Personal Videogame Stories that pissed you off

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This came from a conversation I was having today and as fun as video games can be they can also be quite frustrating. Examples of this are for the NES when you make it far in a game and it starts messing up (one example of this was when I was playing Mike Tyson's Punchout and before I was about to beat Super Macho Man everything froze on me) or beating a bunch of missions in a game, you forget to save and you get stuck in a building cuz of a glitch (GTA III), or making it to the Super Bowl in Madden only for your save file to get damaged (apparently I've had a bunch of bad luck with video games), since games are not infallible things like in life can often go wrong and set you back.

Out of all the things that happened to me the worst happened to me was in Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I finished getting all the mirror shards to build the Mirror of Twilight from the various dungeons to get to the twilight world, I defeated Zant, I get back to Hyrule, go to Hyrule castle (as I assume Gannondorf) was next and since I was tired I decided to save and get back to it later. When I went to finish the game my Wii wouldn't turn on. I'm pretty good with machines so I tried many different things to get it to turn on but nothing worked. After talking to Nintendo tech and a few nerds I know they pretty much told me my wii was fucked, luckily I sent it in and got a new one but my 65 hours of getting to Gannondorf was gone, needless to say I was pissed.

Anyways that's my story of when video games pissed me off so now I ask what is your. Was it a glitch? a system malfunction? a difficult boss or downright shitty game? Tell me your best story of when video games pissed you off. All responses welcome.

this is the battle that when i was little my family and I would try to pass. It was hard for 2 five year olds to beat the first boss. any way when we finally beat it we had zero rings left and we jumped as sonic into the fire ball that was under egmman's dying egg hornet machine. after completing a level sonic speeds on to the screen and goes "alright" gives you a thumbs up and then you get your score.

however he did that but since we were damged after completing the battle by jumping into it: as sonic held his thump up he falls flat on his face:lmao:
we were pissed since we had to do it all over again but it was rather funny than agravating.
I was about 2/3 of the way through my first playthrough of Final Fantasy X, which had just released. I was super into the game and had reached Mt. Gagazet (sp?) where I was stuck on the Seymour boss battle there.

During a weekend visit from some family, I booted up the game to discover that my save data had been completely erased. I must have stared at that "No Save Data Detected" window for who knows how long, silently hoping the message would change to "Oops, my bad. Your data's right here, man". I couldn't fathom how that could have happened.

That might've been the closest I've ever come to experiencing any sort of mental break down. Turns out one of my younger cousins had been tinkering with my PS2 while I was away and decided my memory card was more entertaining that any game I owned.

I bitched and moaned for a bit, but eventually sucked it up and started up a new game. I managed to get back to where I was much quicker than before, since I already knew what to do at that point, and finish the game. But not before thoughts of attempted murder crossed my mind.
I can give you my most recent one and it's that I've spent HOURS playing Borderlands, being at around level 44, and having that save file get corrupted out of nowhere (Which means that all that work went down the toilet.)

It frustrates me when things like that happen, especially because you wouldn't be willing to put in that kind of time and effort again on a game right away.
I was 9 and had just gotten pokemon yellow for christmas (I got it along with my gameboy color). It was the only game I had for the first system that I ever personally owned. Needless to say, I played that game obsessively for about a month and a half. I had raised about 20 pokemon to level 60, and was on the last guy (your rival after the elite four) with all of my pokemon with full health (I used revives and max potions after each trainer). I was tired so I saved my game and took a nap.

I wake up to find my gameboy moved. I turn it on and I have a level 5 pikachu. While I was sleeping my older cousin started a game and saved thus erasing my game. To this day, I have never yelled at anyone worse than I yelled at my cousin. I damn near passed out from the blood rushing to my head because I was screaming so hard.
One of the most frustrating things that ever happened to me in gaming took place in the Blue version of Pokemon back in 1999. I have no clue as to how this happened, but somehow all of my pokemon mysteriously vanished other than the ones in the currently active box at Bill's PC. I had all 151 so I lost a ton of them from this glitch. Luckily the ones I was most attatched to like Mewtwo, Blastoise, Arcanine, and the Eevee's all survived. I ended up transferring them all over to Yellow and Gold respectively upon buying those games in the end. It made me angy because I lost some guys I had levelled up pretty high, making the time it took to capture them AND level them be for nothing. I have no idea what caused it. It wasn't Missing Number, I messed around with that on other files and they were fine.
My shittiest video game experience involves Final Fight Streetwise. I do not recommend this to anyone who owns an original xbox. As a Final Fight fan, I was stoked when this came out around '06, and immediately picked up a rental. My initial reaction can best be described as a cross between "ok" and "wtf???"

If it wasn't the outdated graphics engine, it was the poor pacing that linked old fashioned beat 'em up with stupid one on one fights that proved to be utterly obnoxious more often than not. If it wasn't that, it was the unbelievably sadistic arcade mode that basically forced you to play as Haggar and then spam the piledriver (since regular punch combos inevitably left you vulnerable to getting ass raped by an endless train of thugs fresh from the Metro City prison system).

If it wasn't any of those things, it was the cheap targeting system, or the fact that at some point late in the game, the thing would just lock up and I'd lose all my save data. And always at the point in which I reached the final boss, after getting through that clusterfrack of unbalanced anti-climactic last boss battles, when the story abruptly transforms from a crusade to find your brother and fight a new street drug craze to a friggin' monster movie, when everything dead or undead suddenly wants to put a cap in your ass.

On my first playthrough (yes, there were others, sadly), the cut scene that reveals the priest behind it all for the first time glitched up, which meant I couldn't see the priest, only the sword he was carrying. Then, when the stupid thing locked up, compromising my save data, it was six am, and I was stubborn and mad enough to rush through the ordeal again because, by God, I wasn't going to let some stupid video game beat me. Then it happened again in virtually the same place (after locking up three missions into the game), so I started again. I finally finished this game from hell at around 11:30 am, after around twelve hours of continuous playing.

Considering the shameful quality of the game in question, I am not overly proud of that fact. Final Fight Streetwise represented one of the few moments in current gen history that I nearly fell prey to driving my controller into the TV screen. :banghead:
My Most Annoying Moment was in Red Dead Redemption. I was going for 100% and you need to do all Hideouts in America in 24 hours game time. I was on the last one and was about to finish and my Game Froze. Last thing to get 100% and it Freezes -_- major Rage Followed.
As a Final Fight fan, I was stoked when this came out around '06, and immediately picked up a rental.
That is where you went wrong. Rentals are often misused and scratched disks. I once rented a copy of Dynasty Warriors 6, where the only way to beat the levels was to run at the other general and kill him as the match started, because after 5 min into the level, the game locked up.

My personal story involving a malfunctioning game was with Threads of Fate. Fantastic Adventure RPG game. I was Playing as the male character Rue. I got to the second to last boss, the Doll Master, and I could not beat him. So I set the game down and picked it up about a week later and miraculously I was able to beat him with out effort. I then face the final boss and blow through his 2 forms and beat the game. Mind you I BEAT THE GAME. I was sent back to town and was prompted to go into a certain room in the hotel where Rue's love Clair would be resting. I entered the room, the game faded to black...and froze...ON THE ENDING CUT SCENE!!! I was crushed. I had worked so hard to beat that game and I could not see the ending. And with the game missing and my PSONE long since given up the ghost, I'll have to repair my broken memories with an emulator.

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