Other superstars who could benefit from being a Paul Heyman guy

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
If anything superstars like Lesnar and Punk as well as countless others like Show, Angle, Foley, RVD, Austin, etc. have flourished even thrived by having Heyman be an influence on their career and so far Axel has pretty much seen his career be resurrected just by being associated with Heyman, so that begs the question if Paul Heyman does end up taking on a fourth client, since he has 3 clients right now in Lesnar, Punk and Axel, who should be the 4th Paul Heyman guy if Paul Heyman ends up getting a new guy in the near future?

Either Antonio Cesaro, Cody Rhodes, Kassius Ohno, Wade Barrett, Ryback, or someone who is in need of guidance someone who could use a career revival, Ted DiBiase Jr.
Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett would be my two top choices.

Cody Rhodes had so much promise (including a damn good feud with Rey Mysterio) with the disfigured character, and his IC title run, but he's fallen off the map since then. I can't sit through his matches anymore, and character wise, he's become this bumbling goof. Rhodes still has plenty of time, and the potential is still there, so a union with Heyman could do wonders for him.

Barrett's character continues to wade in and out of relevancy, so attaching him with a major heat magnet like Heyman could give him the boost he needs. Barrett has all the right tools, but WWE constantly drops the ball with him.
Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett would be my two top choices.

Cody Rhodes had so much promise (including a damn good feud with Rey Mysterio) with the disfigured character, and his IC title run, but he's fallen off the map since then. I can't sit through his matches anymore, and character wise, he's become this bumbling goof. Rhodes still has plenty of time, and the potential is still there, so a union with Heyman could do wonders for him.

Barrett's character continues to wade in and out of relevancy, so attaching him with a major heat magnet like Heyman could give him the boost he needs. Barrett has all the right tools, but WWE constantly drops the ball with him.

I think that barrett is gold on the mic and on commentary... I don't necessarily think that he needs heyman as a manager, rather, he needs creative to give him some sort of direction... have him win WHC MITB would be ideal...

Toss cody rhodes with heyman... imagine, Heyman comes out and says that along with Curtis Axel, his newest client will truly leave a... "check this word out, LEGACY" on the WWE... enter cody rhodes
Of all the guys mentioned so far in this thread, the only one that stands out to me is Kassius Ohno. He could actually be a Paul Heyman guy. Putting Heyman with Barrett, Rhodes, or DiBiase just because they can't get over on their own is just not enough of a reason to taint the "Paul Heyman Guy" brand.
Im going to say a guy that absolutly no one is thinking about. And thats alberto del rio. You have him beat the shit out of ricardo and then join paul heyman and he will finally get over as a heel. And while paul heyman backed cm punk because he was the best wrestler, and brock because he was baddest fighter, he would take del rio on just cause he had the biggest wallet. Paul heyman can give del rio the direction he desperatly needs as the destiny shit did not work.
Del Rio never had a problem getting over as a heel. After the fans hearing him repeat the word, "Destiny" for the ten millionth time, they booed him out of the building. Well, not literally, but you get my meaning. The Paul Heyman Guy gimmick is about finding, promoting, and exposing the next game changer in the business. "The Next Big Thing", "The Best In The World".. these aren't titles that can or should be purchased.

Heyman is paired with Curt Axel because he's the future of this business, regardless of his weird hair line, and he actually could benefit from the pairing. Del Rio can't benefit from it. It would only drag the Paul Heyman Guy brand down. Del Rio is never going to be anything more than one dimensional, heel or face. It's like trying to change chicken shit into chicken salad. Good luck with that.

