Paul Heyman's comment about John Cena

George Steele's Barber

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I watched most of Raw this week. The main event was a lot of fun but the one thing I can't get out of my mind from it was the way Heyman praised Cena during his promo. He even went as far as saying something to the affect of loving the idea of John Cena as a Paul Heyman guy. What?!?!

Wtf is wrong with me? I've spent the better part of the last four years thinking of ways John Cena would make the turn or trying to pick up on subtleties in Cena's actions that make me think the seeds are sewn and he is taking the plunge. Now Heyman's comments have me doing it again. I know it is highly unlikely, I know the comment meant nothing, I know Heyman even said he has no time for anyone but Brock, I know Cena will have movies to promote, I know he is going to keep doing fine charitable work and representing the company as their gold standard but.....

The comment got me thinking (or unnecessarily obsessing). Brock takes long breaks. Heyman has become a huge part of the show. Can Heyman stay relevant without being attached to an on screen character? The Ryback, Cesaro, and Curtis Axl experiments didn't pan out so great. Cena allowed himself to be destroyed, not beaten but destroyed on Sunday. Heyman and Punk are both talented on the mic but it still worked to align the two. Brock may be done by WM 31. While everyone has dreamed of a Cena turn has anyone ever assumed he could align himself with Heyman? Would that provide the level of shock necessary to get another million people to tune in to Raw? The WWE Network needs a boost. It even crossed my mind that Nikki Bella has gone heel.

So again, I don't think this is going to happen but what if it did? Could you see the two mesh? Is it too much talent with similar strengths in one pairing? What would it be like to have Brock and Cena on the same page? Is this the kind of move necessary to prop up newer talent? Did Heyman's comment stick out to anyone else? Has anyone else been having these unhealthy storyline fantasies that I have? Can someone recommend a good shrink? Does R + L = J? Is it OK to start a thread this week that has nothing to do with Dean Ambrose?
Well, one thing's for sure, you definitely should change the title of this thread. That being said, while I'm not against your idea, it's not gonna happen until either Reigns or someone else is ready to take Cena's spot as far as being the top face of the WWE. By then it'll probably be too late to take advantage of this situation and use it to its full potential.
Is it OK to start a thread this week that has nothing to do with Dean Ambrose?

No, so to be honest, you can fuck right off, Georgie.

Ahh, wait, I actually went back and read the other content of your post. You have an intriguing idea so this is the one exception. I've always wondered how long they were going to allow Cena to remain stagnant. Let's be honest, the highlight of the past two years for Cena was losing to The Rock. Cena still pushes merch and puts people in the seats, but there's room to grow for everyone and Cena has plateaued in my opinion. The only thing left to really generate some more excitement with Cena is to do something drastic.

Cena and Heyman are two great wrestling minds, why not. Do it!

Well, one thing's for sure, you definitely should change the title of this thread.

GSB, he's right. I was pissed off to discover this thread had nothing to do with a naughty Heyman.

Just imagine this face as Heyman passionately tries pleasing you.

And I thought the world ended that day! Oh wait!

I am all for it. Anything that can refresh the Cena character. I am not his mark and I am not Cena hater, but I'll admit that his character can use some change. And this might just put a few more butts in the seats. But if Cena turns, who takes over? That's another can of worms, but there's nothing in this world that cannot be solved with a bit of "creative" thinking.

And we do have a thread on Titus O' Niel, so that's a start!
George you have a good idea going there, this just might work. It makes a lot of sense, I did hear Paul make that comment about Cena. I even heard Cena make a comment recently about life would be much easier if I was a heel, it was not on air. Remember Rock was a heel for a while and c.m. punk was a heel for a while. The wwe should try it out for a while and see what kind of reaction they get, wait and see what happens with Daniel Bryan. This could set up a great match next summer between Roman and John. Then you have to worry about Seth he has to turn in his money in the bank contract by next may or june I believe. When Roman wins at Wrestlemania you want him to hold the title for awhile, so when does Seth get his chance. There are some questions but I think it would work, I would take the title from Lesnar sooner than Wrestlemania let Seth win it soon, remember Batista and Daniel are coming back.
Remember Rock was a heel for a while and c.m. punk was a heel for a while.
The Rock and Punk didn't do anywhere near the outside the ring work that Cena does. That is the main problem with turning him heel. That is the reason why he will never go heel.

As far as Heyman and Cena go...they would not work. Both are talkers which creates a problem. Plus if Cena were to go heel Heyman is not really needed.
Is it too much talent with similar strengths in one pairing?

