Petty argument with friend, opinions please

Why Always Me

WWF Champion
The other day me and my friend had a football match (soccer to the Americans) which we won 6-3, I scored 3 goals (which is part of the story). After I had scored my 3rd goal for my hat-trick my friend (who is a wind-up merchant) shouted ‘bloody hell mate, how far out were each of your goals' (they were all 5 yard tap ins). I responded by saying ‘more than yours’ as he hadn’t scored and didn’t score in the match. Now he has the hump with me and keeps making little comments about it, basically taking the shine off scoring my first ever hat-trick. I just want to know, am I in the wrong here for responding as I did? I said it as a joke, and as soon as he went in a mood on the pitch after I said it I did tell him I was joking, but to no avail.

Wow, didn't realise the Cigar Lounge was Dear Deidre.

Still, your mate should stop being a bitch, he clearly can't take it, so he shouldn't have opened his mouth in the first place. My advice? Rip the fucker. Mercilessly.
Your friend sounds like a whiny jealous cunt. He's in the wrong for dishing it out and not being able to take it.

Yet I have a hard time believing 9 goals were scored in a football match. No goalies? No offsides? Small pitch?

Next game go up with him for a header and stab him with a pin or a bayonet.;)
It was probably 5 a side.

Or he plays for Man City.
Got to agree with the rest, you're friend does sound like a whiny bitch who is just pissed off that you got a hat trick.

I say do 1 of 2 things:

1) Rub it in his face just off sheer principle of being a dick
2) Anytime he says anything about it just pretend he isn't talking
Your friend sounds like a whiny jealous cunt. He's in the wrong for dishing it out and not being able to take it.

Yet I have a hard time believing 9 goals were scored in a football match. No goalies? No offsides? Small pitch?

Next game go up with him for a header and stab him with a pin or a bayonet.;)

He is the stereotypical 'can dish it out but can't take it' kind of person.

Why such a hard time believing 9 goals can be scored? it's not common but it does happen (the English Premership has had quite a few games with 7 of more goals scored so far this season)..........

It is 7 a side and no offsides though, lovely stuff :), although there are goalkeepers.

It was probably 5 a side.

Or he plays for Man City.

Why always me ;)
It all depends on whether you want to remain friends with the person.

If you do, drop the entire thing and just apologise for hurting his feelings.

If you don't, then you should definitely just go ahead and punch him in the face, smack his gran across the face with your dick and kill hit dog.

That seems like the only logical series of events.
Your friend shouldn't dish it if he can't take it too.

This. This applies to all aspects of life.

Don't you worry OP, don't apologise. Your supposed mate is the one who needs to chill the heck out. You have a hilarious username as well, I love it.

I don't know much about football but even if they were close range tap-ins the other team still can't take anything away from you because their defence was shit enough to let you that close to begin with.
I think the general opinion is that he was in the wrong, seems to have sorted itself out now.

We played again Monday, I got another hat-trick and he got 4 (gotta love 7 a side), yet as we came off the pitch his words to me were 'I played a blinder, set you up a treat for your third goal'.

The guy loves himself.......
Pull a line from every face-face feud in wrestling history and tell him, "You respect him, but you do not like him." Then spout off 14 catchphrases and Rock Bottom his ass.

Then stab him with a bayonet.
Why is the dude so fucking intent on competing with you? Who gives a fuck who set who up. He scored 4, you scored 3. You tell him good job getting 4 goals, and if he gives you shit about only scoring 3, or that he is the reason you got those goals, kick him in the nuts. Dude sounds like a total prick.

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