If you want to pair Del Rio up with someone, put him with Vickie Guerro. That woman could garner heat for the second coming of Christ with her "Excuse me!" routine. Fire her as temporary assistant acting general manager of redundant jobs already and put her with Del Rio. Keep Ricardo with them, but have Del Rio go back to treating him like a dog, which could ultimately lead to Ricardo joining up with Sin Cara and being his personal ring announcer and official bucket holder. But Del Rio with Heyman? I dont think its a good match.
I really don't think there is a need for another Paul Heyman guy. He currently has Axel, Punk and Lesnar. Axel is the project for the summer months and beyond. Punk will return on Sunday and Heyman will most likely return to managing him. This paired with Axel will suffice. Managing two men will be enough of a workload. Lesnar will probably return for Summerslam and feature on and off right until Wrestlemania. To be honest, I don't think there is enough time for Heyman to have another superstar. I'm a huge fan of his but he would feature in every other segment on Raw which would simply be overkill - he is good enough but I don't see it being necessary.
If Paul Hayman was to take on another client then it would have to be somebody like Seth Rollins or Dean Ambrose. If you look at all the guys Hayman has helped over the years, Each and every one of them Hayman would have signed himself if given the chance and Rollins and Ambrose are two guys you could see hayman signing if ECW was still up and running, Plus neither guy really has the Corporate WWE look that vince loves so much, Just like another Paul Hayman guy that is due to make his return at Payback.
Im shocked no one mentioned anyone like Tyson Kidd or Evan Bourne. They are (kayfabe) over looked. They could use Heyman as a voice to say that they are sick of being mistreated or under used on the card and that they have just as much go in them as anyone else. I would like to see a heel Evan Bourne come back with Heyman as a manager. I realise he wouldnt be a "heyman guy" but it would be a good way to utilize them
Ted DiBiase Jr. is someone who is in need of a career revival and Ted Jr. is the one who needs someone in his corner, someone to believe in him and who better than Paul Heyman? Paul Heyman in Ted's corner he can basically help guide DiBiase back to where he should be right now which is either in the main event or at least in upper mid-card because he had so much promise in Legacy

The guy is great in the ring and solid on the mic. He certainly has the look and the size. He just needs someone to help him get out of his rut. Pairing him with Heyman would most likely be the missing piece of the puzzle.

The guy is great in the ring and solid on the mic. He certainly has the look and the size. He just needs someone to help him get out of his rut. Pairing him with Heyman would most likely be the missing piece of the puzzle.

Yes Drew McIntyre becoming a Paul Heyman guy, I can actually get behind that but in order for that to happen, Paul Heyman needs to get Drew out of 3MB and away from 3MB because at one point or another he was The Chosen One, put him with Heyman he truly can become The Chosen One once again
not lesner so much anymore, but all of heymens guys are techniqual. so i agree with tyson kid. he has a long heritage of growing up in the business and trained in the dungeon. i think he should use the mouthpiece and imagine with a 4th client, survivor series is right around the corner. traditional ss elimination match anyone?
Drew sounds like a good idea, because he has a look, but his promo work is lacking...and he needs a good stickman for him.

But to be honest, I'd rather a Zack Ryder, mainly because his character is kinda stale right now and a heel turn could help him. Adding Heyman means credibility that he can't get from his Woo Woo Woo days...
Paul Heyman needs to get Drew out of 3MB and away from 3MB because at one point or another he was The Chosen One, put him with Heyman he truly can become The Chosen One once again

3MB is a dying gimmick; even a comedy jobber team has a limited shelf life and I don't see Slater or Mahal having done much to distinguish themselves to stand out when the group finally folds. Whether management sees Drew differently than they did when they were leaving him at home during European tours remains to be seen, but at least 3MB has given him the chance to show a range of character that goes beyond anger, which is all he ever was allowed to show as The Chosen One.

Still, his old gimmick might be a perfect vehicle for Paul Heyman to exploit....y'know, with Heyman vowing to restore Drew to his "glory" days as The Chosen One. Personally, I still believe that title was more of a curse than blessing, but if Creative can find a way to exploit it with Heyman making up for Drew's lack of success on the mic, it could work.
Yes Drew McIntyre becoming a Paul Heyman guy, I can actually get behind that but in order for that to happen, Paul Heyman needs to get Drew out of 3MB and away from 3MB because at one point or another he was The Chosen One, put him with Heyman he truly can become The Chosen One once again

Yeah 3MB was fun for about a week or two, but that ship has sailed. Get Drew away from Slater & Mahal as soon as possible. The WWE then could add Hawkins to the group if they really want them to stick around.

Drew has the gifts to be a big star. And personally I don't care if they put him with Heyman, Colter, or even Piper. But they need to right this wrong and get McIntyre back on track.
Wade Barrett as a Paul Heyman guy, could you imagine the heat Barrett would receive especially if he aligned himself with the likes of Paul Heyman and not to mention with Heyman in Barrett's corner Heyman could actually lead Barrett to the promised land Heyman could turn Barrett into a World Champion since Barrett should have already been a champion by now he should be main eventing hell he should even be a main eventer who is of the same calibre like a Cena or a Punk or a Sheamus and with Heyman in his corner, Barrett could be an instant main eventer once again
Even though Barrett is a pretty good talker, I could still see him as a great addition to the "Heyman Guys" group. He is brutal in the ring and very arrogant. Heyman could really bring out the best in him, and give Barrett just that last little bit to get him in the main event. CM Punk is a very good talker to, and Heyman gave him just that little extra to get Punk over as a heel, and I think he could do the same for Wade Barrett.

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