flair and The Undertaker (no one else has had a gimmick last for 20 years...not to mention the untouchable streak...)
There is no debate here and no need for discussing a topic like this when the is one clear and obvious answer:

Lou Thez.

Though I am the biggest Sting fan in the world (and just to be smart would put Sting at #2) there is no denying and no question that Lou Thez is the greatest ever.

Thez was actually legit - a shooter, a hooker, a real fighter. He could out-WRESTLE anybody in the entire world.

He was World Heavyweight Champion 6 times (and none of those reigns were hot-shot reigns).

He had a string of 939 consecutive matches without a loss.

He is the last Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion, and likely will be the last ever (unifying the World, TNA, WWE, NWA, IWGP, AAA, NJPW, and Triple Crown titles will be even more impossible than boxing unifying the WBA, WBC, IBF, and WBO titles again). Lou Thez defeated every self-proclaimed "world" champion and became the LAST person to be Universally recognized Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion.

He wrestled for over 50 years, and didn't retire until he was 74, and at 74 Lou Thez would beat almost every single person on the WWE and TNA rosters today in a legit miatch.

He reigned as the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion for almost an 8-year title reign. He beat just about ever REAL legend in the sport from about 1940 until 1990. And I mean the best in almost every country on earth.

Hands down, Lou Thez is #1.

And 2nd I'd say is the first ever World Heavyweight Champion, George Hackenschmidt. Supposedly, "The Hack" was undefeated for the first 5,000+ matches of his career, and I do know he was the first to set many world records in weightlifting and powerlifting, and nobody in the late-1800's and early-1900's could be him in a legitimate match (and without the cheating Frank Gotch that did).
The greatest of all time is Hulk Hogan. Anyone who understands what PROFESSIONAL wrestling is all about can't argue that. The man entertained, drew huge crowds, and made a ton of money for the industry for over two decades. He was the greatest hero of all time then had the biggest heel turn in history and became one of the most hated of all time. Nobody did that any better. In the ring he obviously was not a technician but contrary to popular belief he could wrestle. His promos were great both in the '80s and during the NWO era. The best ever.
Like beefthelegend I will put this into some categories.

Best Wrestler:
1.Bret Hart..Need I say more than whats been said?
2.Chris Benoit..One of the best, may he Rest In Piece.
3.Chris Jericho..Best wrestler in WWE right now, he can put anyone over at any time.

Best Entertainer:
1.Hulk Hogan..Although not the exactly the best wrestler, far from it, he was/is the best entertainer ever in the WWE
2.Stone Cold Steve Austin..If not for injuries he would be number one. Everyone loves him everyone wants him back.
3.John Cena..He is the next Hulk Hogan, he draws money, he is a pioneer of an era like Hogan, (Hogan- Attitude Era, Cena- PG Era), although people trash him all the time he still gets Huge Pops all the time.

Best Business Wrestler:
1. The Undertaker.. Been there since the beginning of Raw, has been putting people over for as long as I remember(Randy Orton, Mr.Kennedy, to name a couple), doesn't need a belt to make him the best.
2. Shawn Michaels.. An amazing talent, who can still wrestle amazing matches (see WM25) and can still steal any show at any time (see WM25). And like The Undertaker, can put people over, and has been there since the beginning of Raw.
3.Ric Flair.. Would be 4th on the Best Wrestler, hes an amazing guy, amazing wrestler, and I truly believe he will become Raw GM eventually, and has been around for ages now.

