Paul London and Brian Kendrick


chidori nagashi. 漢字
I don't know about any of you, but I used to LOVE watching these two wrestle back on Smackdown. They were so very quick and maneuverable and you could not deny how exciting it was to watch them. As a tag team they became champions, and they did great together. Apart from that, they were both extraordinary singles competitors and could certainly hold their own.

Paul London seemed to fade out of the WWE picture, while Kendrick had that last run as 'The' Brian Kendrick, which I didn't mind, then seemed to fade off too. Imagine if these two would return to the WWE as a tag team. I honestly think they'd be able to reignite the burnt out tag team division. But that's just me. Though, in this day and age of WWE, cruiserweights seem to be the minority, unlike back in 2006(?) when the Cruiserweight division was on fire with London, Kendrick, Mysterio, Chavo, Nunzio, Mexicools, Hurricane etc. It was a great moment for the cruiserweights.

Now my question isn't how probable it is of them both returning, because I have no idea about that, but
If they did return, would you like it?
Would you think that it would be a success or do you think they would turn into Evan Bourne v1 and v2?
Lastly, would you like to see them team up again?

I personally would love it.
I'd love it for the fact that it would mean that they were re-vitalizing the cruiserweight division.

Given their lack of size, I thought teaming them together left them at a signficant disadvantage in every matchup they were in and I'd prefer they return as singles competitors.

I think the WWE has gone back to the same 'big man' overload that they had prior to ECW and WCW showcasing talent in smaller packages.

I feel that if not for WCW, we would never have been treated to the talents of Rey Misterio and many others that didn't fit the size mold that Vince McMahon is too often enthralled with.
i would love for them to come back and for the cruserweight & tag team divisions to come back. in my opinion having more divisions gives everyone a chance to do something and really have an opportunity to get over. vince always says he gives people the opportunity to be stars, but its safe to say that some people get better of opportunities than others, like how people always say that morrison is bad on the mic, but how many opportunities has he had? i think they should bring these divisions back and everyone their moment in the sun.

WWE has: daniel bryan, dolph ziggler, evan bourne, the usos, morrison, tyson kidd, yoshi tatsu, zack ryder, kofi, slater & gabriel, mysterio, baretta, etc. they have huge potenial to make a new cruserwright division
A return to WWE for Brian Kendrick and/or Paul London is entirely within the realm of possibility. Kendrick could get his walking papers from TNA any day now, so conceivably he would be "good to go" in about 3 months. London may have to break a few gymnasium and CYO show commitments, disappointing tens of fans in the process no doubt, but he would pretty much be ready to go immediately.

Of course, the question is What happens when they get back to WWE?

Unfortunately, I think the answer is exactly the same as it was when they were last there. The tag-team division is an afterthought at best and an absolute joke at worst. Until the point where it's taken seriously (if that ever happens), it doesn't matter how talented London and Kendrick may be. They'll always be near the bottom of the ladder in terms of emphasis or push.

Even in singles competition, I don't think WWE really knows what to do with either of those talents... again, hearkening back to their prior runs. This is the same reason why I'm a bit worried about Sin Cara's debut and what will eventually become of him. I know he's being touted as the "unofficial" Rey Mysterio replacement, but will WWE give fans (and Cara) the proper amount of time to make the transition? I'm not sure.

What I am fairly sure of is that London and Kendrick are doing nothing different than they did upon their release from WWE. Therefore, there is really no reason to bring them back as they'll more than likely find themselves in the same position they were in upon their departures.
As a big fan of the two as a team before their releases, I would only want to see London and Kendrick back in WWE as a regular tag team if WWE straightens up their act in terms of making the tag team division not a complete joke. Sadly, I don't actually see that happening anytime soon so if L&K actually do make a return, they would probably be used as "talent enhancement" when put in singles competition and used in filler tag team matches when teaming up. Basically, where there were before they were released (more or less). I think neildittmar said it best. As a fan of their previous work together, I would LOVE to see them team up again and revitalize the tag team division (if WWE decides to give people a reason to care about it) as they were actually one of the reasons I tuned into Smackdown on a regular basis a few years ago when they were a team.
The problem lies with Vince McMahon. Vince likes BIG men who look like bodybuilders, and the more muscular and ripped they are, the better. Light heavyweights were always considered one thing that WCW did right and WWF got all wrong.

