Phenoms Of Wrestling 2

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Lord And Master
Staff member








And now, WZCW is proud to present:




Stacey Madison:We welcome you live! 12,000 strong present for WZCW's return to the continental U.S.! This is the Phenoms Of Wrestling! Stacey Madison alongside Backstage Bob at ringside.

Yep. Big main event tonight as the new World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Tastic has issued a challenge to Lexi Hayes. The rest of the show is a total mystery however.

Madison: Well lets get to it!


Madison: Ugh, my buzz died in a heartbeat. I thought we fired this guy like years ago.

Bob: We just can’t seem to escape his mediocrity.

Darren Bull walks down the ramp to crickets before entering the ring to grab a mic.

Bull: I’m-


Alhazred’s music cuts Bull off before he can even say a word. The Mad scientist struts down the ramp, enters the ring, and immediately kicks Darren straight in the nuts!

Madison: Never thought I’d be so glad to see Alhazred

The crowd cheers as the jobber falls to the ground clutching his jewels and sobbing Alhazred picks up the mic.

Alhazred: Now I’m sure we’re all very relieved to not have to hear Darren utter a single phrase but this is not the time to celebrate! I’m here because I have unfinished business with that alien freak Krypto! I know he was here last time and I’m willing to bet he’s still here in now. So get out here you little green dwarf!


Madison: This is really just turning into jobber city

Bob: Certainly a blast from the not so interesting past.

Former WZCW superstar Joe West appears on stage microphone in hand but just like Darren Bull he receives no reaction.

West: In case you forgot, I’m the Doctor of Disrespect: Joe West!

Alhazred: Who?

West: The greatest WZCW rookie of all time? West Airlines? I beat Darren Bull? Is none of this ringing a bell to anyone?!

Alhazred: Everybody has beaten him, now what the hell do you want?

West shakes his head and continues talking while entering the ring.

West: Well you see you’re not the only one that has unfinished business with Krypto and if you want a piece of him you’ll have to wait in line-

Joe is interrupted as Alhazred smashes him over the head with the microphone! West falls back into the turnbuckle and Alhazred does not let him as he continues stomping him!

Bob: Alhazred wanted Krypto but he’ll seemingly settle for anyone!

As the mad scientist continues his assault Darren Bull makes it back to his feet and clubs Alhazred from behind! The momentary distraction leads to West making it to his feet and the two begin to stomp Alhazred into the ground!

Bob: A Kings of Hate reunion?!

Madison: The Worst WZCW tag team of all time destroying a former champion and a veteran, oh the irony.


The crowd erupts as the Mechanical Maniac known as S.H.I.T. sprints down the ramp much to the surprise of the Kings. As the robot enters the ring Bull charges towards him but runs right into a roundhouse kick that sends him rolling under the ropes to the outside! West contemplates attacking but instead attempts to flee only to be caught with a hurricanrana by a recuperated Alhazred!

Bob: S.H.I.T. making his Phenoms of Wrestling debut seemingly to save his former master.

Madison: But why? These two have literally beaten the S.H.I.T. out of each other!

The Kings attempts to make it up the ramp to escape but are stopped midway by Matt Tastic and a referee. The newly crowned World Champion motions for the jobbers to head back to ring and instructs the referee to follow them.

Bob: By the looks of it we’ve got a match on our hands.

The Kings plead not be forced back in but it does them no good as S.H.I.T. does a suicide dive through the second rope knocking them out! The robot gorilla press’s Bull back over the second rope as the bell rings.

Madison: This should be a very unfortunate affair.

Alhazred begins to furiously smash away at Bull’s face with his fists. He then hits repeated fist drops before picking him up and giving him knife edge chops with his power glove. He Irish whips Bull off the ropes but Darren counters and Alhazred goes flying. As he bounces off the other side of the ring West grabs his leg as a distraction. This allows Bull to hit a spinning heel kick! He tags in West and two hit a double superplex! West goes for the cover 1…2…Alhazred kicks out!

Bob: West and Bull seemingly on the same page after all these years.

Madison: To think if they have put in that kind of effort years ago they might have won a match as a team.

West gets up and begins taunting Alhazred by dragging his boot across his face. He then walks toward S.H.I.T. and nails him with a slap! It however has little to no effect on the robot but the hard mechanical steel actually causes West to whimper in pain! Alhazred takes advantage of the distraction and goes for the rollup! 1…2….Bull breaks it up! Joe then goes for a clothesline but Alhazred ducks and Bull gets planted by his own partner! Alhazred then springs off the ropes and hits a springboard clothesline of his own!

Madison: Miscommunication: The Kings of Hate’s biggest enemy.

S.H.I.T signals that he wants the tag but Alhazred shakes his head no. He revs up the Power Glove looking to hit Level 5 but just before he can S.H.I.T. tags himself in! He sprints over to West and immediately hits the Piston Chop practically knocking him out cold! Bull attempts to save his partner but Alhazred stops him with the Level 5 spinning back fist! S.H.I.T locks in the Industrial Strength Vice and West immediately taps out!

Announcer: And here are you winner: S.H.I.T. and Dr. Alhazred!

The match ending doesn’t stop S.H.I.T. at all as he continues cranking back on West’s arm. The ref pleads with him to stop but his robot strength is too much. S.H.I.T. is almost trying to show Alhazred how it’s done as he continues to cause nothing but pain towards West. Eventually he goes so far back he breaks Joe’s arm! Not one to be outdone by his former mechanical ally the Doctor heads outside the ring and brings in steel steps that he bashes across Darren’s face! He then picks him up and hits a White Van Driver on the steel steps busting him wide open!

