Planes aren't flying; what happens Monday night?


Sally Section
For those of you who keep track on the news, there's currently a large volcano spewing ash into the air in Ireland, which has prevented almost all air traffic out of Europe for the past several days. The WWE has canceled two live events in Europe already due to the inability to travel, but what I haven't heard about is the contingency plans for if the WWE travel team is unable to make it back to the states for the Monday show in East Rutherford, NJ.

So let the speculation begin! What do you think will happen to Monday Night RAW this week?

Vince is certainly a get-shit-done kind of guy. Having known someone who worked directly for Vince (the guest house at their spread on Conyers Farm is better set up than most people's houses, even if the fancy bath towels don't absorb any water), I can be pretty sure he's not going to settle for anything besides a live performance of Monday Night RAW. I hope that whoever's in charge of equipment never sent all of the live equipment back to the States before this ash plume, because otherwise, his ass is probably gone. I also think it's highly unlikely that they'll be able to get their wrestlers onto a plane bound for the States; only a very limited number of "short-hop" flights are flying. The silence from WWE over the issue is intriguing; they aren't assuring their US fans that they will be back in time for RAW, which means they aren't sure whether or not they'll be back yet.

This suggests to me that the wrestlers aren't on trains right now, trying to get to an airport in Southern Europe that is flying internationally.

I think we could be in for either a real treat this Monday, or a real letdown. If they have any semblance of live equipment, they WILL go live this Monday; bear in mind, we're talking about someone who once vowed to go live from a parking lot if he couldn't find a venue. I have to imagine that there's a public venue somewhere in the UK that isn't hosting an event this Monday. I think we'll end up seeing RAW from something the size of the ECW arena.

With a live Impact! to combat RAW this Monday, it will be very interesting indeed to see what the WWE pulls off.
I just imagine that if they can't get to where they want to be, they'll just hire out a venue and cut ticket prices in half to get it filled. The show may be missing a fair bit of what we are used to, but that shouldn't matter. I imagine RAW will be airing live as always.
The Smackdown guys got out of Europe and at worst will do Raw on Monday with the leftover Raw guys, so there you are.
What is going to happen is if the Raw and Smackdown guy's can't make it back for Raw monday is TNA will have better ratings. I think it would be a good thing overall for TNA, for the simple fact that people who normally wouldn't tune in to TNA will hopefully. Only time shall tell.
there's currently a large volcano spewing ash into the air in Ireland

Actually the Volcanoes in Iceland, not Ireland but the resulting ash cloud has drifted over Europe basically grounding the majority of Air Traffic. Just needed to clarify that.

In terms of what it means to the WWE I dont think it'll be too much of a problem, at the very worst it just means creative has to really work at building a show with the wrestlers that have managed to make it back to the US.

2 hour Santino Skit maybe?
The equipment isn't a problem. They have a separate European equipment storage space in Europe and keep all their States equipment here. It cost less to make separate equipment for over seas tours than to ship it back an forth all the time. As for the Superstars/Divas/Exc... they'll find a way to get there for Raw on Monday.
Thank you Kip for clarifying that the volcano is in Iceland and not Ireland. I did not want to be the one correcting people, as I am new to posting. However, I must say that had the volcano been in Ireland, Sheamus might finally get some color.
Anyway back on topic. I am a loyal WWE watcher. I honestly never tune into TNA, but I think the show will go on in some capacity. As someone else said, I believe the Smackdown! superstars are in the US and the question mark lies on most of the RAW talent. So I would expect that either we may see some Smackdown! superstars make a RAW appearance and the 'E' can try to use the travel disaster to their advantage and try to start some angles for the following weeks Draft. Or they will just use whatever RAW people are here and do the best they can. I don't think it will help TNA all that much. I think the first hour of RAW and TNA will see the same ratings as usual, maybe even RAW a touch higher because people want to see what is going on because of all the uncertainty. And then if they just do a hatchet job with the RAW superstars they have it will be a lackluster show and some people would probably give up and tune into the last half of TNA. We shall see.
We all know the type of person Vince McMahon is, and he IS in the US, as he was seen at the Yankees/Rangers game with Shane, and come hell or volcano ash (sorry for the pun) the show will go on.
Carlito v.Triple H in the main event on Raw (which he'll win with an upset) what should happen. And its about time. I blame him for it. LOL! McMahon will prove why the show must go on cause he's the Main man. A RAW w/o Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Batista, ShoMiz, and whoever else is over there will be different and explained most likely. The Monday will be the reason why the anything can happen in the WWE plus they can use their SD! stars if need be. Hope they have Punk on if needs be cause the would be great. WWE RAW will still trounce TNA Impact! in the ratings like usual.
Now their saying Smackdown's crew will make it back and will do Raw if needed. If they don't it will be interesting to see what they do. They would probably have a replay show before they let the lesser talent that didn't go to Europe carry the show.
this is just a thought but watever happens and lets just say that most of the raw wrestlers cant make it back the wwe should make this part of a story line and i no that the wwe could find someway to put this into a segment of some sort just a thought tell me wat u think
heh, if the raw rooster doesnt make it back, does that include the commentators? might we see jim ross commentating with vinnie mac? will certainly be interesting to see what happens. won't help tna much cause sheer morbid curiosity will ensure viewers
What is going to happen is if the Raw and Smackdown guy's can't make it back for Raw monday is TNA will have better ratings. I think it would be a good thing overall for TNA, for the simple fact that people who normally wouldn't tune in to TNA will hopefully. Only time shall tell.

