Personal + Professional = GOLD?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I had a thought, is 2 workers have a hatred for each other in real life & end up being put into a fued together, would it make the fued more real-esque to the personal fued behind it?

Take example:
Sunny & Sable, since Sable entered the company, she apprently did something to p**s off Sunny (From one of the Sunny interviews, Sunny asked Sable's daughter where's her dad and she said he died in a car crash & then sable said that if the dad did not die, then she would have not met Mero)

Well on one of the TV shows, it was mero aganist farooq and there was a cat fight and it seemed real due to the personal fued.

So my question to you is, "if 2 workers have a hatred for each other in real life & end up being put into a fued together, would it make the fued more real-esque to the personal fued behind it?"
its happened alot before, with guys like Batista and Booker T, The Rock and HHH, and like you mentioned Sable and Sunny, but IMO if there is so much hatred between the two it would be dangerous to put them in an on-screen feud, cause you never know something might happen like one of them breaking character and seriously attacking the other and stuff like that, sure the feud would be more interesting but at the same time risky, so I think that the best thing to do with real life feuds is keep the two away from each other, like putting them on different brands.
im surprised no one has mentioned matt hardy and edge... that was very personal yet they managed to put on a good match and feud that helped boost matt for a little bit. Also bret and shawn hated each other but had matches... I agree though futureworldchamps that it is sometimes too risky to put them in a program because there is a risk of them breaking character and going off or even just taking cheap shots throughout the match. I'm actually curious if that has happened before and if anyone has any examples (it's not too easy to search for on youtube haha)
HBK and Bret were hardly buddies. I'm pretty sure Matt Hardy and Edge can't have been best buddies when their feud was going on. I know they claim to have made up now but I very much doubt they were going out for a pint after their matches. Same with the Jarrett Angle feud in TNA at the moment. Fact is it's been done plenty of times before and it does add intensity to the feuds if done right.

I kind of disagree with Future World Champs as to the danger of it. Sure they're more likely to stiff each other and the slams and stuff would probably be a bit harder but I'm also pretty sure that 99% of the guys in the back wouldn't go past that. Fair enough if you've got a couple of guys or even one who is known for being volatile generally maybe just forget it but with two professional worker I think it's a good bet they'd keep it at a safe level.
All this talk about the past and nobody brought up Angle/Jarrett. I know they have somewhat patched up their differences, but Jarrett is married to Kurt's ex and has his kids, but dispite this and some of the recent programming involving the two it didn't add that much more realism to their fued (at least in my opinion). I don't think their is any danger of putting two people together that have real life heat or hatred towards each other in the ring, their both porfessionals and both have a job to do. Maybe if this happened in a smaller or independent pormotion there could be a chance of something happening but that would be the exception.
Doing this may make the storyline better in some cases, but as far as being more real, it all depends on the workers.
I guess it depends on the professionalism of the guys/girls in the ring. Everybody thought that Angle had legit heat with Jarrett in their feud. Well i guess they are really true professionals, because if not either man could have killed the other in their matches. Anyways if it was that serious of a beef, no way this feud would have lasted Kurt Angle would have jumped back to WWE in January and would have had a match at wrestlemania27.
No ones mentioned New Jack and Vic Grimes yet. At an ECW show(I think) in the 90's they botched a spot and they fell like 15 feet onto concrete and Grimes landed on New Jacks head, crushing it and causing him to go blind in 1 eye. New Jack blamed Grrimes for the accident and in a purpose death attempt he threw him off a 20 foot scaffold in the imfamous moment where he fell into the ring ropes.

Personal fueds outside the ring can result in a more intense fued which can be more entertaining if done right(see Matt Hardy and Edge) if done wrong(Vic Grimes and New Jack) it can end horribly.

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