Madison: I hate The Kings as much as anyone but this is becoming unsettling…

Bob: Well Alhazred came here looking for Krypto but was met by not only the Kings but his former ally turned enemy S.H.I.T. The question is why did he help him and why are the two almost competing to cause more destruction?

Bull lays bloodied and unconscious with West flailing and crying clutching his arm Alhazred and S.H.I.T. stare each other down. Eventually the mechanical monster leaves the ring and heads up the ramp with its cybernetic eyes still locked with Alhazred.


Backstage we see World Champion, Matt Tastic strutting to the beat of the Beegee's "Stayin' Alive". He spins and stops right next to Leon Kensworth.

Matt: Ohhhh mercy! What's up, Kenny boy?

Kensworth: Wow, it's weird to see you of all people holding that thing.

Matt: The world title?

Kensworth: No, a cassette player. Seriously, I thought you'd be the "rip to MP3" type. But either way, you have a match tonight with Lexi Hayes. Why Lexi Hayes?

Matt: Why, Kenny? Why? I'll tell you why. Boobs.

Kensworth: Boobs?

Matt: That's right, Ken. Boobs. See, since I won the World title the big wigs keep saying I am missing things to seem like a legit champion. So I think to myself, "Myself, what am I missing that others have?" I have the toughness. I have the moveset. I have the charisma. At least that's what I hear. What am I missing? So I looked in the mirror.

Ken: Annnnd....

Matt: I realized I'm missing in the bust department. I need good ol' size D's.

Kensworth: I don't think that's what-

Matt: I mean what else could it be, Kenny? Make-up? Come on. We all know the only person that wears make up in this company is Blade on weekends after midnight.


Matt: For charity of course. But seriously, Lexi went in to Lethal Lottery and showed great passion. She also tried tossing my ass out after teasing me. But I see potential. So I just wanted to give her the stage to show it on. And to totally get revenge for her throwing me out and then Mortlock pulling me like a damn toy. Girl, tonight I Deliver Kickassery. Care for a taste?

Bob: The heck?

Stacey: It's the Hall Of Famer! To what do we thank this appearance?

The Pinnacle Of Perfection appears on stage in a fancy suit befitting of the sole WZCW Hall Of Famer. He struts down to the ring saluting his fans with a mic at hand. He enters the ring.

Man, what a rush every time I step through those ropes? How's Miami doing?!

*Everest! Everest! Everest! Everest! Everest! Everest*

Everest: Good, I take it. That's wonderful. Always glad to hear that. Anyway, I came here tonight for two things. #1, to say that it is getting quite boring being alone in the Hall Of Fame. So, management..... Hint hint. Reason #2 is that to entertain myself, I want to come out and do commentary.

Bob: Wait a minute.

Bob exits the broadcast booth and comically "Powerwalks" into the ring and instantly wags his finger at Everest.

Bob: I know exactly whats going on here. You're jealous. You're jealous just like all the lousy Miami Heat fans here tonight of me. Because I get to sit next to the absolutely gorgeous Stacey Madison and you don't. Well sorry, buddy. But she's MINE.


Stacey: For the record, I am single and if I wanted a man, it certainly wouldn't be Bob. Who doesn't qualify as a man in over 20 different countries or the U.S. military.

Everest nods "approvingly" of Bob's words. But simply kicks him and hits The Rock Slide! The crowd goes ballistic as Everest walks to the announce booth with Stacey clapping.

You have no idea how thankful I am to you right now, Everest.

I can see why Bob was so defensive now.

Stacey: NOW?!

Everest: Anyway, back to the action.

Anderson: Introducing first, from the ashes of Bridge to Salvation Church in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing in at 238 pounds, MASON – WESTHOFF!

Madison: Mason Westhoff does not look happy to be here despite winning against Aquarius back in Mexico. Who can blame him? Even I’m not happy to be here. But oh well.

Everest: Well, that’s the business Stacy. Sometimes you gotta do things you don’t want to do.

A spotlight follows Mason Westhoff as he makes his way down the ramp slowly. Clad in his priest vestments, Westhoff has no patience to be here right now. He looks out to the crowd before entering through the second rope. It looks like everyone and their mother came to boo Westhoff as the boo birds are loud as ever.


Gino Galucci (GEE-NO GA-LUCHI)
Height: 6'2
Weight: 218 pounds

Anderson: Next, from Rome, Italy, weighing in at 210 pounds, GINO – GALUCCI! (pronounced as GEE-NO GA-LUCHI)

Madison: Oh no. Who’s this weirdo? You see why I don’t want to be here Everest? Freaks. Freaks everywhere.

Everest: Never judge a book by it’s over Stacy. Something tells me that this kid is gonna show us something different here. I’m very enthused by this Galucci character.

Galucci appears from behind the curtains with a box of pizza on his left hand. He pulls his fingers together to form an eye-catcher before kissing them open as if saying 'this is the best pizza' ever. He stands on the stage for a good moment taking in the reaction from the crowd before making his way down the ring. He slaps hands with the crowd with his free hand before choosing one lucky fan to give the pizza to. The Italian is finally right in front of the announce desk where he places the box of pizza right in front of the Hall of Famer, Everest and Stacy Madison. He gets into the ring and does a little dance before taking a corner to jump in place.


