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Over used moves.


Occasional Pre-Show
Last night while watching the main event with Reigns and Sheamus. I counted that Reigns used The Superman punch at least 7 times, could of been more, I wasn't counting till I noticed Roman using it so much in that match . I like The Superman punch, but seeing it used that often in a short space of time takes the specialness of the move away.

I really think Roman needs to broaden his move set so that if a similar moment happens like last night when hes faced with a 3 on 1 situation, He has more moves he can pull off, rather than just Superman punching each person one after the other. It just seems lazy from him and from the writing staff that tell him to use it so often.

What are your thoughts?

Are there any other moves that you feel are used too often?

I was going to also mention Brock Lesnar and him using the Suplex too much. But I feel its a different case as he doesnt have matches on RAW and Smackdown every week and isnt at all PPVs so we dont see him using Suplexes and F5s all that often.
You're spot on. I noticed Roman Reigns using basically the same variations of clothesline/superman punch multiple times in a match, long ago. And it's beyond boring.

The only thing that doesn't get boring despite repetition is Xavier Woods' Trombone playing in medias res a match.

Brock Lesnar using the German suplex 7-8 times in a match has gotten boring as well. It was novel the first time he did it to John Cena at Summerslam, but now it appears as if a kid is playing Brock Lesnar in a WWE video game and annoyingly doing the same move over and over again.
I'll tell you the moves that annoy me. Moves like the driveby(ring apron dropkick) in which the opponents get themselves into positions they wouldn't in ANY OTHER MATCH. 619 was clearly the worst example of this, ADR's stomp is just as bad, I'm sure there are others just as awful.
DDT - loved the move when Jake The Snack used it. It's just a common move apart of just about every wrestlers moveset. Can hardly take it as an effective finisher now although I like Dreamer's version of it as well.
I said this very same thing on the Live Discussion thread last night as the match was going on. I like Reigns but he uses the Superman Punch too much and it does become boring.

I remember when it used to actually put other wrestlers down, like when he used it on Luke Harper when the Shield and the Wyatts were going at it. Harper went down like a sack of shit. Now it's just filler and seems ineffective most of the time.

Yea I have to agree. If they are going to put the title on him then he has to come up with something else and use the Superman punch only once or twice a match. The set up for it bothers me as well.
I'm sick of Brock Lesnar's over-use of the German Suplex. I get that it's all about "Suplex City" now when he wrestles, but there are a vast number of different suplexes he could use if he's a "human suplex machine" now. Lesnar's got the size, strength and explosive power to do any of these suplexes, so I hope he starts doing so, rather than just using the German again...and again...and again.

He had a much wider moveset during his first WWE run, it's a shame most of these moves don't get used any more in favour of just repeatedly doing the same suplex over and over. Like another poster said, it's like a kid finding a good move on a PlayStation game and just spamming the fuck out of it.
Superkick. Hands down.

Someone made a list in an LD one time and it's just stupid how many people use it:

Both Uso's
Luke Harper

Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I guarantee you I missed a few. I obviously didn't name HBK because he's retired.
When Reigns and the Shield first came up I loved the Superman punch bc it was different. Noone did it before and it brought a bit of mma into wrestling. Now I think he over uses it definately but this the problem with the move is the how he cocks his hand to deliver it. That's almost as bad if not worse than him using it 10 times a match.

I'm ok with the super kick being used by many as long as it's not a finishing move.

I'd say chokes land are the worst for me. I cannot stand seeing it. Over done by so many big men that obviously are stronger and could have been so much more creative with there moves.
Sounds a bit like you are just coming down on Reigns because you are not a fan of him.

It's one of his two main moves he can hit out of nowhere. When Randy Orton hits 4-5 RKO's in a row, do you kick off in the same way?

He doesn't pull out 6-7 in a row too often, it was perhaps a bit exaggerated last night but I don't think it means he shouldn't do it.

Specifically on this forum, people moan when moves are repeated or used by lots of superstars, but when wrestlers try and bring new moves to the table (Cena's 2nd rope stunner for example) unless he hits it perfect, people moan. They can't win.
I ought to agree with the most of your comments and I have to tell you, I've been saying this for ages now. But doesn't it seem obvious when it comes to big match situation? Alright, we'll still watch WWE if Roman Reigns is going to be the next face of the company. But if you want someone to be the face of the company, keep him entertaining. Kids do love that superman punch as it's so dramatic and animated. But it's not just the Punch Roman have it all in his arsenal.

