Pick 'em: The Intercontinental title


Championship Contender
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time?
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92 To me this is the greatest match of all time. Hard going against a classic like WM3, probably the 2nd best evEr.

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty: I consider the Rockers to have the better matches but Valentine and Santana was such a classic feud

Razor Ramon or Jeff Jarrett: Razors probably my pick for most underrated IC champ ever

Honkey Tonk Man or Chris Jericho Never been a big Honkey fan.

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit: I guess I just enjoy the old school feuds more

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93 Perfect was a better champion but it was pretty easy to figure out who was going to win. I liked the idea of the final two facing off the next week with Razor/Martel

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8 I absolutley hate picking against Summerslam 91 but WM8 just barley beats it out.

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday: Gotta give this one to KVE. He was a fill in for this match too

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001: Tough one but Ill go new school here.

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time?
Im going to pick Shawn Michaels. Shawn had so many classics with that title. I think Bret was one feud short of being picked here. I enjoyed Bret more in 92 then any other time, very very close 2nd. Honorable mentions are Ramon, Jericho, Perfect
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92 -

Love both matches but Summerslam was special as it was in England and it was our own Davey Boy Smith headlining and winning a belt in a brilliant match.

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty -

Tito vs Hammer was before my time and I'm not too familiar with it as they were kind of lower midcarders when I starting watching in 88 so I'm gonna pick The Rocker's feud. Awesome angle just wish the Royal Rumble match wasn't so average.

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett - Razor all the way, my favourite in the mid 90s. Never really liked Jarrett in my opinion a bit of an over achiever

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho - Jericho just better in every way and I like Honkey

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit - Can't decide. Benoit/Jericho for match quality, Warrior/Rude for childhood nostalgia

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93 - Razor's, the timing coming so soon after his face turn, was excellent.

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8 - Hitman and Perfect, Perfect had no in ring equal till Bret Hart came out of the tag team shadows to outmatch Mr.P

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday -

Tornado, I'm a brit and we didn't get any World Class over here so to me at 8 years old Kerry was just a new guy.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001 - Both good but Benoit and Jericho at the Rumble is one of my top matches of all time.

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time? - Razor Ramon, he made that belt what Cody Rhodes can only claim he will which is a damn near equal to the WWF/E championship.

He was higher level than title holders and contenders at the time like Taker, Yoko ,Luger, Diesel and god help us at the time Mabel! Him and Shawn in my eyes were the number 2 guys after Bret. I only didn't put HBK because of his World title reigns that Razor never had.
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92

Bret vs Bulldog mainly because it was a big push (Bulldog to IC champ and Bret to main event status) for both not to mention the crowd eruption when Bulldog won

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty

Santana vs. Valentine I really dont like either of these guys except for this classic feud they had

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett

Razor Ramon better wrestler, talker, champion for sure. One of the greatest to never hold the World Title

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho

Jericho. I love Honkey Tonk Man but Jericho is in a league of his own arguably one of the best wrestlers of all time

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit

Warrior vs Rude. Rude derailed the Warrior when he was unstoppable, not to mention putting a good match together with a guy who normally works 1 min squash matches is no small task

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93

Ramons because it was more unexpected. I remember thinking this was gonna be Martels chance to hold the title but Razor came out on top

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday

Texas Tornado winning the title as a fill in

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001

Jericho vs. Benoit RR 2001 is one of my favorite matches of all time, amazing physicality and psychology

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time?

Mr. Perfect no doubt gave that title the reputation as being the title the best WRESTLER held, not the guy who sold the most merchandise.
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92

As much as I wanna say Savage/Steamboat from what i have heard, I actually never saw the match, so I am going with Bret/Bulldog

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty

Like Craigthe13th said, Tito/Valentine was before my time, and I was just a baby during the Rockers feud, but watched more of that feud in the last few year, so I am also going with the Rockers feud

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett

Razor Ramon, he had more memorable feuds with the IC title than most of the others who held the title at the time

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho

I am gonna say HTM, the man had a huge reign with the title, and was a great worker, even tho I didnt see much of his work until recently, whereas Jericho, as much as his record reigns is impressive, he also lost the title that much, and to me, kinda de-values his reigns

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit

Y2J/Benoit, seeing I am more familiar with that feud than the Warrior/Rude one

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93

I am gonna say Mr Perfects seeing winning a tournament is more impressive than winning a battle royal imo

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8

Bret vs Perfect, seeing that their styles were similar

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday

At the time, Rock over HHH, but looking back, Texas Tornado over Perfect knowing how their careers have shaped

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001

I am gonna say Y2J and Benoit here too, this was at the climax of their feud and as much as I loved the HBK/Ramon feud, Y2J and Benoit i felt had more impact

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time?
This is tough...I have a top 3, and you can put them in any order, where all 3 men had memorable runs with the title, or had memorable feuds when holding the title:

1.)Honky Tonk Man
2.)Razor Ramon
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92
Great match here.

