Out of Brodus Clay, Ryback, Sandow and Cesaro, who has a REAL bright future in WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
basically last smackdown we got 4 squashes ...... by the newest superstars in wwe, after thinking about it i really dont see anything on Brodus and Cesaro.... but I like Ryback and Sandow.... that doesnt mean theyll make it.

Brodus is over but i dont see his gimmick either lasting or having main event relevance.

Cesaro has an interesting style but i dont think he has that it factor that makes superstars transcend into stars.

Sandow has a refreshing gimmick, i like the whole intelectual gimmick, has a great look and good mic skills, we havent seen him really go on the ring but i hope he is a good as his mic skills.... i think he can make it

now, my top pick is Ryback, he has a simple gimmick, a man who goes out there and kicks ass.... thats what I like about him, there is nothing flashy or over the top, hes just a powerful guy who can get it done. his power moves have been impressive, the whole FINISH HIM and FEEEEED MEEEEE MOREEEE its kinda catchy..... we havent heard him talk but he doesnt need to for now and they are booking him as a face so thats interesting.

the question is imple. despite your personal preference, who out of this 4 who has a bright future in wwe and who will be released with the next year or two?
To be honest, I don't think many do because of WWE's booking. They don't commit to pushes when it comes to young talent.
Vince is quite high on Ryback and he is gonna be pushed to moon. I dont know about his mic skills, they could be a thing that could hold him back but then again it didnt hold back goldberg. Damien Sandow is another person I see being huge because this guy is gold on mic and from his FCW worlk quite good in the ring, has a good gimick. So short term I see Ryback skyrocketing to success but long term I see Damien Sandow unless Ryback can actually wrestle and talk and evolve as the time goes on.
The two that stick out are definitely Ryback and Sandow.

It's like the OP said, I don't think Brodus Clay's gimmick lasts in the long term. It's a fun little addition to the mid-card, but it can't be taken seriously as a main event presence. And beyond the "Funkasaurus" gimmick itself, I'm not sold on anything else about Brodus. He's not particularly interesting in the ring and we rarely get to hear him speak. Nothing about who Brodus currently is makes me think he'll be a star someday.

As for Cesaro, I couldn't care less about this guy. He hasn't had as many appearances as the other three and his gimmick isn't anywhere near as interesting either. Is that a knock on his credentials? Hell no. We're talking about one half of the Kings of Wrestling. I like the legacy in wrestling that Claudio Castagnoli has, I just can't get excited for Antonio Cesaro; if that makes sense.

Ryback and Sandow on the other hand, they have my interest. I was really skeptical on Ryback at first, but the proof is in the pudding. The live crowds are into the "FINISH HIM!" and "FEED ME MORE!" stuff. Despite having nothing but squashes against several nameless jobbers, people find Ryback entertaining. It's also refreshing to see a debuting "monster" be booked as a babyface. He has a long way to go, but so far so good.

With Sandow, I just like seeing this guy and hearing him speak. He plays the "intellectual heel" role surprisingly well. I thought this gimmick would be too stale and overplayed to find interesting, but he does a great job with it. What in ring action he has had typically went by very quickly, though. I think he has some skill, but I'd like to see him work a longer match before saying he definitely has "it."

I wouldn't complain about either Sandow or Ryback getting a midcard title shot in the near future, particularly Sandow getting a U.S. Title shot against Santino.
Out of them all i would have to say Ryback and Sandow as well. Ryback is interesting to me, i find him to be somewhat refreshing even though he is a bit Goldbergish. But the moves Ryback is showing every week isn't always the same, he even managed to make his finisher look more impactful by taking two guys up at once (i dont care if you like him or not or the fact that it was just jobbers, that shit was impressive.) But as one person above me said the mic skills could be the one thing that holds him back. But i guess that still remains to be seen since he hasn't spoken yet.

Sandow has all the tools to be a solid in ring performer and seems to get great heat from what i can tell. But the only thing that bothers me is that i find his gimmick to be a partial ripoff of The Genius (Lanny Poffo) The gimmick may not be completely the same but The Genius always proclaimed to be smarter than the crowd, and they even have similar wrestling attire. But i still find him entertaining and worth watching.

Brodus is fun and all but i dont see the gimmick going much farther than it has already gone.