Talking about Brock Lesnar, I agree with the OP that we don't see the trip to suplex city every week. At least Roman should have some Big match move like Seth Rollin's Phoenix Splash. Hell, if John Cena can widen his Moveset in this age, Roman is young to be evolved into the face. He's getting better, not in a hasty way as WWE wanted but slowly. Don't bore him with the fans yet.
I really think Roman needs to broaden his move set so that if a similar moment happens like last night when hes faced with a 3 on 1 situation, He has more moves he can pull off, rather than just Superman punching each person one after the other.

I agree. Roman is a work in progress, and had WWE not committed so much to him so early, they might have taken the time to let him develop at his own pace. But people were turning against John Cena (logically or not) and the company needed to find new heroes for the very top of the card....and rushed Roman Reigns. We all know the story by now.

Roman has improved tremendously since WM31; his work in the ring and on the mic is so much better than it used to be. Now, he's got to expand his ring repertoire to include other moves for different situations.

No, he's never going to be a technical marvel; he's a brawler, as is Sheamus, which is why last night's match was exactly what it needed to be.

Still, while I absolutely love the Superman punch.....and love the way Roman delivers it......he used it too many times last night, largely because he doesn't have much else to offer, at least against a pure hooligan like Sheamus.

It's all coming together for Reigns; since he's gotten this much better in the past half-year, there's no reason he won't continue on the same path.
Roman Reigns's- Superman punch

Brock Lesnar's- German suplexes. I've lost all interest in BL because of this.

The entire roster overuse of the superkick- Rusev, Usos, DZ, Tyler Breeze, Owens, Harper, Del Rio

Dean Ambrose's- Rebound Clothesline & top rope elbow drop. He does that clothesline as much as Reigns hits a superman punch. The same people(not saying you O.P) that jump down Reigns's throat about his overuse of the superman punch some how gives Ambrose a pass.

I love every move I named and even every superstar(except for Del Rio) but they really need to tone it down. (Cena use to hit the 5-knuckle shuffle once, maybe twice if reversed and Michaels would hit the top rope elbow drop once. Same with Taker and Old school/snake eyes) I get having signature moves but the wrestlers these days overuse theirs way too often.
Sounds a bit like you are just coming down on Reigns because you are not a fan of him.

It's one of his two main moves he can hit out of nowhere. When Randy Orton hits 4-5 RKO's in a row, do you kick off in the same way?

He doesn't pull out 6-7 in a row too often, it was perhaps a bit exaggerated last night but I don't think it means he shouldn't do it.

Specifically on this forum, people moan when moves are repeated or used by lots of superstars, but when wrestlers try and bring new moves to the table (Cena's 2nd rope stunner for example) unless he hits it perfect, people moan. They can't win.

No, i'm not attacking him cause, I hate him, personally I don't like him, but I don't hate him either. I'm a Reigns neutral, I don't want him to be Champion just now because he doesnt entertain me as a neutral, with the right development, training etc I'm more than happy to see him as WWE Champion and the face of the company in the future. Last night definitely improved my thought on him (asside from the over use of Superman Punches) he aggression on HHH actually made me want to see him as the top heel in the future. He definitely needs a broader moveset and work on his mic ability or have a "heyman" to do his talking, while he use his actions instead of his mouth.

With regards to any wrestlers using their finishing moves far too often in a match/segment. I'm against it, whether its Reigns, Orton, Cena, Brock or anyone. With one exception, and I think everyone will agree....

When Stone Cold returned to save the WWE well WWF then. That. Was. Awesome.
I never get tired of Lesnar's suplxes and I probably never will...

Now what I AM sick of is the SPEAR ever since Edge, Batista, Christian, Caitlin and now Reigns using it as finishers (and probably others I forgot)...if it's not Goldberg or Rhino then I'm usually not impressed by it.
You want to know the most over-used move is for every superstar?

Their finishing move. Can't tell you how annoyed I get every time someone kicks out of their opponents finishing moves. If its the Main Event, fine, give him 2, 3 at most. But when we're having mid-card matches and each guy uses their finish multiple times. Its just annoying

Alos, every time Ziggler goes for the Zig-Zag the first time. His opponent grabs the ropes every time and he flies back. Its just ridiculous when it happens every time
I never get tired of Lesnar's suplxes and I probably never will...

Now what I AM sick of is the SPEAR ever since Edge, Batista, Christian, Caitlin and now Reigns using it as finishers (and probably others I forgot)...if it's not Goldberg or Rhino then I'm usually not impressed by it.

LMAO..Damn! Caitlin used to use the spear, and her name's there alongside BATISTA? I'll be damned. She was kinda cute, but I think AKSANA was a bomb. Damn Cesaro was lucky.

