People are so fucking annoying


Getting Noticed By Management
I just had a one hour conversation with a friend about nudity and cheating and shit. Basically he argued that sending out naked pics of yourself wasn't cheating, as the human body is a piece of art that should be appreciated.

Apparently he's too stupid to understand that it's symbolic, just like sex. It's not like it hurts you physically or breaks you apart. It just represents something.

Then he started being like "I don't understand clothing. Why don't people realize we're meant to be naked?"

I tried so hard to give him the Bible explanation and the science explanation (since he refers to the Bible in all of his debates, but still believes in science), but he just kept saying nudity is something the media is against.

Seriously? They had media thousands of years ago? No. So he starts saying that the Bible never says anything about nudity. I argue back that the Bible doesn't talk about racism either, yet that's bad. He says "well, that's cause racism is bad and nudity isn't."

I wanted to jump through the screen and punch him. How the fuck can you argue something so pointless and make no points whatsoever? He can start walking around naked, I don't give a shit, but to argue that we as people should stop wearing clothes? ******ed.


You shouldn't send nude pics of yourself to other people if you're in a relationship. It's 'emotional' cheating if you want to call it that because you are sharing a part of yourself to someone else.
Wait.. so let me get this straight..

sending out naked photos of yourself IS considered cheating? O.. M.. G.. what have I done.
The Bible does state things about nudity. The most prevalent of which being:

Genesis 3:11 said:
Adam and Eve first wore fig leaves to cover their nakedness, God asks them (perhaps rhetorically), "Who told you that you are naked?" The implication, as Christian naturists see it, is that the devil (in the form of a serpent) told them so. Furthermore, not only is God displeased that the forbidden fruit was eaten and sin had occurred, but also that they were now attempting to cover it up with clothing. No longer nude by their own accord, God made them garments from animal skins, possibly implying that sin requires a sacrifice.

And racism too:

Colossians 3:10 said:
And have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, 11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.
I've just got back from Finland. I imagine your penis would last about three seconds if you walked about naked there.
Then there's the reverse. I'd like to see how reproduction would work in the tropics if everyone spent they're lives with a sunburnt cock.
Not really, MRC. The internet is a medium for people to interact, and if you'd get angry about it in real life there's no problem with getting angry about it on the internet.

Go to the Cigar Lounge. Post in my topic about it.
Meh. I would never do it in a relationship, it ain't right.

Sent one to my best friend (who's a girl) though, cause she knew it existed and she was begging for me to send it cause she found it funny that I took one. Turns out she also accidentially let it slip to her boyfriend, who hates me. It got spread round college and now my reputation has actually gone up and I have my female mates constantly referring to size and saying: "You have nothing to worry about". My success with the ladies has increased dramatically because of such graphic evidence.

Thus, naked pics are actually awesome.
Do you know why adam and eve started wearing clothes? Because Satan told them too.

Your all sinners.
How can I get naked pictures of myself without making it one of those lame webcam or Myspace mirror pics? And keep in mind that I can't get anyone to take them for me. Be creative, people.
How can I get naked pictures of myself without making it one of those lame webcam or Myspace mirror pics? And keep in mind that I can't get anyone to take them for me. Be creative, people.

Set a damn timer duh!

Simple as that...

I don't got to be damn creative son!
Sent one to my best friend (who's a girl) though, cause she knew it existed and she was begging for me to send it cause she found it funny that I took one. Turns out she also accidentially let it slip to her boyfriend, who hates me. It got spread round college and now my reputation has actually gone up and I have my female mates constantly referring to size and saying: "You have nothing to worry about". My success with the ladies has increased dramatically because of such graphic evidence.

haha XD win!

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