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Please Watch TNA on Jan 4th


Dark Match Jobber
I implore everybody to watch TNA on January 4th. If anybody remembers WWE hit a low point in 1995. WCW started Nitro in 1995. People started to watch a wrestling oriented show instead of tasteless kiddie cartoon crap. In 1996 WWE improved the quality of their show and their quality (not necessarily ratings) was awesome from 1997-2001. Ever since WCW and ECW closed WWE has been complacent. Vince McMahon has refused to improve WWE. Today if we want to watch wrestling we are forced to watch crap like Little People's Court and bland wrestlers as champions in a tasteless kiddie cartoon crap show. Does this last line sound familiar. Right now 2009 is the bad version of 1995. TNA currently is in WCW's spot (sort of). We as wrestling fans have the power to bring back the Monday Night Wars, or at least higher quality of wrestling. Please support TNA whether you like it or not. For one night only support TNA and boycott RAW. If RAW's ratings are down and TNA's ratings increase Vince McMahon will be worried. We all know how good WWE can be when McMahon is worried.

P.S. Please do not start arguing about how TNA sucks or how WWE sucks. I want to avoid harsh arguements or a war on this forum between TNA and WWE fans.
why i agree with you that wwe is down and we would all love to see tna give them some competition i refuse to watch hogan when i can see either bret hart or the rock. and since tna will be replayed on thursday theres really no point to skip raw. the fact that hogan even has to go to tna proves he's not the draw bret or rock or austin could be. watch wwe. it will be much more entertaining. all tna is doing is bringing back a version of the nwo or wolfpack. honestly i dont want to see any of these guys wrestle. and its not like tna is any better than wwe right now. some better wrestling but just as many pointless stupid storylines and a lack of mid-card development. wrestling now is the worst its ever been and tna and hogan isnt going to do shit to make it better
It doesn't matter what we watch, unless you're part of a Nielsen Family. Just saying. WWE is getting worse every week, but Hulk Hogan is going to do absolutely nothing for TNA, neither will Ric Flair or Scott Hall.
First off, I will say that I am a die hard WWE fan. But I can't help but agree that WWE has been legging as of late. Especially, the past two episodes of Raw. Now, from what I've heard, they've been saving any major storyline changes for the 4th, so hopefully these past two weeks have been crappy for that reason and that reason alone. However, WWE has something on the 4th that many have been wanting to see for a very VERY long time. And that's simply Bret Hart. They pretty much slammed TNA's coffin shut when they made that deal. People who haven't watched wrestling for years are going to come out of the woodwork to see this epic event. And I say epic because it is. Hogan coming back? No, that's not epic. We've seen this too often. To the point it's become almost annoying. They can bring back Flair, Hall, RVD, whomever they want on the 4th, but everyone who's a die hard wrestling fan will be watching Raw to see The Hitman. But you're right. There needs to be another Monday night war. But to tell you the truth, it shouldn't have been as rushed as it was. They should have tested the waters with Hogan first, then tried a one on one with Raw. I want TNA to succeed. There are too many good wrestlers there, who have a ton of potential. And HOPEFULLY, all THEIR hard work won't be destroyed by Hogan and his ego. But on the bright side, if TNA does do a bad number ratings wise, they can blame it on The Hitman. This Raw is going to be historic. And quite simply, there's no topping it. But don't worry, there will be another Monday night war. And I personally can't wait. Good luck TNA. And get better WWE.
I agree with all of you here. For me i watch and like both TNA and WWE but on Jan the 4th i will have my tv channel on spike tv to try to help TNA get the ratings now dont get me wrong i love WWE and i think its still better then TNA but if alot of people have their tvs on spike and help TNA get ratings then it will help WWE raw get better we all know vince does not like to be out done.
You do realize that TNA only gets ratings based upon those people who have been selected as Nielsen viewers, right?
To be honest i did not know that but know i do thanks for telling me that.
I still dont understand what it means when people say "competition brings out the best in Mcmahon". Seriously does it, Bischoff himself said Vince is the least creative person and this was when Bischoff joined WWE in 2002. I only watch WWE about 2-3 times per year anyway so i was going to watch TNA anyway.