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty
Rockers put on some great matches.

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett
Ramon was my dads all time favorite. Have to respect that.

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho
The Greatest IC Champion... EVER!

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit
Not enough known about either.

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93
Not Enough known. Didn't watch either.

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8
Watched this recently. Good chemistry.

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday
I just say this because I don't know who the Texas Tornado is.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001
One of my favorite matches here. Me and my father watched it a while back and it was My fav. vs. His. Just good memories.

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time?
Chris Jericho. I say this because I watched each of his reigns. The other great ones i really didn't watch.
This makes me sad to read this thread, seeing how many epic feuds there has been for the IC title, and now nobody gives a crap about it. Some of the greatest/most memorable matches of all time have been for the IC title, and now the title is nothing but an afterthought. When's the last time Cody Rhodes actually defended it anyways?
My answers are going to be in bold, and I'll explain my picks.

Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92

I like both of these matches, but for me, I gotta go with the greatest match, in my opinion, in the history of Wrestlemania. These two guys put on a serious clinic.

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty

As much as I'm a HBK fan, from what I've heard, this feud was phenomenal

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett

For me, I grew up liking "The Bad Guy". He was everything you expected, when he was the IC Champ, or chasing the gold.

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho

The reason this choice is like this, is because it's a rough choice to make. The longest reigning IC Champ in history, or that man who's held it more than anybody?

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit

I grew up with this feud, and these two know how to tell a story in the squared circle. A fan of both their bodies of work.

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93

No hesitation about it, The Bad Guy was just fresh off a face turn, and I watched this, years later. Great win for Razor.

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8

I haven't watched either of these matches, so it wouldn't feel right to cast my vote/opinion on it

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday

I have the Rock's DVD, and this is one of the matches that is on it, and to think that a young up-and-comer, in Rocky Maivia, could beat a HHH. Just goes to show what management thought of The Rock back then, and the stardom he was going to achieve.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001

This is a tough one to chose, as I've watched each of these matches multiple times, however I will take Jericho vs. Benoit. My opinion, ONE OF the best Ladder Matches of all time.

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time?

For me, the choice comes down to two people: either Shawn or Razor, in my eyes, would be the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time. Both of these guys were amazing, either wearing that gold, or chasing it. and their rivalry is one of the best, when it comes to this belt. I'm surprised this one wasn't a choice for Best Feud.
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92

Randy vs Steamboat is probably in the top 5 matches ever not just IC title matches.

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty

HBK and Jenetty but it should have been better than it was, sadly Marty's injuries and issues prevented it from being so.

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett

Razor, I don't thnk Jarrett's wins or runs were all that memorable where as Razor's were.

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho

Honky's reign was so different as the belt didn't bounce around back then, but overall I'd have to go with Jericho as the better champ with better feuds and matches over the IC belt.

Feud:Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit

Warrior/Rude was molten, Rude was a much better heel than Benoit and Warrior was way more over than Jericho, I'd go as far as to say I prefer Rude vs Warrior from Summerslam 89 over any of the Benoit vs Jericho match.

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93

Perfect's tourny win, more variety.

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8

Both are great in their own right and very different types of matches, but Bret vs Mr Perfect from Summerslam 91 is one of my all time favourite matches.

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday

Rock over Triple H as he was still so green, where as Tornado had come in as a star to a certain degree.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001

Shawn vs Razor was so cleverly worked given the fact they had restrictions placed on them about how they could use the ladder.

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time?

I'd say it's between Bret, Shawn and Mr Perfect and I'll give the edge to Shawn as he was involved in more classic IC title matches.
This makes me sad to read this thread, seeing how many epic feuds there has been for the IC title, and now nobody gives a crap about it. Some of the greatest/most memorable matches of all time have been for the IC title, and now the title is nothing but an afterthought. When's the last time Cody Rhodes actually defended it anyways?
My lowest interest in wrestling came after they got rid of the IC title. It actually made me sad when it wasnt defended at WM for the first time (I think 19)

Mr. Perfect no doubt gave that title the reputation as being the title the best WRESTLER held, not the guy who sold the most merchandise.
The title was orginally the best workers title. From Patterson, to Pedro, to Valentine, and Tito. That seemed to get lost for a bit until Perfect picked it up. Kind of want to chane my answer to Mr Perfect now. What a great champion.
It used to be a title on par with the world title. Which also seemed to have more prestige.

Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92

Bulldog/Hart. Just for the overall and all around build. There was a lot more emotion to this than Savage/Steamboat, which was a good match, but there seemed to be a lot more on the line than just the title for Bulldog/Hart.

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty


Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett

Razor Ramon. Scott Hall under this character pulled off cocky better, and he just seemed to own being an intercontinental champion and even losing, seemed to own the character overall. Jeff Jarrett wasn't as memorable. He was more annoying than he was anything else, and at the time, I seriously wondered what he was doing there. Razor had more Epic matches overall as well

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho

I have to go with the honky tonk man here. He played the ultimate heel. More than just irritating you, you enjoyed hating him, and enjoyed hating him have the title even more.

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit

Tough call. Both of these were good. Jericho/Benoit brought out some of the best in one another in the ring, but Rude/Warrior was one of the most classic feuds in the WWE, and for anyone who saw it, remains so. Despite wanting to go with Jericho/Benoit (because despite things, I remain a fan of both bodies of work). I have to go with Warrior/Rude. At the time, it pushed the envelope.

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93

I actually like both of these characters, but have to go with Razor on this one.

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8

Hart Vs Piper for the same reason as Hart Vs Bulldog. Some matches just had some much emotion invested in them; and looking back, I can still remember portions of this one and the feud that led up to it very clearly. The two playing as friends fighting over a title and the emotion put into that angle, plus the payoff of the back and forth in the actual match was unbelievable.

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday

Not in the list, the 1-2-3 Kid over Razor, first match, probably biggest upset. Out of the two? I don't think anyone would consider Kerry Von Erich over Mr. Perfect a major upset. On the list? Rock Vs HHH.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001

As I said. I love Jericho/Benoit, but in comparison? Shawn/Razor have to take this one.

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time?

Razor Ramon. Though there would be others that would follow in on a close second. You'd have to have a list of who gave the title the most meaning, with reason's as to why.
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92

Both are fantastic but Hart v Bulldog is more special to me as im English

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty

Far more emotion in that feud than the other i feel.

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett

One of the best IC champions of all time.

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho

I was very young when HTM was the champion, maybe not of even been born, so i will pick Y2J

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude
Awesome feud. Was a massive Warrior fan and was heartbroken when Rude beat him for the title

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93

The way he beat Tito was perfect and set the tone for his character

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8

One of, if not the best IC title matches of all time.

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday

Never expected it in a million years, whereas i could see the other possibly happening.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001

Alongside Perfect v Bret at SS 91 for one of the best matches

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time?

Mr Perfect. He single handedly brought that belt up to mean almost as much as the World title
Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3 or
Bret Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92

Feud: Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine or
Shawn Michaels vs Marty Janetty

Razor Ramon or
Jeff Jarrett

Honkey Tonk Man or
Chris Jericho

Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit

Mr Perfects tournament win in 90 or
Razor Ramons battle royal win in 93

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect Summerslam 91 or
Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8

Bigger Upset:
Texas Tornado over Mr Perfect Summerslam 90 or
The Rock over Triple H Thursday RAW Thursday

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Summerslam 1995 or
Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 2001

Finally, who is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time?

1. i would go with the british bulldog vs hitman. to me this is the greatest match of all time. it was also an audition for brett to be the man and he took that ball and ran with it.

2. shawn vs janetty because it was the next step in creating the show stopper.

3.razor ramon. theres really no need for elaboration here.

4. jericho jericho jericho! to me this is the easiest one.

5. this is the hardest one because i loved the rude/warrior fued. but im gonna have to go with benoit/jericho because it was a clinic everytime they stepped in the ring.

6. mr perfects tournament win.

7.although i think brett vs perfect is the better technical match im gonna have to go with brett and roddy because those to just grabbed every emotion from you.

8. texas tornado over perfect

9. benoit vs jericho at RR 2001 was such an amazing match so this gets my pick.

10. as much of a huge brett hart fan i am and i want to say that hes the best IC champ of all time i would say its a toss up between mr perfect and razor ramon. to me they just embodied everything it means to be the IC champ

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