Paul Blart: Mall Cop...WTF

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This movie made 33.8 million dollars in its opening weekend in America. This is probably the most surprising box office news that I have seen since Tyler Perry's first film grossed somewhere around 20 million dollars in its opening weekend (I think it was called Diary of a Mad Black Woman).

Did anyone go see this? I am a big fan of Kevin James from his King of Queens days, but I thought I would wait for this to come on DVD, as I thought it would be one of those films that would be available for rental in a few weeks. I can only assume that I was totally wrong.
movies are way too expensive these days. Kevin James = funny, but worth $8.00 per person? Hmmmmmmmm.....

That's why you go early, when tickets only cost $5.25 instead of $8.00:thumbsup:

Besides theaters tend to be less crowded in the mornings anyway, so you can get those awesome seats with the "foot bar" in front of them
Haven't had the chance to see it yet. But as someone who lived in Queens I loved James on that show. Also as I recall, he and Mick Foley were on the wrestling team together in High School. There's even a photo of it in one of his books (Foley is Good?) shame both of them got so fat, but regardless they both found success. Actually I think I may go see this movie after all the talking about it.
I've seen it. Kevin James was fuckin hilarious, and I'd give the movie 4 stars. It was worth going to see, and I'd recommend going to see it.

I work too, but only on Saturdays. I don't know why I'm still employed.

Moral of the post: what ev
I got to see a free preview screening last Wednesday. It's a mediocre movie that gets elevated by Kevin James. Very few people could have made that movie funny, and Kevin James managed it. He is absolutely hilarious. He does physical comedy, but manages to sell it with facial expressions and body language, whereas almost anyone else would try to channel Chris Farley and oversell it like what they were doing is the most excruciatingly painful thing ever. In fact, I think they need to go back, take any movie Chris Farley had a starring role in, take him out and insert Kevin James.

Still haven't gotten to see Gran Torino.

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