I for one think Jan 4th is the most historic day since WCW went out of business or the Monday night War period. Everyone knows what WWE will do on that Monday night, but the question is does anybody know what will TNA do on that Monday night.
why watch tna when history is going to be made on raw...first time in 12 years bret hart is going to be in a wwe ring...sorry im a tna fan but more of a wwe fan and tna doesnt have anything that will make me say, forget seeing bret hart im watching tna...rumor of NWO return is dumb we see it over n over again, dont wanna see it anymore!
Of course I'm going to watch TNA on January 04, 2010. But only during commercial breaks while RAW is on.

I mean seriously, how could anyone prefer to watch TNA if the rumours are true and Bret Hart returns to a WWE ring for the first time in 12 years, regardless of in what context he appears. Not to mention the other surprises that Vince could pull out of a hat if he really decides to get serious and view TNA as legitimate competition.

Plus you can watch TNA on Thursday if you still want to, the same show is being re-broadcast then anyway. Which I likely will do. I'm really looking forward to seeing the nWo version 3, seeing Hall stagger and Hogan limp to ringside to re-introduce the Monday Night Wars.
I agree,people need to support TNA on jan 4,whats the big deal about Bret Hart,the man can't do anything,he can barely walk,what can he really do besides do a promo or 2.I don't get it,people complain about Raw,but then they watch it anyway,they have a chance to help the smaller company but they say no just because it's not WWE,wheres the logic in that

watching TNA for 1 night is not going to kill anyone

i will be watching TNA on jan 4 and I will not watch Raw and not even record it,IT'S CALLED YOUTUBE
I was planning to watch TNA and was actually excited by than but if its Bret Hart who host raw on the 4th...sorry, I`ll be enjoying every second of Raw. This is way too huge to miss and nothing TNA bring on the table will be able to match that.

whats the big deal about Bret Hart,the man can't do anything,he can barely walk,what can he really do besides do a promo or 2.I
Annnnd what`s the big deal with Hogan?

Anyway I`ll answer your question. Bret Hart is the greatest comeback in history of sports entertainment.
well you morons enjoy watching the shit man bret hart and all of his fat ass glory, i'll be watching hogan!! you know the so-called has been that you guy's refer to him as...... the one that without whom mcjackass wouldn't be a fucking billionaire nor would his company cease to exist!!:icon_mad:
Am I the only one who sees a problem with the fact that the biggest draw for each show to get ratings on January 4th, rests upon the shoulders of a 50+ year old man who hasn't worked regularly in years?

For some reason, I find this sad.
Am I the only one who sees a problem with the fact that the biggest draw for each show to get ratings on January 4th, rests upon the shoulders of a 50+ year old man who hasn't worked regularly in years?

For some reason, I find this sad.

Even worse than this, it also rests upon the shoulders of his buddies who supposedly will be accompanying him (X-Pac, Hall, Nasty Boys etc.,). It is an obvious attempt to generate interest in a supposedly new, fresh, and innovative show, by turning the clock back 15-20 years, when these guys were sober, not disabled, and relevant.

A 2-3 week spike in interest is the most this could possibly achieve. Unlike the Bret Hart return, which offers so much future promise for the WWE moving forward.
and other thing ''what's with the comback line"? where did he comback from? the dead:wtf: he could have came back any time, but his ignorance and stupidity over getting screwed out of some fake ass gold belt didn't permit that, not to mention spitting in someones face ( which i found to be very disgusting) he should have been ashamed of himself, i don't care how mad you are at someone you don't spit in somebody face........as for hulk..... YES he isn't the same man he was 30 years ago but who in the HELL IS!! do you think that anybody walking the face of this earth can do, act or look they way they did 30 years ago? TELL ME BECAUSE I WANNA KNOW!!! in any event i could care less about THE SHIT MAN coming back to the wwe he never interested me in the slightest, besides once he's there you know there's going to be some altercation between him, triple nose and hbgay because you know even after 12 years away he still habors bad feelings towards them.
Even worse than this, it also rests upon the shoulders of his buddies who supposedly will be accompanying him (X-Pac, Hall, Nasty Boys etc.,). It is an obvious attempt to generate interest in a supposedly new, fresh, and innovative show, by turning the clock back 15-20 years, when these guys were sober, not disabled, and relevant.

