Please get Hornswoggle off TV


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i know that basically everyone here hates hornswoggle and hates the "fued" he's been involved with chavo. i understand that kids love him, y they do i really dont know, but they do. he just takes time away from midcarders who could be involved in a feud.

lets go over a few superstars that being held down in favor of pushing hornswoggle. carlito, primo, evan bourne, chris master, santino, chavo. with the exception of chris masters i like all of these wrestlers and they are all very athletic. y not have a high flying feud with chavo and evan bourne. y did they not actually develop the carlito and primo feud. y not make santino a credible wrestler. he could still be a funny goofy character but atleast let him show his wrestling ability.

i think any copmination of these wrestlers could develop into a decent feud with some good in ring action

will we ever get our wish of hornswoggle being off tv and getting some good midcards feuds developed??
I sure hope so. Hornswoggle got old a long time ago. I understand that it's for the youngsters, but seeing the tadpole splash for the hundredth time by a midget that barely manages to climb the ropes....yawn...

It's a good time to get another drink or switch to Monday night football at that point.
Last I saw Hornswoggle had took a wrestler who garnered no reaction and whose only use was pushing around a wheelchair to one with some heat and, from the looks of last night, helped turn him heel. Hornswoggle also got a little bit of a reaction for Evan Bourne who had been coming out to silence when he first moved.

So Hornswoggle is not doing much wrong in my eyes.
Horny's been old for a while, and I still feel like they could utilize him in other ways that don't involve a segment with a feud built around him, but still get the kids with him. I'd like to see him maybe be Finlay's side-kick again at some point (a la WM 25) or in other off screen roles (if we're having this guest host nonsense why don't we have him cavort with them). While I won't concede that he may have turned Chavo heel and gotten a response for Bourne (a bit, but I will say that from my TV he got a pretty good response last night coming out against Swagger without Horny) he still keeps actual young talent from showing and developing their skills, so yea, he needs to go.

I wouldn't mind seeing a feud between Primo and Carlito, I think it might turn out well, maybe even as a mid-card or hell throw them together for some running series on Superstars, I don't watch it but what's wrong with a little continuity and a storyline or two from week to week. I personally think they could put on some good matches with each other, I'm just not sure they would get over enough to have it be a really long running feud.

I know it's a wet dream but I'd really love to see the Cruiserweight Championship come back. Replace these crap segments with that, I think we could get some good matches with Kofi, Evan Bourne, Primo, and Carlito (and even Chavo, if he can salvage some credibility after this rubbish), it'd be a good opportunity to show off their high flying abilities and I feel like it would also remove some of the congestion around the United States Championship.
Last I saw Hornswoggle had took a wrestler who garnered no reaction and whose only use was pushing around a wheelchair to one with some heat and, from the looks of last night, helped turn him heel. Hornswoggle also got a little bit of a reaction for Evan Bourne who had been coming out to silence when he first moved.

So Hornswoggle is not doing much wrong in my eyes.

Okay off camera Hornswoggle is a cool dude. if it wasn't for him i would never got the Miz's autograph at a local sheetz, but honestly dude's gotta go he needs to get released and a good luck with his future endeavors from the wwe. I credit him for killing the cruiserweight division, we need that belt back. as of late i just get annoyed everytime i see him because like others have said he's taking away valuable time from other superstars, and he just runs around screaming like a little baby. i'd rather see kung funaki right now and that's bad. and Evan doesn't need hornswoggle to get a pop, i mean really, really? the only person's career he's helped is finlay's and that's just because of the whole irish thing. Shamus needs to do his finisher on hornswoggle and end his career.
Honestly you guys need to know that Hornswaggle is NOT on TV for you! He is there for those little cash cows known as children. I am sure Hornswaggle outsells most people in terms of merchandise and his pop is good. WWE is going for the kids now so that means they continue to like him? He is staying.
While I won't concede that he may have turned Chavo heel and gotten a response for Bourne (a bit, but I will say that from my TV he got a pretty good response last night coming out against Swagger without Horny) he still keeps actual young talent from showing and developing their skills, so yea, he needs to go.