I'm afraid that a few guys not showing up to RAW will not result in TNA getting a massive 3.0 increase in

I'm sure everything will get figured out, if not they could just do a best of 2009 night or something.
One of the main reason flights were grounded to begin with was because of the altitude in which they fly. WWE will most likely hire charters (that fly at much lower altitudes) to fly at least the main guys back to the US for Raw and Smackdown. Worst case scenario, the house shows they were doing were most likely taped so they can always run those with dubbed commentary.
I like the idea of Raw going live from a Parking Lot

That would be so cool like a perfect WarZone setting (see the intro for WWF WarZone)

Anyway what if they did this-

Raw can be cancelled for Monday and they just do a Special THURSDAY NIGHT RAW (They've done it before, they can do it this week coming up)

Problem Solved!

But still, the parking lot idea sounds good

The other thing I want them to do is make Raw like WrestleMania II and host it from (well not 3 but 2) different places

Raw over in the UK & then Raw in the US


Raw can feature matches between the stars in the UK, Maybe a huge 8 or 10 Man Tag Team Match and a Divas Match and another match

the Raw in the US could have like 4 matches

then that would be it, segments can happen with split screens at times showing stars backstage at Raw in the US or in the ring while the other split screen side shows stars in the UK

They can have it set up where segments that were suppose to take place happen via titantron communications etc

And why not have a fire break out in the lot if they really did do it in one in the UK and have all the top guys fight to end off Raw like the WarZone intro and that would be a cool way to end Raw with flames around the ring in a lot

maybe it wasnt exactly a lot in the intro of WarZone but something close
If I was a betting man, I would bank on WWE fulfilling their Monday Night show with the Smackdown crew. Vince McMahon has proven that no matter technical difficulty, tragedy, or act of nature, the show will go on. This has an added advantage of promoting the WWE Draft special in a couple weeks, as the announcers can keep promoting the fact that these Superstars may end up competing on Raw after next Monday.

As for TNA, although I believe that it is the better all around show (even with as much flack as it has been getting from some), there's no realistic way that TNA can cash in on this situation and overcome Raw in the ratings. It's not like someone's going to invade a Raw taping with a sign saying "Turn on Spike TV." Raw will maintain its audience even if most of the marquee talent is stuck in Europe. And to be honest, I might be more likely to watch Raw live this week if Edge, Jericho, CM Punk, and the rest of the Smackdown roster will be on Raw since the only time I get to watch Smackdown is on Hulu.
I like the idea of Raw going live from a Parking Lot

That would be so cool like a perfect WarZone setting (see the intro for WWF WarZone)

Anyway what if they did this-

Raw can be cancelled for Monday and they just do a Special THURSDAY NIGHT RAW (They've done it before, they can do it this week coming up)

Problem Solved!

But still, the parking lot idea sounds good

The other thing I want them to do is make Raw like WrestleMania II and host it from (well not 3 but 2) different places

Raw over in the UK & then Raw in the US


1. I would love to see a parking lot RAW. I'm a TV Production major so I would like to see how they would pull it off.

2. Thursday Night Raw???? Do you watch sports? The NFL Draft is on Thursday night, Raw's rating would be in the mid to high 2's if they are lucky.