Referee Keith Morse calls for the bell to be rung signaling the beginning of this match. With his chef’s hat still on, Galucci bows and slowly takes it off for the fanfare. Looking to waste no time, Westhoff goes to clobber Galucci. As if he saw this coming, Galucci does side-steps Westhoff and wags his finger at him which gets a pop from the crowd. A wide grin is visible on the pizza chef’s face who continues to play to the Miami crowd when he throws his chef’s hat into the audience. Westhoff goes for a clothesline on Galucci yet again but Galucci ducks underneath it. On the rebound from the ropes, Galucci grasps onto Westhoff’s arm and throws him over for a hip toss! As soon as the maneuver lands, Galucci jumps up for joy as if it’s the first time he’s ever landed a wrestling move in his life. He rolls under the bottom rope and takes a lap around the ring, slapping hands with people in the front row. Galucci stops right in front of the announce table and asks Everest, the Hall of Famer for his headset. Everest looks hesitant at first but obliges and gives his headset to Galucci. “Yes-ah! Did you see-ah ‘dat ladies and the gentlemens?” Galucci grabs a chair and places it right between Everest and Madison garnering a chuckle from the Miami crowd. Before he takes a seat, he pats the pizza box that he placed on the announce desk before the match started. Stacy Madison, with disgust clearly on her face, looks at Galucci in a menacing who proceeds to have a conversation with Stacy anyway. "Ah yes, Stacy-ah Madison. How lovely you are looking right now.” The cameras get a shot of Westhoff in the ring and he is furious. He shouts abuse over at Galucci who simply pouts at Westhoff’s direction. The pizza chef welcomes Backstage Bob back into his seat, placing his headset on Bob for him. With a hilarious-looking angry look on his face, Galucci marches back into the ring.

Madison: When people said Gino Galucci was friendly, they didn’t say he was that friendly. A little warning next time huh? You guys sure do know where to find the weirdos in the world.

Everest: He’s quite a character. I’m sure the WZCW universe will take a liking to him.

As soon as Galucci steps through the ropes, Westhoff meets him and goes on to clobber Galucci on his back. The Italian falls to the floor and is met with boots from Westhoff. Clearly irritated from earlier, Westhoff takes his aggression out on Galucci. He gets the chef back to his feet before whipping him across the ropes. On the rebound, Westhoff connects with a snap powerslam! He shoots the half for the first cover of the match – One..Two..Thr-NO! Galucci gets his shoulder up.

Not wasting any time, Westhoff pulls Galucci up by his hair and again Irish Whips him into the ropes. On the rebound, Westhoff gives Galucci a taste of his own medicine and lands a hip toss of his own. The impact is so hard that Galucci sits back up from the hip toss. Almost immediately, Westhoff bounces off the ropes and connects with a basement dropkick right on the kisser! He hooks both legs for the cover – One..Two..Kickout! The pizza chef just powers out.

Bob: Oh boy, Galucci is in trouble now. Westhoff didn’t take too kindly at his antics earlier.

Madison: Westhoff sure is a grouch isn’t he? He needs to lighten up a little bit. Either way, the spicy Italian is in trouble here.

Westhoff begins arguing with Morse about a possible slow count but Morse stands firm in his decision. Seeing as his argument had no merit, Westhoff walks towards Galucci. Seemingly finding his feet, Galucci struggles as he tries using Westhoff to lift himself up. Westhoff grabs Galucci by the arm and gets him up. He holds onto his arm and pulls the Italian in only to floor Galucci with a clothesline. A grin appears on Westhoff’s face which the cameras pick up. The American Airlines Arena begins booing Westhoff who pays no mind to it. The boos get even louder when Westhoff begins scaling the top rope. Slowly but surely, Galucci finds footing and turns around, but it again floored by Westhoff as he connects with a diving clothesline! The force behind the clothesline forces the Italian to the mat yet again. Galucci rolls right to the middle of the ring and Westhoff notices this. Seeing that Galucci is in perfect position, Westhoff bolts towards the ropes. On the rebound he goes for a running Senton Back Splash but Galucci rolls away right in the nick of time!

Madison: There it is Bob! Galucci may have just found the opening he needed to get right back into this match. After being dominated almost the entire match, Galucci can finally mount a comeback!

Bob: You’re not wrong Stacy. But if he’s gonna make a move, he’s gotta make it right now.

With both men on the mat, referee Keith Morse begins his count. ONE...TWO...THREE...Both men are finally reeling looking to get to their feet. FOUR...FIVE...Galucci is in the corner and uses the ropes to get to his feet. SIX...Using the ropes, Galucci is finally on his feet! Seconds later, Westhoff is on his feet as well. He realizes where Galucci is and runs towards him! He goes for a boot but Galucci again uses his wits to dodge the boot. With the missed boot, Westhoff crumbles to the floor. The Italian uses this time to get a breather but soon after that, he makes his way out to the ring apron. Holding the top rope with both hands, he patiently awaits the religious sect leader to get to his feet.

Westhoff finally finds his feet and turns around to look for Galucci. However, as soon as Westhoff turns around, Galucci springs himself on the ropes, lifts off from there, and lands a springboard dropkick! The audience roars in approval at the comeback of the pizza chef. Galucci begins clapping his hands together getting the crowd into the match. He bounces off the ropes, rolls through, and performs a flip, landing a senton on Westhoff! WZCW’s resident pizza man goes for his first pin attempt of the match – One..Two..Thr-Kickout! A groan from the Miami crowd is heard after the kickout by Westhoff.

