Overrated or Underrated - Bob Backlund

Bob Backlund - Overrated or Underrated?

  • Overrated!

  • Underrated!

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The third subject of the "over-rated or under-rated" is a man who enjoyed one of the longest WWF Championships reigns in history at 8 years, as well as one of the longest spaces of time between two WWF Championship reigns (1983 - 1994, eleven damn years) and is most recently known for entertaining TNA crowds by working a stairmaster for entire Impact tapings.

I personally feel Backlund is among the most forgotten and underrated men in the history of professional wrestling. He was a true technician, a sportsman-like mat wrestler who routinely attracted crowds by defending his WWWF Title against NWA and AWA champions.

He is also known for hte famous Arnold Skalland "towel throw" angle, giving The Iron Sheik a WWF Title. For many fans, the words "The Towel Throw" ellicits thoughts of Backlund in the Camel Clutch the way words like "Shot Heard 'Round the World" and "Flutie's Hail Mary" do for other sports fans.

So I want to hear from all of you - is Bob Backlund over-rated or under-rated?
3 days, 3 votes, and no posts on Bob Backlund? Surely there must be some of you out there who want to register an opinion on this man and whether he was over rated or under rated. If not, I will post a new name by Wednesday, but damn I'd love to see some action on this thread. Slyfox? Bearer?

This is a tough call in my opinion, because you are dealing with two entirely different eras.

In the modern world of professional wrestling, Backlund has been buried in a shit gimmick that most people will remember him for unfortunately. So by todays' fans, the guy is completely under rated.

AT the time of his main eventing, and this is hindsight obviously, I've always felt that this was Vince Sr.'s last attempt at recreating Bruno Sammartino. I think this was the problem of old promoters, they were stuck in their old ways and didn't see the future.

The future I refer to, Superstar Billy Graham. The guy was the best in the company at the time, and didn't get the recognition from the promoters that he deserved. The fans saw this guy as a superstar, but alas, the old time mentality prevented him from becoming Hulk Hogan before Hulk Hogan. How the wrestling world and history may have changed if people got behind graham.
Bob Backlund had an historic run as WWF Champion which I didn't get to see because it ended before I was born. An eight year reign, yet he is never brought up when talking about the best world champions. This qualifies him as underrrated in my book. The reign couldn't have been a bad one since it lasted so damn long.

I did get to watch Backlunds comeback and second reign which I enjoyed. If anyone hasn't seen him, youtube his old promos from when he was face, then when you're done watching those, check out his heel turn when he attacks Bret Hart. Its one of the biggest 360's a character has ever taken. The only blemish on his heel turn is the title lose to Diesel at a house show.

Anyone not convinced that Backlund was awesome, check out his match with Shawn Michaels from Monday Night Raw. If not for Diesel, Backlund would have beat Michaels with THE ATOMIC DROP! Hey Irish, maybe that could be Santino's finisher.
He was underrated. I enjoyed his "old school" feel in his second comeback, even though I was pretty young. His crossface chickenwing was a force like Benoit's crippler crossface. You knew that once it was slapped on the match was over. He looked pretty freakish when he applied it too.
this is where I stand on Bob Backlund, he is vastly under-rated by the wrestling fans today, he is under rated in that matter, because he had a fairly long title reign, but he was never talked about being the best of world champs. But also his style of wrestling would probably be considered boring by todays wrestling fans. He has had some big success but is rarely ever talked about, he doesnt get the recognition he deserves, so that classifies him as under rated IMO. The guy was a true technician, and very good entertainer.
Bob Backlund was a great athlete inside the ring at the time with a 6 year title reign that was eventually ended by The Iron Sheik. For a reign like Backlund's I would think it would be more talked about, but it's well forgotten. If anyone remembers Mr. Backlund today, he would be more known as the psychotic man that would always snap with his Crossface Chickenwing submission hold back in the 90's when he won the WWE title from Bret Hart (even though that reign/run is well forgotten as well). IMO he had an amazing career but I just never understood why no one ever talks about the former champion. Overall, I feel he is under-rated.
I can honestly say he is underated because of the history I have heard about him yet the lack of talk I ever hear about him. I am 20 years old and have been a fan of wrestling since 1997. The only thing I remember of Bob is seeing him on WWF tv back in the day and accidently tripping him at a house show back in like 01 when he was walking past me. And that he wore those suspenders and bow-tie all the time. And the cross-face chicken wing!
I always like Backlund.. Falls into the same category as Regal with me.. Whom I love.. Why don't I marry him? I'll tell you why. Restraining order.

BUT... Backlund always seemed to be somewhat of a sandbagger. And I had heard this before I even really paid attention to his match.

Sandbagger= Wrestler who does not help you in your offensive moves against him.

