Parole hearing request


Asylum charter member
I hereby formally request a parole hearing for the prisoner, Macios. I believe him to be rehabilitated and humbly request that said hearing take place expeditiously, at a time deemed suitable by the powers that be. Thank you to the court in advance.
Signed. I didn't experience the old Macios, but for the roughly six months that I've been a member the guy has been polite, engaging, and contrite.
I agree, this has gone on far enough. If he makes this many threads when he's released, you can just throw him back in here.
I'd definitely support the release of Macios from the prison. Dude has been in there a really long time and has tried really hard to be released. Plus if he breaks the rules again its just a simple matter of putting him back in there. What harm could there be?
I do want to mention to anyone who may have missed it that KB did say Parole Court was going to happen. Hopefully the sooner the better but just so that point is clear to everyone that I will get Parole court it's now a matter of when.

However I hve no problem signing on to this.
It came off like I was a dick. What I meant to say is that since you got out, Macios should be let out. He has improved way more than you did in your time in the prison.

That's 'cos I wasn't awful when I was in the Prison & I was posting in there like a bitch from the start of me being in there.
Mace has built a nice resume of mitigating evidence during his stay, but he has some things working against him, chiefly that his length of stay is starting to put his incarceration in the mindset of the Undertaker's WM streak. Taker wins because he wins. Mace is in because he's in.
I think the fact that he is the only one that stimulates prison posting works against him, too. If he was gone, all the federal money that goes into the prison system would dry up. :)
I think the fact that he is the only one that stimulates prison posting works against him, too. If he was gone, all the federal money that goes into the prison system would dry up. :)

I might be able to fix that though. In the darkest part of the Prison, unbenknowst to normal members is a Prisoner who has been training to make a return. A few whistles to the Prison hound plus some smuggled parchment might be able to create the return of in my opinion the greatest prisoner ever to grace wrestlezone.

You know him by Jenks....
I might be able to fix that though. In the darkest part of the Prison, unbenknowst to normal members is a Prisoner who has been training to make a return. A few whistles to the Prison hound plus some smuggled parchment might be able to create the return of in my opinion the greatest prisoner ever to grace wrestlezone.

You know him by Jenks....
Yes, the release from solitary of Jenks may help. You never know when Bill Lesnar is going to pop up, as well.
I believe we are also about due for a run-in by Lying ******ed Crybaby Troll Bitch. He shows up about once a month, remarkable similar to a menstrual cycle.
Macios, what you could do, is simply to point out the surge in entertainment value since you started posting with a mighty [size=+3]Are you not ENTERTAINED?[/size]

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