Our new Idol is middle America's protest of the gays.


You don't want it with me.
The other thread is Live Discussion, and being that the event has been over for thirty hours......

Jim Davis of The Huffington Post said Kris Allen won American Idol because middle America is homophobic. Votes for Kris Allen were made by Republicans in response to losing at the polls in November.

He claims that conservatives were so angry that they lost the election in November, that they sabotaged the glam rocker, who, by the way, isn't even gay (or at least closeted)

Davis calls America homophobic by stereotyping the emo kids as a homesexual.
actually i will sort of agree with what he was saying, but not on the homophobic stuff, American Idol is a very much Red State program, the most votes come from those states. but there is a more non-political thing about Kris but there is a very liberal thing about Adam.

But there is a major amount of reading into it as a political backlash thing.
I don't know if it is so much political as...a lot of people just don't get Adam. He is one of those musicians that I think people either love or hate, with very little middle of the road. I personally was blown away by a lot of his performances, and have several of the studio versions on my iPod now. His take on Ring of Fire was simply awesome, IMHO. I personally know about five people who agree with that assessment, and about twenty-five who absolutely hated it.

In the top three episode, Adam and Chris were separated by less than 1 million votes. The remainder went to Danny Gokey. People who were voting for Gokey were much more likely to vote for Kris than for Adam, because Kris had a style much more similar to Gokey's. I honestly think that Kris, and Gokey, appealed to more people because of the type of people who generally watch the show. The fan base that would be more likely to vote for Adam would also usually not be caught dead watching American Idol. This is a generalization, but you get my point. Kris had more mainstream appeal, whereas Adam had more talent, but appeals to a more select audience.

Just my take on it...
There was another report online that said Kris won because of the text voting. Bill Hicks was right, 14 year old girls do have all the power.
Same thing when Studdard won over Aiken, except Clay actually was gay. And I agree that a big part of Lambert's loss was because he's just... different. It's wrong, but that's the way it goes. I definitely think he'll go further than Allen though.
I love em both, I just perferred Kris. <3333 And I'm certainly no homophobe LOL and neither are any of my friends that voted for Kris.

Flames Out
A big part of Lambert's loss was the he was shoved down America's throat. I got tired of watching Paula and Kara ******e him verbally every chance they got. I never voted, and honestly, I would have voted for Adam.

I'm not upset Kris won. He is the one I would rather hang out with, because he's not an emo. Adam didn't seem too upset, and I am willing to bet he already has a ton of multi-million dollar offers.

Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson would disagree.

David Cook is on his way to stardom.

Kris Allen would stand little to no chance if he hadn't won.

What I meant was for every Underwood and Clarkson, there's a Studdard, Fantasia, or Hicks.

I'm still mad at Diana Degarmo and Katherine McPhee not winning.
If these douches are the best talent America can come up with, then we're fucked.
It's really hit or miss. These two were meh.

X, I imagine you aren't too big on country music, but Carrie Underwood has an amazing voice, and she won the show. It's not always douches, sometimes it comes through.
No I enjoy country music, so long as it's actual legit country music and not tangy pop like Carrie Underwood is. It ain't country unless its Johnny, Hank, or Merle in my book. Or Willie. Or David Allen Coe.
No I enjoy country music, so long as it's actual legit country music and not tangy pop like Carrie Underwood is. It ain't country unless its Johnny, Hank, or Merle in my book. Or Willie. Or David Allen Coe.

True. I still like the poppy little blond girls though. A cute blonde with an accent gets me every time. I am a weak weak man.

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