Out of WWE stars only... What is your personal dream match???

That N Word

Actively evolving
I want to know what is the one match you want to see more than anything that would make you mark out. Not only for the match but that build as well. Even if you would just mark out for them to be face-to-face alone. I'm sure everyone on here by now no mines is The Rock vs. Randy Orton. I don't get why WWE have kept them so distant since The Rock's return. I think they should have at least interacted backstage due to their history. Rock has literally had some interaction or being considered to face every top star since his return except Randy Orton. I would mark out alone for The Rock to interrupt Orton on Raw or vice versa
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania. The two most white-hot guys of the past decade headlining the biggest show of the year. It's the only dream match for me.
If it wasn't for the Montreal Screwjob, we eventually would've seen Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle. That would've been incredible. I could see these guys in a series of matches ending with an Iron Man match. Would've been a clinic. It wouldn't be a classic match, but Austin vs Goldberg would have equaled Rock vs Hogan.
I would like to see Shawn Michaels vs Dolph Ziggler. Two high flying wrestlers of different eras. What a great matchup will it be!!!
I want to see Edge vs. Christian one more time in Toronto, even more so if WrestleMania comes back to Toronto with Christian going into the HoF that year. But as far as more likely matches go I want to see HBK vs. Daniel Bryan. If Eddie hadn't died I would have loved to see him face HBK as well.
Totally agree on Orton/Rock! But another one I want to see is Lesnar/Bryan at WrestleMania! This match is probably going to happen this year and I cant wait!
These 2 could put on an amazing "David Vs Goliath" type match and it would be another huge win for Bryan.

Another dream match for me is Reigns vs Cena. I can see this happening soon and I would love for Cena to turn heel for it! Reigns would get a huge win and Cena could be interesting again
I think we should see Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan for the title at Mania this year. That would be mine. The story would be great. Daniel Bryan rises to the top of the world, falls to injury, and has to fight his way back by going through one of the most dominant badasses in all of history, Brock Lesnar. I would love to see that story play out, and I think it's actually a much better choice than Reigns Lesnar. Reigns isn't ready. Bryan is. And that is a match I really want to see.
Wwe gives Cena all the big time matches, and really ignored some great feuds/matches that couldve happen with Orton.
The Rock vs Randy Orton- This match needs to happen. The two greatest 3rd (and 2nd) generation superstars. This match should have happen at Wrestlemania 29, Instead of Rock/Cena II. Instead we get 3 years of Cena and Rock.
Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton- again Lesnar comes back and we get Cena vs Lesnar in Lesnar return match, we get it in Lesnar's: first return title win, and first title defense. Lesnar vs Orton should have happen by now. The Beast vs The Viper!
Those are my main 2 dream matches. Others I would Love to see are:
DX vs Brothers of Destruction (never going to happen but I had to put it)
Harper vs Rusev
Tyson Kidd & Gabriel vs Lucha Dragons
Neville/Balor/Rollins in any combo
Ziggler vs Breeze
Big E vs Reigns
Harper vs Rusev
Tyson Kidd & Gabriel vs Lucha Dragons
Big E vs Reigns

These are dream matches to you? Wow, you're incredibly easy to please. Didn't you leave some off the list, like Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Albert? Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Great Khali? Or The Dicks vs. The Heart Throbs? I mean come on, you have GOT to be kidding with those as "dream matches".
These are dream matches to you? Wow, you're incredibly easy to please. Didn't you leave some off the list, like Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Albert? Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Great Khali? Or The Dicks vs. The Heart Throbs? I mean come on, you have GOT to be kidding with those as "dream matches".

(Most of my dream matches involve Michales, Rock, Eddie Guerrero, Orton, and Lesnar.)
I was going to reply and say Ziggler and Bryan cant honestly be your only dream match, but everyone has different opinions/views. They may not be my DREAM matches, but they're matches I think about and would enjoy.
Rusev and Harper are both great athletes. I believe they would put on a great match.
Tag match- Major fan of tag team action, and think these guys could make for an amazing tag team match. (And come on with wwe's tag team scene that's the best you can get)
Big E vs Reigns - ..............yea......................................I put it, so I stand by my choice.
Well its been a dream match for a long while now but its unlikely to be happening.
Bad news Barrett vs Brock Lesnar in a steel cage match at Wrestlemania 31 for the WWE World Heavy Weight Title!!
A well-developed heel or anti-hero Dean Ambrose vs John Cena.

This probably wouldn't turn out how I'd like, because it's WWE(pg, formulaic, politics,) but for me Ambrose is the man and until Vince says otherwise, Cena is the only man who matters day-in-day-out in WWE. Others can probably wrestle circles around any match Cena is in, but the story is never as big in WWE unless it involves Cena, because he is the WWE. Ambrose is the guy who I want to topple the WWE and set it on fire.

I don't expect it to happen but a match between Ambrose/Cena is what I see as being a lynch pin to starting a new era in WWE, tossing all the recycled formulas and actually seeing some change, so that's mine. What would actually happen is how Cena/Punk ended up...

If Cena were to ever turn heel, perhaps Cena vs Sting face vs face. No matter match outcome, Cena ends Sting's career with nasty heel turn.
Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar.. A match i'e wanted to see for the last 1 year's. It never happened and probably will never happen, but it's a match i would definitely enjoy.
I would have loved to have seen I rivalry between Macho Man Savage and The Rock. They might be the best promo guys of all time. We would sit on our couch and laugh constantly as these two go back and forth with their unmatched mic skills.
The two of them are also know as strict professionals who wanted nothing less than greatness for themselves. They would put on a great match, and would entertain us every moment they were on screen.
Ok here are my current roster dream matches:
Lesnar v Bryan
This would be a brilliant match but I'm inclined to think that they'll go with Lesnar/Reigns

Ziggler v Triple H
I can see this happening at Summerslam, I think it'd be a quality match.

Rollins v Ambrose v Reigns
Everyone wants to see it so just let it happen!

Wyatt v Sting
I think the build up alone would make it epic.

Zayn v Kevin Owens
This is gonna happen soon on NXT but would love to see it at a PPV one day
Cesaro vs. Brock

Probably will never happen but it could have been a great Summerslam main event last year. WWE just didn't pull the trigger on Cesaro.
Mine is one that we will get soon. I think one of the most entertaining matches that we could get would be:
Rollins vs Bryan

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