Pitts next football coach: Should be a big deal...


On A Nature walk with Daniel Bryan
When Dave Wannstedt took over six years ago he was supposed to bring Pitt back to a National Powerhouse. He was supposed to make them a legit College Football program. Something this City hasn't seen since the 80's. Yes, they made a BCS bowl berth under Walt Harris. But it was out of pure luck, and a game they didn't deserve to play in. They were never in it. Anyways.

Well fast forward to the hiring of Dave Wannstedt, it was a big move because he's a Pittsburgh guy. He's someone that knows the area well and he had moderate success in the NFL. But he never panned out. Yes the program was making strides, he was 9-4 in 2008. He won 9 games with a mediocre QB. A QB who should not be a starting FBS college QB. He then went 10-3 in 2009 and the program seemed to be making strides, and in 2010 they were supposedly set up for a BCS berth. But you know, a team with 3 new offensive line, a red shirted sophmore for a QB, and a secondary that couldn't man cover my 89 year old grandmother, they supposedly under performed. Pitt blew a 2 game Big East lead and it all came down to Wannstedt fucking it up. Which really isn't the case. They were primed to win against UCONN until there lazy ass cornerback made no attempt to bat the ball down on ultimately the game winning touchdown. Anyways, after that game they still had a lead. They go into the backyard and Pitts offense is moving the ball downfield, Sunseri throws an interception that gets returned almost for a TD. I don't remember the exact score even though i was there, but Pitt was moving the ball down field again until they fumbled the ball. I believe they had four turnovers and 3 were fumbles. Wannstedt didn't fumble the ball the players did. Not coach Dave.

Wannstedt was given the shaft a few days ago and now our AD is looking for an offensive minded coach. Three guys are coming to mind, the OK State offensive coordinator, the Michigan State offensive coordinator and even the Boise State offensive coordinator. I wouldn't mind two of those three guys but I'm still interested in the supposed heir apparent to Joe Paterno's job at state College. Al Golden.

The Pitt job is a good starting place for several young coordinators in College because being the Big East champs gives you a spot in a BCS game. So who would you like to coach Pitt and is it really a big job, or is it a job that no one really wants?
As a Pitt fan, Ive sat through 6 incredibly frustrating years with Dave Wannstedt as Pitts head coach. The man has proved that without a doubt, he's a great recruiter. But he didn't win when it counted, and this year was no exception. Despite an early Heisman favorite in Dion Lewis, along with Ray Graham in the backfield, and an almost surefire first round pick(before this year) in Jonathan Baldwin(the lazy, conceited bastard) at WR, he couldnt get this team to win the games that meant the most. The writing was on the walll for Wannstedt after the WVU debacle, though Im surprised they fired Wannstedt before the end of the season.

Pitt is certainly a desirable stop for a head coach. There are alot of parts from this years team that will be back next year. Tino Sunseri will only be a junior, and has improved marketly in his first year as the starting QB. Lewis and Ray Graham are both sophomores and you have to figure that at least one will be back next year. Mike Shanahan has developed into a nice possession receiver, and Baldwin may return now with Wannstedt gone and his draft stock having dropped considerably due to a poor season. There are alot of pieces in place for Pitt to have the makings of a great offense next year.

Pitt was also without Greg Romeus for virtually the entire year on defense, so he undoubtably will be back. The secondary is young and should improve, and Wanndstedt did a nice job in signing some premiere talent who will be debuting next year, especially on the defensive side of the ball. It's just a shame he never really commanded the respect of the players, which likely affected their performance as well. Baldwin's comments on DW after his firing were telling of the lack of respect that he was given. I don't blame Wannstedt for Pitts failures by any means, but as is usually the case in sports, its the coach who gets the axe when the team isn't meeting expectations. At times, it felt like the team gave up on him, especially Baldwin and the secondary(The UConn game being the prime example).

The other important thing that would make the Pitt job desirable is that Pitt plays in a very weak conference. While The Big East is considered a "Major" conference and thus receives an automatic BCS bowl bid for the winner, the conference hasn't been the same since Miami, BC, and Va. Tech departed for the ACC. Pitt should be the favorite again next year in the Big East, which brings that coveted BCS bowl along with it. Along with that BCS bid comes major recognition, and a win in a major game would be the perfect stepping stone a coach could use on his way to bigger and better things. There's too much talent at Pitt for it to not be considered a great place to want to coach, and the possibilities for advancement make it ideal, in my eyes.

