Our next prisoner?

So am I.

Chances are though, regardless of what he says, I won't be remembering him.

Who were we talking about again?
I've had the chance to actually talk to him, and damn he's pretty stupid. His former account "3nigma" was banned, he came back for a second chance, but got an infraction making the same mistake he did befoe, spam. Then he admitted that he made alts, and starts insulting the admins, like seen above. Now he goes around and posts in random threads saying "This forum sucks.", but yet he's the one who came back. My verdict, ban him.
I've had the chance to actually talk to him, and damn he's pretty stupid. His former account "3nigma" was banned, he came back for a second chance, but got an infraction making the same mistake he did befoe, spam. Then he admitted that he made alts, and starts insulting the admins, like seen above. Now he goes around and posts in random threads saying "This forum sucks.", but yet he's the one who came back. My verdict, ban him.

Thank you for your verdict

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