Honorable Mentions:

Category 1.
Kurt Angle
Ric Flair

Category 2.
The "Stupid" Rock
Shawn Michaels

Category 3.
Triple H
The idea of the greatest of all time means good at everything, not one flaw. Role model isn't a catarory, and importance to wrestling isn't a catagory because as we see with Cena. The most popular wrestler (Hogan-of all time) doens't equal the best. To me its Flair. Flair was good at everything and thats not something we can say about anyone else that most people but in the catagrory. Not Hogan, Bret, Taker, Austin, and HBK. Flair was a good wrestler. Hogans not. He's a big draw, great on the mic (probably the best ever) but no wrestling ability. Hes the inventor of 5 moves and then win. (Suplex ,suplex, closeline, kick in the face, leg drop 1 2 3). Business, Flair is the best wrestling has ever seen. Theres to much to say about everything hes done for the business so i wont go through everyhing. But a huge part of being a wrestler is knowing how to take orders. So that takes Bret out. Hes still bitter about it today and its his fault. Thats not good for business at all. Next is luck. Everyone great has had luck. All of them listed above. But Flair had the best luck, and its called the Horsemen. When the Horsemen came out, it took Flair to another level. Of hate and love. Last to me is durability. How long can you stay in the public eye. Everyone other than Flair and Bret has had a major injury wrestling or two. So Flair and Bret are the only two that are left of all the catagorys and since Flair is better at the business side. Hes the greatest of all time.
Who really is the greatest wrestler of all time? I'm a break it down like wrestling manager Slick said like this...

1. Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Great in the ring, great on the mic, leader, tough as nails, and a true champion. He didn't have the grestest career (cough*cough* Montreal '97), but close enough. Faction: The Hart Fondation

Your list is flawed. One thing you need to stop, and notice is that Bret Hart. Was your average, mediocre midcarder. During a time when the WWE had no Main Eventors. Vince booked Hart as a God. Then when he left the WWF over to the WcW for 2.5 million dollars, everyone found out just how much Bret Hart was worth. Zilch, nien, nothing. Bret Hart might have been able to wrestle good, but he didn't draw worth a crap. You can't be a star, especially the best ever, if you don't even draw 1 penny.

Don't take my word for it, take Ric Flairs.


During the beggening, you missed like 4 words. Ric Flair just explained Bret is only as big as he is in Canada, because Canada appearantly has no great stars.
Come on people Hulk Hogan ??? HULK HOGAN ... really ? No way HANDS DOWN The GREATEST WRESTLER OF ALL TIME IS "NATURE BOY" RIC FLAIR WOOOOOOOOO !!! With that said I think the GREATEST entertainer / attraction is HULK HOGAN , he drew HUGE crowds , sold old arenas made wrestling into what it was (not what it it today I wouldn't put all the bullshit in wrestling on hogan's shoulders) . SO GREATEST WRESTLER IS "NATURE BOY" RIC FLAIR GREATEST Entertainer / Attractiuon HULK HOGAN . Both of these guys made tons of money in their day sold out arenas made millions for their respective companies , I just don't think that Hulk Hogan can compare with "Nature Boy" Ric Flair for the in ring work .

*Game Show Music Playing* That's all the time we have for now wrestling fnas tune in next time for all the eye popin' jaw droppin' thrill seekin' action on the Rated R Superfan Post Show PEACE & LOVE 2 Every 1 *fade to Black*
Come on people Hulk Hogan ??? HULK HOGAN ... really ?

Yes, Hulk Hogan is the greatest professional wrestler of all time. Without him, WcW wouldn't have exsisted. WWF wouldn't have went national, and WrestleMania would have flopped to hell and back. Hulk can wrestler, quite well. The myth that he can't infuriates me to no end. I only need one match to prove to you otherwise, as well.





Flair was a great inring technical wrestler. Certainly a good draw anywhere he went. But, Flair couldn't hold a candle to the greatness that is Hulk Hogan.

With that said I think the GREATEST entertainer / attraction is HULK HOGAN , he drew HUGE crowds , sold old arenas made wrestling into what it was (not what it it today I wouldn't put all the bullshit in wrestling on hogan's shoulders) .

I have no clue what you just said. I'm estimating you were saying Hogan is what every great professional wrestler has to be.


Wrong. Ric Flair could wrestler extremely well, but the nature boy didn't drow 1/8th of what Hogan did. When Hogan was in the picture, Flair was always sidelined. Just look at WcW, what do people remember? The Four Horseman, or the NWO? Flair doing whatever he did? Or Hogan facing Sting? Flair doing whatever else he did? Or Hogan making the biggest and most shocking heel turn ever? Exactly. Hogan > Flair.