If you watch some of his matches on youtube or WWE 24/7 you'll see what I mean. But.. Sandbagger or not.. I'm certainly entertained by him, and I wish WWF would have used him in a gimmick that was a little more flattering.
This is a tough call in my opinion, because you are dealing with two entirely different eras.

In the modern world of professional wrestling, Backlund has been buried in a shit gimmick that most people will remember him for unfortunately. So by todays' fans, the guy is completely under rated.

AT the time of his main eventing, and this is hindsight obviously, I've always felt that this was Vince Sr.'s last attempt at recreating Bruno Sammartino. I think this was the problem of old promoters, they were stuck in their old ways and didn't see the future.

The future I refer to, Superstar Billy Graham. The guy was the best in the company at the time, and didn't get the recognition from the promoters that he deserved. The fans saw this guy as a superstar, but alas, the old time mentality prevented him from becoming Hulk Hogan before Hulk Hogan. How the wrestling world and history may have changed if people got behind graham.

I have to agree. Maybe to someone like me that could appreciate what he did accomplish in the wrestling world, however, fans of today and the youngster will always remember him as a joke. It's things like this that upset me when a promotion takes advantage of a former great needing money and make them do stupid things. Like walking a stairmaster on TV. So, Backlund would have to go into the underrated catagory as, his legacy is being tarnished like so many today are.
Backlund was good in his time and era in wrestling. But now he is one of the has beens of wrestling. Time for him to hand it up and watch PPV or just watch wrestling on TV.
Backlund is a god. He is disgacefully underrated because of the era he was champion in but he could do things at his age that Ric Flair, two years older than Bob, wishes he can do. I saw clips of his match with Alex Shelley and was stunned to watch him lift Shelley with one arm. Holy shit! But he's smart though...he's only done 2 matches. He knows better than to do a fulltime schedule at his age.
I'm a bit torn on this. I'm going to say he is underrated, and here is my explanation for this:

I did not like his comeback with WWF. He had some decent matches with bret Hart, but they overpushed the "crazy" angle with him. He would walk around talking nonsense, and do the "snapping" routine. I'm just not a fan of old timers hanging around past their prime (Flair, Foley, Hogan. All great in their primes, but man know when to stop)

Having said that, in his day Backlund was one of the greats. Think Chris Benoit-type technical skills. I think of beating Big John Stud, I think of the 8 year title reign, I think of matches with the likes of Ken Patera, Iron Sheik, Ivan Koloff

I'm going make a comparison here (if you follow the NFL you'll understand)- Bob backlund is kind of like Marvin Harrison. Marvin is one of the greatest Wide Receivers of all time, but doesnt get as much recognition as guys like T.O and Randy Moss and Chad Johnson because of their outandish attitudes and the fact that they draw ratings with their flashiness. Same with Backlund. He was never a great promo guy, wasn't very marketable, didnt draw huge ratings, but he could wrestle his ass off
BTW, I think this is the first Over/Under-rated thread that is actually a good deabte. It's hard to say that any huge icon and insanely recognizable name like Andre or Warrior is underrated. Backlund really isn't very well known by casual/young/new fans. Andre and Warrior are known by pretty much anyone with a pulse
Hey don't know if this will push the votes one way or the other but here is some title history for you:

- NWA Georgia Tag-Team Champion w/ Jerry Brisco (10/75 - 12/75)
- NWA Florida Tag-Team Champion w/ Steve Keirn (76 - 10/76)
- NWA Missouri Heavyweight Champion (4/23/76 - 11/26/76)
- WWWF/WWF Heavyweight Champion (2/20/78 - 11/30/79)
- WWF Heavyweight Champion(2) (12/12/79 - 10/19/81)
- WWF Tag-Team Champion w/ Pedro Morales (8/09/80 - 8/10/80)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(3) (11/23/81 - 12/26/83)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(4) (11/23/94 - 11/26/94)
- WAR World 6-Man Tag-Team Champion w/ Scott Putski & the Warlord (8/26/94 - 9/01/94)

Also some awards he has picked up:
- 1976 Rookie of the Year
- 1977 Most Inspirational Wrestler
- 1978 Match of the Year (Backlund vs. Superstar Graham)
- 1980 Wrestler of the Year
- 1981 Most Inspirational Wrestler
- 1982 Wrestler of the Year
- 1982 Match of the Year (Backlund vs. Jimmy Snuka)
- 1994 Most Hated Wrestler

my opinion he is rated correctly, he was great in his prime, i HATED him when he was fueding with Bret Hart (though he was still kinda good), and thought he should have stayed retired instead of going to TNA and doing that damn stairmaster thing!
Rated correctly, deserves the H.O.F. in my opinion.

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