Antonio just doesn't seem to have the personality or the what someone above me said The "It Factor".
I'd say Cesaro. I never watched his indy work, but he just has the presence of a star. Also, Cesaro's character is not as "gimmicky" as the others, so I think he has the greater potential.
Yeah, gonna have to agree with basically everybody that's posted so far. While Brodus is popular his gimmick makes it hard for you to believe him beating a heel like Jericho or Kane in some sort of match of real importance. That and his in ring ability isn't all there yet.

Cesaro is decent in the ring but he bores the living hell out of me, he draws almost no heat despite extreme heel actions to a popular character like Teddy Long. No one cares that he took Aksana, or that he insults America for not being Europe. To me if he can't get heat the easiest way possible (insulting where you happen to be performing) I can't see him going far any time soon.

I enjoy watching Sandow alot, love the gimmick, loved the way he'd 'deem' an opponent unworthy and just walk away. He's great on the mic and I really expected they were leading up to a 'worthy' contender at some PPV, but he's in squash matches for prolly another month then he'll start slowly climbing the ladder, in my opinion.

Ryback is amazing, even though he's only fighting kids that look 100lbs soaking wet I love watch him tear them apart. His abilities are good and he's got a decent move list, but I am wondering if his constant shoutings are a way to hint that he's not much of a mic man, hopefully not. What I'm most worried about with Ryback intrest, it's been months now and while entertaining he needs to be moving onto bigger and better things, even if thats just wrestlers that work in-company, jobbers we know and love to see lose. We know he can pick up two guys at once and slam them, its impressive but the fans are already starting to cool off on him. If they don't start something with him between No Way Out, and Money In the Bank they could lose the fire they've got with him right now. If I was WWE creative (ha how many times has that been said on these forums) I'd have him win MITB out of no where, other guys like ziggler, rhodes, and others could contest for main event level comptition without it, for Ryback it would push him 'to the moon' as someone else stated and then they could could continue with him mid card-ish until they are ready for him to cash it. If he wins and keeps fighting mid card nobodies until they want him to cash in people will still remember and wait to see where and when he screws someone.
Put simply, Ryback.
Squash matches normally bore the hell out of me, but i could watch Ryback destroy two local jobbers for another 8 weeks and he would still be entertaining. For me he is the most exciting thing in WWE at the moment. If used well, which i believe he will be as vince is so high on him, he has the potential to be great. Can't wait for his first feud but keep up squash matches until creative have something decent for him.

Brodus gimmick limits him and i'm not that crazy about the guy, see him being an interesting mid card guy before he gets stale, turns and has a heel run before disappearing into insignificance.

Cesaro and Sandow potential but to early to judge i am currently interested in both but would not miss either.
Ryback and Sandow i gotta go with them and what is there to say all the other guys who picked them pretty them explained it.

ryback has a simple gimmick go in kick ass leave

sandow most thing i love about this guy is his mic skills they are gold

i can see both of these guys be pushed to the moon.
The live crowds are into the "FINISH HIM!" and "FEED ME MORE!" stuff.

uhhh, no they aren't, they got bored of it after about two times. That is why you see him mostly on SD, so they can edit in fake crowd noise into the recorded show. Fans go take a piss break when Ryback comes out because they know they won't see anything they haven't already seen 100 times before. He sucks ass and so do you.
uhhh, no they aren't, they got bored of it after about two times. That is why you see him mostly on SD, so they can edit in fake crowd noise into the recorded show. Fans go take a piss break when Ryback comes out because they know they won't see anything they haven't already seen 100 times before. He sucks ass and so do you.

I hear a crowd, and it seems like they are enjoying the match.

Make of it what you will, but there's one thing that everyone loves to see (whether or not they're a fan of wrestling), and that's a guy getting his ass kicked. Ryback squashes are probably the most entertaining thing out there right now, because he just brutalises everyone. Yeah, he's a Goldberg clone, but who gives a toss? There's a reason why everyone loved Goldberg, because you wanted to watch him ruin some poor guy's aspirations in about 30 seconds. I could watch Ryback squashes all day.
best to least in terms of bright future :

1) Ryback - he is only getting 5 minutes of time on Smackdown, but it's the most interesting 5 minutes of the whole show for me. He is just starting to break out onto Raw now aswell. Offence is devestating as we watch him destroy these jobbers. The only things that could hold him back are maybe his Mic Skills, and we havn't seen him on the defensive yet. Loving his entrance, i would tweak it a little and add maybe some fireworks or smoke as he comes out. Can see a HUGE push on the horizon for Ryback, hoping he will be at least WHC towards the end of the year.

