Pick A Match For The BFG Pre-Show


Lord And Master
Staff member

As announced on Impact Wrestling, a poll has been placed on their website to select one of 3 PPV bouts from earlier in the year. The winning match will then air during TNA's Bound For Glory Pre-Show on Spike TV. All 3 choices have a relation to one of the PPV's main events. The picks are:

* Jeff Hardy vs Bully Ray
[BFG Series Finals] No Surrender 2012

* Austin Aries vs Bobby Roode
[World Heavyweight Championship] Destination X 2012

* James Storm vs Bobby Roode
[Steel Cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship] Lockdown 2012

What would your choice be? And why?
I'd love to watch all of these. I think this is a great idea by TNA. I would go with Hardy vs. Bully Ray in the BFG Series Finals because it has the closest connection to BFG. It is the match that set the main event. It may not have been the best match out of the three, but it has a close connection to BFG.
Can my choice be a new match? I mean I can watch any of those matches by doing a simple computer search.

There are a lot of wrestlers not on the BFG card that could certainly put on a fun pre-show match. Why not stick Mr. Anderson out there with somebody since he's apparently still popular? That would seem to be a better idea than this.
Roode VS Aries easily.

Fantastic match with a surprise ending, and Aries winning the title is a great career-defining moment. Plus, Aries' title win has to rank high amongst other all-time memorable TNA moments.

Ray VS Hardy was good, but ending was a huge letdown for me, especially after Bully's flawless promo. Ray became one of the hottest heels in pro wrestling this year, but Hardy is the bigger draw, so he received the main event spot.

Good match, but I wouldn't put it on the same level as Areis/Roode.

Storm VS Roode at Lockdown was solid. Nothing memorable, but still, it was an enjoyable match. But the crowd was fucking abysmal (which is surprising, because Lockdown was in Tennessee), and they just sucked life out that match. Hopefully, the atmosphere for their street fight at Bound For Glory will be better.
Wow, neat idea. Well let's look at all three matches:

Ray vs Hardy IMO this match was really shitty, it dragged and dragged and it was just 5 finishers on each other.

Roode vs Aries I This is definitely the best standalone match, fanatstic showing from both! Easily MOTY candidate. I think this is an unforgettable match in TNA history and will be looked back on as a defining moment.

Roode vs Storm Great match but shit crowd. Now I think this should be the match shown because it directly connects to BFG. This is why Storm left for months and came back. The match they are having at BFG is finally Storm's payback! So I pick this match for sure!
I'd have to go with Roode vs. Aries. Aside from being an extremely good match, it had something of a surprise ending to it that resulted in ultimately the most memorable TNA moment of the summer.

Hardy vs. Ray was alright, but I was disappointed in Hardy winning. I understand why Hardy won and can't blame TNA for it, but I'd just personally prefer Ray right now. I've seen Hardy as a main eventer lots of times and, all in all, I'm not overly impressed.

Storm vs. Roode is a match that just kinda pissed me off. It had one of those fluke endings that plagued Roode throughout his run and made him look kind of weak.

If you want something of a high energy, meaningful match to watch prior to BFG to help to sort of get you in the mood, I'd go for Roode vs. Aries.
I'm going to have to go ahead and pick Roode/Storm. epic match up between 2 former partners. great build up. then an incredible finish with Storm super kicking Roode right out through the door onto the floor to give Roode the win because he hit the floor.

Hardy/Bully was OK. started out shitty because Hardy was injured. I think this one was too recent to be a classic yet.

Aries/Roode just doesn't do it for me. while a good story with the underdog winning, there was no history or real build up. Aries cashed in the X division title to get a world title match, that just happened that Rode was the then champion. there was no real history between the 2 for it to be that memorable.
I think this is a really good idea by TNA, and I would pick Roode vs Aries. It would kind of set the tone for the whole night showing us a portion of how the main event came to be. It was a great match with somewhat of a surprise ending, and a great moment in TNA.
I would have to go with Austin Aries VS Bobby Roode at Destination X for the World Championship as my choice. Aries needs to be promoted as the TNA World Champion as much as possible and a reminder of his awesome title win would benefit him greatly. While not quite the match I would have picked for the world title match at the biggest show of the year, it is what TNA decided to give us and it needs to be given the most attention for that reason. The Destination X match against Roode is where Aries won the world title he will be defending at Bound For Glory. He overcame the odds, so it would be great for either the fans who wish to re-live the moment or those who missed out on it last time.

Then there are our other two options. Bobby Roode VS James Storm at Lockdown 2012 in a Steel Cage match for the World Championship is the second best option. Storm and Roode have had one of the best feuds in recent years of TNA wrestling, but the main reason I would not pick that one is because neither of them are competing for the TNA World Championship. They will have an amazing video package for the match, I'm sure, and that will likely do it justice. Aries needs his world title win to be re-aired more than Storm/Roode need their Lockdown match revisited at this time.

Finally we have Jeff Hardy VS Bully Ray for the Bound For Glory series finals at No Surrender 2012. Hardy's Bound For Glory series win is nowhere near as important as Aries' title win in my opinion. Hardy would be over with or without his title shot. Yes, the Bound For Glory series is very important and promoting it is crucial for future prestige, however in this case I stand by my previous statement. Aries is the current World Champion and I believe he will retain at the PPV event. Revisiting his title win benefits everyone involved including Aries himself, TNA, the title, Bound For Glory, and the fans. That is the match they should show. In all honesty, they could show all three. If I had to pick one, that is the one I have chosen to support. Any option will work in the end but in order of priority I list it as: Aries' title win, Storm/Roode at Lockdown, Hardy's BFG win.

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