Paris Hilton Gets Jail Time

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SmackDown! is MY Show
I was watching CNN and i saw that they went to breaking news and that Paris Hilton gets 45 days in jail. I know prolly none of you care but hey maybe some might care. I think is good that the court system making her do jail time, though crappy part is that she will have a good time there.
I just saw that, made me LMAO, I hate the stupid spoiled ****e, I hope some fat bitch comes up and shanks her in the prision yard, and she dies
I am sure this sentence will be shortened somehow. Someone that rich doesn't exactly just get thrown in jail without money or fame coming into play. What exactly was she jailed for? Good to see her in there though, spoiled druggo.
She'll serve about a week. Serves her right. She shouldn't break the law. If a normal person did whatever she did I'm sure there sentence would be greater.
I hope she gets the whole 45 days, but I think the HIlton's will throw a billion dollars at some one. God her parents are acting like it's the end of the world. It's barely more then a month. No one's going to touch her in there. The guards are going to be stupid and try to befriend her for a buck. She's not going in there with criminals, just a bunch of drunks or drug addicts. Serves the bitch right though.

Reminds me of a simpsons episode, where a criminal said he would be out in 24 hours and wiggiam said we will try and make it 12. This the case, her rich daddy or whatever will pay off somebody and she will be out in a week. I would rather this dirty hoe get deported to Iran...
well it's official. she got it cut in half due to "pre-encarceration good behavior"
whatever the fuck that is. she also gets her own private quarters in a cellblock reserved for "high profile" guests...COUGH i mean prisoners. goes to show how far $$ talks
Man, this whole scenario sounds like a synopsis to a great porno movie. Either that or another sequel to Chained Heat.
I hope she gets her ass kicked everyday in prison, my god could she be anymore of a ****e if she tried (but she looks like a dogs ass i dont get it)
Now she's back at home with a fuckin ankle bracelet on her leg, OMFG, why would they fucking do that? if I got a DUI or whatever the hell she did, i would have to stay in jail just like anybody else whos not famous, im so pissed off, why why why???
This is such total bullshit, I can't even fathom it.

She gets released because her psychiatrist says "She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown!"...


Seriously, I've been to jail and let me tell you this---EVERYBODY is on the verge of a nervous fuckin breakdown. People kill themselves in jail all the time because they can't handle it. I've seen people bash their fucking heads into walls so much that blood was leaking from their EYES and the guy still had to stay.

I didn't know that you could just leave prison if you didn't like it or were depressed, because if I did I definately would never have done my bid and your god damn sure that there would be no prison population.

They're having a hearing right now I guess and people are expecting the attorney to put her back in jail---and damn right she should. This is such fucking bullshit, I was ready to riot when I heard she got out.

What kind of half-assed world do we live in when spoiled little bitches like this get to say "Oh I'm sad because I'm not piss drunk with ten guy's cocks in my mouth!" and then get released from jail because of it? Such utter bullshit.

She had BETTER be going back to jail, or I've officially lost all and any hope for our legal system.
Hilton was sent screaming and crying back to jail Friday after a judge ruled that she must serve out her sentence behind bars rather than in the comfort of her Hollywood Hills home.

"It's not right!" shouted Hilton, who violated her probation in a reckless driving case. "Mom!" she cried out to her mother.

Hours earlier, the 26-year-old hotel heiress was taken handcuffed from her home in a black-and-white police car, paparazzi sprinting in pursuit and helicopters broadcasting live from above. She entered the courtroom disheveled and weeping, hair askew, without makeup, wearing a fuzzy gray sweat shirt over slacks.

She cried throughout the hearing, dabbing her eyes, and her body shook constantly. Several times she turned to her parents, seated behind her in the courtroom, and mouthed, "I love you."

Despite being ordered to serve the remainder of her original 45-day sentence, Hilton could still be released early. Inmates are given a day off their terms for every four days of good behavior, and her days in home detention counted as time served.

Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer was calm but apparently irked by Sheriff Lee Baca's decision to release Hilton three days into her sentence due to an unspecified "medical condition."

"I at no time condoned the actions of the sheriff and at no time told him I approved the actions," Sauer said. "At no time did I approve the defendant being released from custody to her home."

The hearing was requested by the city attorney's office, which had prosecuted Hilton and wanted Baca held in contempt for releasing Hilton despite Sauer's express order that she must serve her time in jail. The judge took no action on the contempt request.

A member of the county counsel's staff said Baca was willing to come to court with medical personnel. The judge did not take him up on the offer.

