
We all saw the segment last night on Raw in which Stephanie McMahon brought out the "physical therapist" that's in charge of Daniel Bryan's rehab. This woman, who I genuinely thought it was the exact same woman who played Claire Lynch in TNA's abysmal angle back in 2012, told Brie that she'd been having an affair with Daniel Bryan. Aside from not being pregnant, I thought she looked exactly like "Claire Lynch". Brie knocks her bug huntin' and is "arrested" as the woman, I forget what they said the name of her character was, pressed charges against Brie for slapping her.

I'm hoping that this was just sort of a one time thing and that they're not going to turn this into some sort of love triangle storyline. It was absolutely awful in TNA and it dragged on for friggin' ever. I've little doubt it'd be awful in WWE.

Just in case you're not familiar with what I'm talking about, it involves a storyline TNA did back in 2012. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian had candid photos of AJ Styles & Dixie Carter sitting together in a bar, hugging, etc. and suggested that they were having an affair as a means of explaining why AJ Styles had generally been TNA's golden boy. Neither Dixie or Styles cleared the air right away, further fueling speculation during the storyline of an "illicit relationship" and they eventually revealed that they weren't having an affair but were co-sponsors of a recovering, pregnant drug addict named Claire Lynch. From there, the angle took a twist with Kazarian & Daniels insinuating that the child Lynch was pregnant with was Styles' and Lynch herself conducted a promo inside the ring saying that Styles was the father. It dragged on forever, fans hated the angle, Lynch herself wasn't exactly a hot chick and not long after Lynch made the allegations, her "attorney" appeared in the ring and read a statement saying that Lynch wasn't even pregnant and that it was all a plot by Daniels & Kazarian. The whole thing was a train wreck and I'm just hoping WWE doesn't go down this road.
I'm thinking this was a one-and-done thing and it's not going to be a months-long storyline. I hope Brie just gets the clean win over Steph at SS, and they go their separate ways.

IF, Steph continues this beyond SS, and "Megan" is kept on with more and more developments such as a fake pregnancy, then I can't stick up for WWE when people say they are "ripping off" TNA in this instance.
I do not know why they would even attempt this storyline .. Who is it really going to help except make brie like an idiot and make bryan look like a heel. I would have much rather had stephanie say that she sent the burglar to brie and daniel house that way bryan looks like cause he stopped one and stephanie looks evil cause she sent them
Megan. Name of the lady was Megan. The name of the actress from Transformers is Megan Fox, and she's quite hot, so that's how I remembered the name :D

This is blatant copy-pasting. If it was TNA copying a failed storyline of the WWE, the WZ writers (and fans biased towards the WWE) would be all over the place slamming it... but since its the other way round, they are simply gonna turn their heads the other way (although a few fans were calling it the worst segment of the year). The live reporter, Bill Pritchard seemed to be very intrigued by it as well:

BP: To borrow from Joey Styles: CATFIGHT! This started off slow, but really picked up steam when Brie came out and Stephanie egged her on. Brie slapped the trainer right before she took down Stephanie, and the crowd erupted when Brie applied the YES Lock.

This feud has already sucked so far, with one person's total lack of acting skills, another person's over-acting and over-sarcasm, being received poorly by viewers on both occasions they closed the show, the match at SummerSlam will not be anything special either (one of them hasn't wrestled in over a decade, and the other is, well... a Bella), but all that was forgiveable... But now we have this lady brought in 6 days before the scheduled match, meaning most probably the match will have a stupid finish with this lady or Daniel or both coming down and causing a scene, Stephanie will pick up the win, and this awful feud will get stretched beyond SummerSlam, taking valuable air time away from far more interesting and deserving superstars, and I'm not happy with that at all!
I don't think we'll see the "Claire Lynch" character after last night unless they plan to use it in furthering the "infidelity" storyline with Mrs. and Mrs. Bryan. The whole segment had nothing to do with the girl, but rather was a vehicle to make us "hate" Stephanie even more. To see Steph commiserating with the girl in such phony fashion was meant to be the comedy/tragedy the skit was trying to convey. The only thing that would have come as a surprise was if Brie didn't make an appearance in the ring, right? (It shouldn't be lost on us that Brie's real problem isn't with the girl; it's with her husband. After all, Brie didn't say the accusation was false, did she? Her answer was simply to belt the girl).

The contrast in personalities was the thing: The villainness (Stephanie) was actually the one showing sympathy for the victim, while our heroine (Brie) was giving the victim a good crack in the face. See the irony?

