Over The Limit LD is going to war with Donald Trump on 5/23/10


Mid-Card Championship Winner
That's right, ladies and gentleman! WWE's first ever Over The Limit pay per view is set to go head-to-head with Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice finale (featuring sentimental favorite Bret Michaels against someone). The Sunday Night War is upon us!

And in WWE's corner? One stacked card from Detroit, Michigan, the "Why the fuck do we live here?" capital of the United States.

WWE Championship
"I Quit" Match
Batista vs. John Cena
The Final Encounter​


John Cena, brave soul that he is, has specifically requested this match in order to show Batista the decisive defeat that he didn't deliver at Extreme Rules (But did deliver at WrestleMania... Shhhhh). Cena was put to task by Randy Orton in this same match last fall and bloodied in classic fashion by JBL in this match in 2005, prevailing both times. In a battle of the STF and the Batista Bite, will Dave have what it takes to make The Champ surrender?

World Heavyweight Championship
Jack Swagger vs. Big Show


Big Show, now a face, decided to show Jack Swagger that finally hitting his stride on the microphone doesn't make him the best on SmackDown. How did he show this to Swagger? By bullying him for a few weeks and destroying his life's work. Great role model, no?

Can Swagger find a way to defeat a man as large as Show or is the World Heavyweight Championship finally coming back to the big man?

Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre


A few weeks ago, "The Chose One" Drew McIntyre was stripped of his title and fired by Teddy Long after making an example of Matt "Yes, you will have to beat it into me" Hardy. After a three match series (disguised as a tournament) led to Kofi Kingston being crowned the Intercontinental Champion, Mr. McMahon reversed Long's decision to fire McIntyre and reinstated him as the Intercontental Champion. Tonight, the dispute over who the real champion is will be settled.

Pledge vs. Hair
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk


You know the deal. It's the stipulations from the last two pay per views, but at the same time! We promise you that the Happy Birthday promo won't be the only interesting thing to take place between these two. SOMETHING will happen tonight.

Randy Orton vs. Edge


Obviously, the best way to continue getting Orton over huge is to put him against a freshly turned Edge whose heel heat is questionable without Vickie and who might have residual face heat tonight in a building literally a stone's throw away from Canada. Why are they fighting? We're not sure. Probably because Edge is a master psychologist. Why is Edge a better opponent for Orton than Jericho? We'll never know. Prediction: It will be overrated.

Unified Tag Team Championship
The Hart Dynasty vs. Chris Jericho and The Miz


Miz has been running down Bret Hart since WrestleMania. In that time, Miz and Big Show lost he tag titles to Smith and Kidd, Natalya has continued to arouse me, Jericho and Miz formed a partnership to prove they carried their respective teams with Big Show, and Bret Hart has defeated Miz for the United States Championship. Bryan Danielson has been nowhere to be seen. Just like I predicted. Suck on it, bitches. Tonight, Miz will continue to be average in the ring and Natalya will continue to arouse me.

R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase Jr.


In a borderline racist storyline where The Colons were used as day laborers, Ted Jr. is finally using the character he should have been given almost two years ago when he first arrived on the scene. For the first time, Ted is not Cody Rhodes levels of uninteresting. This feud started when DiBiase tried to turn Truth into the new Virgil, leading to him realizing how special and irreplaceable the original was. At least it's a midcard feud with build that isn't Shad vs. JTG.


-Women may wrestle

-Bret Hart may show up

-CM Punk may cut a promo

The card looks pretty good. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should stay up to observe the LD, or just sleep and catch the results tomorrow. Hmmm.
The best thing about this show is the thing that made this time last year so fun: No Hunter, no Shawn, no Taker. The current era is in full force tonight, baby.
Considering buying this tonight. Other than Cena/Batista, the entire card has matches where you never know who could win. Plus Natalya's going to be on the PPV and that's... that's just fine. :D
Should be a good show, too bad I won't be able to watch it until much later tonight. Don't have too much fun without me kids. I'll probably have ratings for the show posted by tomorrow night.
Anyone think during the Hart Dynasty/Miz and Jericho match they are going to mention Owen at all
Anyone think during the Hart Dynasty/Miz and Jericho match they are going to mention Owen at all

Probably not. Bad call by the WWE to have the PPV on May 23 and have 2/3rds of Over The Edge with Over The Limit, and have Edge on the poster though.
Probably not. Bad call by the WWE to have the PPV on May 23 and have 2/3rds of Over The Edge with Over The Limit, and have Edge on the poster though.




Anyway, I'll be watching for the first hour, and observing/making snarky comments for the last two.
Oh crap, forgot this was today. I'll be here to watch once I'm done with my League of Legends game xD
Sky is being a dick and keeps saying I have to order even though I have. God the box is going to piss me off.
I doubt I'm going to stay up but yeah, looks like a great set. Drew's entrance just looked fantastic on it.

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