Pick a gimmick change


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
I thought this would be a fun thing to do. Do you have an idea for someone's character? Drop it in here. I've got two that I mentioned in the discussion thread.

1) Mr Baller.

Baller should have a stint with the harlem globetrotters...that can only result in hilarious shenanigans.

2) One of the cocky rich guys (halfd the roster)

Should lose all their money on the stocks and become homeless.
Doug Crashin - NASCAR fanatic. It writes itself.

Sam Smith should become a CAW. Every week he comes out in a dumber outfit with a more and more generic look and different shitty tribal tattoos each time. His moveset is exactly like Triple H, except he uses Randy Orton's taunts and JTG's entrance.
Doug should buy a NASCAR car and become a racer.
hmmm... That could be interesting. Then again I'd have to completely forgo my rich guy gimmick and the Crashin Movement sooo Not gonna happen..... Yet.....

Edit: That CAW gimmick should be like what Chikara does. May need to alter it a bit but it could really work.
Roots, Action Saxton style.

I could probably get an RP out of that, thanks FunKay. In return, I think you should become a germaphobe. Do it SCW-style - Wipe down the mat and ropes before every match, wear a facemask and rubber gloves while wrestling, spray disinfectant everywhere, forcibly wipe down a female interviewer's hands for not washing them after she went to the bathroom, that sort of thing.

Heat through the roof!
Encore should be called "the veteran" where he runs into people in WZCW's past such as ricky, vengeance etc and calls them rookies.
John Constantine should change his nickname to "The Death Sentence" and carry a giant axe everywhere.
Encore should be called "the veteran" where he runs into people in WZCW's past such as ricky, vengeance etc and calls them rookies.

As long as I don't end up with a gimmick resembling a guy who does snake like actions in the ring, in the latter parts of my career. :z:

I would like to see this.

The Agony: Learns how to keep his cool and becomes the biggest face in the company by singlehandedly destroying the STP, all while mainitaining that intelligent Jarvis side to him.
Stone Temple Pilots. Yes a musical cameo appearance from the band nobody gives a crap about. Scott Wieland and all will crumble at the hands of The Agony. DK has connections..]
Ty Burna should create a squad of male cheerleaders.

Barbosa and Showtime should form a tag team, called How Many People Can I See Today? Or Mental Disorders United.
to expand (lol) on that, toyota should lose a ton of weight but stil be treated as this huge sumo wrestler by the commentators and himself. He wil be baffled when his sumo moves prove ineffective.

Though that would be an ace gimmick (pun intended) what if he put his money to use and decided to be a lawyer to get a better caliber of women.
Doug Crashin should adopt a Charlie Sheen gimmick. It'd make him exponentially more dangerous.
I just got an idea for a great RP!!!

I already pulled out Charlie Sheen references for my RP. So don't bother.

Baez should fight Dr. Alhazred for possession of the Power Glove. After heel shenanigans, Baez wins the Glove and uses it's powers to don a green full body suit with a nifty gold vest and blade edged flute.
Well both of you gave me the direction. I tried repping you both again but it still won't work!!!

Killjoy, That has Kingdom Come IV writen all over it.

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