By the way, whomever the girl was.....kudos for taking one for the act. Man, what a slap!
I'm not sure why it was needed. You'd think they could have gone another way since this was the last RAW before SummerSlam.

All they needed was one more 10-15 minute spot and this is what they came up with? Terrible.

I pray that they don't turn this into a pregnancy storyline. Brie and Bryan should be involved in their own storylines, not mixed together.

I'll be sick if this kayfabes into Total Divas somehow.

By the way, whomever the girl was.....kudos for taking one for the act. Man, what a slap!

She got popped pretty hard. You could see a medic in the corner with her to ask if she was okay.
I had no problem with this storyline until last night. People can complain they closed the show twice. I understand. Females are not draws in the wrestling business, even a McMahon. People can complain Brie is terrible, but they should remember she's only in this spot to keep a little light on DB. My problem is the Claire Lynch addition. It's just dumb.
WWE did something like this with the Undertaker in 2002 when he was feuding with Brock, Heyman brought in some girl from Taker's past & had her say she was fucking Taker, at the time I think Taker's then wife Sara was pregnant & coming to shows for some stupid reason. The whole thing was stupid & unnecessary then & if I remember really added nothing to story, & within a few weeks the other bitch was written off Taker, after Steph (the SD! GM at the time) got her to admit she was lying. I sure you can find the whole stupid thing on the WWE Network for only $9.99, WHICH IS NOW AVAILABLE IN 170 COUNTRIES!!
*sits back rubbing his eyes*

*takes a deep breath*

That was the most fucking stupid thing I've ever seen happen on any televised pro-wrestling program.

Stephanie is the type of anal wart that has found purpose in the delusion that being the result of promiscuous butt fucking is a good thing in that she grants her unfortunate host (anyone who watched in this case) the ability to hate her.

This Chud among Chuds got with that blonde ****** that fucked Katie Vick's corpse and they had a good laugh during a brainstorming session that resulted in this idea and the less disturbing notion of just hiring a leper colony to have an orgy in the ring.

Daniel Bryan is an easy target for them, they know that they can pull any stupid shit out of their asses and force feed it to us because either way Daniel Bryan is the focus and thus tickets are being sold.

I wish that TNA was going head to head with RAW that night. Now I'm one of the unfortunate fucks that paid $9.99 (with a six month agreement Jean Levesque you worthless quad ripping pile of dog shit) only to know that when these RAW Rewinds hit my senses I get to be reminded of the time that Steph-tard faked an orgasm while doing the "YES!!" chant.

This wasn't "good heat", this was the wife of the dumbest fuck to ever wander into the fucking ring and the daughter of a serial rapist shrieking her stupidity into our ears while promoting yet another angle that nobody gives a flying fuck about.
I do not know why they would even attempt this storyline .. Who is it really going to help except make brie like an idiot and make bryan look like a heel. I would have much rather had stephanie say that she sent the burglar to brie and daniel house that way bryan looks like cause he stopped one and stephanie looks evil cause she sent them
i agree. i didnt like the idea. i am hoping it was just a one time thing to get Brie "arrested" as payback from Stephanie, but now they have to address this stupid issue, so i fear that "Megan" will be back and hopefully this is quick and painless, in other words, hopefully on either RAW next week or Smackdown this week, Megan says that she was hired by McMahon to do this and she will drop the charges and moves on. i think the story would've been much better if McMahon said she caused Bryan's injury or use the burglar being there being on her, both would've been just as heelish and would've been much better.
LOL at how mad some of y'all are.

Petty obvious that it was just a way for Stephanie to get back at Brie and turn the tables on her. It was a set-up to get her "arrested". Bryan didn't really have an affair with her, and we aren't even supposed to think or wonder if he did. I thought that much was 100% obvious.

It was just another way for Stephanie to outsmart Brie and another way to make her life miserable.

And again....Stephanie was fantastic in the segment, like always. Steph and Heyman are easily the two best heels and two best mic workers that WWE has.
LOL at how mad some of y'all are.

Petty obvious that it was just a way for Stephanie to get back at Brie and turn the tables on her. It was a set-up to get her "arrested". Bryan didn't really have an affair with her, and we aren't even supposed to think or wonder if he did. I thought that much was 100% obvious.

It was just another way for Stephanie to outsmart Brie and another way to make her life miserable.