Personally, I like the idea of an offensive minded coordinator from a big school, such as Don Treadwell from Michigan State. But he's already interviewed for the head coaching position at Indiana, and is most likely to sign there from all indications. Jimmy Raye, the former offensive coordinator at San Francisco until midway this season has also been mentioned, and I think he'ld do a fine job with the right parts, which Pitt certainly has. The problem is, Wannstedt was usually too unflexible and predictabkle on offense, as he's always been a hallmark defensive coach. We need someone the opposite, with both experience and a proven track record of being successful offensively. If Treadwell is still available, Id push hard if I was Pitt's AD to hire him, although Raye wouldn't be a bad second option.
I am pesonally disappointed in Pitt's decision to fire Wanny. I admit they underacheived a tad, but I put that more on the players than the HC. Dave was a perfect fit for Pitt. I disagree that the players had a lack of respect for Dave. At the press conference where he "resigned" there were a ton of players that showed up and Dave led thim into the locker room to have a team only meeting. I think that proves the players did respect coach Dave. I think that both the O and D coordinaters were more of a problem than Dave ever was. If I were Steve Pederson, I would have sat Wanny down and told him that I wanted to be involved in interviewing a completely new staff. I would've told him that the new coordinaters need to be responsible for the game planning and Dave would need to delegate more of the responsibility. In coach Dave, Pitt had a lifer, not one of these new young guys that would use Pitt as a stepping stone and would leave for greener pastures as soon as that option became available. I think that Pitt is a desireable job for that reason more than any other. We all know Dave to be a GREAT recruiter and he could have done that even more. I'm not quite sure who I'd like to see interview for the job now, but I'm certainly disappointed Dave is out. Pitt created a new position for him as some kind of special assitant to the AD. I'm not sure why Dave would even accept that position. The Big East may get a boost in 2012 with the addtion of TCU, but as of now, they are CERTAINLY NOT a powerhouse football conference.

Anyway, huge game for Pitt hoops today and as I will continue to say: LET'S GO PITT!
Pitt is one the Premier Jobs in the Big East.....its not Gator Nation or the U but still has some history...what i feel like recently though is just by some the canidates they mention...I live in Indiana...recently IU got a new coach...and it seems like Pitt is going after coaches that IU would...Pitt needs to pony up some more cash and hire a bigger name...Obviously in Pennsylvania you have Penn St. then Pitt...recurits in the state see that..get a big name coach dominate the Big East...maybe get an invite in the future to go to the Big Ten...Pitt needs to hire a bigger name than the offensive coor. from Boise...why not pony up for Boise st. coach...or a dan mullien?
Apparently Pitt hires Mike Haywood. He is the or well was the Miami Ohio Head Coach. He has a solid pedigree because he played under Lou Holtz, coached under Mack Brown and also coached at LSU. Those are some pretty big schools. He turned around the Red Hawks after a 1-11 season. This year they won there conference, finished 8-1 and they're going to a bowl game. Hopefully he has success at Pitt. He will be our first African American coach and I wish him luck. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders. It'll be his time to move on because Pitt's a decent sized school and this could open the door for other opportunities. I thought the search was going to be Al Golden or failure but this may have changed my mind. I'll be looking forward to next year...
I wish him the best of luck as well and hear he is a disceplinarian type coach, which may serve this team well. My problem is that Pederson said that the lack of outright Big East championships and appearances in mediocre to plain terrible bowl games, was a tendency he wanted changed. With that philosophy I would've thought PITT would go after a coach with some more name recognition. I'm not saying the new hire can't get them there, but if your sole purpose for firing Wanny was to get to the "next level", this doesn't make much sense. Also, I'm a little concerned about the recruiting in the WPIAL. Wanny had the WIP's on lockdown. What does the new coach bring to the table that the parents of the Woodland Hills, Gateway, Thomas Jefforson and other top HS football program kids will find attractive, other than the location of the campus itself? Obviously, we'll have to wait and see, but Wanny had the NFL connections to make these parents want to send their kids there. We all know every parent thinks their child has the ability to go pro.
He'll be a fairly solid coach. He turned around Miami (OH.) and if he could do that, then I have no doubt he can have SOME success at Pitt. His pedigree is quite nice, quite a history. He's definitely one of the few guys I'm extremely excited to see coach. I believe they he is a far better choice than anyone else they could have gotten, and he's not relatively unknown, like Miami's new coach. I wish him the best of luck, and knowing his record and how much easier it will be to get players and win games at Pitt, I have no doubt he'll have success.
Honestly, Al Golden is not a no name, he was supposed to be the heir apparent to Joe Patterno and he turned around an upstart Temple team. And I see you're talking about WPIAL players? They didn't really help Wanny. And PA really isn't loaded with talent anymore and any talent we have goes to ND or PSU. We get a lucky four star recruit on an occasion but that's about it. Talent is in like Texas and Florida nowadays. In a conference like this it's all about finding players to fulfill a system. Anyways, like I said, I'm happy and I look forward to the future. He looks like a good guy who has a basic knowledge of both offense and defense seeing as how he coached defense at Army and Ohio. Hopefully he goes on the trail and gets the recruits that Wanny had coming in...
I kind of wanted to bump this thread for the simple fact that Haywood is making this job a big deal. I really don't know yet but I read a little article in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. He is trying to open up opportunities in the WPIAL. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League. A lot of our talent comes from there. It's pretty important to develop a relationship with all there coaches... It pretty much makes or break our schools in the surrounding area, like PSU and even ND recruits from within that area.