2) Damien Sandow - His strength certainly lies in his voice. Can't really judge him in the ring as yet, as he has turned his nose up at a few matches (which is a good heel like thing and suits his gimmick) However unlike Ryback we have seen him on the defensive (He took a huge shot off Tyson Kidd last week) liking the Cartwheels in the ring after his matches/sneak attacks. Suits his Pink colours pretty well. Looking forward to his future. To Early to tell if he will reach the top.

3) Antonio Cesaro - Definatly has the look, does anyone else think he looks just like top action movie star Jason Statham? I do. Not to sure people care to much that he used to be a Rugby player, or is being accompanied by Aksana. Liking his aggressive European style he brings to the ring. Can't really see him going further than the mid card, but again a bit early to tell.

4) Brodus Clay - After months of dancing and entertaining the crowd, the gimmick is starting to run dry for me. He has done a great job with it though, Not many Monster looking big men could pull off a comedy act like he has done. I'm liking his more recent serious attitude towards The Big Show (hope it continues). If he can slowly phase out the Dancing and Smiles he could reach The upper tier of the roster and possibly jump into the main event every now and again.

Interesting thread. All 4 of them are certainly interesting wrestlers with a sort of Make or Break future. Time will Tell.

On a Side Note, i did look up the ages of these 4. Not that age really matters, but was just interested to see how long they could be around for. It appears that they are all in the same age Bracket 29-32. Clay is 32, Cesaro is 31, Ryback is 30, Sandow is 29.
That is what is called a "dead crowd"....there are sporadic cheers as there is for just about anything on a stage, but it sounds a lot like the old WCW crowds....you can hear individuals clapping and whooping rather than just an overall swell of noise.

And don't go on with the fact there are fans clapping in the first few rows that you see on TV, the WWE uses filler fans to sit in the seats that are on TV for whichever section happens to be the "background" for the ring on that given night.
I'm sorry, but are we really comparing our intellectual savior to the likes of such imbeciles? Damien Sandow would be insulted if he were to read this and see the unwashed masses including him in conversations with a Swiss peon, Goldberg, and a "Funkasaurus". you all should be ashamed or worse...Your Welcome!

In one corner, we have Howie "Your, not You're, Welcome" Backpack. Our intellectual saviour, despite the fact he can't even grammatisize properly!

I'm sorry, but are we really comparing our intellectual savior to the likes of such imbeciles? Damien Sandow would be insulted if he were to read this and see the unwashed masses including him in conversations with a Swiss peon, Goldberg, and a "Funkasaurus". you all should be ashamed or worse...Your Welcome!

And his challenger, Albert "Sucks Ass" s35! His generi-smark comments mark him out as a real face for the future, despite the fact he has no substance, credentials or valid opinion! Witness one of his breathtaking Meltzer-esque "behind the curtain of the Wrestling Industry" promos right here:

uhhh, no they aren't, they got bored of it after about two times. That is why you see him mostly on SD, so they can edit in fake crowd noise into the recorded show. Fans go take a piss break when Ryback comes out because they know they won't see anything they haven't already seen 100 times before. He sucks ass and so do you.

This is why people hate pro wrestling message boards.
No love for Brodus? Why don't people like him? Brodus gets a one of the loudest pops today. As soon as that hi-hat hits, the crowd jumps up and goes nuts. Kids love him and remember now, this is a family friendly business. If this gimmick was going to flop, it would have already happened. He is a good big man. He moves very fast for a man his size, he has amazing power. Brodus is already over, why stop someone who is massively over with the live crowd?

I know Ryback will get pushed because it's a long known fact that Vince gets a hard on from big, muscular men.

Sandow is quite boring to me...as for Cesaro, I haven't watched enough to judge.

BUT since Brodus is on Smackdown, I'll have to start watching it more often.

Anyway, Brodus and Ryback are the ones with the futures. Sorry, I see nothing in Sandow. Also, Snooki does a better cartwheel. LOL.
Sandow is awful. He cuts miz like promo's but using big words. It's pathetic. Is this guy smart or is it his way of getting heat ? IMO it comes across like he writes his promo down ''the dumb way'' then flips through a thesaurus to replace ''dumb'' words with ''smart words'' I'm disappointed because i thought he might have something intelligent to say obviously not

In one corner, we have Howie "Your, not You're, Welcome" Backpack. Our intellectual saviour, despite the fact he can't even grammatisize properly!

This is why people hate pro wrestling message boards.

