Phoenix Region, Vancouver Subregion: First Round: (10)Owen Hart vs. (23)Big Boss Man

Who Wins This Match

  • Owen Hart

  • Big Boss Man

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
The following contest is a first round match in the Phoenix Region.

This match takes place in the BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


#10 Owen Hart



#23 Big Boss Man


This contest is one fall with a 20 minute time limit. The match will take place in a 16 x 16 ring with no ramp leading to it. Any traditional managers for either competitor will be allowed at ringside.

As for voting, vote for who you think would win this match based on the criteria you choose. Some suggestions would be (not limited to): in ring ability, overall skill, their level of influence at the highest point in their career, ability to connect with the crowd, experience in major matches or simply personal preference etc.

The most votes in the voting period wins and in the case of a tie, the most written votes wins. There is one written vote per user, meaning if a poster make ten posts saying Bret should win that will count as a single vote. In the event of a second tie, both men are ELIMINATED, no questions asked. Only winners advance.

Voting is open for four days and all posts must be non-spam.​
Owen Hart in Canada would definitely have the "hometown" shtick behind him. Big Boss Man, even in his best years, struggled against high fliers. Can't see him doing too much against the Two-Time Slammy Award winner.

Owen by Sharpshooter
Boss man was a tough guy but he did seem to struggle against the high flyers and i think that would be the case here. I know we didn't get to see how far Owen would have gone due to his tragic accident, but from what we did get to see he was very good in the ring and would have the boss man in the sharpshooter for the win.
Owen Hart, because it's being contested in Canada. He's a child of the legendary Hart family, trained in the Dungeon, technically sound like his bro Bret, Boss Man might be tough, but will squeal to the Sharpshooter.

My vote: The King of Harts.
There's not a way Big Boss Man wins this.

He's a very tough wrestler, and has power. His brawling style would give Hart some trouble but nothing he couldn't handle. Hart had a very wear and tear style to get you ready for one of his multiple signatures. Whether he wanted to do it with a piledriver or lock in a sharpshooter and make Big Bossman tap, Hart would put the pain on Boss until the finish.

Also the match being in Canada does not help. Bossman hasn't a chance.
Owen Hart has the home crowd on his side and is also technically gifted in the ring.

Big Boss Mans biggest claims to fame are Kennel to Hell and losing to Undertaker at Wrestlemania compared to Hart? Not a chance.
Owen Hart wins this match against any incarnation of Ray Trailer, Big Boss Man, Big Bubba, No Big Just Bubba, or any other gimmick the guy used.

Boss Man was pretty freakin' agile for a big man, but in a tournament type of setting, it is borderline disgraceful for Owen to lose to The Big Boss Man in the first round.
No contest for me in this one.

Owen Hart is better than Boss Man on every level, and had he not suffered his tragic death who knows how far Owen could have gone?

In front of his hometown crowd, the combination of Owen's technical prowess and high-flying ability would have proven too much for the Boss Man and he is pinned after a piledriver from the King Of Harts.

Bret is looking proudly on at ringside with Stu, Bruce and the rest of the Hart clan, as the baby brother advances to the next round.
Owen Hart takes this match and probably takes it pretty easily. As long as Owen avoided the Boss Man Slam, he'd come out of this with the win. Owen was a far superior athlete and overall wrestler than Boss Man could've ever hoped to be.

If Owen didn't win it through outright submission, his superior conditioning would just ultimately wear Boss Man out. Owen wins it here in about 10 minutes at the very most.
Owen got a good draw in this round. He is better than the Bossman in every way. Although Bossman was a powerful, popular babyface and an intimidating heel, did he give Bret Hart a run for his money in the prime of his WWE championship reign? Did he DEFEAT Bret Hart? Was he trained in the Hart dungeon? Was he a multi-time tag champion with different partners? Could he talk like Owen Hart? Could he entertain like only Owen could?

Owen Hart destroys Bossman here.
Wow I thought about this one a lot more than everyone else did. I actually thought this was a tough choice. Big Boss Man was pretty good in his prime. He was always in the upper mid card or main event. He had some tough battles with Hulk Hogan and Dusty Rhodes. When he turned face he dropped nearly 100 pounds and actually added some quickness and agility to his powerhouse style. I wasn't so easily convinced the Owen Hart of 1994 would beat the Big Boss Man of 1990. In the end I voted Owen but I didn't think it was the cake walk you guys are making it out to be.
Owen Hart comes in at number 2 on the list of overrated dead guys, just behind Eddie Guerrero. Regardless he would still be able to take out Bossman. I always liked Bossman but he never achieved any type of great success in the WWF. He had a couple nice runs, one in the early 90s and one in the late 90s but nothing that Owen couldn't beat. This is by no means a dominant win or a squash because Owen never dominated anyone, but after a competitive match Owen gets the victory.
Owen Hart was a great worker inside the ring and was bred by one of the most reputable families wrestling has to offer. He was technically sound and he is honestly superior to Big Boss Man in every attribute besides power. Hometown advantage to go along with this and it is a landslide result.
Owen Hart in a landslide. Not even close. Too bad this is a non-spam section, because this one hardly requires any elaboration. Hart is better than the late Boss Man in every way imaginable. Plus this match happens in Canada, tipping the scales even more in Hart's favor.

