Our Trio's Down to Two


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Hakuna Matata.

Seriously, though. Shocky informed Luther and I that he will be stepping down to focus on non-WZF endeavors. He'll stop in, sure, but he's relinquishing his post.

Shocky has been one of my 5 favorite people on the forums since I came here some 2 years ago. Guys like Shocky, XFear, Will, Becca, NorCal, and KB have become e-friends of mine, but when Jake stepped down from adminship, Shocky was the one guy I KNEW would be up to the task of co-adminning. I was right.

Shocky has contributed more to the forums in the past 3 years than anyone. Period. The 3 Wrestlezone tournaments have been painstakingly detailed, as well as the two tag-tournaments. The "goings-on" in the pro wrestling world brought many people onto these forums, but Shocky's hard work is a good reason many of them stayed.

There's no way to put a happy spin on this, other than to say that wherever Shocky is directing his attention will certainly meet him with another success. For the forums, it's a loss, plain and simple.

Luther and I will do our best to carry on a very positive tradition, but we both realize that Shocky leaves shoes likely too big to fill.

<raises a glass of scotch to Shocky>
To Shocky!

I hope whatever it is that you choose to do after WZ that you get success with it. After IC telling us what you have done for the forums, I have to say you have done a fantastic job and I wish you all the luck in the world with your endeavours in the future.

Good Luck!
Shocky, I've already spoken my piece to you in the Board Room. All I'll say here is that you might be the only person on these forums that I would actually go to the trouble of addressing when they step down. Hope to see you back soon.

Aw, I'll miss Shocky. Becca for admin?
Only if you're for Slyfox for Mental Institute. ;)
Damn, sad to see Shocky go, now I don't have anyone to change my name whether by choice or not for the various tournaments we've been having. Great guy, I hope he stops in often.

*Raises glass of Crown*

To Shocky.
God speed, Shocky. That Wrestlezone Tournament is a thing of masterpiece.
By the way Shocky...

After last night, I bet people will remember you for a long time. Great joke. *Ha*ha!
Sucks. Shocky was always pretty cool. Maybe he got one of those lives everyone keeps telling me about. I gotta get me one of those.

I salute you Shocky, your tournaments were awesome and so were you.
This is truly sad. When I first signed up here, I remember Shocky being a posting machine. The guy was so insightful, and stood by his convictions. I just want to thank you Shocky, for everything you have done for these forums, and everything you will do in the future. Also, you don't need any luck with what you're doing outside of WZ, because you will succeed. Thanks Shocky, you the man!
I'm considering getting a life. I'd have to leave here, but y'know, I'd have a life... That'd be interesting.

I have no witticisms today :(
So this is what happens when I stop posting regularly, good luck with your "non-WZF endeavors", though you coulda quickly perma-banned Becker before you stepped down, LOL;)
Sorry to hear you're leaving the WZF staff. I hope that you keep coming back every once in a while. Good luck with with all your endeavors. You will be missed but not forgotten.
O god, I remember joining this forum at the end of july in 2007 and I would always go out of my way to read his posts. His HHH posts always gave me a laugh and he always supported Hogan, Foley. and he hated the Ultimate Warrior . I remember reading his post on Foley and the attitude era and how many people he helped create. Which to this day is still my favorite post. Anyways, Shocky you're the man..

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