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Dark Match Jobber
I just got done watching a video I got off of another message board I post at. This is an interview of a self admitted pedophile whos name is Lindsay and is so well spoken it's scary. He obeys the law so he has the power of free speech. There are two things he says that I agree with. He claims there's a difference between pedophiles and child molesters. That's one point I've got to say that I actually agree with him because if you think about it, the word pedophile means an adult sexually attracted to children, not an adult who has raped children. He also says that if an adult has raped(he defines rape as force), abducted/murdered a child that that doesn't automatically make him/her a pedophile, as in they aren't necessarily attracted to them in a sexual way, it's more a power thing. However, those are the ONLY points I agree with him. What are your thoughts on pedophilia? As I said, he's so well spoken it's scary. If a pedophile hasn't acted, I don't think they should be shot, but they should never have any contact with kids. Now if they have acted, they deserve a public hanging.
Paedophilia is a mental illness. There are people out there who have those sort of thoughts but never do anything about it because they know it's wrong. They can't go for help because they know that the majority of people don't understand. You can guarantee that those people stay awake most nights and cry theselves to sleep because they realise that they'll never be able to get help. I feel sorry for them.

But as for the ones that look at images and abuse kids then they should all spend a long time in jail. Not on a nice sex offenders wing. Theys should be in the section with all of the other criminals. None of this preferential treatment. I don't think that actually touching a child is any worse than browsing the net for images. It's all abuse.

There's frequently articles in my local paper about paedophiles. Very rarley do these people get long sentaces. One man had 60,000 images. He got an 8 month suspended sentance. He said they all came from pop ups on adult websites. I run an adult websit, so I frequently look at other sites to steal ideas. Ho many times have I had a pop up that says Jail Bait? 0.

Then there was a man that rape an 11 year old. He got 6 years because his father had recently died and he was regretful. 6 years is now considered LIFE you know.

If anybody ever touched my daughter I would slice the flesh of there face. Because I have no faith in the justice system.

As for that person being well spoken. I don't see the relivance. Anybody can be a paedophile. And the chances are that everybody knows one.
Well it's about DAMN TIME! I've been advocating putting them in the general population for years! Believe me, Bubba can use very persuasive theraputic techniques to help. If you touch a kid, you need to be in jail, showering with everyone. Also, it should be announced to everyone what they did, so the state/country can be saved some money when they find this guy with a broom up his ass.
Watch paedogeddon, made by Brass Eye. Its a light hearted view at the way the Media treats the subject of paedophilia
Simple fact its wrong wrong wrong!

i dont care if its an illness, you dont do it!, all rape is wrong but touching kids aint right, your not only messing with there lives your messing with there future!

i love my daughter and would hurt anyone that tries to touch her in any way other then being a family member

let kids be kids,

If i was the primeminister i would make sure that human rights would not be included for any rapist pedo or child killer, you dont get free sky, you will get the chair simple as!
Peados are the scum of the earth you can normally tell one a mile off though because they are soo creepy. Like when I used to work in the bookies there was this weird man who came in quite a lot and would always say strange things like telling me or my collgue about his little roulette system. He also moved very creepily like with sudden head movements and such, and he looked like the guy from the worther orginal ad. Turns out he had served a stretch for doing a George Micheal to a 8 year old boy the sick bastard. Oh and that guy in the video claims in the video that his aim is to make the consentual age 8, what a fooking sick fooking ****!!
What about minors that molest kids? What if a 14 or 15 year old sexually molested a 7 or 8 year old? Does that teen deserve to go to prison, or do you think that their young enough to go to treatment and get help? I personally think it is possible for minors to change their behavior and get the help they need without having to go to prison.

I have a good friend who experienced a very rough childhood as he was growing up, not only was he sexually molested at a young age, but he in turn, sexually molested a young boy when he was 14. I met this guy a year later when we were both in long term treatment, dealing with separate issues. I stayed in the facility with this kid for 2 years as I completed my therapy. I watched him grow, mature, and eventually transform into one of the most selfless and caring men I ever had the privilege of knowing today.
there isnt any excuse and i dont think it can be fixed. Peados are different from you and me, they think differently they are animals with no values you can send them for help but they always go in search of more kids to molest to feed their sick perversion. your 'freind' is probably thinking of ways to molest kids as i write this, they are sick there is no cure. What makes me really sick is that the penalties are less strict than for stealing. It is fooking stupid how is stealing worse?! Stupid laws we have in this country, lock them away and throw away the key i say.
there isnt any excuse and i dont think it can be fixed.