Both of these guys made tons of money in their day sold out arenas made millions for their respective companies , I just don't think that Hulk Hogan can compare with "Nature Boy" Ric Flair for the in ring work .

Yes he can. Hogan could wrestle with the best, and did wrestle with the best. While entertaining the croud 5x more than Flair. While still putting on a great inring show. Because of Hulk Hogan, WrestleMania 3 is looked at as one of the best WrestleMania's ever. When the entire card was filler, except for Hogans bout with Andre. When was the last time Flair made an ENTIRE card, go from shit, to one of the most legendary and highly respected shows ever?

*Game Show Music Playing* That's all the time we have for now wrestling fnas tune in next time for all the eye popin' jaw droppin' thrill seekin' action on the Rated R Superfan Post Show PEACE & LOVE 2 Every 1 *fade to Black*

This was just pointless, and terrible. Any credibility you had, was just destroyed by that little paragraph.
I might have to go with Kurt Angle, because he is the complete package. He is absolutely phenominal in the ring, with possibly the best technical wrestling skills of all time, plus he can do some cool flying moves and it's just a thing of beauty to see him wrestle. He can work the mic damn well too, either drawing HUGE heat or big cheers depending on what his role is. He's had several classic promos, with some of them being hilarious and others being intensly serious. He's been a big draw in the last 10 years, he's as charasmatic as anyone, and he truely is the total package. All this from a man who didn't even want to be a pro wrestler in the first place.
Yes, Hulk Hogan is the greatest professional wrestler of all time. Without him, WcW wouldn't have exsisted. WWF wouldn't have went national, and WrestleMania would have flopped to hell and back. Hulk can wrestler, quite well. The myth that he can't infuriates me to no end. I only need one match to prove to you otherwise, as well.

No one cares if he could wrestle one match or not. I have already said. If you want to look at popularity, ratings, or drawing ability, then it is either Austin or Hogan. There is an interview with Vince saying that Austin broke all of Hogan's selling records, so if you want to use that, then its Austin.

Flair was a great inring technical wrestler. Certainly a good draw anywhere he went. But, Flair couldn't hold a candle to the greatness that is Hulk Hogan.

Tell me why Flair couldn't hold a candle to Hogan and I will tell you that besides merchandise sells and ratings, Flair was the best.

I have no clue what you just said. I'm estimating you were saying Hogan is what every great professional wrestler has to be.

This doesn't matter.

Wrong. Ric Flair could wrestler extremely well, but the nature boy didn't drow 1/8th of what Hogan did. When Hogan was in the picture, Flair was always sidelined. Just look at WcW, what do people remember? The Four Horseman, or the NWO? Flair doing whatever he did? Or Hogan facing Sting? Flair doing whatever else he did? Or Hogan making the biggest and most shocking heel turn ever? Exactly. Hogan > Flair.

True, Hogan helped build WCW and everyone knows that, but who kept that company afloat when Hogan was runnin wild in WWF? Bischoff is the reason Flair became an after thought in WCW because he didn't like Flair. BTW, if Flair hadn't have agreed to fall to Hogan in Hogan's first matches at WCW, we might not be having this conversation. They used Flair like a door mat and that is just stupid.

Yes he can. Hogan could wrestle with the best, and did wrestle with the best. While entertaining the croud 5x more than Flair. While still putting on a great inring show. Because of Hulk Hogan, WrestleMania 3 is looked at as one of the best WrestleMania's ever. When the entire card was filler, except for Hogans bout with Andre. When was the last time Flair made an ENTIRE card, go from shit, to one of the most legendary and highly respected shows ever?

