Pick Your Poison: Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy

Which Hardy do you like better?

  • Matt

  • Jeff

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Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Alright it's just like all the other Pick Your Poison threads, tell who you think is better

I prefer Jeff over Matt, I find Jeff to be more entertaining to watch in the ring, and like his look better, I know he's spotty as hell and not the best wrestler but I find the high risk spots he does add excitement to his matches, where as I really don't like Matt, I find him to be bland and boring to watch, he really doesn't do anything in the ring or with his promos that really gets me into him, when WWE fired him I really didn't miss him, and when Vince brought him back, I found it was a bit of a let down, so basically I think Jeff is the better Hardy, even if nobody else like him
I prefer Jeff too!!!! He has alot more charisma than Matt!!! Jeff entertains and puts on amazing matches. Matt techniqly is good but boring!!
It's close but I'd have to say I like Jeff more. He just has more personality than Matt does, at least it seems that way. Matt probably is the better techincal wrestler, but his biggest pops were when he was "outside" the WWE and once he was brought back in, it seemed like his crowd reaction quickly went the way of the dodo bird.
Matt is the better wrestler, Jeff is boring for me. He does high flying moves sure but some are so unnessery like his double leg drop between the legs. The only truely good match he has had in my opinion is when he has that ladder match vs the undertaker for the undisputed title. I dont like the way jeff moves around the ring and i think like other people have said he is a spot monkey. Jeff Hardy is a wannabe RVD, but RVD delievers so much more than what Jeff can in the ring. Also matt is a better mic worker than jeff.
I have to say Jeff. He is one of the few remaining high flyers that remain, and I really like that style. I think his look is pretty insane to, but the whole "rainbow warrior" thing needs to go... Like I said though every time he does a whisper in the wind or swanton I go damn... Why can't I do that X_X
I don't really care for either one but I gotta say Jeff as well. His high flying style I find more exciting than the regular Matt routine similar to Cena's. During each singles run Jeff has been the better Hardy, Neither one are special when it comes to singles wrestling but Matt gets boring after awhile, He is easily the better technical worker but he follows that same dull routine that gets boring. Jeff is a spot monkey but his spot monkey style isn't dull it's entertaining at times but either way both are average mid-card wrestlers, Neither one of them will make it to the big time.
yeah I agree defenitely Jeff over Matt. I know Matt is probably the better wrestler but I just dont care about him, when Jeff Hardy comes out im excited fror the match and because of that I much prefer Jeff do I like either not really but at least Jeff interests me
I have picked Matt and for several reasons, I find Jeff to be boring at times, i feel matt has been vastly underrated, he can put on a good match. yes jeff has more charisma and can do flips and all, but wrestling has a lot more to do than flips and multicolored hair. Matt can put on a good match and is the all around better wrestler. I find him entertaining and has less to work with on SD. Matt executes his moves pretty well and can sell the moves atleast IMO. Jeff just does flips and cant really wrestle and some of the moves he does he sort of hesitates and botches them, and i see that to be boring. I like Matt though because he can fly around the ring when he needs to and can wrestle with bigger people. So i chose Matt over Jeff because of Matt's in ring ability, and technical wrestling ability over Jeff's high flying.
I prefer Jeff, I can't think of another wrestler who is willing to put his body on the line more so than Jeff and I also can't think of ANYONE presently in WWE who puts on matches that are anywhere near as entertaining as Jeff's and it's been that way for a long time.
Personally I think he's kind of wasted on raw, I would have loved to see him go to ECW where he could have had the major push he deserves and that he's never gonna get on raw.
This is a very tricky question, because I like both a lot. Matt seems to be better in technical stuff, whereas Jeff does more spots. But these are the only wrestling related differences between the two. On other qualities the brothers go even. I do admire Matt a lot, but still I'd have to pick Jeff. 9 times out of 10 he entertains me in the ring. I like his look, entrance and the whole attitude.

Simply put, there's no one else like Jeff in WWE and I doubt we could find someone so unique from anywhere else either. This is why I pick Jeff. Anyone who manages to be different these days earns some credit. And besides, although Jeff ain't some Kurt Angle, there are definitely lot worse wrestlers in the roster. Does it really matter what he does or doesn't do in the ring? He has done something right, because the pops he gets are so unbelievable for a mid-carder.
Personally I think he's kind of wasted on raw, I would have loved to see him go to ECW where he could have had the major push he deserves and that he's never gonna get on raw.

Woah man. Brilliant point. How awesome would a Punk/Jeff Hardy feud be? The notion of that is the first time that I've been excited in a long time about the fact that there are three brands.

Jeff is preferred. Whenever you think TLC...you automatically think "Jeff Hardy." This guy can fly and do a lot of crazy stuff that made those matches arguably the best in the history of wrestling.
I prefer Matt over Jeff because he is the better worker and in my opinion can be a very entertaining guy when he is given the heel role like when he had the Mattitude team with Shannon Moore and Crash Holly. It was funny because he was the cruiserweight champion but had to be at least 30 pounds over the weight restriction :)

Jeff Hardy is alright and can be entertaining as well but he never says a word and it gets old seeing him get decimated by Umaga all the time.

Meanwhile Matt has the best storyline on Smackdown right now with his feud/teaming with MVP its hilarious!

I'm certainly glad they broke up the Hardy Boyz team because it got a little bland after awhile although they had some classic matches.
I picked Jeff over Matt simply because Matt's matches are boring. I know Jeff is a spot monkey, but he is way more interesting in the ring. Sure Matt is the better wrestler, but Jeff is the better entertainer. The only thing that keeps Matt alive are his feuds; his Edge feud was very entertaining, and his current feud with MVP is the best in the WWE right now. I love the idea of Jeff going to ECW as they are in need of fresh talent and Jeff doesn't have much left to do on RAW as a mid-carder.
How about I just choose the poison and put myself out of my own misery.