And again....Stephanie was fantastic in the segment, like always. Steph and Heyman are easily the two best heels and two best mic workers that WWE has.

People are mad because it was an absolute trainwreck of a segment, a rip from TNA, and Brie's "arrest" suggests that this awful feud may well be moving past Summerslam and continuing.

It was one of the most embarrassing segments I've ever watched from the WWE, and that's saying something. It wasn't even necessary. I'm sure others may not be with me, but I'm actually semi-curious about how this match will go down, purely because it'll be fun to see Stephanie in the ring. But all the soap opera stuff they're unnecessarily adding in is just turning me off the whole thing big-time. I'm way more excited for the other matches on the card, and it kinda sucks that this is getting such a big build when AJ and Paige feuding for the title could be the best thing to happen to the Divas division in a long time (although their match at Battleground was awful), but instead it's just an afterthought.
People are mad because it was an absolute trainwreck of a segment, a rip from TNA, and Brie's "arrest" suggests that this awful feud may well be moving past Summerslam and continuing.

It was one of the most embarrassing segments I've ever watched from the WWE, and that's saying something. It wasn't even necessary. I'm sure others may not be with me, but I'm actually semi-curious about how this match will go down, purely because it'll be fun to see Stephanie in the ring. But all the soap opera stuff they're unnecessarily adding in is just turning me off the whole thing big-time. I'm way more excited for the other matches on the card, and it kinda sucks that this is getting such a big build when AJ and Paige feuding for the title could be the best thing to happen to the Divas division in a long time (although their match at Battleground was awful), but instead it's just an afterthought.

Disagree. The segment was fine. As an angle it would be awful, but as just a small piece to a bigger angle....I have no problem with it.

Then again, I don't think this feud is awful and am fine with it continuing. Any feud that has a fantastic mic worker like Stephanie front and center and really heeling it up is entertaining enough for me.

AJ and Paige feuding for the title could be the best thing to happen in the Divas division in a long time though? Why? I'm glad they turned Paige because she was insanely lame and boring as a face, and she's doing better now.....but I'm not seeing it yet. She's not at that level yet.

I really think wrestling fans always jumping the gun is part of the problem. They want these new people to be superstars immediately, and it just doesn't work that way. It's like fans don't realize/remember that most of the best performers were working for YEARS before they really hit their stride.

Paige may get there eventually, but to act like she'd be putting on the feud of the decade if her feud just had more focus on it? Nah. I don't see that at all.
I agree this was unnecessary. Last week's segment should have taken place this week. Seeing Steph's pedigrees actually got me kind of hyped. This segment was sorta lame. But I have to LOL over all the butt hurt over that skit. It was no where near the "worst segment in wrestling history". This is exactly the sort of soap opera garbage everyone's beloved Attitude Era was filled with. Steph being a complete A+ on the mic always at least partially redeems any segment she's in. Bad segment. But typical overreaction.
I totally agree with LBGetBack, I see this as kind of a tit for tat. I don't think the marital affair angle would advance any further.
Disagree. The segment was fine. As an angle it would be awful, but as just a small piece to a bigger angle....I have no problem with it.

Then again, I don't think this feud is awful and am fine with it continuing. Any feud that has a fantastic mic worker like Stephanie front and center and really heeling it up is entertaining enough for me.

AJ and Paige feuding for the title could be the best thing to happen in the Divas division in a long time though? Why? I'm glad they turned Paige because she was insanely lame and boring as a face, and she's doing better now.....but I'm not seeing it yet. She's not at that level yet.

I really think wrestling fans always jumping the gun is part of the problem. They want these new people to be superstars immediately, and it just doesn't work that way. It's like fans don't realize/remember that most of the best performers were working for YEARS before they really hit their stride.

Paige may get there eventually, but to act like she'd be putting on the feud of the decade if her feud just had more focus on it? Nah. I don't see that at all.

Not sure where I said feud of the decade? I wouldn't go anywhere near that far to describe AJ v Paige. But there is no reason to believe giving them just a little more focus can help to give a much needed boost to the Divas division, which is at a point where Total Divas is talked about more than the Divas championship. The women are portrayed as catty, vindictive females (whether kayfabe or not) rather than talented wrestlers, and this is not a direction I think is benefiting the Divas long-term.