Part of the answer can be gathered by considering what you thought of the Heyman-Punk team. Personally, the sight of Punk standing silently while Heyman ranted was so far removed from what we had seen in Punk's cross-legged diatribes from the middle of the ring, that it the whole thing seemed a waste of resources. On this forum, we keep talking about performers who need the services of Paul Heyman; CM Punk surely was not one of them. Not that Heyman was bad in the role; he could manage to sound obnoxious while helping little old ladies cross the street.

John Cena is another one who doesn't really need Heyman; at least not in the manner Paul has presented himself thus far. If there's anyone on the roster who can get his message across without help from anyone else, it's Cena.

Then again, if Cena aligns himself with Heyman, there's no question as to what John is gonna be doing over these next months, right? If they're planning to finally turn Cena bad, it's not going to be something that's done without a lot of thought and preparation on the part of will be truly a big event in the world of pro wrestling. Paul Heyman could be attached to it all, but maybe not in the way he associated himself with Punk, Brock, etc.....
I watched most of Raw this week. The main event was a lot of fun but the one thing I can't get out of my mind from it was the way Heyman praised Cena during his promo. He even went as far as saying something to the affect of loving the idea of John Cena as a Paul Heyman guy. What?!?!

Wtf is wrong with me? I've spent the better part of the last four years thinking of ways John Cena would make the turn or trying to pick up on subtleties in Cena's actions that make me think the seeds are sewn and he is taking the plunge. Now Heyman's comments have me doing it again. I know it is highly unlikely, I know the comment meant nothing, I know Heyman even said he has no time for anyone but Brock, I know Cena will have movies to promote, I know he is going to keep doing fine charitable work and representing the company as their gold standard but.....

The comment got me thinking (or unnecessarily obsessing). Brock takes long breaks. Heyman has become a huge part of the show. Can Heyman stay relevant without being attached to an on screen character? The Ryback, Cesaro, and Curtis Axl experiments didn't pan out so great. Cena allowed himself to be destroyed, not beaten but destroyed on Sunday. Heyman and Punk are both talented on the mic but it still worked to align the two. Brock may be done by WM 31. While everyone has dreamed of a Cena turn has anyone ever assumed he could align himself with Heyman? Would that provide the level of shock necessary to get another million people to tune in to Raw? The WWE Network needs a boost. It even crossed my mind that Nikki Bella has gone heel.

So again, I don't think this is going to happen but what if it did? Could you see the two mesh? Is it too much talent with similar strengths in one pairing? What would it be like to have Brock and Cena on the same page? Is this the kind of move necessary to prop up newer talent? Did Heyman's comment stick out to anyone else? Has anyone else been having these unhealthy storyline fantasies that I have? Can someone recommend a good shrink? Does R + L = J? Is it OK to start a thread this week that has nothing to do with Dean Ambrose?

You may just be onto something there Georgie boy.

Obviously the attention on Brie has been done to keep DB relevant whilst he is out injured.

With Nikki going heel and even referencing Brie getting married before her,etc... on last RAW....maybe there is a plan somewhere....

What if WM31.......Heel Nikki.....Heel John.....vs....Brie Bella.....w/ReturningDanielBryan....

Maybe it could happen....don't know how Paul will fit in until Brock is out of the picture tho...
A couple things:

1. I don't like the concept of 'need' in professional wrestling. I like 'strength'. Wrestling shows continue to thrive off of main events. WWE as a brand is as much of a powerful drawing tool as anything but the big main events, the top names, the strongest stories can be the difference between a good number and a great number.
The roster is deep enough right now, WWE can take chances in the main event to create something new that is a surprise.

2. This isn't my idea. Heyman threw it out there as plain as day. I wouldn't consider such an idea unless Heyman would have said what he said which was pretty straight forward. It wasn't subtle,.

Now if I had to creatively book it here it what I would do:

Over the next few weeks leading to NoC have Cena play himself going through a redemption storyline. Same old, same old from Cena about not giving up, being a true champion, not changing for anyone. Heyman can focus on how Brock says that this is the end of Cena. That his not giving up is going to be the end of him. That after NoC the John Cena you know will be gone. At some point announce that the match will be some type of no DQ match. It gives fans some hard core element that they will appreciate and even give Cena a chance to win.

At NoC have Brock manhandle Cena again. During the match have Heyman, in a very cocky way continue to call Brock over to joke and toy with a beaten Cena. After about 15 minutes have Heyman feed Cena some type of weapon that Cena uses on Brock's stomach. The announcers can treat Brock's stomach as his Achilles heel due to his history of diverticulitis. Cena wins, Cena and Heyman run off and the show ends with an obviously pained Brock hurt and bewildered.

