Paper Luigi?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
The Paper Mario series is one of the two RPG series in the Super Mario games. In the second Paper Mario game, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, I recall noticing a nice little opportunity for yet another spinoff game that Nintendo never capitalized on. A potential title all about Luigi! During the events of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, you can find Luigi in the town of Rogueport where he tells you stories about his own quest that he ended up going on. You can even talk to his current ally, which changes in between each chapter, as does the story that he tells. If you talk to him in between each chapter, you will eventually get the entire story of how he saved Princess Eclair of the Waffle Kingdom from the Chestnut King.


Luigi has never TRULY had his own game. One 3 different occasions he was the protagonist and primary playable character of a game, but all of them involved saving Mario. This game, had Nintendo made it, would have given Luigi his own title to have the starring role in, finally, when it's NOT about saving Mario or being his sidekick. Luigi's Mansion came very close, but the whole point was still to save Mario. Paper Luigi could have used similar gameplay to Paper Mario, and you could have gone to Rogueport to speak with Mario like how Luigi's role in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door was. His allies that are seen in Rogueport could be playable in the game such as Jerry, Blooey, and Screamy. The objective would be to save Princess Eclair from the Chestnut King and other than heading to Rogueport every now and then it would take place over in the Waffle Kingdom.

Should Nintendo have gone through with making this spinoff game for Luigi? Would you have liked to play this game? Why or why not?

Any thoughts on Paper Luigi that are on topic and within our rules are welcome. Discuss! :)
It's really annoying that Luigi doesn't get the spotlight more often, he's a much more interesting character with a lot more character in general than Mario, but I guess in a way never having the spotlight himself helps his character a little - they're allowed to experiment a lot more with his quirks when they're not the main focus.

Should Nintendo make a Paper Luigi game? Sure, it can't hurt and they could make it the wackiest game they've ever made without any real danger of damaging anything to do with the characters.
Would I play it? Hell yeah I would if it were as wacky as it could be, but if it were just a game where you could just copy paste Mario into the main role without any real difference then I may be a bit discouraged.
Isn't the whole point of it a running joke and that Luigi never actually did anything and it was all made up? I thought that the sidekicks imply this and that you can buy the books of the adventures and they contradict what Luigi talks about.

It's been sooo long since I played it though. Damn the graphics from that screenshot, they still look as good as ever. Loved the game.

As for Luigi games, they've been doing the whole Year of Luigi campaign for the past year. I don't see how the Luigi's Mansions aren't Luigi games :p and I like the idea of the Super Luigi U and Dr. Luigi being more difficult versions of their Mario counterparts, to appeal to the less casual gamer, as they always seem to prefer Luigi. Would I have played Paper Luigi? Of course! But I don't think it would've sold very well. You have a niche within a niche there.

I like the Mario & Luigi franchise and think it does an excellent job of balancing both bros in the spotlight.

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