They have plenty of guys who could make a great CW division (Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, Rey Misterio, ...), but until they have management behind it, it's not going to happen.
i would love for these 2 to come back, i mean they were WWE's MCMG they were the tag team,when WWE had a tag division(deuce and domin also good), anyways have these guys come back and bring some life into the WWE tag team division instead of havin the corre or nexus hold them because who else is gonna hold them besides these guys and santino and vladimir?????NOOOOOOOOO not a mark henry and sum small high flyin wrestler(worst idea ever). wut u do is you bring these guys in and have them feud with the corre and not let them win the first or second title match and then put them in a theme ppv and have them win the titles and then let the feud start and build even more.BOOM!!! you started yourself a tag division, and look whos leadin it.
Yes i do want to see them back together again, but lets leave them in TNA where real tag teams shine not in the WWE where all they want to do is split them up. TNA does tag teams well and the style fits them better in TNA. I really liked their run in WWE as champs and trying to get the titles but that was probably the last real tag team champs in WWE.
They really aren't good singles competitors, plus Kendrick was trying to get fired from the E so I doubt they have any interest in bringing him back.
They'd split up after 2 matches, then move to Superstars, then be released.
Isn't that the story of tag teams?
Why would you want them back on WWE. I would much rather them form a team on TNA as Brian Kendrick is just floating around in the lower card as of right now. A Gen Me vs Londrick program could be a lot of fun. MCMG returing to feud with Londrick would bow the roof of the Impact Zone as well in my opinion.
Nah. I wouldn't want to see Paul London and Brian Kendrick back in the WWE for numerous reasons.

1. There's nothing for them to accomplish in the Tag Team division (which barely exists) if they were to team up again. They've already won the Tag Team Championships and have even been the longest-reigning Tag Team Champions in Smackdown history. What more could they do in the WWE as a Tag Team except wrestle a few matches against today's WWE Tag Teams?

2. As singles competitors, I feel that they'd repeat their lack of success and be weekly jobbers. Brian Kendrick had a better showing than Paul London because of his heel turn and gimmick tweak, but that didn't last.

3. There isn't a Cruiserweight division where these guys could shine. They've done everything they possibly could in the WWE. Paul London even enjoyed a Cruiserweight Championship run at one point.

4. It's rehashed. It's the same old thing. Paul London puts on a great fast-paced match a few times over the course of a month, and then jobs and then gets future endeavoured. Brian Kendrick possibly feuds with Evan Bourne, and then possibly gets an Intercontinental Championship/US Championship title shot once or twice, but then also gets future endeavoured shortly after. The WWE isn't the place for either guys anymore. They already have enough mid-card wrestlers they aren't really using.
They already have enough mid-card wrestlers they aren't really using.

I wouldn't mind if they replaced Kofi and Truth with these 2. Not being racist, but they're both friggin terrible.

Since it's PG, aren't kids into all that highflying superman kind of thing? A cruiserweight division would be perfect in this day and age IMO.
I remember when I was like 11 and replayed Eddie v Rey matches because one of them jumped over the other or did a hurriracanrana. It excited me so much :)

Kendrick, London, Tatsu, Bourne, Sin Cara, Bryan, Tyson Kidd, Chavo. Would make for quite a superb division. I don't see the drawback.

London may have to break a few gymnasium and CYO show commitments, disappointing tens of fans in the process no doubt.

:lmao: I just about fell off of my chair at that!

I do think that the cruiserweight division should come back but Kind of think there to many Titles as it is. I never really liked two World champions working in the same company. It just feels odd. If they unify some of belts they could bring it back but they don't showcase the I-C or USA title much as it is. Bryan had a good run but those belts aren't built up to what it used to be. Used to be upper mid card or guys who were on the verge of breaking. Now it feels like they throw it on someone when they have nothing to do with them. Surprised the USA belt made it to mania this year.

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