Overpaid Players

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
I'm a sports management major and I'm currently taking my last class before I can graduate. The class is economics of professional team sports and one of the things we have already talked about is player salaries. It got me thinking, who is the most overpaid player in each of the 4 major sports? So list the leagues and give me who you think is the most overpaid.

NFL- This is an easy one. Albert Hayensworth is in the middle of a 7 year $100 million contract with the Redskin and he can't stay on the field. Whether it's injuries, weight issues, or attitude issues, he has been nothing but trouble since coming to Washington.

NBA- I'm going to give Michael Redd and Yao Ming a pass because of serious injuries that have prevented them from playing much or at all the last couple years. This goes to Gilbert Arenas. He had a serious injury a few years ago but he has had a chance the last couple years to show he at least deserved some of that contract. Instead he got suspended last year after the gun incident and this year he played like shit. He made just under 18 mill this year to be a shitty sixth man. Honorable mention to Andrei Kirilenko, Rashard Lewis, and Vince Carter.

MLB- There are a lot of overpaid players in baseball but I'm going with Vernon Wells. Now don't get me wrong Wells is a solid player but no way in hell does he deserve to be the second highest paid player in baseball this season. He is making just over $26 million this season which is second to only A Rod. So far he has played in 35 games and is hitting .183. Honorable mention to Alfonso Soriano and Barry Zito.

NHL - This has to be Chris Drury. He made 8 mill this past season and only appeared in 24 games recording only 5 points. The highest point total he has ever had is 69 and his highest with the Rangers is just 58 points.
Drury was overpaid, for sure, but the most overpaid in the NHL IMO was another of Glen Sather's financial blunders, Scott Gomez.

Gomez has two extra years on his deal that has an annual cap-hit of $7.357M, and he made $8,000,000 this past year as well. Drury, when he's healthy still fits the mold of playing a two-way forward. He leads on the ice, kills penalties and is one of the best fourth-line centers in the league, albiet overpaid.

The problem with Gomez is that not only is he only recording around 30 points a season, but he's being paid as a first-line center who has a very poor attitude problem that gets him into heat with his teammates, the media and management. He's also a major turnover machine and tends to take really stupid penalties that cost his club.
Honorable mention to Andrei Kirilenko, Rashard Lewis, and Vince Carter.

How much does Vince Carter get paid because for a 35 year old veteran he had a pretty solid season.

He had 14 point 4 rebounds and 2 assist per game in 28 minutes.

In terms to Albert Haynesworth, he is really really overpaid. I think he might be the worst free agent signing in the history of the NFL. He just gets in incidents every year and he only had 13 tackles this year.
How much does Vince Carter get paid because for a 35 year old veteran he had a pretty solid season.

He had 14 point 4 rebounds and 2 assist per game in 28 minutes.

He made over 17 mill this past season which is why I had him as an honorable mention. He had a solid season but a solid season for a 35 year old shouldn't mean you are a top 10 paid player in the league.
In the NBA I would say a few guys like Joe Johnson, Rashard Lewis, and of course Gilbert Arenas.

In baseball I would have to say John Lackey he's been awful since coming to boston.

In the NFL I would have to say Reggie Bush.
in the NFL.. until he get's cut it's going to be Vince Young. terrible work ethic, just plain stupid off the field.. and until he's cut he's due 14 mill.
In the MLB: AJ Burnett; for a guy as inconsistent as he is, he shouldn't be paid 82M over 5 years

In the NHL: Chris Pronger PHL or Brian Rolston NJD: both guys have cap hits near 5M and unlike the NHL players mentioned, these guys have the 35+ tag on their contracts meaning there is no way for the teams that employ them to avoid their cap hit. Or Rick DiPietro as he seems to be hurt every other day and has a 15 year ~75M contract

NFL: Haynesworth, he's totally useless and quite possibly the biggest bust ever.
Drury was overpaid, for sure, but the most overpaid in the NHL IMO was another of Glen Sather's financial blunders, Scott Gomez.

Gomez has two extra years on his deal that has an annual cap-hit of $7.357M, and he made $8,000,000 this past year as well. Drury, when he's healthy still fits the mold of playing a two-way forward. He leads on the ice, kills penalties and is one of the best fourth-line centers in the league, albiet overpaid.

The problem with Gomez is that not only is he only recording around 30 points a season, but he's being paid as a first-line center who has a very poor attitude problem that gets him into heat with his teammates, the media and management. He's also a major turnover machine and tends to take really stupid penalties that cost his club.

Gomez's contract honestly pisses me off. However, I think Haynesworth wins the award as most overpaid due to the fact that he is not only a horrible player as of late, but a truly horrible person and teammate. He hurts his team in all ways.
NBA- The NBA is easy, Eddie Curry. The guy gets paid 10 mil a year to sit on the bench either injured, or basically too fat to play. He didnt even play this year I dont think. Still got paid around 10 million or so. Traded from the Knicks to the Timberwolves.

MLB - Sadly as a Red Sox fan, it is one of our own, JD Drew. He gets 14 million a year to be a .260 average each year with around 70 RBIs and maybe 20 homeruns if he is lucky.Yeah Vernon Wells is overpaid but not as much as JD Drew in my opinion. JD is cool and all but deffinitly not worth 14 mil.

I dont know the salaries as much for the NFL or NHL so I cant really say who is overpaid and who isnt, but from what i have been reading Albert Haynesworth deffinitly is overpaid, if he is getting a lot of money he deffinitly doesnt deserve it. Overhyped player and not worth big money in my opinion.

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