Outside of the Box


Undertaker, If that is ur real name
With the recent news im sure we are all aware of of Rollins going down who would you like to see walk out of SS with the title, maybe a top 5 list? And we are looking for people outside of the common sense pick so no Roman Rigns, a returning John Cena, Sheamus, Brock Lesnar, id even consider a medically cleared Daniel Bryan an obvious pick.

My top 5:
1. Kevin Owens WWE/IC champ
2. Bray Wyatt AFTER he beats team Undertaker
3. Antonio Cesaro..Give him his chance to shine
4. Dean Ambrose..Let Reigns chase him on the road to WM
5. My darkhorse Finn Balor, the demon debuts at SS and is the first person to hold both NXT and WWE title (Then vacates the NXT title)

Who do you guys got??
Who I want and who will most likely win are two different categories. Who I want to win are either Cesaro, Kevin Owens or Wade Barrett. Who will most likely win are either Roman Reigns or Dean Ambrose.
I like the Cody Rhodes idea... maybe a big push to the final to than maybe get screwed (Goldust return? WWE could pull all the cards lol) or just narrowly lose, would push Rhodes to the upper mid-card straight away if promoted right the following Raw.

For me, my top 5 besides the obvious and Rhodes would probably be...

1. A returning Kurt Angle, anyone else know the 'someone' Bubba-Ray knows?
2. Kevin Owens, big impact made so far and before Seth's injury he was most likely heel #2, is he ready for such a big push already tho?
3. Carlito, apparently has been in talks with WWE but they couldn't meet his terms, but is the 'MexAmerica' angle and the WWEWHC something Carlito would come back for?
4. Undertaker, I could live with him having 1 last run even if it is to lose at the next PPV and put Reigns over. Probably no one more deserving and what more of a special night than 25 years after his debut.
5. Shelton Benjamin, huuuuuuge fan of his and is respected by the company for the ground work he did just was never given the big strap. Just don't think WWE will make him the face of the company thats all.
1. Cody Rhodes- He has enough experience and talent to make such a massive push work. He can go in the ring and he has played just about every main type of gimmick with success. (Cody Rhodes Not Stardust)

2. Sting- Sting has star power and once Bray finish with Taker/Kane, Sting and Bray could have a pretty lengthy feud over the World title.

3. Triple H - wwe wants Reigns to be the next World champion so who ever he beats has to be heel, and there's no better heel than Triple H(in wwe at the moment).

4. Chris Jericho- best option. He can still go all out (unlike Sting) and he can play an awesome heel (just as good as Triple H).

5. Jack Swagger/The Miz/ Dolph Ziggler- I would hate for either of them to become Wwe champion but they are former World champions so....why not I guess.

***There's always Lesnar but he wouldnt be there every week and wwe would have to come up with something to hold down Raw while the championship is on hiatus.
Basically same top few as you got:

Owens leaving as IC/WWEWHC will cement him as a big-time WWE player going forward. WWE needs stars. Owens is a star. The best way to realize that star is to do something huge like this.

Cesaro is another option I can picture winning the belt. I don't think WWE allows him to hold it, but I can clearly see a scenario in which he wins only to be cashed in on by Sheamus immediately. Than WWE can go "SEE we made Cesaro a WWEWHC!", before never pushing him again.

Ambrose: Ambrose heel turn leading to his win over Reigns. I think has a likely shot at happening.

Ryback... it could happen...
My top 5 picks would be in no particular order:
1. Cesaro if there was a time to push him now is it, fans love him and he is awesome in the ring and not bad on the mic.
2. Dean Ambrose he is a fan favorite great on the mic. but it would only be for a few months so his lack of in ring skills will be good enough. I like Dean but his in ring skills are not there yet.
3. HHH Keep the Title in the Authority Hunter would know the Title is in good hands he can trust himself to do the right thing.
4. Cody Rhodes this would be an interesting pick but he could align himself with the Authority and that would work.
5. Undertaker or Kane line them up with the Authority no stopping them.
If you want to go outside the box, how about Kofi Kingston? There's something about the New Day that's not only remarkably entertaining, but as a stable, their makeup is well under rated. Kofi's one of the better in-ring talents in the WWE, they've got their enforcer in Big E, and Woods is the best mouth piece not named Paul Haymen there is today.

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