Wow, Hogan made a card go. Flair was selling out areanas across the world while Hogan was still in Japan or with the AWA. All Hogan has on Flair is drawing ability and that's it. If you want to look at the business of professional wrestling then Ric Flair is the man. He wrestled 60 min matches night in and night out, he put over more people than Hogan has even tried to put over, he is great in the ring(better than Hogan), great on the mic(better than Hogan), was the best professional(Hogan is not, I have interviews to prove it), and he is a 16 world champion, back when the title actually meant something.
I would say from an entertainment standpoint heres how i'd rank them:
1. Hulk (Pre-Attitude era)
2. Rock (Attitude era)
3. John Cena (Post-Attitude era)

Based on skill:
1. Bret Hart (Pre-Attitude era)
2. Ric Flair (Attitude era)
3. Kurt Angle (Post-Attitude era)

Based overall:
1. Ric Flair (Pre-Attitude era)
2. Shawn Michaels (Attitude era)
3. Undertaker (Post-Attitude era)
The greatest of all time.....GILLBERG!!! lol No. Though Gillberg was awesome. That is a hard one.....but I would have to give these 5 a nod. Since I cant decide.

1. Ric Flair - 16 time world champ nuff said
2. Hulk Hogan - He helped make wrestling what it is today.
3. The Rock - Could make you love him, even when we hated him.
4. HHH - He is just that damn good.
5. The Undertaker - Wrestlemania.....almost 20 years in WWE.....more mainevents in ppvs then anyone else....etc
with out any doubt hogan, he made wrestling popular the first wwf/e moments i remembrer seeing was hogan vs andre i was and have been hooked ever since, man the 80's were awesome! but after he wade wrestlemania what it is and then later on made wcw popular nwo all the stuff he touched turn to gold, would love to see one more match hogan vs flair in a walker match lol! but hogan will always be my fav of all time, how come macho man is never mentioned in thesse discussions remember the wrestlemania he beat 4 guys to win the belt? that was epic. and what ever happend to the warrior? i always wonderd why macho/warrior left wwf back in the day. i also would mention taker n the hitman. also stone cold is there too
No one cares if he could wrestle one match or not.

Allright, so good wrestling matches are now exempt as proof as to why a wrestler is good or not. :rolleyes: But just to entertain you. If Hogan was such a bad wrestler, how does he hold 3 MotY accomplishments?

PWI Match of the Year (1988) vs. André the Giant at The Main Event
PWI Match of the Year (1990) vs. The Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania VI
PWI Match of the Year (2002) vs. The Rock at WrestleMania X-8

As well as 3 time winner of Wrestler of the Year.

PWI Wrestler of the Year (1987, 1991, 1994)

on top of being ranked Number 1 wrestler of the year twice. The one in 2003 WELL past his prime.

PWI ranked him #1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1991
PWI ranked him #1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the "PWI Years" in 2003

I have already said. If you want to look at popularity, ratings, or drawing ability, then it is either Austin or Hogan.

:lmao: This is what being a good wrestler is about. You can be as good technical wise as Dean Malenko, but if you don't bring in any money. You are shit.

There is an interview with Vince saying that Austin broke all of Hogan's selling records, so if you want to use that, then its Austin.

Go ahead, show it to me.

Tell me why Flair couldn't hold a candle to Hogan and I will tell you that besides merchandise sells and ratings, Flair was the best.

Because Merchandise sellsm and ratings is all that matter. Who gives a fuck about anything else? Money rules the world, that means Hogan rules Flair. Flair couldn't put a drop in a bucket as to what Hogan go during his heyday.

This doesn't matter.

Yes it does. Because thats what he did, summed up the qualities a good professional wrestler has to have. The ability to entertain the croud, and draw money. Hogan was superior at both.

True, Hogan helped build WCW and everyone knows that, but who kept that company afloat when Hogan was runnin wild in WWF?

No one, it died then got bought out by Vince.

Bischoff is the reason Flair became an after thought in WCW because he didn't like Flair.

Sounds a bit personal. Still doesn't mean Flair was drawing 1/8th as much as Hogan was.

BTW, if Flair hadn't have agreed to fall to Hogan in Hogan's first matches at WCW, we might not be having this conversation.

But he did, and we are. So who gives a fuck about a "what if" moment.

They used Flair like a door mat and that is just stupid.