Back to the segment, Stephanie getting arrested was ok, last week was actually cool in my opinion with Steph pedigreeing both Bellas during the contract signing with assistance from Triple H. Surely that was enough of a build for a match that speaking generally we're not that bothered about?
I'm hoping that this was just sort of a one time thing and that they're not going to turn this into some sort of love triangle storyline. It was absolutely awful in TNA and it dragged on for friggin' ever. I've little doubt it'd be awful in WWE.

This is blatant copy-pasting. If it was TNA copying a failed storyline of the WWE, the WZ writers (and fans biased towards the WWE) would be all over the place slamming it... but since its the other way round, they are simply gonna turn their heads the other way (although a few fans were calling it the worst segment of the year).

You know, I expect a poster like Smark Madden to come on here and spew nonsense, but I am quite disappointed that a poster of your quality would stoop to this, Jack-Hammer. All caps thread title and accusations of ripping off TNA? For shame.

Fuck me if the affair card hasn't been played in wrestling before TNA ever did it, sheesh. And besides the dumpy quality of the "other woman", that's about as far the similarities go in this situation (until the reveal that Steph was paying her off, I guess). Have they tried to say that Bryan and someone else (Steph? HHH?) were sponsoring this chick through NA meetings or whatnot? Is she pregnant?

I can understand not being interested, and furthermore I can understand not wanting to be subjected to wherever this stupid angle goes to before Bryan comes back. However, jumping to conclusions and automatically assuming that it is a carbon copy clone of a TNA angle simply because sex and women are involved is stupid.
If your going to pull an angle like this at least the WWE could have done was get someone who could do a decent job of acting.. This was horrible i beyond horrible.. This did remind me of *Shudders* Claire Lynch.. In fact this girl looks exactly like Clair Lynch if its not her,then Clair must have given her acting tips..

This was a stupid fucking angle,i hope the WWE does only a one time thing with this.. In TNA that angle dragged on and on.. Fans hated it and really it made no sense in the grand scheme of things.. I will give Megan or Claire or whoever this chick was credit for one thing,she took one hell of a slap.. That made my jaw hurt
enviousdominous said:
This wasn't "good heat", this was the wife of the dumbest fuck to ever wander into the fucking ring and the daughter of a serial rapist shrieking her stupidity into our ears while promoting yet another angle that nobody gives a flying fuck about.

The angle is over with many people and will continue to be on TV until the blow-off.

Also I think you're confusing Steph McMahon as an "anal wart". Her character is definitely that, but she is performing it awesomely. Check your kayfabe.

The contrast in personalities was the thing: The villainness (Stephanie) was actually the one showing sympathy for the victim, while our heroine (Brie) was giving the victim a good crack in the face. See the irony?

By the way, whomever the girl was.....kudos for taking one for the act. Man, what a slap!

Indeed Sal, but we know that Steph was obviously showing only crocodile tears in a way - it was all fake sympy. Her character is gold right now, so hateable.

Another weird "who's the damn face in this feud" was when AJ battered Eva Marie after losing.

Anyway I'm all for WWE shamelessly stealing TNA's plots if they can do them better. After all, it would only be returning the favour.
I did find this whole thing to be dumb as hell, but I didn't hugely mind it and they've done a while lot worse down this path before. How can we forget the story where Melina claimed that Batista raped her?

That said, I hope this is the last we see of this character and that it isn't carried on. I agree with those that have said it makes Bryan look like the heel, just as AJ Lee's actions on this Raw were bizarre and made her look like the heel.
I did find this whole thing to be dumb as hell, but I didn't hugely mind it and they've done a while lot worse down this path before. How can we forget the story where Melina claimed that Batista raped her?

That said, I hope this is the last we see of this character and that it isn't carried on. I agree with those that have said it makes Bryan look like the heel, just as AJ Lee's actions on this Raw were bizarre and made her look like the heel.

I just don't see this at all. HE DIDN'T DO IT! It was made very obvious that Stephanie set this up, and she wasn't really giving sympathy for the "victim", she was acting, just like the "victim" was. The point was just how low Stephanie would go and just how vindictive she is to drum something like this up. The fans weren't meant to believe that Bryan actually did it. So how does it make him look like a heel? He's an innocent victim of Stephanie's grudge against him and his wife.

In fact, it's Brie who looks bad.....once again she's been outsmarted and baited.
Stephanie is the type of anal wart that has found purpose in the delusion that being the result of promiscuous butt fucking is a good thing in that she grants her unfortunate host (anyone who watched in this case) the ability to hate her.

Jesus Christ...