Having attended last night's Raw, there really wasn't a big pop one way or the other for Evan. It wasn't quiet like it usually is for Chavo, but it wasn't earth shattering by any stretch.

I wouldn't mind seeing a feud between Primo and Carlito, I think it might turn out well, maybe even as a mid-card or hell throw them together for some running series on Superstars, I don't watch it but what's wrong with a little continuity and a storyline or two from week to week. I personally think they could put on some good matches with each other, I'm just not sure they would get over enough to have it be a really long running feud.

It would be nice to have an actual feud with Carlito and Primo. One or two matches between the two shouldn't settle Carlito's heel turn against him. They did the same thing, though with Matt and Jeff. Both feuds were horribly handled by creative.

I know it's a wet dream but I'd really love to see the Cruiserweight Championship come back. Replace these crap segments with that, I think we could get some good matches with Kofi, Evan Bourne, Primo, and Carlito (and even Chavo, if he can salvage some credibility after this rubbish), it'd be a good opportunity to show off their high flying abilities and I feel like it would also remove some of the congestion around the United States Championship.

I don't think we need to remove Kofi from the US Championship to go after a low level title such as the Cruiserweight belt. Why not bring back the WCW or ECW TV Belt by that token? That's what the cruiserweight title was. No thanks.
I don't think we need to remove Kofi from the US Championship to go after a low level title such as the Cruiserweight belt. Why not bring back the WCW or ECW TV Belt by that token? That's what the cruiserweight title was. No thanks.

While I might concede that Kofi may not need to be taken down a rung bringing the title back would showcase talent that's not ready for the next level feud for the US Title, it could be used to provide mic time and to get some of the younger talent over with the crowd.
While i agree that Hornswoggle shouldn't be involve in a feud, i don't agree that i should be remove completly from TV. Let's face it, Hornswoogle did wonders for Chavo's career. The way chavo was book since turning heel a couple of years ago was pathetic and just when i thought i couldn'T get worst for him, he got stuck being a lackey for his aunt Vickie Guerrero. If that wasn't a waste of Chavo's career, i don't know what is. Ever since then Chavo's has gotten no reaction what so ever, so in a way, His feud with Hornswoogle as been a blessing for chavo' career.

Personally, i like seeing Hornswoogle on t.v every week but i would rather see him as a manager more then a full time wrestler. People got to realise that your watching Raw and Raw is all about Entertainment. Hornswoogle is part of the comedy aspect of the show along with Santino and Chavo and the fact that he get a good enough reaction says that he'S not going anywhere, so if you don't like watching Hornswoogle on t.v every week, change channels and don'T watch him and let the people that do like him watch him.
I've been watching Raw each week and frankly, one thing I look forward to is Hornswoggle's segments. There is a reason for this. I like him. I find him very entertaining and amusing. Okay, his antics are childish and juvenile. That's one of the things that make him funny. At their beginning, that's one of the things that made DX funny, their rather juvenile pranks and vignettes. Frankly, the only thing that sets them apart from Hornswoggle is that they are both credible in winning matches "legitimately" whereas Hornswoggle is only credible in winning through trickery. Now, if there were more wrestlers who could only win in this way, I might complain. Hornswoggle is only one and more than makes up for his lack of in-ring credibility with his backstage hilarity. I think he's doing a great job in what he's doing right now.

I think one major contribution he's made, as has been mentioned, is drawing attention to superstars that the audience had more or less forgotten and/or didn't care about up to this point such as Chavo. It's thanks to that feud that Chavo is even being talked about by we fans at this point. Think on that.