Well I'll play along. This answer is about as a no brainer as it comes. Matt Hardy by leaps and bounds is better then Jeff. Jeff has been nothing, and will be nothing more then a glorified spot monkey. His matches tell no story lines, and he incapable of impressing anyone in the ring unless it's a move done flying off of a ladder.

Matt Hardy has impressed me as of late. Sure, the mic skills are lacking, but he matches most guys in the ring move for move. He has a very good basic under standing of the business, and you can tell he's busted his ass to get a main event spot. All during Matt's time to get better, Jeff has been trying to figure out what color to dye his hair next week.
I chose Jeff. Matt is the better wrestler, but Jeff is so entertaining and his matches are way more exciting. I love Jeff styles and in-ring ability. He flys around the ring with ease.
I Have To Say I'm Thinking Matt Hardy Because His Style Is Closer To Mine When I Style It Out With My Friend. His Twist Of Fate Is Similar To My Finisher The Burial Grounds, A Suplex Twist Of Fate Kinda Cutter Type Thing. But Anyway Matt Stays Grounded Most Of The Time But He Still Pulls Out The Legdrop Or Occasionally A Moonsault.
I would definetly prefer Matt Hardy over Jeff Hardy. I think that Jeff Hardy is a very entertaining wrestler, but he is someone who is all style and no substance. At times he just flies through the air with seemingly no care for himself and for his opponent. While that can be entertaining, it is also quite dangerous and eventually Jeff is gonna crash and burn big time. I think that Matt Hardy is a more technically sound wrestler, some say he is more boring but in fact I find his matches quite entertaining, its like you never really know what to expect out of a Matt Hardy match. I think that Matt deserves some recognition in the wwe, and that very well could happen with a us title reign. I remember on raw that JR mentioned Jeff had been IC champ 4 times, and to my knowledge, Matt has never held the IC title or its equivalent the US title, so he is definitely deserving. Matt was also in desperate need in a feud that wouldn't a) bury him(ie his feud with Edge) or b) go absolutely nowhere(ie his feud with Helms), so it is good right now that they are feuding him with MVP. They are building this feud just right, not rushing it, creating increasing hostility between the two and at the same time having some comedy at their expenses. I actually think this is one of the better build ups for a feud that the wwe has done in quite a while, and I think that whenever they do have another match, it will steal whatever ppv they end up being on.
I like both Hardys but if i gotta pick, im goin with matt. mainly because hes a better mat preformer and has better mic skills then jeff. im kind of guessing here, considering they never even let jeff talk! that mcmahon skit was the first time ive seen him hold a mic in like 2 years, seriously, so he cant be that good. matt has stepped his game up since the big win streak push they gave him a few months back. hes payed his dues and deserves to get some singles gold around his waist, which im sure he soon will. meanwhile on raw jeff keeps screwing up and managing to get hired back because all the little kids and girls like the colors of his hair. jeff doesnt seem dedicated to the business like matt. it seems like jeff could quit today and not give it a second thought. matt acts like a true professional and you can tell he loves the business. V1 all the way!
I can honestly say that I find Jeff the better performer at this current time. Ever since Jeff came back into WWE, he has been looking in brilliant form. Matt has also been in fantastic form this year having some punishing matches with Finlay & other Smackdown-ians but Jeff has been a bright spark on a dark RAW this year.
I like them both but like jeff more because he always has more sucsess in matches and matt will get killed sometimes.also jeff takes more risk i think matt kinda lost the ''High Flyer'' nickname.And Jeff gives u something to look forward to when your watching him.
How the hell do so many of you find Jeff Hardy entertaining? Without a ladder in the ring, he is completely clueless on how to work a one-on-one match. He doesn't have a clue about psychology and storytelling. His moves never contribute to the flow of the match, they just seem so random and incoherent. He also frequently botches his moves, and he's as sloppy as hell. Matt Hardy is the better one of the two, but he isn't all that great either.
How the hell do so many of you find Jeff Hardy entertaining? Without a ladder in the ring, he is completely clueless on how to work a one-on-one match. He doesn't have a clue about psychology and storytelling. His moves never contribute to the flow of the match, they just seem so random and incoherent. He also frequently botches his moves, and he's as sloppy as hell. Matt Hardy is the better one of the two, but he isn't all that great either.

see I think we all defenitely agree that matt Hardy is better but its about preference most people prefer Jeff because his matches are more entertaining than a matt hardy match except his cage match with Edge but overall I prefer Jeff because Matt IMO is really boring
i also have to say jeff. look jeff will go to the turn buckle any time he can. who else does that, he also does all those weird moves like is front suplex that looks cool and when they are sitting in the corner he goes up the top and drop kicks them in like one second. it's just pure amazing. plus jeff would rather the better matches like ladder cage than matt who goes for the single or tag team matches.
Matt is better on the mic, better with mat wrestling, and has a much stronger dedication to the business than Jeff. Jeff is the better high flyer. Weighing these options out, Matt is of course the better wrestler, but like Freedom 35 said it's all about preference.

Lots of people prefer Jeff because he is "exciting" because of his high flyer style. Although since WWE cut down drastically on high flying moves, it helps to make Jeff stand out. Not to mention that Jeff's flamboyant look stands out a bit more and in this business, individuality is extremely important.

I do like both, but I very much prefer Matt for the reasons I stated earlier. People say Matt is boring but to me he is much more entertaining than Jeff.
I like watching both in the ring, and Jeff is my favorite wrestler, but I have to say Matt is better than Jeff. Matt has better mic skills, and the man's got such a passion for what he does that I can't help but respect that.

Jeremey, the pic for your sig is awesome

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