This guy has a great head between his shoulders. He reeks of positivity which is a good thing for the players. You have to have the winning mindset every time you step on the field. I believe it was Chuck Noll who said "before you can win a game you have to not lose it." It's all mindset, and this guy brings it. As much as I loved Coach Wannstedt that guy did not bring one. His players didn't believe they could win when they went in as underdogs. Haywood will change that. This school may be a stepping stone, but at least Coach Haywood is making this job sound important.

For anyone who wants to read the article here it is.

paul zeise Post Gazette said:
Michael Haywood isn't from Pittsburgh, nor did he graduate from Pitt, but in less than a month on the job as the Panthers' head football coach he has clearly made strides toward becoming a "Pitt guy."

What he has found along the way is a warm reception from within and outside the university, from people who have the same goal he does -- to bring a championship to Pitt.

On Dec. 22, for instance, Haywood held a "meet the new coach" event in the lobby of the Petersen Events Center before the Pitt-American men's basketball game. He shook hands, posed for photos with fans, signed autographs and answered questions for more than an hour before making his way into the arena.

"People just kept coming and coming; the line never seemed to get short," Haywood said Wednesday. "It was just awesome to meet some of our fans and hear their words of encouragement. And I've met so many people who care about this university and who really love this program. And they are excited and they all went out of their way to make me feel welcome here."

This first month or two, and really his entire first year, is critical for Haywood to build relationships and reach out to Pitt alumni, high school coaches, donors and others around the program given his lack of local ties.

But Haywood, who is from Houston, and graduated from Notre Dame, understands this, which is why he has spent so much of his first few weeks on the job on the phone and on the road to work on his two top priorities now: recruiting and building relationships.

"One of the main things I've been doing is calling the high school coaches in Pennsylvania and in New Jersey and just introducing myself and trying to build relationships with them," said Haywood, who was introduced as Pitt's coach Dec. 16. "I've really worked to reach out because some of them might not know me, and it is important that we have contact with all of them."

Haywood has replaced Pitt's coaching staff but kept the support staff in place for the most part to ease the transition. That includes two key people: football operations director Chris LaSala and director of football relations Bob Junko.

LaSala has been the backbone of the program's administrative side for nearly 15 years. Junko, a former coach, is one of the most respected names in and around the Pitt program and among WPIAL coaches, and he has assisted in introducing Haywood to them and others.

Haywood said the three, along with his assistant head coach Bill Elias, are planning to have Pitt's coaches visit communities throughout the state to build on the relationships former coach Dave Wannstedt established in his six years.

"We're going to have the camps and have the prospects come on campus for visits for things like basketball games and other events," Haywood said. "But I think it is really important that we go out and meet people, let them know who we are and what we stand for. Coach Junko and coach Elias and I have already started to form a plan to have three satellite camps -- offsite camps or clinics -- around the state, to kids who may not be able to afford to come to Pitt for our camps and [to give] their coaches a chance to meet us, to see how we operate.

"I think it will be very productive and it is very important for people to become familiar with our coaches, with how they coach, the things they teach. I'm really looking forward to that."

While Haywood is working hard to get off to a running start on recruiting, he has had some challenges. Pitt (7-5) is playing in the BBVA Compass Bowl against Kentucky (6-6) on Jan. 8, which means Wannstedt and his staff are still working at least through that day. Haywood and Elias, who came to Pitt with Haywood from Miami (Ohio), had to get special waivers from the NCAA to be able to begin recruiting for Pitt because of limits on the number of full-time coaches permitted on a staff.