Galucci is quickly back to his feet and sees that Westhoff needs time to recuperate. Instead of going after Westhoff, Galucci exits the ring and walks towards the announce desk. He approaches the pizza box that he placed there before the match began. He lifts the box up and there it is, the pizza. The three cheese-layered, pepperoni, with Italian sausage pizza, sprinkled with olives, belle pepper, the fix-ins. The aroma from the box is caught by the camera and seen on the titantron, garnering a positive reaction from the Miami crowd. Galucci takes a piece of pizza and brings it with him. He gets up on the apron once more and waits for Westhoff to get to his feet. Referee Keith Morse has no idea what’s going on, not even warning Galucci not to use the pizza as a weapon. Westhoff slowly gets to his feet and turns around. Galucci takes a quick bite of the pizza and jumps on the top rope. He flies in the air with that hot pizza in hand and uses that exact same hand to land a forearm smash right on Westhoff’s face! Westhoff is seen holding onto his face possibly suffering from the burn of the pizza. Laughs are heard around the arena much to the delight of Galucci who again takes a bite out of the pizza.

Everest: Wow! Galucci just clobbered Westhoff with that piece of pizza! I’m sure he won’t mind right? That box of pizza looks so good. And well, it is dinner time, I’m taking a piece.

Madison: As much as it pains me to say it, you’re right Everest. It does look delicious, grab one for me.

Both announcers begin munching on the pizza Galucci brought to their announce desk. Meanwhile, Galucci takes his half-eaten pizza and throws it into the sea of fans where surprisingly, a bunch of people actually go and try to grab it. After wiping his hands on his trunks, Galucci gets down to business. He helps Westhoff to his feet and kicks him in the abdomen area! He puts Westhoff between his legs before raising a hand to the sea of fans who are roaring in approval for the Italian. Galucci lifts Westhoff in a powerbomb position, throws him forward, and lands double knees right to Westhoff’s gut! The crowd is heard groaning after witnessing Galucci’s finisher which he calls DFD (aka DAT FINISHER DOUGH :p). The pizza chef hooks the inside leg, is this the end? One…Two…Three! It’s all over!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Gino Galucci!

Galucci holds the back of his head before referee Keith Morse approaches and raises his hand in victory. A huge smile is etched on the face of Galucci who begins scaling the top rope applauding the fans as well. He takes in the admiration and applause from the crowd as he waves to them. The Italian leaves the ring and goes for his pizza box. He sees that there’s one piece of pizza left as his eyes go wide. He looks at Everest and Madison who are clearly guilty. His expression changes to one of happiness though as he takes the last piece of pizza and raises it for all to see. The crowd gives him another pop before Galucci munches on the pizza in hand.

Everest: What a showing from the pizza chef from Italy. He came, he conquered, he pizza’d Mason Westhoff. But more importantly, he came out with a win.

Madison: That’s right Everest. Even though Gino is one of the biggest oddballs to ever grace the WZCW ring, he showed us a lot here. I’ll give him credit where credit is due. Congrats to him.
Everest: Welcome back everyone! It's been a fun thus far and honestly, I'm enjoying myself on commentary. Who knew I'd be good at this as I am with wrestling! Maybe someday I'll be the best at interviewing too!

Madison: Hey! I'm right here, you know!

We switch back to the ring where Selena is standing with a smile and a microphone.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Profile Link

Trixie Lulamoon walks out on stage with a smug looking on her face as she shows off her wand.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Cant-

As Selena attempts to continue the introductions but Trixie waves her wave around and the microphone Anderson one had now appears in Trixie's hands. Anderson doesn't look all that happy as Trixie smirks, ignoring the booing crowd and walks down the ramp.

Trixie: Sorry darling but that brutally ugly voice simply won't be adequate to introduce the greatest and most powerful magician to ever exist; Trixie Lulamoon!

The crowd continues booing at Trixie's cockiness as she enters the ring.

Trixie: But my bone that I'm picking isn't with you, Selena. It's about the one and only match that I've competed in a WZCW ring where I suffered the loss. Tonight, I plan to avenge that horrid tragedy where I will defeat my opponent in a wrestling duel using my impressive magic skills! So, to my opponent who thinks they can beat the Great & Powerful Trixie, step forth and meet your maker!

She goes to use her wand once more to put the microphone back in Selena's hands but decides to toss it at her instead, causing her to fumble while catching it. Trixie laughs in the ring as she awaits her opponent.

Madison: I like her style! Reminds me of myself.

Everest: No wonder I'm not impressed.


The boos turn into cheers as Pinkie Pie explodes out onto the stage, super excited to see everyone as she stares out into the crowd covered in hot pink lighting. She runs towards the front row and hugs everyone she meets.

Anderson: And her opponent, from Ponyville, Equestria; it's Pinkie!

Everest: Equestria?

Madison: Unfortunately, you heard her correct. It seems like some idiot opened up a portal or something to their universe during the 2nd All-Stars show and now these... creatures have been infecting WZCW ever since. If you were a good commentator, you'd be willing to do some research. Here's her profile...

Everest: She doesn't seem all that harmless. All she wants are hugs. Who doesn't like a hug?

Pinkie enters the ring and hugs Selena & the referee before going outside to the commentators. Pinkie hugs Everest and although Madison does her best to avoid one, Pinkie manages to grab her and give Stacey the biggest hug of all before grabbing a microphone and sliding into the ring. Stacey has a look of ultimate glee and bliss on her face.

Madison: I'm longer feel any anger or hatred towards anyone or anything! I'm finally happy!

Stacey stands there in awe with Everest looking confused as Pinkie asks politely to borrow the microphone from Selena. She has a huge smile on her face as she stands there with her hooves hands on her hips.

Pinkie: Hey Trixie! Fancy seeing you here and in the same match no less! You sound angry. Let's turn that frown upside down and give you a big hug.