Assistant City Attorney Dan F. Jeffries argued that Hilton's incarceration was purely up to the judge. "Her release after only three days erodes confidence in the judicial system," he said.

Hilton's attorney, Richard Hutton, implored the judge to order a hearing in his chambers to hear testimony about Hilton's medical condition before making a decision. The judge did not respond to that suggestion.

Another of her attorneys, Steve Levine, said, "The sheriff has determined that because of her medical situation, (jail) is a dangerous place for her."

"The court's role here is to let the Sheriff's Department run the jail," he said.

The judge interrupted several times to say that he had received a call last Wednesday from an undersheriff informing him that Hilton had a medical condition and that he would submit papers to the judge to consider. He said the papers never arrived.

Every few minutes, the judge would interrupt proceedings, state the time on the clock, and note that the papers still had not arrived.

He also noted that he had heard that a private psychiatrist visited Hilton in jail, and he wondered if that person played a role in deciding her medical needs.

The last attorney to speak was another deputy city attorney, David Bozanich, who declared, "This is a simple case. There was a court. The Sheriff's Department chose to violate that order. There is no ambiguity."

Hilton's twisted jailhouse saga began Sept. 7, when she failed a sobriety test after police saw her weaving down a street in her Mercedes-Benz on what she said was a late-night hamburger run.

She pleaded no contest to reckless driving and was sentenced to 36 months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines. In the months that followed she was stopped twice while driving on a suspended license. The second stop landed her in Sauer's courtroom.

Back before Sauer on Friday, Hilton's entire body trembled as the final pitch was made for her further incarceration. She clutched a ball of tissue and tears ran down her face.

Seconds later, the judge announced his decision: "The defendant is remanded to county jail to serve the remainder of her 45-day sentence. This order is forthwith."

Hilton screamed.

Eight deputies immediately ordered all spectators out of the courtroom. Hilton's mother, Kathy, threw her arms around her husband, Rick, and sobbed uncontrollably.

Deputies escorted Hilton out of the room, holding each of her arms as she looked back.

Well son of a bitch, someone in Cali actually had the balls to enforce a celebrities jail sentence. Kudos to you sir. This maybe the best damn thing I've read in a long time. Honestly, she's freaking out after three days. The bitch probably deserves at least six months in jail for all the fuckups she's had in her life.

Happy day happy day. Hopefully I read "Hotel Heiress Hangs Self with shoe Lace" I'm cruel, but hey, that's what I think of her.
Well son of a bitch, someone in Cali actually had the balls to enforce a celebrities jail sentence. Kudos to you sir. This maybe the best damn thing I've read in a long time. Honestly, she's freaking out after three days. The bitch probably deserves at least six months in jail for all the fuckups she's had in her life.
I agree that it's good that the judge did not back down, and told the sheriff that he needed to follow his orders and keep her in jail. She broke a law and thus she has to pay.

Happy day happy day. Hopefully I read "Hotel Heiress Hangs Self with shoe Lace" I'm cruel, but hey, that's what I think of her.
Isn't that kind of cruel to say about someone you don't know, never met, and has had zero influence on your life?
Isn't that kind of cruel to say about someone you don't know, never met, and has had zero influence on your life?

Well I don't know I never met Adolf Hitler, and he's had no influence on my life yet I still wish for bad things to happen to him---in Hell albeit.
Well I don't know I never met Adolf Hitler, and he's had no influence on my life yet I still wish for bad things to happen to him---in Hell albeit.
Oh, well I never knew that Paris Hilton committed the genocide of millions of people all because she thought that they were an inferior grouping of people. My mistake.

Actually, I'm pretty sure she did not. I'm pretty sure she did nothing to hurt other people other than to remind them of what a good life she has compared to others. But, that is no reason to wish death upon them.
The statement was in jest, for the most part. I don't need to know her personally to know I would probably despise her in real life. I went to high school with a bunch of kids that had millionaire parents, so I'm used to the type, and for years I can't tolerate them. They live in their own bubble world, but hey, to each their own I suppose.

My problem with Paris is, she's yet another one of these celebrity millionaires that never get what they should have coming to them. She is influencing a generation of young women that its okay to pretty much be a Stupid Spoiled ****e, thank you South Park.