I think that Hornswoggle should probably wrestle less, but should be no less involved in the performance. My solution would be to have him join DX in a mascot/irritant position, assisting in devious ways for the ring-work as well as in various silly ways in their vignettes. It'd be the perfect place for Horny to be, and he'd also be the most sympathetic character for DX to leave high and dry should they ever go heel and want to generate some instant heat.
Horny's been old for a while, and I still feel like they could utilize him in other ways that don't involve a segment with a feud built around him, but still get the kids with him. I'd like to see him maybe be Finlay's side-kick again at some point (a la WM 25) or in other off screen roles (if we're having this guest host nonsense why don't we have him cavort with them). While I won't concede that he may have turned Chavo heel and gotten a response for Bourne (a bit, but I will say that from my TV he got a pretty good response last night coming out against Swagger without Horny) he still keeps actual young talent from showing and developing their skills, so yea, he needs to go.

I wouldn't mind seeing a feud between Primo and Carlito, I think it might turn out well, maybe even as a mid-card or hell throw them together for some running series on Superstars, I don't watch it but what's wrong with a little continuity and a storyline or two from week to week. I personally think they could put on some good matches with each other, I'm just not sure they would get over enough to have it be a really long running feud.

I know it's a wet dream but I'd really love to see the Cruiserweight Championship come back. Replace these crap segments with that, I think we could get some good matches with Kofi, Evan Bourne, Primo, and Carlito (and even Chavo, if he can salvage some credibility after this rubbish), it'd be a good opportunity to show off their high flying abilities and I feel like it would also remove some of the congestion around the United States Championship.

That's whats missing throughout the mid-card status in Raw. What happened to storylines. You have plenty of story for the main eventers yet nothing for mid-card. The only thing you have are brief feuds that last until PPV; then they're forgotten. How about a real, long lasting feud for a while. It just gets me that there's so much talent wasted on the sidelines while we get stuck seeing Horney and Chavo for the umteenth time. Writers, please listen and do something.
Can we stop posting threads about this now? As long as he gets a reaction, he's not going anywhere. So for the love of God, stop complaining and stop filling up the forums with these posts.
I'm all for getting Hornswoggle off of TV as far as *ding ding* wrestling matches go, but keeping him in backstage/interference situations. Unfortunately, after hearing the pop he got when he started running around Sharpton's desk last night it's apparent it won't happen anytime soon.

He's got these ridiculous smudges on his face that made sense when he was always under the ring, but now he's got it all the time, he runs in circles and emits this cackle that makes my hair stand on end, but the children EAT HIM UP.

Seriously though, when Chris Masters got him in the Masterlock last night it was the single happiest moment in my life surpassing my wedding day & upcoming birth of my 1st child.
Can we stop posting threads about this now? As long as he gets a reaction, he's not going anywhere. So for the love of God, stop complaining and stop filling up the forums with these posts.

Agreed. As much as I am sick of Hornswoggle now, we can't continue having this discussion daily. I hardly come into the forums, but when I do I swear there is always a post about Hornswoggle.
I guess its easier to whine and cry about Hornswoggle being on TV weekly, than it is to simply change the channel for his segments. Wow, and I thought I was lazy. :shrug:
I've seen a lot of people complain and moan about Hornswoggle throughout my days here at WrestleZone, and I'd just like to create a post, in honor of his greatness. During an era, for kidds, Horny, is a mega star.

This guy has been a top star for the WWE, nearly 3 years now, with (unfortunately) only 1 title reign while he has been around. Now then, lets pretend were in an alternative univers, and put the Cruiserweight title out of the picture, and even the tag matches with Finlay out of the picture. Because that was all on creative, and if find that Hornswoggle was just poorly used during those times.

Rewind the clock to when Horny first debuted, in 2006-2007 he never really had a personallity, until the Boogyman fued. During at which time, honestly it made Finlay go from an uncharasmatic, brawler to something worth watching. You never knew what the little guy was going to do, and he made Finlay worth watching during his heel days. Horny was the heart and soul of that duo, always, Finlay was just, kind of there as a bigger wrestler.