Trixie tells her no as Pinkie goes for the hug. In a desperate attempt, Trixie waves her wand towards Pinkie. She evades the blast and it eats Stacey who is forced back into her chair. Her happy demeanour turns into a scowl.

Madison: Now I hate everything.

Everest: Oh goodie, you're back to normal.

The referee breaks up the two, managing to get the wand away from Trixie and Pinkie to stop trying to hug her opponent pre-match. Eventually he gains order and he signals for the bell.


The crowd is certainly behind Pinkie as the match begins. The two tie-up in the middle of the ring with Pinkie switching behind Trixie, giving her a hug. Trixie tries to release the grip but Pinkie has the friendly hug locked in too tight and decides to run at the ropes, using a whiplash effect to push Pinkie back. Pinkie rolls through as Trixie goes after her but Pinkie manages a headlock takedown by accident. She apologises and proceeds to give Trixie a noogie whilst on the ground. Trixie manages to get up quickly though and attempts a back drop but Pinkie flips through. Trixie turns around and gets picked up for an Airplane Spin. The twirl around and around for many rotations before Pinkie puts Trixie down. Both competitors feel very dizzy as the referee tries to help them.

Everest: I haven't seen one of those spins in ages! Pinkie's starting to become my favourite with these old school moves.

Madison: It'd crush her if you told her they were wrestling moves so don't say it out loud. I want to be the one to inform her.

Trixie throws a hay-maker but Pinkie ducks and curls into a ball, sticking out her hoof hand. Trixie looks confused and shrugs, latching onto Pinkie as she performs the Lady of the Lake...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by a surprised Trixie.

Pinkie gets up and looks amused, jumping up and down clapping. An angry Trixie spins around and clocks Pinkie in the face with a discus elbow smash. The crowd boos heavily as Trixie stomps on Pinkie and then starts with a blatant choke. The referee admonishes Trixie at a count of four and checks on Pinkie who crawls towards the ropes.

Madison: Fun time's over now.

Trixie graps her legs and falls back, performing a guillotine on Pinkie. Trixie brings Pinkie in the middle of the ring...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Pinkie.

Pinkie begins to stir but Trixie looks calm as she sets her up for the shining wizard! She pins Pinkie again...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out once more.

Trixie, frustrated, locks in a tight sleeper hold and does her best to wear down Pinkie. The referee checks on Pinkie who refuses to give up despite losing consciousness.

Everest: Trixie has been relentless on her assault on Pinkie's neck.

Madison: No illusions here, Everest. This should be done and dusted very shortly.

Trixie continues the hold but it doesn't seem to put Pinkie away despite her efforts. The crowd begins rallying behind Pinkie, giving her a new-found life and smile as she does her best to get up. She begins running for the ropes but Trixie pushes Pinkie away, who runs back at Trixie and hits a Thesz Press. Trixie gets up and retreats to the corner but Pinkie is charging at her.

Pinkie: Catch me, Trixie!

She hits Trixie with a smiling Stinger Splash, making Trixie groggy. Pinkie runs the ropes again and performs multiple tilt-a-whirls across the body of Trixie before transitioning into a headscissors takedown. Stunned, Trixie gets up and tries her best to throw punches at Pinkie who does her best to deliver a bro-hoof to Trixie but ends up punching her multiple times by accident, followed by an apology.

Everest: She's building momentum! Trixie is reeling!

Pinkie catches Trixie with a big hook and knocks her down. Pinkie looks shocked and apologies profusely, looking to hug Trixie. To avoid the pain of a Pinkie hug, Trixie throws Trixie Dust at Pinkie to distract her. Trixie gets up and hits Her Next Trick; a Fireball to the face of Pinkie! The referee warns Trixie for this dastardly manoeuvres as Pinkie scrambles around clutching her face with the crowd booing loudly.

Madison: What a show! I can't believe Trixie is taking the time to perform magic whilst wrestling. A definite crowd-pleaser.

Trixie hits a heart punch on Pinkie that sends her to the ground, almost down and out. Trixie signals for the end as she gets onto the apron. She springboards up and performs a 450 Moonsault Splash...


... that Pinkie catches in mid-air with a Big Bear Hug!

Madison: How did she do that? She was out cold a second ago!

Trixie looks horrified as Pinkie swings Trixie around with all her strength as the crowd cheers on the move. Trixie tries her best to escape but she is forced to submit!

Trixie taps out! The referee signals for the bell.

Everest: She did it!

Anderson: Here is your winner by submission; Pinkie!

The referee tells Pinkie she won and she drops Trixie, very excited and happy to be the victor. She jumps around and gets her arm raised into the air. Trixie is on the ground recovering as Pinkie goes outside to take a victory lap and celebrate with her new friends.

Everest: What a performance by Pinkie tonight. She managed to withstand the beat-down and the magic tricks to take home the victory.

Madison: I don't know how she got it locked in but that Bear Hug from Pinkie will get anyone to tap, even the Great & Powerful Trixie.

Pinkie looks into the ring and sees Trixie who is sad in the ring. She goes to enter the ring and help her feel better. However, Trixie sees the monster that is Pinkie and her devastating hugs, grabs her wand & hat and throws a smoke bomb. When the smoke clears, Trixie has vanished from the ring. Pinkie looks around but doesn't see her and shrugs, continuing to party on in the ring.

Madison: I just hope this is the last time we see an Equestrian citizen on a WZCW broadcast.

Pinkie appears directly next to Stacey from out of nowhere and smiles.

Pinkie: Nope!