Has there ever been a person that has so much fame, doing absolutely nothing, and contributing zero to society?
Ok I'm glad you don't really want her to die. and millionaires really aren't that bad. but, you have to remember that when you are rich like that, people will automatically think and say bad things about you, whether it's true or not. Most people don't even know you, yet they will say derogatory things about you, things that are untrue, simply because they are jealous that they cannot live the same comfortable lifestyle. People either say bad things about people who have money, or try to use them to get money. So, people with money have to be careful who they let into their personal circle, because you never know what reason they want in, and what kind of person they really are. That's why many rich people like to assosciate with each, because there is less of a threat there.

My parents are no millionaires (although the guy my mom got re-married to is a multi-millionaire), but we have been very comfortable, and able to afford some nice things. But, just because we have good money, doesn't mean we are bad people. Don't judge people simply because of the amount of money they make or their parents make. It really is unfair.

And something else; find yourself a daughter of a millionaire. Makes for a great relationship.

Has there ever been a person that has so much fame, doing absolutely nothing, and contributing zero to society?

Anna Nicole Smith? Nicole Ritchie? Oprah Winfrey? Tyra Banks? Vanna White? Jerry Springer? Bob Barker? Etc? Etc? etc?
Haha, well Anna Nicole and Nicole Ritchie are up there, thats for damn sure.

The others I guess someone could make an argument for. Jerry Springer was my former mayor, so I can't say to much on him. Springer was actually a very good politician back in the day, but he saw the quick buck and ran with it.

On the Paris thing, it's something she needs. This is a girl that has never been humbled before in her life. She's going to jail for 45 days, and shes acting like it's 45 years. She had a nervous breakdown after three days. This is a much need reality check for her, and hopefully she gets at least a month out of it.
Anna Nicole Smith? Nicole Ritchie? Oprah Winfrey? Tyra Banks? Vanna White? Jerry Springer? Bob Barker? Etc? Etc? etc?

Come on now, why the hell would you lump someone like Oprah Winfrey or even Springer & Barker into that category?

Oprah is one of the most generous women on Earth. I hate her show, but she routinely donates millions upon millions of dollars to third world countries and the issues that face them. She is without a doubt a wonderful woman who has done a lot to deserve her limelight.

Springer was a great politician as was said before he got into the show. Plus, that is one great show, because after all the crazy insanity that you watch people do, in the closing segment Springer always lays down the bottom line in a way everyone can understand and appreciate.
On the Paris thing, it's something she needs. This is a girl that has never been humbled before in her life. She's going to jail for 45 days, and shes acting like it's 45 years. She had a nervous breakdown after three days. This is a much need reality check for her, and hopefully she gets at least a month out of it.
I agree with this. Just because I don't think we should hate her, doesn't mean she doesn't need time to chill out in jail. Understand there are consequences for breaking the law.

Come on now, why the hell would you lump someone like Oprah Winfrey or even Springer & Barker into that category?

Oprah is one of the most generous women on Earth. I hate her show, but she routinely donates millions upon millions of dollars to third world countries and the issues that face them. She is without a doubt a wonderful woman who has done a lot to deserve her limelight.

Springer was a great politician as was said before he got into the show. Plus, that is one great show, because after all the crazy insanity that you watch people do, in the closing segment Springer always lays down the bottom line in a way everyone can understand and appreciate.

Oprah is one of the most generous women on Earth. I hate her show, but she routinely donates millions upon millions of dollars to third world countries and the issues that face them. She is without a doubt a wonderful woman who has done a lot to deserve her limelight.
Yes, but what did she do to earn that limelight? Sit and talk for a living? But yes, she's done good things since I suppose.

Springer was a great politician as was said before he got into the show. Plus, that is one great show, because after all the crazy insanity that you watch people do, in the closing segment Springer always lays down the bottom line in a way everyone can understand and appreciate.
And, how famous was Springer as a mayor?

Bottomline, he's done nothing to earn his fame other than put the pit of America on television. Hey, I enjoy it to. But, it's not like he has really earned his spot.
Well if you want to cause a debate on that, then who the fuck has "earned" their fame? By your definition every person on television hasn't earned their fame.

People are famous for being on TV, therefore, they have earned their fame by being chosen as the best to appear on that spot on TV.
Well if you want to cause a debate on that, then who the fuck has "earned" their fame? By your definition every person on television hasn't earned their fame.

People are famous for being on TV, therefore, they have earned their fame by being chosen as the best to appear on that spot on TV.
Fair enough. Thus, Paris Hilton has earned her fame.
Just to end this (sorry for the bump...) she'll be in a interview with Larry king tonight......telling her jail stories and maybe crying a little bit. Pretty sad case this, I feel shame for Paris, she's not HOT anymore. :D
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