Meanwhile, most of Haywood's staff at Miami (Ohio) -- including offensive coordinator Morris Watts -- is expected to join him at Pitt, but the Redhawks play in the GoDaddy.com Bowl Jan. 6.

The new staff is expected to be announced early next week and all but one job is already filled, but the overlapping tenures has meant Haywood has had to be sensitive to the situation and continue to do a lot of his work behind the scenes.

He made it a point to reach out to many former players and one of the first in that category was, well, Wannstedt.

Haywood said he appreciates the way Wannstedt has helped him through the transition and he's glad that Wannstedt will still be working with the athletic department.

Haywood has not gone to the office until the evening and has worked into the early hours of the morning because he wants the players to understand it is still Wannstedt's team until after the bowl game. He also wants to make sure the Panthers have every opportunity to end things on a positive note with a win against Kentucky.

"It is really important for me and for everyone, really, to give coach Wannstedt the respect which he deserves for the job he's done," Haywood said. "I never had the opportunity to meet him before, but now I've had two chances to sit down and talk with him and I even got a chance to sit back and watch a practice.

"Coach was really open and forthcoming. I wanted to find out his perspective on things, on the program, on what we need to do in recruiting, on who the key people are around the state -- all of those things, and he was really open with information and extremely helpful.

"But I've also reached out to a lot of former players, the guys who have played here to make sure we develop relationships with those guys and let them know and make sure they understand they are important to us and we want them to come and be a part of things."

Haywood, who has talked with key football alumni such as Dan Marino, Mark May, Tony Dorsett and Larry Fitzgerald, said he will have several alumni events throughout the year and more important, will lean on alumni and even current players for help in recruiting.

"I've asked these guys who played here questions like: 'What was your experience like? What brought you to Pitt?' " Haywood said. "Those are things that are important to me. I think the most important value we can have in recruiting is honesty -- tell players the truth. And when players come for visits, I'll want them to talk to our current players about their experiences because I'm not sleeping in the dorms or walking on campus; the players are and they can talk about their experiences.

"It is my job to sell the university and program on its merits, but the experience of the players is unique among the players and I'll always encourage them to be honest and truthful about their experiences."

So far the Panthers have 10 players committed for the current class which will sign in early February, but that number is down from the 19 that had committed to the team before Haywood replaced Wannstedt.

Haywood said he expected to sign about 19 or 20 players but has been overwhelmed by the number of players who have reached out to him -- who his staff either didn't know or hadn't planned on recruiting.

"We have a lot of players interested in us," Haywood said. "Now we just need to figure out who fits what we are looking for athletically and academically. It seems like there isn't enough hours in the day right now, but we're off to a great start."
Well I wasn't too sure of the hire at first. Hiring a guy with 10 wins in 2 season in the MAC just didn't do it for me. Good to know that he hasn't filled his staff yet and better yet, got arrested on domestic violence charges against his baby momma earlier today. I'd be surprised if this doesn't mean he's out for next year. What a moron.
Looks like Pitt is in the hunt for a new head coach, as they fired Mike Haywood after his arrest. I understand the firing, as you want your coach to be an example to those kids and getting arrested isn't exactly the best way to set an example. I think this is gonna sting a bit for Pitt as they now have to jump back into the coaching hunt and I'm not sure how much better talent is available. They could always shoot Mike Leach an interview, but he has his past problems (didn't he lock a kid in a dark box or something?), but he also seems to be the favorite to land the Maryland gig. Speaking of Maryland, Ralph Friedgen is available, though I'm not sure he'd jump to another program this soon. Finally there is a guy like Mark Mangino. He helped turn Kansas around and made them a viable team for a few years. He seemed to be well liked by his players and I'm not sure what he is doing right now, but I think he would be a solid candidate for the job.
First and foremost, THANK GOD they got rid of this guy. I wasn't all that thrilled to begin with, but you just can't have a guy like this representing your university. From my understanding, he's being held without bond, until sometime today. If that is the case, I would think they have a substantial amount of evidence against him.