Stacey has a look on horror on her face as Pinkie hugs for a second time and Everest takes a photo on his phone of them two before uploading it on social media.





A fat man in a fancy suit is mowing down on a plate of cookies at craft table in a backstage area. Leon Kensworth walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder. The man spins around quickly, mouth filled with cookies.

Leon: You requested an interview, Mr. Small?

Richard Small swallows the cookies and guzzles down a can of cola.

Richard Small: That's right, I'm here today on behalf of my strapping client, known to the world as Colby Congo. It's been a few years since he last did battle in WZCW but he demands a challenge. This wondrously monstrous man has been waiting a long time to get back into that ring and show how a true of a warrior he is.

Richard Small grabs a briefcase from under the table.

Richard Small: In this here briefcase if $10,000 to any man, woman, or intergalactic creature that is able to defeat the man from the mean streets of the African jungle deserts.

Where is Colby Congo?

Richard Small: He's over there getting ready for the match.

Richard Small points to a soda machine.

Leon: Sir, that's a soda machine.

Richard Small: Well it may be a soda machine but the money is still up for grabs for any can of cola or ginger ale that wants it.

Leon: $10,000 is in that briefcase?

Richard Small: That's right, $10,000 lies here in this briefcase.

Richard Small opens the case to reveal the money but several dozen hot pockets fall out instead.

Richard Small:Well, there is no money, I spent it on hot pockets. But he wants a challenge so, someone fight him!

Richard Small quickly gathers all the hotpockets, stuffs one in his mouth and scurries away.
Leon: My God! What is with everyone getting me for interviews?!

Lexi: Hoooooweee!! Leon, where were y'all? I've been waiting on you all night.

Leon: Oh, come on! I should be payed overtime for all I've been doing today. Just, you know. Thoughts and all that. You fill in the time. I need coffee.

Lexi: Thoughts? On what?

Leon: On Ice Bucket Challenge, what else?

Lexi: Boy, don't get sarcastic on me. I know who I'm facing tonight. That crazy, spicy latino boy is all hot and angry at me for something that's just plum silly. But he wants to see how good I can be. That's fine by me. I'll show 'im what this gal is made of.



Anderson: Making his way to the ring being accompanied by Richard Small, from The Mean Streets or Africa or the place where Nordic Warrior come from one, weighing in at 245lbs; this is COLBY CONGOOOOOOOO!

Colby runs out onto the entrance ramp, complete with arm tassles that reach all the way to the floor and a tribal mask, he claps three times into the air with pyro, runs down to the ring, stops at the bottom of the ramp to give his mask to some lucky child, does a lap of the ring, runs into the ring and does some sort of shitty tribal dance.

Stacey Madison:Colby Congo's manager, Richard Small, issued a challenge to anything in the back willing to take on the savage Colby Congo.

Everest:Congo has only appeared at two All Stars events previously, but he is a massive man and seems to be completely out of his mind. I can't imagine who in their right mind would willingly challenge this man.


Stacey Madison:,

Facecrush McSpinesmasher walks out to the top of the entrance ramp.

Anderson: and his opponent, from the 7th Level of Hell aka Your Mother's Asshole, weighing in at 400 lbs, FACECRUSH MCSPINESMAAAAAAAASHER!

Facecrush sprints down the ramp and stops right before the ring.

Everest: Well I asked who in their right mind would fight Colby Congo willingly and I never thought that one of the most destructive animals to ever appear in WZCW would answer the call.

Stacey Madison: I really don't think this is a good idea.

Facecrush climbs up the ropes and enters the ring, both men stare at each other.

Everest: Two giant behemoths battling it out is far from a bad thing Stacey.

Stacey Madison: You weren't here when Facecrush threw Grizzly Bob into the crowd from the ring and Congo is clearly just as unstable as Facecrush.

Both men circle each other waiting for the bell to ring impatiently. They snarl and breathe heavily as their circling gets faster until eventually they are both running at full sprint around the ring.

Everest: I don't believe I've ever seen a size up like this in my long career. They're running really fast, it's like watching a NASCAR race.

Stacey Madison: Just wait until they crash.

The bell rings and they both charge full speed at each other. Congo goes for a clothesline and Facecrush goes for a head butt to the stomach but ends up running under the clothesline. Congo hits the turnbuckle full speed, unable to stop his momentum. Facecrush does the same except his head hits the post. Both men fall to the ground.

Stacey Madison: That was... anticlimactic.

Everest: Running full speed into the turnbuckle really hurts.

Stacey Madison: Obviously.

The referee checks on both of them and begins the count. 1!... Both men jump to their feet and charge at each other again. Facecrush goes for a clothesline but Congo ducks under and wraps his arms around Facecrush’s waist. He goes for a German suplex but Facecrush lands on his feet behind him. He tries for a German suplex as well but Congo lands on his feet too. Facecrush turns around and Congo attempts a punch but Facecrush dodges it, Congo aims a kick at Facecrush’s stomach but he blocks it grabbing his leg. Facecrush pulls him in and lifts him into a capture suplex, he throws Congo over his head and Congo lands on his hands and feet. He lifts Facecrush up for an atomic drop but Facecrush stops it, putting his hands down onto Congo’s knees. Facecrush puts his head between Congo’s legs and lifts him up, he whips Congo as hard as he can with an Alabama slam but Congo reverses it into a hurricanrana but Facecrush lands on his feet and grabs the legs of Congo. He stands straight and has Congo in a powerbomb position, he falls backwards, trying to smash Congo’s face into the turnbuckle but Congo grabs onto the top rope before his face hits. Congo climbs to the top rope as Facecrush rolls away and gets up. Congo leaps shoulder first but Facecrush catches him and lifts him into a military press, Congo manages to fall behind Facecrush and lift him into an argentine press. Congo stomps around the ring with Facecrush on his shoulders, he jumps to deliver an argentine backbreaker but Facecrush falls off of his sholulders before he lands.