3. If you didn't know there is a 6-hour time difference from eastern time to London time so I hope I am reading this wrong. I want to see RAW live.
The Smackdown guys got out of Europe and at worst will do Raw on Monday with the leftover Raw guys, so there you are.


This is the worst case scenario. We'll get a SES and Mysterio segment on Monday instead of Friday. My. God.

Or, if they really wanted to do something awesome, they would use the Smackdown mentors and what Raw mentors they had left to plug the living hell out of NXT.

Or, since they aren't a stupid company that has made trips around the world hundreds of times, they'll have already gotten their wrestlers back. If you read on the front page, you'll see that a WWE man has said that they have a charter plane book just in case.

I don't know what we'll do if Cena is stuck on the other side of the pond. I mean, we might actually have to use people to fill an entire 2 hours of show. Oh no! I mean, we all know that the WWE will sink into a tail spin because Carlito had a 10 minute match to open Raw as opposed to the 3 minute bitchfest he had with Kozlov last week.

TL;DR Everything will be fine. Don't blow this out of proportion. Every fan understands the whole "act of God" thing. WWE will survive a volcano exploding ash all up in the atmosphere.
I wanted to make this topic yesterday (10 post rule) I'm from the UK so this is never really out of the news for us. At the moment all airspace is closed until 1900bst Sunday... The reason there is so much doubt about whether they can get out is that it really is an hour by hour situation as the fine ash moves around above us.

The Raw crew were in Belfast's Odyssey arena on Saturday, and having looked on their website they have nothing planned for Monday. Maybe they could get the TV trucks they used for Raw in London this week over to Belfast and tape a show Monday to air in Raw's slot Monday night (early Tues) Morning here.

Also, people saying they want to see Raw "Live". When its from Europe, it never is, no matter what Cole will keep repeating to you on TV lol.
Hmm didn't know that, I always knew about Smackdown because Raw doesn't come to NZ. So when was Raw filmed?

It still gets taped on the Monday in the UK... but UK time between about 8&10 it airs at 2am UK time so they just run it as live in the US as they are behind us time wise.
The WWE finished up in Belfast late last night, and assuming they left immediately, they could arrive in Spain by coach tomorrow, and fly from there. Alternatively, they could wait till the ash clears Ireland and fly from there. The worst case scenario is that they make a show using Smackdown stars, or do a highlights show. The likelihood of them putting on another show in Britain, or cancelling the broadcast completely are very slim and certain not to happen respectively. They could even tape "backstage" segments in the UK and broadcast them in the US. Really, this isn't a problem.
As much as you WWE-marks want to believe that this is no problem. Trust me it is. WWE are notorious for flailing when under pressure. How many times has WWE broadcasting suffered due to an error or ill-judgement by WWE management? Far too many times. I am going to be the first to say it... TNA's rise begins this monday.
TNA's rise begins...:wtf:. I'm not a WWE mark but Tasty is right, it isn't a problem the SD guys are in America and worse case scenario is to get them to do the show. There's a whole load of talent there with Jericho, Edge, Punk, Swagger etc... the fact is if they can get the raw guys out in time for the show then it's completely and utterley fine. They should be able to do it.

P.S.: Didn't TNA's rise supposedly began back on January 4th?
TNA couldn't rise if Dixie Carter had fast acting yeast in her but !!!

WWE has more than enough talent and extremely creative writers to pull off a riveting show. They have commentators they can use from FCW, Dusty or Jim Ross to do the back stage calls to keep it hot.

The E is prepared for things like this. Vince is too smart not to have a contingency plan. That is why they have two working crews of wrestlers. You can use smackdown, put a couple of Raw guys in for the main event if you have them or too a Smackdown Takeover Angle !

WWE did that angle with ECW on RAW and it was great so they can do it in house to pump up the draft and create some real inter brand rivalry. This is not a big deal but a great opportunity.

TNA fans forget . Most WWE fans have no idea what TNA is ! I go to every show in my region and always ask and almost no one has heard of TNA. Even if they did, WWE is the 900 Pound Gorilla !
flights won't be leaving the UK until late next week, pretty much every train and ferry over to continental europe is rammed full and cannot take more passengers, flights ARE leaving from Spain, but if the ash cloud goes further south then theyll stop... interesting to see what the Raw team do about this one, pretty much a wait and see... but if they cant get the big guns back to the US then it may be a mediocre show or we could see recently underused talent somehow put on a blinder of a Raw but as i said... wait and see.

o yes, and fuck iceland!

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