Thats the negative way to look at things. And if you're American, thats what makes you the A-typical American. You always want to cast blame, & say nothing is fixable, everything thats wrong remains a sin, or unrightable.

When the truth is, everything is fixable, just on seperate levels.

Peados are different from you and me, they think differently they are animals with no values you can send them for help but they always go in search of more kids to molest to feed their sick perversion.

No, they aren't different than "you" & "me." They're just like us, only with different thoughts & opinions. Just because there are people in this world, who think about stuff like this, doesn't make them animalistic. Murderers aren't animalistic, its all chemical unbalance.

I think when it comes to people in this situation, it dates to something that went wrong with their childhood. So they feel unloved, or unwanted. And as a result, they want to give that love to who they feel they were at the time they felt unloved.. which would be a child.

your 'freind' is probably thinking of ways to molest kids as i write this, they are sick there is no cure.

Meh, I don't agree with what they do.. but I don't believe its not curable. Its the people in life that do it, that have the choice to change what they do. Everyone has the ability to change who they are, & what they do. They simply have to be dedicated to doing it.

What makes me really sick is that the penalties are less strict than for stealing. It is fooking stupid how is stealing worse?! Stupid laws we have in this country, lock them away and throw away the key i say.

American laws are & have always been unbalanced & fucked up. Nothing changes that. I can't begin to imagine why stealing is a worse crime, where did you get the thought that its more of a crime to steal, than to have sex with a child?

I don't see millions of faces posted on a "thieve offenders" website.
there isnt any excuse and i dont think it can be fixed. Peados are different from you and me, they think differently they are animals with no values you can send them for help but they always go in search of more kids to molest to feed their sick perversion. your 'freind' is probably thinking of ways to molest kids as i write this, they are sick there is no cure. What makes me really sick is that the penalties are less strict than for stealing. It is fooking stupid how is stealing worse?! Stupid laws we have in this country, lock them away and throw away the key i say.

How dare you, while my friend may have done some things in his past that were shady, but he's done what he's needed to do to get help he needs to become a functional member of society, and he's changed (he's now engaged to a great girl and has been living with her for the past year). I know this for a fact, I was there for most of his therapy. I didn't share that story so people like you could shit all over it with baseless insults.
How dare you, while my friend may have done some things in his past that were shady, but he's done what he's needed to do to get help he needs to become a functional member of society, and he's changed (he's now engaged to a great girl and has been living with her for the past year). I know this for a fact, I was there for most of his therapy. I didn't share that story so people like you could shit all over it with baseless insults.

I felt just as insulted by what he said, & I don't even know anyone thats done anything like that in life. I think its just the typical response people who're afraid to think things can change, & mistakes can be righted.

Again, like I said before.. its not something that isn't overcomeable (word?) Its a chemical embalance, & its something that if people really work hard at fixing.. can fix.
Not everything can just be 'forgotten' though. Focus on the child who has been through this. Did they deserve it? There's no way anyone can say yes to that question. There is something wrong with the people who do this. There is a difference between finding children attractive, and doing something about it. The thing is, the stupid thing is, most of the time it has nothing to do with attractiveness, but about a need to feel control.

I don't mean to disrespect your friend, and he may have changed, he may be a good guy now. But I cannot have any sympathy for people who abuse, rape or murder anyone, especially children. I congratulate him, for finding help, but no matter what someone has been through, why would they then put someone else through the same thing? That's my opinion on the matter. People may change, and it's really good he's moved on with his life, and has worked on things to make himself a better person. But he abused someone, and my thoughts are with that person, rather than the person who did it.
Not everything can just be 'forgotten' though. Focus on the child who has been through this. Did they deserve it? There's no way anyone can say yes to that question. There is something wrong with the people who do this. There is a difference between finding children attractive, and doing something about it. The thing is, the stupid thing is, most of the time it has nothing to do with attractiveness, but about a need to feel control.

I don't mean to disrespect your friend, and he may have changed, he may be a good guy now. But I cannot have any sympathy for people who abuse, rape or murder anyone, especially children. I congratulate him, for finding help, but no matter what someone has been through, why would they then put someone else through the same thing? That's my opinion on the matter. People may change, and it's really good he's moved on with his life, and has worked on things to make himself a better person. But he abused someone, and my thoughts are with that person, rather than the person who did it.