A 2-3 week spike in interest is the most this could possibly achieve. Unlike the Bret Hart return, which offers so much future promise for the WWE moving forward.
I was referring to both Hogan and Hart, and how sad it is both WWE and TNA aren't able to promote their current active workers in a meaningful way in order to boost ratings for the night.
Am I the only one who sees a problem with the fact that the biggest draw for each show to get ratings on January 4th, rests upon the shoulders of a 50+ year old man who hasn't worked regularly in years?

For some reason, I find this sad.

Mark Madden agrees with you.
How STUPID it is for TNA to re-broadcast they Jan 4th show back on that Thurs the same week is anybody in TNA or Spike tv management smart enough to realize that some people will just still watch TNA on thurs and not bother to even check it out on Jan the 4th. This is another subject for another day but on a quick note to me i think TNA is going down the same road WCW did cant they ever learn from WCW mistakes?
I was referring to both Hogan and Hart, and how sad it is both WWE and TNA aren't able to promote their current active workers in a meaningful way in order to boost ratings for the night.

I stand corrected, in re-reading your post, you did say "each" show, I missed this the first time around and assumed you were referring only to Hogan and TNA.

Having said this, I see big differences between Hogan's effect upon TNA versus Hart's effect upon WWE. TNA and its fanbase, especially the IWC ones, are viewing Hogan as the Messiah to put TNA over the top and in direct competition with WWE in the form of renewed Monday Night Wars.

Whereas Hart is being viewed as a long-anticipated return to close the book upon the Screwjob and however you view it. It is not something that WWE has to do to stay competitive, it is something they want to do to quell the TNA uprising before it starts.

Take Hart and Hogan out of the Jan 04 picture. It's same old, same old for both shows, and WWE is miles ahead. Put both of these guys in the picture, same result. Hogan without Hart could close the gap somewhat for a short while.

Plus I see Hart being more impactful (no pun intended) upon WWE than Hogan. I know all about Hart's medical history, but I still feel he could go in the ring in a limited capacity if he had to. I've seen Hart recently and I thought he looked pretty good, certainly better than Hogan. I'm not talking about a fulltime return, I'm talking about select action and a match or to up to and including WM26. People on this site talk about Hart like he's an invalid or a cripple and he's anything but. I'm sure he can't go all out, but I'm sure he could handle himself in a match against McMahon at WM26 for example. I see less potential for in-ring action with Hogan at this stage in his life/career.

Years ago, when HBK was returning from serious back issues, people told me he'd never come back and if he did he'd be ineffective, limited in the ring, a shadow of his past self. And he proved people wrong. I'm not suggesting Bret is up for this, but I do think his return offers more potential than Hogan's does.

And I do think the WWE can promote it's current wrestlers in a meaningful way. But how could they pass up ther possibility to bring a legend back to the ring? TNA has consistently been unable to promote their own wrestlers in a meaningful way, and Hogan's return will exacerbate this problem, not improve it. This has been TNA's biggest problem all along, their inability to develop and push their own.
Anyone who considers themselves to be wrestling fans, who actually have an interest in the overall health of the entire wrestling business, should be supporting TNA at the moment. Even if they do things you may not agree with, if you have an interest in seeing wrestling go back to the edginess it used to have, then you should support TNA.

If Hornswoggle and Little People's Court segments is your thing, along with poopy humor from DX and Cena, then keep on supporting WWE and Vince. Because if you do, you are only going to get more of that.

The wrestling fans themselves are the ones holding down competition. They aren't happy with WWE, but they turn their nose at any competition. Wrestling fans truly are their own worst enemy because of their stupidity. The more you keep supporting WWE when they keep putting on crap like Little People's Court, and spitting on TNA, the more ammo you give Vince to do more of the same stuff. WWE isn't going to turn around on its own. You, as fans, have the power to make Vince force his hand.

You have to stop thinking to yourself that this is the same WWE that entertained you all throughout your childhood. That WWE/F is now gone, just like the old ECW. It's gone, and it's not being brought back unless you find a way to make Vince bring it back. Supporting the competition will do that.

Why I bother wasting my time with my words on this topic, though, is beyond me. Wrestling fans, even those in the IWC, simply will not change their ways because an overwhelming majority of Wrestling Fans are both stubborn and stupid by nature. Smarks are entirely too smarky for their own damn good. Even fans who do not have an outwardly "WWE Shareholder" mentality still underneath it all, feel some undying loyalty to the WWE and Vince McMahon, even though he has not shown that same loyalty back in return.

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