Owen Hart Vs. Eddie Guerrero


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Wrestling fans from all over the world are still mourning the deaths of two world class wrestlers, Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero. Prior to their sudden deaths both Hart and Guerrero were at the point in their career's to be impact players for any wrestling promotion sincethey were superstars in the WWF/E.

They both come from a family of wrestlers. Their fathers were wrestling patriarchs in their respective homelands (Canada and Mexico). And both Owen and Eddie were the babies of their familys. Which didn't stop them from standing out in the wrestling industry.

They brought good in-ring wrestling to the table as far as their skills go. Leadership, great to the wrestling fans of the world. And both great on the mic! Both Owen and Eddie are world's apart from their wrestling styles. It's almost a dream match between these two future WWE hall of famers (if Martha Hart allows her late husband in and stop bitching about the WWE?). Rest In Peace to both of these legends and may GOD bless their familys!!

But my question is, who do you think would win a match between Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero?? And which guy was the better performer?
Eddie was better in the ring and on the mic. Owen was good, but in my opinion, he was vastly overrated. Eddie deserves all the praise he gets and then some. Eddie was a talent we only see once in a while, whereas Owen didn't really stand out at anything. Case in point: When I say Guerrero, who do you immediately think of? Eddie. When I say Hart, who do you immediately think of? Bret. I'm not bashing Owen. All I am saying is that Eddie is head and shoulders above Owen.
Wrestling fans from all over the world are still mourning the deaths of two world class wrestlers, Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero. Prior to their sudden deaths both Hart and Guerrero were at the point in their career's to be impact players for any wrestling promotion sincethey were superstars in the WWF/E.

They both come from a family of wrestlers. Their fathers were wrestling patriarchs in their respective homelands (Canada and Mexico). And both Owen and Eddie were the babies of their familys. Which didn't stop them from standing out in the wrestling industry.

They brought good in-ring wrestling to the table as far as their skills go. Leadership, great to the wrestling fans of the world. And both great on the mic! Both Owen and Eddie are world's apart from their wrestling styles. It's almost a dream match between these two future WWE hall of famers (if Martha Hart allows her late husband in and stop bitching about the WWE?). Rest In Peace to both of these legends and may GOD bless their familys!!

But my question is, who do you think would win a match between Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero?? And which guy was the better performer?

Depends on which stage of their career were talking about here. The Eddie from 1995 that first showed up in WCW would get destroyed by the 1995 version of Owen Hart. If you compare both the 1999 versions before Owen's death, they were both in mid-card status and could go either way with Owen set to win the IC Title from the Godfather at Over the Edge before his tragic accident occurred.

When it comes to flashy moves, Eddie has Owen beat but, when it comes to actual substance and telling a story in the ring, Owen is worlds better than Eddie. I prefer the steak over the sizzle. Owen will always be the King of Harts and rules over Eddie as well.
One of the big keys to me here is that Owen Hart was main-eventing after only a very short time in the WWE. When you compare the two, Eddie was much farther into his career before he truly reached that point. Next, Eddie was not better on the mic early on. In his early career in WCW I rarely even remember segments or even major interviews concerning Guerrero. Let me be clear I am a huge Eddie Guerrero fan but I think it took him longer to establish a character and persona for himself than did Owen. The actual accomplishments for Owen are nowhere near that of Guerrero but a number of reasons can be to blame for this. We all know of what most believe to be unfair treatment of him following Bret Hart's departure, and true or not he was stuck in a number of bad gimmicks and ruts. So if the question is who had the better career, I think the answer is Guerrero. I believe however, that if Owen were still alive he had the potential to go down as one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time.
One of the big keys to me here is that Owen Hart was main-eventing after only a very short time in the WWE.

Oh yeah? Show me where Owen Hart main evented a PPV after his "short time." I think you forget that Owen was in the WWF in the 80s and early 90s when he was stuck in a cartoonish gimmick and lackluster tag teams with Neidhart and Koko. The closest he has come to main eventing was Summerslam against Bret. Guess what? That was because of Bret and not Owen. Feuds with Shamrock and Godfather along with teaming with Jarrett is not main eventing.
This right here is a match I would've definitely love to see. Two great, world-class athletes just going out there having a classic, technical match. Imagine that?...

Although I never really followed most of Owen Hart's career, just from watching some of his old matches and how much he was respected was enough for me to know that he was a great wrestler. It's just too bad that his wrestling skills alone wasn't enough to keep him alive today...