Flair let them. He could have packed his bags and left for the WWF. So, Flair is just as stupid as they are.

Wow, Hogan made a card go.

No, he made 2 companies go. Once he left 1 company, the other started to fall. Go ahead check it out. WWF dominated with Hogan, Hogan jumped the WcW, WcW dominated WWF, the WcW started crappy booking with Hogan, WWF started to take over, Hogan jumped ships, and boom. WcW died.

Flair was selling out areanas across the world while Hogan was still in Japan or with the AWA.

So? Hogan was busy doing something important with WWF, making them go nationwide. Sellingout arenas here in America nightly, setting up the largest and most powerful wrestling company in the world. Its hardly a secret, without Hogan that wouldn't have happened.

All Hogan has on Flair is drawing ability and that's it.

For one, Hogan can wrestle, and put on a show just as well as Flair. For two, thats all that matters in the wrestling business. Drawing ability.

If you want to look at the business of professional wrestling then Ric Flair is the man.

Not hardly.

He wrestled 60 min matches night in and night out

Congragulations? Flair can wrestle for a long time? Hogan got more done in 1 20 minute match, than Flair got done in 10 1 hour match.

he put over more people than Hogan has even tried to put over,

2 things. Who did Flair make? Enlighten me.

Even if Flair made and put over all these people, then who cares? Hogan made multi-million dollar companies, not wrestlers worth $200,000 at most.

he is great in the ring(better than Hogan),

Thats subjective, hardly usable in a debate.

great on the mic(better than Hogan),

Funny, how did Flair only sell half as good as Hogan did. If he was that damn entertaining on the mic?

was the best professional(Hogan is not, I have interviews to prove it),

and he is a 16 world champion, back when the title actually meant something.

Hogan MADE the WWF title what it is today. He WAS the title back in his day. He held it for 4 years in one reign, thats more than Flair held it during all 16 reigns. Yet, Hogan is still 12 time World Heavyweight championship holder.
It's a difference between greatest wrestler and sports entertainer...and The Greatest Sports entertainer in my view is The Rock period Hogan passed him the torch.

Greatest Wrestler The Nature Boy
It's a difference between greatest wrestler and sports entertainer...and The Greatest Sports entertainer in my view is The Rock period Hogan passed him the torch.

Greatest Wrestler The Nature Boy

Thing is though wrestler and sports entertainer go hand in hand. Hogan was good at both while Flair wasn't. Hogan could wrestle and was a good draw and made more money than Flair.

The greatest heel of all time is Vince McMahon. I can't remember anybody that made you hate him as much as Vince. There have been many great heels like HHH and DiBiase but Vince overtakes them all.
Thing is though wrestler and sports entertainer go hand in hand. Hogan was good at both while Flair wasn't. Hogan could wrestle and was a good draw and made more money than Flair.

The greatest heel of all time is Vince McMahon. I can't remember anybody that made you hate him as much as Vince. There have been many great heels like HHH and DiBiase but Vince overtakes them all.

I have to disagree Hogan was no where near a mat tech period..I too was a little Hulkamaniac but let's be realistic.Hogan was good sports entertainer he could talk on the mic,did his WWF style of wrestling with basic moves,and five standout ones..

While flair was a mat tech ,could talk on the Mic,And in his day was more hated then Vince...flair would also be the top bad guy in the wrestlers business Ie the dirtiest player in the Game
In the 80s would be hulk hogan . This man made the wwf/e really popular and if it wasn't for hogan the wwe wouldnt be here today.
IN the 90s would be stonecold steve austin. this man was the most popular in the late 90s every time he comes in no matter if he's face or heel everyone will get off there seats and give him a huge pop.
in the early 00s would be the rock this man made the wwe more popular and he won like every title i think. right now would be john cena even though im not a huge fan of his he still makes huge money for the wwe. but the greatest point blank would be the late great eddie guererro this man had amasing skills and was really funny everymatch he was in was ner boring even if he faced the most boring wrestler in history and it would not be boring so eddie guererro is the greatest

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