Everest: A rapid succession of moves by both competitors.

Unfortunately not one move has landed yet.

Both men slowly get to their feet and circle each other again. Facecrush puts his hand in the air for a test of strength. He roars loudly at Congo, who roars back. Congo goes to grab Facecrush’s hand to accept the test of strength but Facecrush attempts a punch as he does which Congo ducks under. He goes for a chop to the gigantic chest of Facecrush but the one who smashes spines blocks it by grabbing his arm before it hits. Facecrush tries an Irish whip but Congo digs his feet into the ground and Facecrush can’t make him budge. Congo breaks away and runs off the ropes, Facecrush does the same. Congo goes for a clothesline but Facecrush ducks under. Both men continue to run the ropes, Facecrush swings for a clothesline of his own but Congo goes under it. They bounce off the ropes again, Congo tries a clothesline, Facecrush ducks under. Over and over, faster and faster they bounce of the ropes and miss clotheslines for several minutes. When charging at the ropes, both men trip and fall out of the ring over the top rope and on to the floor. Congo falls to the announcer’s side, Facecrush the other. Congo is the first to get up and bellows a thunderous scream of frustration. He rips the top off the announce table, Facecrush gets to his feet and sprints around the ring towards Congo.

Everest: We better get the hell out of the way Stacey...

Congo not seeing him continues to take apart the table , removing the TVs. Facecrush leaps off the steps with a flying clothesline. Congo rolls forward to avoid it but smashes his head into the steel steps. Facecrush misses the announce table and hits the barricade behind it like a torpedo.

Stacey: Both men have taken themselves out viciously.

The ref begins to count both men out. 1….2…. both men are still out 3… 4… neither man has moved an inch 5… 6… 7…

Everest: They took really big hits and after wasting so much energy earlier in the match I don't see how either man is going to get up.

8… 9... Both men jump to their feet and sprint into the ring just before the ten count. They both fall to one knee in exhaustion; they look at each other and get to their feet. Congo swings but Facecrush ducks the punch, Facecrush swings but Congo blocks it, he goes for a chop to the head but Facecrush grabs his arms and stops it. Facecrush dashes his head forward to the open abdomen of Congo; Congo jumps back a step and avoids it. Congo grabs Facecrush into a suplex position and lifts him up, Facecrush lands behind him and brings him up with a reverse suplex but Congo spins and lands in front of Facecrush and boosts him up into a suplex almost slamming him into the ground but Facecrush lands on the tips of his feet. Both men are inches above the ground in a suplex position barely staying up by the tips of their toes. They lose the strength to hold themselves up and fall to the ground at the same time, banging their heads against each other as they do. Both men lie motionless on the mat.

Congo gets up slowly and ascends the turnbuckle. He leaps in the air and tries a Frog Splash but Facecrush rolls out of the way. Congo hits the mat hard and Facecrush climbs the turnbuckles. He spreads his arms, motioning for the FYF head butt, he jumps and Congo rolls out of the way and Facecrush slams into the mat face first. As Congo rolls he bumps into the legs of the Ref, buckling him under and falling out of the ring through the middle rope.

Another ref sprints to the ring, checking on …. Before he slides in. As he slides in the ring, Facecrush rolls over to get up and hits his face accidentally with his fist as he does, crushing it. A third ref runs out and carefully gets in the ring and stands in the middle. Facecrush and Congo pull themselves up with the ropes and charge at each other, both putting their heads first. The ref tries to move out of the way but takes Congo’s head to his groin and Facecrush’s head to the rear. His body spins in two different ways and he falls to the mat, Facecrush and Congo fall right after onto their backs, hands over each other’s chests.

A 4th ref comes into the ring and observes the situation.

Stacey: Count them both before they wake up and kill someone else!

The ref shrugs and quickly counts 1,2, 3 to end the match before anyone else gets hurt.

Everest: Finally and mercifully the match has ended. 3 refs were taken out, our announce table is in shambles, the entire arena is exhausted and yet not a single move was landed between these to men.

Stacey: Sometimes I really question, what the hell am I doing here?

Both men slowly get to their feet, they stare at each other intensely, they go to shake hands but miss each other's hands. They shrug and head to the back.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Centerville, Texas, weighing 102 pounds, Lexi Hayes!

Lexi skips out onto the stage before jogging down the ramp. She high fives some fans as she reaches the bottom of the ramp before pulling herself onto the ring apron.

I don't know many women that would publicly have their weight announced. That's confidence.

Stacey:She's overweight.


Anderson: And her opponent, from Orange County, California, he is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Tastic!!

Matt Tastic emerges on stage with the title at hand. He waves at the fans before cheerfully saluting them. He enters the ring.

Stacey: I never thought I'd see the day. He's World Champion.

Everest: His star-crossed career reached it's peak at the Lethal Lottery. He's also got a very catchy new theme song.

The two contestants meet up in the center of the ring as the unnamed official checks on them. Matt extends his hand and Lexi, after some thinking, obliges.