It's weird if you're not sick of Lesnar's German suplexes because most of us are, and for a reason. The way he does it, it's like the other wrestler has no chance to escape, and once they begin to get back on their feet, he redoes a german..and this- even in a BRAWL/Confrontation segment(such as with Seth Rollins/Kane) makes it boring. It's like Brock isn't really interested in entertaining fans, but does a German suplex or two, like a kid playing a video game.

German suplexes done in abundance are fine when done in a proper context, especially 3 or 5 consecutive G-suplexes as done by Angle and Benoit. But I'd have to admit, Lesnar's G suplex is devastating. I'm not sure if he does it, but Cesaro's G suplex must be pretty hard and devastating as well.
No one has mentioned the move I'm always complaining about. The suicide dive. Or any kind of dive or leap through or over the ropes. That's supposed to be a big move. Now everyone does it. Last week I said it's become as common as a hip toss and I don't think I'm exaggerating. Ryback did it last week for crying out loud. I remember watching one of the NXT specials (I think it was last December) and taking notice that it happened in literally every match on the card. It still gets a reaction though so I guess everyone is going to continue. I just roll my eyes every time I see it now. That's too bad because it could still be effective for me if only one or two guys did it and not in every single match.
Hmm.... The Superkick and the DDT come to mind. I guess Reigns superman punch, I'd prefer he'd have a punching combo or add some kicks.
I'll tell you the moves that annoy me. Moves like the driveby(ring apron dropkick) in which the opponents get themselves into positions they wouldn't in ANY OTHER MATCH. 619 was clearly the worst example of this, ADR's stomp is just as bad, I'm sure there are others just as awful.

That was the biggest problem i had with any Mysterio match - his moves only worked because his opponent allowed it to work. They got kicked and spin around to land on the ropes so he could do the 619 meanwhile you never saw them spin around from a kick from anyone else. Same with his top rope splash thing - for anyone else, his opponent would get out of the way but for him they stood there so he could land on thier chest and knock them over. These reactions never happened with anyone else but with Mysterio, everyone happened to do it. It was silly.

I have to agree about the finishing move being over used. It seems like everyone has to win with that move no matter what. Go back to guys like Austin, Bret and HBK and they didn't have to win by their finishing move, they had other moves to use but if Cena doesn't hit the AA, it seems he can't pin the guy. I think because a lot of the finishing moves are so set up, it gets boring quick. With Austin, a kick and boom - stunner, match over. With Cena, get him on your shoulders, walk around until you are facing the camera, make a face and then slam. They all seem to be like that now.
For a while now, I've felt that the shoulder into the ring post has become way overused. It was once a devastating occurrence, but now it's just another spot that happens all the damn time and is quickly shaken off.
I don't have too much of a problem with a certain amount of... what'll we call it - "Move Decay"? WWE's not the indies, but it happens there as well. The DDT is a great example, with wrestlers finding new and increasingly impressive variants of the move. It's natural that the plain DDT will fade with time and it doesn't mean that we should start banning every spike-DDT or tornado-DDT in favour of keeping the original alive as a believable finisher.

A current example of a finisher that's in decline is the Superkick. It's not Del Rio's main finisher and neither is it Dolph's, but they use it anyway. This shouldn't cause too many tear-filled tantrums, as even HBK himself used it as a set-up move initially. I know every back-kick or side-kick isn't a superkick, but to a live audience in the nosebleeds at full speed they look the same.

So when it comes to moves not being used and developed in order to keep it a believable finisher, I'm against it. The ultimate conclusion of this type of thinking is that the leg drop should be saved as a destructive attack, because of the Hulkster.

I'm sick of Brock Lesnar's over-use of the German Suplex. I get that it's all about "Suplex City" now when he wrestles, but there are a vast number of different suplexes he could use if he's a "human suplex machine" now. Lesnar's got the size, strength and explosive power to do any of these suplexes, so I hope he starts doing so, rather than just using the German again...and again...and again.
It's like he's just getting lazier each time he gets what he wants.

I love how Scott Steiner is the worst in-ring performer in the world because the belly-to-belly suplex is one of the few moves he can do, yet Lesnar gets praised for doing something similar. Oh, but Lesnar CAN do other moves, he just chooses never to. Well, that makes it alright, then...

I get you, Brock. I get you, Roman. I get it , Kevin Nash. It's not about how many moves you can do, but how well you do them and their reaction. It still doesn't liven up the performance from a critical standpoint, though. You need the little bit of variety to paint a more vivid picture, play a livelier melody or have that classic wrestling match.

And don't give me that "But the golden age of wrestling!"-argument, either. It's not the eighties anymore. Wrestling evolves, it becomes better (or at least the performers do).

I don't have an issue with exploring a certain technique and adapting it, but when there's no innovation, that's annoying.

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