On Raw the next night finish the show with Cena cutting a promo about being a real champion and someone dedicated to WWE unlike a part time Brock. Cena doesn't have to change much about himself. He can talk about his alignment with Heyman being about doing it for his fans and not because some idiots boo him. He did what was right for professional wrestling.

Then Heyman can cut a promo about not being able to handle working with a beast like Brock any more. That he wants to clean up his image and be with someone who is professional wrestling. That hr can't deal with having to spends months representing chumps like Ryback, Cesaro, and Curtis Axl. That brings out all three guys who are looking to pound Heyman. Before that escalates Brock makes an appearance. Out for Cena and Heyman's blood. He goes to the ring and Cena looks ready to fight. As Brock is about to get to Cena Cesaro, Ryback, and Axl pounce on Brock and along with Cena give him the beating of a lifetime. The beating ends with Cena working Brock's stomach again with a bat, wrench, hammer or some other weapon. No one saves Brock because there is no one who ever would save Brock.

Now Brock can be written off the show until WM season (I'm assuming he isn't working any more dates or matches until WM season just like last year). Heyman has a traditional faction with a main event champion, a future singles champ in Cesaro, a tag team, and plenty of enforcers to protect Cena. Cena can have a long run. The roster is flipped for him allowing him to open up to matches with guys like Reigns, Ambrose, Bryan and heel interaction if not violence or a match with legends like Flair, Piper, King, Sting, UT, and Hogan.

It works for me. It won't happen because, well at this point just because but I like my idea. Again, not Cena becoming a Heyman guy, that wasn't my idea but the rest is.

Does this scenario work for you? How would you change it?
Two things to consider: no one has presented themselves to be able to take Cena's spot yet. That's one of the many things stopping him from a heel turn. Daniel Bryan was almost there, but we saw what happened there. Roman Reigns can be built to that point, but it has to be a slow burn. Either way, it's a lot of work and effort that probably takes years to actually produce results. We'll have to wait and see. The other thing is that Paul Heyman and Lesnar have already buried Cena to a point where I don't see how Cena could possibly align himself with them. Heyman has buried him on the microphone, discrediting his character and style, and Lesnar pretty much buried Cena at Summerslam as if he were local enhancement talent. Would it even make sense for Cena to do something like align himself with Heyman and Lesnar? I know wrestling is scripted and all, but a line needs to be drawn between wants and logic.

Now if I had to creatively book it here it what I would do:

Over the next few weeks leading to NoC have Cena play himself going through a redemption storyline. Same old, same old from Cena about not giving up, being a true champion, not changing for anyone. Heyman can focus on how Brock says that this is the end of Cena. That his not giving up is going to be the end of him. That after NoC the John Cena you know will be gone. At some point announce that the match will be some type of no DQ match. It gives fans some hard core element that they will appreciate and even give Cena a chance to win.

At NoC have Brock manhandle Cena again. During the match have Heyman, in a very cocky way continue to call Brock over to joke and toy with a beaten Cena. After about 15 minutes have Heyman feed Cena some type of weapon that Cena uses on Brock's stomach. The announcers can treat Brock's stomach as his Achilles heel due to his history of diverticulitis. Cena wins, Cena and Heyman run off and the show ends with an obviously pained Brock hurt and bewildered.

On Raw the next night finish the show with Cena cutting a promo about being a real champion and someone dedicated to WWE unlike a part time Brock. Cena doesn't have to change much about himself. He can talk about his alignment with Heyman being about doing it for his fans and not because some idiots boo him. He did what was right for professional wrestling.

Then Heyman can cut a promo about not being able to handle working with a beast like Brock any more. That he wants to clean up his image and be with someone who is professional wrestling. That hr can't deal with having to spends months representing chumps like Ryback, Cesaro, and Curtis Axl. That brings out all three guys who are looking to pound Heyman. Before that escalates Brock makes an appearance. Out for Cena and Heyman's blood. He goes to the ring and Cena looks ready to fight. As Brock is about to get to Cena Cesaro, Ryback, and Axl pounce on Brock and along with Cena give him the beating of a lifetime. The beating ends with Cena working Brock's stomach again with a bat, wrench, hammer or some other weapon. No one saves Brock because there is no one who ever would save Brock.