Eddie was another one I admired. In my eyes, he was definitely an icon and a hero for the latino race. He was too great to die. Both him and Owen were in their prime when they passed away as well. But for who would win out of both of 'em? Gotta go with Eddie.

His lie, cheat, and steal tactics was just too cunning. Eddie was so resourceful and was able to beat you in so many different ways. Gotta go with Eddie...
Eddie progressed so much during the years after Owen's death. If you take that into account I'd have to say Eddie. If you compare them up until the point Owen died I'd have to pick Owen.
I have a feeling Owen would have surpassed Eddie had he not died. But this is no knock against Eddie. I was and remain a huge fan of both men. RIP
this is a sick thread
they're both dead, why can't we just have them rest in peace without us predicting who would win in a fight
i don't go out and say hmmmm..... i'm going to ask people who would win in a street fight, martin luther king jr. or JFK
its just wrong
let them rest in peace
this is a sick thread
they're both dead, why can't we just have them rest in peace without us predicting who would win in a fight
i don't go out and say hmmmm..... i'm going to ask people who would win in a street fight, martin luther king jr. or JFK
its just wrong
let them rest in peace

That comparison doesn't work. MLK and JFK weren't fighters, wrestlers, etc. This in no way stops them from "Resting in Peace." This is what both of them loved to do and wondering who would win in a wrestling match doesn't desecrate their memory in any way. Rey getting as much out of Eddie's death as possible did a lot more to desecrate Eddie's memory than any thread that one could ever conceive.
That comparison doesn't work. MLK and JFK weren't fighters, wrestlers, etc. This in no way stops them from "Resting in Peace." This is what both of them loved to do and wondering who would win in a wrestling match doesn't desecrate their memory in any way. Rey getting as much out of Eddie's death as possible did a lot more to desecrate Eddie's memory than any thread that one could ever conceive.
Real talk man! Both Owen and Eddie knew that the business that they were in was career threating and that it would put their lives at risk health wise. And Rey Mysterio did get alot after Eddie's death, as well as the late Chris Benoit on WCW after Owen's death.

So I was NOT by any means trying to compare both Owen & Eddie since there both gone from us in the afterlife. I just wanted to know who would win in this beautiful dream match-up man. If MLK and JFK were alive today they would laugh at you C.B.E.D.
Well I personally think Martin Luthor King would've kicked JFK's ass, he looked street tough and wouldn't have taken none of JFK's pretty boy bullshit. To say it's wrong to see them head to head would be like people talking about two dead boxers and asking who would win a fight between them? Their athletes, they'd be chuffed that people still care enough about them long after they've died!

That aside I think Eddie was the better performer because he did something that Owen couldn't, he gained acceptance to the WWE main event scene despite being below average in height. He engineered his own push, the company didn't try that hard with him until they had no choice to. With Owen he was given the keys to the penthouse suite but wasn't able to make the place his own.
Eddie for me was better in every department, he was more entertaining to watch, better on the mic and simply better in the ring. Plus that lying, cheating and stealing thing was just fantastic. Owen Hart was a great wrestler but I think he always lived in Bret's shadow.
It's not even close Eddie Guerrero. When you consider that Owen pretty much did nothing of note outside of being paired and feuding with Bret and given a loyality push by Vince when the rest of the Hart family went to WCW. Eddie was bigger than Owen in Japan, bigger than Owen in WCW, and bigger than Owen in the WWF/WWE. Plus his team with Art Barr and faction Los Gringos Americanos the were a key part of drew huge business in Mexico and might have been the hottest thing in wrestling in 93/94.
For those that are saying that Eddie's mic work wasn't good early in his career, that's because he wasn't in his prime yet. From about 2003 to his death he was in his prime, and he was the total package during that time. He surely would have a few more title reigns if he was still around, especially with the way the title has been passed around lately, and he would've given some great feuds with guys like HHH, HBK, Orton, Cena, etc.

As for the question at hand, and if these two were both wrestling when they were in their primes, I would have to think that Eddie would win the match. If not only for my adoration for him, but his character may have given him a slight chance to win via DQ if not by pinfall-submission. Eddie here, all the way.
Both this men were great in the WWE/F however in my opinion the man who wins this battle is Eddie Guerrero. This is because overall I think he is much more talented than Owen Hart with the mic and in ring abilities.

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