Anyway, regarding the OP, I honestly only have two hopes for this angle:

1. Brie and Daniel reveal it as a fraud on Summerslam and that's it.
2. We ignore it and it never gets mentioned again.

Pregnancy or custody angles or anything involving childrem most of the time will suck, hence Claire Lynch's abortion of an angle. Granted I don't think Steph is stupid enough to go so far, but following the cheating line is just as doomed, especially when the mistress is introduced like 1 show before the big showdown. I don't know why they thought this was necessary. The Authority has been jerking around Brie's husband and sister for the past year, that's all the motivation you need.

The sad part is this angle was actually really good, better than it was supposed to be considering Brie is a terrible actress with less facial expressions than Keanu Reeves and Stephanie hasn't done anything physical since 2003. They pushed their limits too much with the cheating thing.
DirtyJosé;4961993 said:
You know, I expect a poster like Smark Madden to come on here and spew nonsense, but I am quite disappointed that a poster of your quality would stoop to this, Jack-Hammer. All caps thread title and accusations of ripping off TNA? For shame.

Fuck me if the affair card hasn't been played in wrestling before TNA ever did it, sheesh. And besides the dumpy quality of the "other woman", that's about as far the similarities go in this situation (until the reveal that Steph was paying her off, I guess). Have they tried to say that Bryan and someone else (Steph? HHH?) were sponsoring this chick through NA meetings or whatnot? Is she pregnant?

However, jumping to conclusions and automatically assuming that it is a carbon copy clone of a TNA angle simply because sex and women are involved is stupid.

Thinking about it, this angle has been copied from not one, but two TNA storylines. The Claire Lynch-AJ Styles affair angle and the Dixie Carter-AJ Styles affair angle.
-Heels trying to make Faces' lives miserable- Bad Influence (Stephanie/Authority) vs AJ Styles/Dixie (Brie/Bryan)
-Heel introduces woman (Claire/Megan)
-Woman claims to have had an affair with guy.
-Not refusing directly but reacting suspiciously like the heels are saying the truth (Dixie/Brie)
-Partner of one side hitting the other person (Serg Salinas punching AJ; Brie attacking Megan)

That's enough reveal for one week. What do you want them to do, reveal everything and complete the whole storyline in one night? Fucking idiot. If you don't have anything smart to say, then don't say anything at all.
Thinking about it, this angle has been copied from not one, but two TNA storylines. The Claire Lynch-AJ Styles affair angle and the Dixie Carter-AJ Styles affair angle.

Oh, jeezus, here we go...

-Heels trying to make Faces' lives miserable- Bad Influence (Stephanie/Authority) vs AJ Styles/Dixie (Brie/Bryan)

Oh man, I totally forgot that part where Heels do things to get at Faces. TNA was sooooo ahead of its time with that stuff man. So perceptive of them to do pretty much what every fucking heel gimmick does at some point or another for fucking decades now. Glad you caught this man, whew.

-Heel introduces woman (Claire/Megan)
-Woman claims to have had an affair with guy.
-Not refusing directly but reacting suspiciously like the heels are saying the truth (Dixie/Brie)
-Partner of one side hitting the other person (Serg Salinas punching AJ; Brie attacking Megan)

You know, I've seen you refer to "your generation" of wrestling seemingly regarding the Attitude Era, but obviously you weren't really a part of that if any of this seems like an original TNA concept. This is something even a mouth breather like LaBar can get (see also: his twitter. Or don't. Actually don't, fuck LaBar).

That's enough reveal for one week. What do you want them to do, reveal everything and complete the whole storyline in one night? Fucking idiot. If you don't have anything smart to say, then don't say anything.

Like always, Smark Madden has no clue what the fuck he is talking about anymore. Carry on with your little crusade to avenge butt hurt, dude. You still look pretty stupid trying to say that an affair angle in wrestling is somehow something only TNA has ever done.
DirtyJosé;4962193 said:
Like always, Smark Madden has no clue what the fuck he is talking about anymore. Carry on with your little crusade to avenge butt hurt, dude. You still look pretty stupid trying to say that an affair angle in wrestling is somehow something only TNA has ever done.

Nobody is saying that an affair angle has only been done by TNA. However, this particular angle is way too similar to what TNA has done, and I don't even know why you are denying this... apart from maybe because I have said one thing, so obviously you have to say the opposite. For the 10-15 minutes it got, a lot of things matched with the two TNA storylines I mentioned. Keep denying, facts won't change.

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