I'm sorry, did you mean to say "grammaticize"? I fail to see the reasons behind pointing out typos, if you yourself can not spell. And I only say this for your own benefit, so again Equimanthorn...You're Welcome!
That may be very true, but I'm not the one pretending to be an intellectual saviour.

I give you 3 weeks before everybody, including you, gets tired of your shit gimmick. You are the Tiger Ali Singh of Wrestlezone.
Damien Sandow is the most promising out of the group to me. He has made great use of the limited time he's been given on SD. His wordy promos remind me of some of the better Jericho heel rants from 2008, but Sandow is definitely an original gimmick. His wrestling skill seems to be there as well, he sold Tyson Kidd's attack this week very well, made it look like the two of them could enter a feud together. I love his finisher, if that's what it is. The roll through he does after it looks sweet. I think Sandow could be a MitB winner this year or next.

Ryback is awesome too. I really enjoy him. I liked him as Skip Sheffield but the Ryback persona is a better fit. He does a great Goldberg 2.0, and maybe he can make the gimmick stay interesting for longer than a year and a half. Right now he's my pick to win a Money in the Bank briefcase.

Antonio Cesaro has all the "tools" but I am worried he could end up in the same boat as Drew McIntyre if he's not careful. I enjoyed him in ROH so I know the guy can wrestle well, but it's hard to tell this early if he'll fit into the WWE Universe.

Brodus Clay is doing a good job of taking the lovable big guy task away from Big Show, but he has yet to really impress me. I'm glad he is there for the kids, and I always enjoy watching Cameron and Naomi dance, but I don't exactly get excited to watch Clay wrestle. He's got a lot of learning left to do, but his gimmick is fun and innocent in the mean time.
I'd say Cesaro. I never watched his indy work, but he just has the presence of a star. Also, Cesaro's character is not as "gimmicky" as the others, so I think he has the greater potential.

agree to diagree i gues.... IMO cesaro is the one who looks like a star the least, and and the others being more gimmicky? whats Ryback´s gimmick?
Originally Posted by Xumer
I don't see any of those being in WWE 3 years from now and if they are, they will be FAR away from main eventing.

They mentioned four people.

uhhh so? i think u are having trouble reading.

Cesaro and ohno should form a tag team and stay together for years to be the next great tagteam. some teams need to have some longevity instead of just breaking them up after a year.
Clay will gone eventually. unless that gimmick gets serious repackaging he is pretty much doomed.
Sandow has good potential and ive seen some good matches of him against dean ambrose and seth rollins so i think he could be a maineventer in the year or two.
Ryback will surely be pushed quite possibly as soon as mitb and taking one of the briefcases. but he needs to be put in some kind of fued soon before fans start to become bored of these horrible talking jobbers everyweek
I will say easily that it is Ryback as a babyface and Cesaro as a heel. Would not shock if once WM gets into the 30's (as in 31-39) that a bulk of them are headlined with Ryback, Cesaro, Rhodes, and Ziggler.

Ryback is way over with the crowd in general. Everyone may not love him (like alberts35) but in general he gets a great reaction and does all the right things. Just because u get bored of him doesnt mean that everyone else does. I was at a house show recently and he got a great reaction and he does on TV too. Speak for yourself but in general he is over.

Cesaro is a natural. He will be a top heel for a while and is seemingly being pushed that way as well.
Sandow and Ryback are the most promising of the 4, i enjoy seeing Ryback as a face big guy, because it seems most guys his size are used as heels (excluding currrent Brodus)

Sandow does very well with his current gimmick of the basic "Im smarter and better then you" that most heels are given, he just uses it very well and i can see him being a IC or US champ by next year.

I don't like Cesaro's new gimmick, no, scratch that, I don't like Cesaro as a singles wrestler, his gimmick is dumb, his finisher looks weak, and all hes gonna do 4 a while is squash other wrestlers, maybe I would like him if he was in a feud with someone,i would propose Tyson Kidd and JG, since thell be teaming togather again, and promote Chris Hero to the main roster, Kings of Wrestling vs. Kidd and JG. I can garentee if WWE did this KOW would eventully win Tag gold.

I like the Funkasaurs gimmick, but their is to many people who don't Brodus is over with some crowds, but i have a feeling that by next year, this gimmick will ethier be really stale or dropped, if he attacks show at NWO and has a feud with him, he could really get over, and yes i know he was moved to smackdown to "prevent" show from attacking him, but that makes the feud all the more better.

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