Now Brock can be written off the show until WM season (I'm assuming he isn't working any more dates or matches until WM season just like last year). Heyman has a traditional faction with a main event champion, a future singles champ in Cesaro, a tag team, and plenty of enforcers to protect Cena. Cena can have a long run. The roster is flipped for him allowing him to open up to matches with guys like Reigns, Ambrose, Bryan and heel interaction if not violence or a match with legends like Flair, Piper, King, Sting, UT, and Hogan.

It works for me. It won't happen because, well at this point just because but I like my idea. Again, not Cena becoming a Heyman guy, that wasn't my idea but the rest is.

Does this scenario work for you? How would you change it?

Makes sense, great scenario, but doesn't work for Cena. Maybe someone like Ambrose or Wyatt who can afford it.
So in week one Paul Heyman says he wishes Cena was a Paul Heyman Guy. Week two has Cena wrestling like Brock Lesnar. In between Heyman and Stone Cold do a podcast where the focus is on Cena and where he is going. Heyman makes more mention of what Cena would be doing if Heyman was his advisor. Week three and Cena is threatening to use the legal system to get what he wants. HHH is being incredibly critical of Cena's value as a champ. Cena continues to get pushed to do something desperate.

I can't believe this isn't getting discussed more. It's like the Bella rage is all anyone cares about.
In the immortal words of the 20th Centuries greatest poet:

My loneliness is killing me
I must confess I still believe

Well, Cena was back to being Cena last night. Inspirational, a little crude, a little bit of a bully but still inspirational. Still making speeches about staying true to being John Cena. Heyman flat out told Cena that the way to beat Lesnar is to become a monster. I'm not sure Heyman believes that or he is just playing mind games with the crowd and Cena. There is no way Cena can out monster Lesnar, no one can. To me the only way Cena beats Lesnar is either a Superman performance beyond anything we have seen before or flat out cheat. Cheating doesn't make you a monster. Then again, a bit of cheating and then turning in to a vicious monster could work.

I don't know. They certainly went an opposite direction from what they have developed the past few weeks and took Cena back to square one. I hope it is just a way to throw us off but I am probably kidding myself the same way I've kidded myself over the course of the last few and throughout my lonely thread. Very entertaining segment regardless.

I'll leave you with this bit of wisdom:

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night

Minds blown!!!!!!!!
Basically they building that "the only way to beat brock is to abandon the -Cena life-" so that when he loses at NoC it can be pushed as "he still won because he didn't renounce his Cena life".

Admittedly this is probably the most interesting angle Cena has been in the last couple of year, but that's really not saying much.

(also, they should really show Brock more, right now he really doesn't feel like the champion, we basically never even seen him with the belt)
Cena pushed Heyman in a similar manner to how my six year old daughter would push her three year old little brother after he would say to her, "na na poo poo".

A story is come out that Lesnar wanted Sheldon Benjamin to get a chance with the WWE before he would sign 12ish years ago. What a nice guy. Brock meets Cena straight up and dismantles Cena quickly and then Cena catches Brock with his back turned.

Oh yeah, and Cena kidnapped a guy.
And now, George Steele's Barber talks to George Steele's Barber:

I'm balls deep on a Cena heel turn right now. I love it. I want it. I feel like all programming and all dirt sheet rumors and stories are pointing in that direction.

And I was wrong. I should have known that the smell coming from all those balls were Vince's grapefruits.

I've become so entrenched in it that I have become one of those fans who I mock when they complain about the product because what they said was going to happen or want to happen didn't happen.

I just feel like in 2014, WWE is bigger than one man playing one type of character. I feel like WWE is the draw. Not face Cena. That change can occur and others can pick up the slack.

And I'm serious about not wanting to watch any more. I don't even think the last four weeks of Raw were that bad. I'm just tired. I don't care about merchandizing, I don't care if their is no heir apparent, I don't care if Cena and Heyman don't need each other on the mic.

I just want to be entertained to a certain degree.

In the end it all comes down to how many people re-upped their Network subscriptions and how many foreigners signed up over the past month or so. We know not as many signed up as predicted originally and not many signed up after Mania. The ones that are going to re-up will do so before NoC and the ones who did not will either never sign up again or are waiting for the Rumble or Mania.

I guess we should all buy stock in WWE because they are putting out a product that screams, "Our Network is doing great to the point that we can book like we are still focused on our PPV model and WM!!!!"

WWE needs a way to draw these people back before Mania season and bring those on the fence in. A Cena heel turn is the biggest bullet they have in their gun right now.

I'll give Raw a peak in tonight and ongoing but I need a break for a while. There just isn't much that interests me enough. I'm broken.

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