No, forgiveness & forgetfulness shouldn't be done. The people who do it don't deserve sympathy for what they've done. And the children it happens to, they have to live with that forever. For that, these people deserve to live with that pain of what they did to another human being forever. They should never feel forgived for what they did, or the crime they committed.

But its not, or shouldn't be, out of the question to assume a person can change their ways.

The fact of what that guy did, will never & should never be forgotten or forgived, regardless of him changing his ways. What he did was wrong, & will forever be known as being wrong. But because he (unlike so many of them) stayed dedicated to changing his ways, because he accepted what he did as horrible.. it makes him a better person.

It may not make him a saint, by any stretch.. but it makes him stronger, because a lot of people can't remain dedicated to things, or change what they've felt.
No, forgiveness & forgetfulness shouldn't be done. The people who do it don't deserve sympathy for what they've done. And the children it happens to, they have to live with that forever. For that, these people deserve to live with that pain of what they did to another human being forever. They should never feel forgived for what they did, or the crime they committed.

But its not, or shouldn't be, out of the question to assume a person can change their ways.

The fact of what that guy did, will never & should never be forgotten or forgived, regardless of him changing his ways. What he did was wrong, & will forever be known as being wrong. But because he (unlike so many of them) stayed dedicated to changing his ways, because he accepted what he did as horrible.. it makes him a better person.

It may not make him a saint, by any stretch.. but it makes him stronger, because a lot of people can't remain dedicated to things, or change what they've felt.

I just feel bad for the poepl that have to suffer through this torment, its wrong and i myself have had bad things happen to me, agressive beahaviour which lead to me getting beaten up daily you dont see me however beating my kids, its wrong plain and simple to lay your hands on a child it sickens me that people like that exist!

Not everything can just be 'forgotten' though. Focus on the child who has been through this. Did they deserve it? There's no way anyone can say yes to that question. There is something wrong with the people who do this. There is a difference between finding children attractive, and doing something about it. The thing is, the stupid thing is, most of the time it has nothing to do with attractiveness, but about a need to feel control.

I don't mean to disrespect your friend, and he may have changed, he may be a good guy now. But I cannot have any sympathy for people who abuse, rape or murder anyone, especially children. I congratulate him, for finding help, but no matter what someone has been through, why would they then put someone else through the same thing? That's my opinion on the matter. People may change, and it's really good he's moved on with his life, and has worked on things to make himself a better person. But he abused someone, and my thoughts are with that person, rather than the person who did it.

I agree HBK AHOLICK i really do i have no simpathy for anyone that causes pain its not right, a child emotionally invests themselves in you they give there all and are open with you, for taking that and them into adult situations and making them do things that they shouldnt be doing takes away there innocence, i know that this fellow whomever he is has to deal with what he did but what about that child, because of his actions his choices he has takent away that childs innocence and made sure that that child is in a world of torment, now we may even see a chain reaction we may see that little boy grow up and make the same decision every decision has an effect, when i got beaten by my farther day by day i chose to ignore his anger and just to walk away from it, there are times when i emotionally get angry but i would never and i mean never take that anger out on my daughter, and i am ashamed of anyone who makes choices like that, to me its not just about getting help its getting help before you become a harm to others and making a choice to say no i wont be like that i will live my life properly and become a better person because of it!
What about minors that molest kids? What if a 14 or 15 year old sexually molested a 7 or 8 year old? Does that teen deserve to go to prison, or do you think that their young enough to go to treatment and get help? I personally think it is possible for minors to change their behavior and get the help they need without having to go to prison.

I have a good friend who experienced a very rough childhood as he was growing up, not only was he sexually molested at a young age, but he in turn, sexually molested a young boy when he was 14. I met this guy a year later when we were both in long term treatment, dealing with separate issues. I stayed in the facility with this kid for 2 years as I completed my therapy. I watched him grow, mature, and eventually transform into one of the most selfless and caring men I ever had the privilege of knowing today.

That must have happened to a lot of adult abusers. Are they forgiven because they are slighty older? I see where you're coming from. But a 15 year old knows exactly what he's doing.

I don't think for a second that some sort of rehab makes you stop having those type of thoughts. I think it just helps you to control them.
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