In 2008, Hornswoggle then underwent, a small swerve in his character, and became Mr Mcmahons, illigitimate son. While, I believe they were going to go with Ken Kennedy until his being caught on drugs for the second time, Hornswoggle was the go to guy on this. Horny took something that was completely and utterly a let down, and really ran with it. The children, and even I myself got behind Horny in trying to prove his worth to be a McMahon.

Come to find out in late 2008, after a brutal attack by JBL onto Horny, they drop that whole storyline, throwing Hony back to Finlay, and now he is now Horny's father. Only to go to ECW in the draft. Now, Horny is on ECW, thrown in tag matches with J-mo and The Miz. During this fued I find that Hornswoggle was poorly used, yet he was still getting very nice pops from the croud, and once again, made Finlay worth watching.

Anyone remember The Godfather, from back in the attitude era? The Godfather ran around with hoes, and bought people off. He made a suprise visit during the Viscera, and Lilian marriage angle, when Viscera chose hoes, over her, etc. The Godfather was a comic relief back in the Attitude era, and he fit the era quite comfortably.

Horny, is during the PG era, and man does he fit this era perfectly. Granted, this wouldn't work during any other era (Outside of maybe the mid-late 80's) Hornswoggle is a great COMIC RELIEF, and is very over with the children. Seeing as how the WWE is targeting children, Hornswoggle, is epic. Its when the WWE starts throwing him in matches that have to do with title, that he becomes a problem. Horny can be a big name for the WWE, without being a title contendor, or even wrestling for that matter, and thats why he belongs in the WWE, and thats why, hes epic.

Rated_R_Superstar2010 said:
i know that basically everyone here hates hornswoggle

Please, keep my opinions unintertwined with yours. It insults me that you would try to put thoughts into my mind. I am my own person. I am part of everyone, and I love Hornswoggle.

and hates the "fued" he's been involved with chavo.

I like Chavo's fued with Hornswoggle. It has actually made Chavo relevant since the death of Uncle Eddie.

i understand that kids love him, y they do i really dont know, but they do. he just takes time away from midcarders who could be involved in a feud.

Hornswoggle is part of the entertainment side of the show. Hes damn good, and sells his fair share of merchandise for the WWE. Hornswoggle is a comic relief, nothing more.

carlito, primo, evan bourne, chris master, santino, chavo. with the exception of chris masters i like all of these wrestlers and they are all very athletic.

What was Carlito, Primo, Evan Bourne, Chris Masters, Santino, or Chavo doing before they got in these so called career ruining fueds? Absolutely, positively nothing. They might have been on Television for 3-5 minutes a week. With Hornswoggle, they get well over 10 minutes of time on the Television.

y not have a high flying feud with chavo and evan bourne.

Chavo isn't a high flyer, thats why.

y did they not actually develop the carlito and primo feud.

Because Primo is boring.

y not make santino a credible wrestler.

Why not spell the word why, instead of looking like a ******?

will we ever get our wish of hornswoggle being off tv and getting some good midcards feuds developed??

God, I hope not.
Why do 10 year old kids like hornswoggle? Its a dancing leprechaun that's wicked dumpy and is just annoying. This really confuses me because it gets a bigger pop when it comes out than Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, and i guess Primo (if he even counts).

And to the guy above who suggested Hornswoggle should join DX, umm no?
i think it's be awesome for Hornswoggle to actually be a leprachaun gimick.

What is his gimmick? a midget that wears green and beats a 5'7 cruiserweight how could just place his hand on Horn's forehead and watch him NOT reach him.

New Gimmick? An Actual leprachaun. causing mischief etc. Occasionally acting drunk (probably not showing him drink but in an important thing (if they're trying to cause some mystery, like if HS was on SD! teddy and punk talking and HS comes in talking weird and drunk knocking things over etc eg:

You gotta be careful Punk, if Vince finds out that I.. *hornswoggle comes in doing stuff*

it'd atleast make him interesting if they used him correctly.

I made the awesome sig :undertaker2: :wwf:
klown karnage is an idiot
how can u compare hornswoggle to dx
my goodness
get that little bastard off the air

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