*Ding Ding Ding*

The two circle in the ring for the first few second. Matt makes a move and reaches for Lexi's legs, but the southern girl backsteps away. Lexi tries the same with the same results. The two stand still after reaching a stalemate. Matt's the first to make a move with a right forward punch, but Lexi backsteps once again. Matt uses that opening and dashes toward the vulnerable Lexi Hayes and takes her down with a Neckbreaker Clothesline. Lexi gets back up along with Matt, but he;s quick to Scoop Slam her back down. He runs the ropes and hits a Knee Drop on her. Matt reaches for Lexi again, but as he does so, she kicks him away. She rolls up Matt with a Schoolboy pin. 1.... 2.... 3-No!! Matt kicks out at a late two after much struggling.

Everest: The rookie Lexi is doing her best to keep up with the veteran Champion.

Lexi is quick to take advantage as Matt has to get back to his feet. She knocks Matt down with a Clothesline before dashing and following it up with a Spinning Wheel Kick. The momentum is enough to make the World Champion bounce back to his feet. But as he does, Lexi comes from behind still carrying her own momentum and knocks him back down with a Bulldog. Matt slowing now in getting back to his feet but as he does, Lexi hooks him with a bear hug and hits a Belly To Belly Suplex on him. She covers him once again, hooking the leg. 1.......... 2.......... 3-But the champ kicks out at two! Not letting the advantage slip away, Lexi hooks a Sleeper Hold on Matt to keep him down as the crowd begins to rally behind Hayes.

*Lexi! Lexi! Lexi! Lexi! Lexi! Lexi!*

Look at that! The crowd's into her.

Everest: They're respecting her skill right now. That's great.

Matt struggles to get to his feet. He slowly gets to his knees as he tries to regroup before he can pass out. He gets one knee up as Lexi struggles to keep the hold on. Matt starts shooting hard elbow shots to Lexi's ribs to create separation and little by little it seems to work. The wind is blown out of Lexi with each hit but before Matt can get away, Lexi recomposes and Headbutts Matt down hard. He slams the mat down instantly as Lexi staggers away from the blow and catching her air. Matt rubs his head on the canvas in pain as he tries to regain his composure. Lexi does the same from the ropes. Matt gets up slowly and Lexi spots it. As Matt tries to mount the offensive, Lexi hops on the ropes and lands on Matt's shoulders. She goes for the Huricanrana. But Matt holds on before she can perform the flip! He swings Lexi back into a seated position before spinning in place. One spin! Two! 3! 4, 5, 6!! Round and round! Up to 9 rotations before the seemingly dizzy World Champion jumps to Powerbomb Lexi down with tremendous impact and into a pin cover!!

Everest: It's over! What impact!

1................ 2.................... 3-NOOO!! Lexi grabs the nearby bottom rope!

Stacey: How the hell did she know where the rope is?!

Being too dizzy, Matt doesn't release his hold. Neither does Lexi from the rope as both breath extremely deep trying to catch their breath. After a few seconds of this, Matt simply falls on his back. Still breathing heavily, but suddenly the ref starts to count a pin! 1............... 2............. 3-Matt sits back up!! Matt turns to the ref who points out Lexi's legs are on top of him hence the cover. He shoves Lexi off and both get up at the same time. Lexi hits a Knife Edge Chop on Matt and he looks to retaliate. He loads the chop but stops before making contact and pulls the hand away. Realizing he'd make contact with Lexi's....... Chest. Matt turns and starts arguing about it with the confused official who obviously can't do anything about it. He turns back to Lexi who instantly connects with a SPEAR! Matt's knocked down and Lexi hooks the leg! 1...................2..............3-But Matt kicks out exasperated!! He stays down though from the pain as Lexi surveys the field. She goes to the top rope for the Fall From Heaven. But Matt backrolls out of the way sending Lexi crashing to the mat! Tastic knocks her down with a Clothesline. He follows it up with a second one, but Lexi ducks it. Matt turns and Lexi throws a right hand. But Matt blocks it! One hard shot! A second! Then a third! Matt backtracks and runs the ropes, dashing under Lexi on the way back. He stands behind her in a fighting stance as she turns and hits the Charge Shot as she turns to knock her away. Lexi bounces but tries to rush back at Tastic. Only to be caught in the Kaioken Spinebuster! Matt stands above Lexi before looking toward the crowd with a widescreen shot. He runs the ropes before springboarding off them and turning mid-air into a Senton Bomb! The Screw Attack connects! He hooks the leg! 1.....................2.................3!!

Anderson: Here is your winner, the World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Tastic!!

Matt's music hits as the ref gets his hand up and hands him the title belt. He celebrates the win for a bit.

Stacey: For a World Champion, he sure spent a lot of the match in trouble.

Everest: Or maybe Lexi is just a talented wrestler that held her own. Great show from both of them.

Matt stops and heads toward Lexi and helps her back up. The two stare for a bit before Matt extends his hand to her. She readily shakes it and Matt raises her arm in the air in a sign of respect. They march off the ring and up the stage ramp as the crowd cheers them on.

Stacey: Well ladies and gentlemen, that's our show for tonight. Great action, insane brawls and a very sporting main event. It was a good night tonight.

Everest: Glad to be here to see it. Alongside Stacey Madison, I'm Everest signing off from the Phenoms Of Wrestling!

KJ: Main event
JAM: Mason Westhoff vs Gino Galucci
FalK: Guess. Go ahead.
Dell Rusk: Colby Congo vs Facecrush McSpinesmasher
Dynamite: Kings of Hate vs SHIT/Alhazred

Shoutout to DarkSide Eric and special thanks to JAM for coming in at the last minute. And yes, I know the formatting is inconsistent. Either way, thank and rep these guys for choosing to showcase their creative talents. They're the one's who deserve the credit. Except Falkon 'cause he ended up on creative right after.
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