I think if Owen's tragic accident had not occurred, he would have had a long career in the main event. Too bad he never had the opportunity to show the world just how good he was.
Big Boss Man was very popular at one point in his career, I'd almost say more than Owen Hart was at any point in his career (but I wouldn't say that with 100% confidence)

But this is not a popularity contest, and I don't think that there would be anyway that Owen Hart doesn't advance here.

Owen has too much going for him against the Boss Man, he has accomplished much more in his career, has the better training, and has a style that would be able to overwhelm Boss Man's power. In this case, he also has the hometown advantage.
The Big Boss Man is probably the only wrestler to be a part of three wrestling booms ever - Hulkamania, Attitude and nWo-WCW. However, he was never a big winner in any of those periods and was more often than not, just a midcard guy making up the numbers. What is important to note though is that Owen Hart was not the world beater portrayed here, and in actuality he will do far better in this tournament than his career should allow for.

That being said, for six months in 1994 he was a hot commodity, and at times during that six months he was a bigger star than Big Boss Man was at any point in his. For that reason, I've voted for him, but it should be much, much closer than people are suggesting.
Owen is really a wrestler with a moveset that can apply to the smallest of wrestlers to the biggest. There is nothing he didn't see in his time wrestling, he wrestled Japanese wrestling icons such as Hiroshi Hase but before you knew it he was in WWF, teaming with the British Bulldog and feuding with his brother who was rapidly getting more fans by the second. He really made that Hart versus Hart feud work so well and maybe his mic skills weren't up to par to some of the kids in wrestling today but he could still hold his own and it isn't hard against Big Bossman. I never felt like he ever had much charisma and Own Hart is still known by many Canadians and wrestling fans alike, and if he wouldn't have passed away so early, Owen could have been just as popular as his brother. But anyways, Bossman has mostly be forgotten about and you know why? The only titles he won was a Hardcore title that changed hands sometimes more than twice in one show and a tag title with Ken Shamrock, can we guess who did the grunt of the work? And let's look at some of his awards, shall we?

  • 1. Worst Feud Of The Year (1996) w/ John Tenta
    2. Worst Feud Of The Year (1999) w/ Big Show
    3. Worst Worked Match Of The Year (1999) w/ Al Snow

Bossman is not doing himself any favors with those awards following him around and when you consider the fact that Owen has beaten fricking Yokozuna and almost a very prime Diesel, so even though nobody will even try most likely, there is absolutely no point in defending Big Bossman and the few who voted for him, well, I'd love to actually hear your non substantial reasoning.
All round technical expertise would overcome Traylor's straight ahead style. Back and forth until Bossman tweaks a knee attempting a big boot. With a dodgy vertical base, it's only a matter of time until 'The King of Harts' gets him off his feet and locks in the Sharpshooter. Owen by submission.
Bossman is a proud product of "gimmicked Wrestlers who got over." The guy was never really good at much of anything, but wore his fake Police uniform with pride and probably thought from time to time he was a legit Cop.

Owen on the other hand was a guy who didn't become hugely popular and famous until he took an 80 ft free fall into a ring, which cut short what could've been a still amazing career. (Although, considering he was going back to the Blue Blazer gimmick, it didn't look like it.) Still, Owen wins my heart and my vote - not just because he's dead (hey, Bossman's dead too, right?) but because he was always over-shadowed and people want to ONLY believe he has been remembered because of his death, instead of what he actually did in the ring.

Yeah, I'll remember Owen for falling.. but I'll continue to remember him more for being the guy who defeated his older brother in the Opening match at a milemarker Mania.
Owen on the other hand was a guy who didn't become hugely popular and famous until he took an 80 ft free fall into a ring, which cut short what could've been a still amazing career. (Although, considering he was going back to the Blue Blazer gimmick, it didn't look like it.)

Just so you know, even though they were rehashing that gimmick, it was a storyline similar to that of "Mr. America" with Hulk Hogan; they wanted the audience to know it was Owen behind the mask and yet use the over-the-top gimmick to create waves with the audience. He was still using his Owen persona... they were just poking fun with the Blue Blazer gimmick.

But thanks for voting for him, anyway ;)
But thanks for voting for him, anyway ;)

Make no mistake, Owen (to me) was one of the few dead Wrestlers who had a ton of my respect and attention before his death. I loved watching him, and always thought his feud with Bret truly helped Bret to take a lot of the pressure off the fact that Bret was drowning the Company in the wake of Hogan leaving.

Owen truly wasn't given any just push beyond 1994, and when you consider Bob f'n Backlund won the Championship (albeit for only a week or so) they should've let Owen take the title instead. Owen deserved the small title run way more than an aged Backlund.

Once the crap hit the fan with Bret leaving for WCW, and even though Vince played a bigger role in Bret actually going to WCW than some would know - I still think Owen was crapped on because of it, by way of never letting him get a legit shot at Main Eventing or being a worthy challenger. They fed him to Shawn Michaels and Triple H, and even others.. letting him put them over each and every time.

Finally, the deal with the Blazer returning - I can understand he was still viewed as Owen, and they wanted to let the crowd know he was that gimmick a long time ago - the fact is, replaying that gimmick was not doing him any favors in pushing him as any type of force against the (then) Main Event crew of Austin, Taker, and Rock.

Owen deserved more because he had all the tools to deliver. He was merely being held down because he was wasting out his contract and biding his time until he could leave to go join the rest of his Family else-where.

So, yeah. My vote for Owen was because I was, and will always be, a die-hard Owen Hart fan.

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