Petition for the Chit Chat poll to be reset

Folks here at WZ, for years I have modded this board with a sense of pride and dignity, but in the past few days I feel that any pride I have for WZ is being eaten away. "How is this Luther?" I hear you ask, well, the once respected "Chit Chat" forum now has a ******ed gimmicky name. I feel this name is inappropriate for a forum in which we expect to find sensible discussion.

As WZ's longest serving mod ever, I can tell you with a voice of experience that this name remaining increases your chances of contracting AIDS by at least 20%. I'm sure that the majority of you do not want AIDS, therefor it is in your best interests to sign this petition.

Remember, support for "The HBK-aholic centre of Applied Ethics" is a direct show of support for the Taliban.

Yours sincerely,
Luther_Hull FTW
I sign, although I think the HBK-aholic Centre for Applied Ethics is a very apt name for that forum, seeing as how: a) HBK-aholic is the person who puts the most effort into generating discussion within that forum; and b) all of her topics are related to ethical issues.

But, the name is more of an inside joke than anything else, and, if it makes new posters wary of visiting that part of the forums, then I am all for a name change.
The only reason she won is because she was offering rep to people who voted for her.

I just voted for her for kicks, i didnt think she'd win.
Where will it stop?

Sam's TNA forum?

Me having the video Games section?

Lets have sensible names "It's for your own good"
I don't have a problem with the name per se, but I think the name makes the forum appear even more cliquey than it is. It did win democratically, but who cares? Yet more proof that democracy doesn't work.

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