Anyway, I'm hearing that Tom Bradly would be considered, should he be interested. As much disdain as I have for Penn St., I wouldn't be too upset with this hire. Wanny is supposed to have a press conference today. I'd imagine he'll say whether or not he's going to coach in the bowl game.
From my understanding Haywood was too much of a disciplinary coach...:lmao:. I heard a lot of the coaches that were in consideration two weeks ago are out of it. Like if they weren't good enough the first time, they wouldn't be good enough the second go around. I will say this, people have been bringing up Marvin Lewis, and if he comes to Pitt, I will quit. He's just another monotonous, unmotivated version of Dave Wannstedt.

I don't want the same thing even though I loved Coach Wanny. A lot of bleacher reports are bringing up Rich Rod, and I'd be ecstatic. It would bring new meaning to the backyard brawl. You take one of our coaches we steal your prestigious coach from years past. Rod looks unmotivated in the Big Ten, especially Ann Arbor and that conference isn't getting any worse. He'd fit in. May take sometime, seeing as how we don't have the athletes to run his system, but I'm sure his Michigan recruits would follow him. Nordenberg did say Pitt would expand the coaching search.

Even though it would be a step down for Rodriguez, going from the Big House to little old Heinz Field. I believe Rich Rod would take pride in this job. It would be great, another name being thrown around is Graham. He is the Tulsa head football coach. To be honest, I don't care where they go. As long as they go and spend some cash for a good head football coach...
As a Michigan Fan....Pitt I'm begging you...pledding with you! Take Rich Rod!!!...Heck I'm sure there are enough Michigan Alumni to help you pay for him...and yes that would just make Backyard Rivalry amazing...heck i live in Indiana and i would tune into that game just to see the drama...but like i said Pitt has a good chance here...get a coach who can turn them around and maybe make this team the Power House of the Big East...cause lets be honest...Big East is up for grabs until 2012 when TCU comes in...but all seriousness Rich Rod fit the Big East...heck call Mike Leach...call Brady Hoke...Pitt needs to hit a home run here or else they will be stuck in Mediocre for sometime.
I keep hearing Tom Bradly is a shoe in. Jeffue, Dissaray, or LSN, can any of you guys confirm or deny this? As I said above, I really dislike Penn State, but of any of their coaches I suppose I like Bradly the most. Obviously, Marvin Lewis is no longer an option. I'd much rather have Bradly than Rich Rod. Not so much because I think he's a bad coach, but just because "F" him, he used to be at WVU. I guess at this point I'm going to hope Bradly gets it, rather than some no name.
Finally Pitt found a coach. He goes by the name of Todd Graham. He coached at Rice and had a successful tenure at Tulsa. He turned around a horrific Rice program. In his first year he got them to a bowl game and a 7-6 record. He then went onto Tulsa where he has had two, ten win seasons and a eleven win season. The guys a proven winner. He has a high octane offense. And it's something completely different than what coach Wanny ran. I do feel bad for the players though because they wanted Wannstedt. O well, they got a new coach, one who has had more than one successful season. Pitt ponied up the cash. And Pitt fans are still upset.

I say give me a proven coach over a coordinator who has been in Joe Pa's shadow for years. Graham now has to hit the recruiting trail. We only have 8 commits. They lost 11 after the Wanny and Haywood fiasco. I wish Graham well because if he doesn't get a full class it will set the team back and everyone will blame him. It wouldn't be his fault though, he got a late jump. More or less the AD's fault for being an incompetent moron.

I honestly can't wait for the 2011 Pitt football season. Hail to Pitt!!!!!
I posted this in the the sports bar, but it applies moreso to this thread.

There's been a few polls done by radio stations that say 85% of the Pittsburgh population wanted to see Tom Bradley. Not sure what to make of that. I wouldn't have been mad, but not overly excited either. I think Graham was a pretty good choice, certainly better than Mike freaking Haywood, and at least as good as Bradley would've been.
I had to find this thread and i believe creating another Pitt thread would have been stupid so I am going to use this.

Todd Graham turned this school into a respectable program in three weeks. He brought in high character recruits who could blossom on the football field. They aren't stars but they are players that fit his mold. Speed and explosive power ( whatever that is). He ended up with 18 recruits, most notably the signing of Woodland Hills Lafayette Pitts. Graham recruited running backs and secondary help because of his style of play. And because Pitt only had one scholarship runningback on roster.

Graham didn't go get a top 25 class but that's not his cup of tea. He prefers athleticism and players that can play multiple positions... Graham has a tremendous staff offensively, and I expect great things in years to come. Graham should be given a lot more credit because he turned shit into pretty much a pot of gold. He made this program respectable again... At least for now...

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