Orton vs Cena


Legend Killer
Randy Orton vs John Cena, one of the most well-known rivalries of this generation. It started at Summerslam of '07 and ended at Bragging Rights of '09. After Cena had defended the WWE title against numerous opponents such as Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, and even Bobby Lashley. Then Randy Orton gets a shot. I know Orton should have been victorious at Summerslam in 2007, but then it continued and got personal. Orton punted Cena's father in the head to gain another shot at the title and they faced off again at Unforgiven, in which Cena won by DQ. Cena's injury halted the rivalry. It really didn't kick in again until 2009, where we saw four pay-per-view matches in a row between them for the title, all leading up to their epic Iron Man match at Bragging Rights.

I was a big fan of their rivalry. But in my opinion I think we are due for it again now. None of their matches really "clicked" for me after watching them. I truly believe that both Orton and Cena have potential to have a match better than the ones in their past. After reading articles about unifying the WWE and World titles, AND THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS THREAD IS FOR, those 2 would be my pick to do it, eventually. But overall I think WWE should try it again within the next year or 2, even if it is a face vs face, which I believe could work out well.

So my questions for you are:

#1. Were you a fan of this rivalry? Why or why not?

#2. What was their best match, in your opinion? Why?

#3. Would you like to see it again in the future? And how do you think it would work?

Discuss and post. :)
Well first i think it was said somewhere that Cena really doesnt like Orton and i even remember on an episode of Raw in 07 where cena says he would never give Orton a christmas letter, but either way these 2 guys are the top dogs in the WWE include punk into the faction because he has risen up their aswell, maybe even surpassing Orton. All in all Orton and Cena are The Rock and Austin or maybe you can say the Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage of our era and they have the potential to make great matches just like those guys in their eras. The one thing is to not overdo these guys in matches because in Austin/Rock and Macho Man/Hogan you rarely saw those guys fued and when they did fued u got ur moneys worth and a great match to remember for decades. Most of Cena/Ortons matches will not be remembered in the future because they have been over done and they do not have that special feel like the other guys in their eras.

#1. Were you a fan of this rivalry? Why or why not?

Leading into their Summerslam 07 fued i would say i was a fan because it was the first time Orton and Cena were actually clashing and it was going to be for the WWE Championship, so i was a fan of that. What I was not a fan of was their 2009 fueds as they just seemed to be thrown together because it was the best decision to get through a year that was lacking in main event stars.

#2. What was their best match, in your opinion? Why?

So they've had 7 ppv matches and I'll list them down in order from 1 - 7. 1 being their best and towards 7 being their worst.

1. Summerslam 07 - It was their first actual fued and both in their prime
2. Unforgiven 07 - The fued was getting personal
3. No Way Out 08 - Cena had returned and challenged orton to the belt he never lost
4. Summerslam 09 - They were starting fresh after not fueding one on one for more than a year
5. Hell In a Cell 09 - Cena vs Orton hell in a cell is big... big money, these two men can do some unexpecting things
6. Bragging Rights 09 - Iron Man Match that was pretty decent but the fued was getting stale from this point
7. Breaking Point 09 - A great I quit match but u know who to expect to win those kinds of matches

Personally for me if they had had their Last Man Standing No Mercy match i think that match wouldve topped all, but unfortunately we did not get to see it due to an injury Cena sustained

#3. Would you like to see it again in the future? And how do you think it would work?

Yes i would like to see Cena and Orton in the future. To me they are currently right now The Rock, Stone Cold, Macho Man and Hulk Hogan of this era. I would like them to be on the same brand but kept far away from eachother in terms of fued wise just to get the fans begging for it like they did with Austin/Rock back in the day. Eventually they will fued, i dont see it happening in 2013 because Orton will be chasing the World Title and he'll be more of a Smackdown guy whereas Cena will have fueds concerning the WWE title.

If they were to have a fued I would like it to headline mania. The way it should be done is Orton wins the Royal Rumble and shockingly challenges Cena for the belt. Both of them are face so the fans are divided with cheers and boos. They should talk about their past matches and how it does not compare to what theyre wrestlemania match will be like. Overall, Orton beats Cena for the title in a no dq match where Orton in the last minutes of the match after giving Cena 3 RKos that are unsuccessful in the 3 count Orton beats Cena with a chair over and over and thus Rkoing him one final time to become the champ. I'd like the fued to end after that but we all know they can fued for 6 months straight.

#1. Were you a fan of this rivalry? Why or why not?

#2. What was their best match, in your opinion? Why?

#3. Would you like to see it again in the future? And how do you think it would work?


Great post. Well thought out. Nice job. I actually was a fan of this rivalry. In a lesser extent it sort of reminded me of Austin/The Rock from back in the day. Any time you have 2 of the top guys in a heated feud is always a good thing. Their in ring work was surprisingly good with each other. My favorite match was probably the Hell in a Cell match. Pretty brutal and personal. As far as wanting to see this rivalry again, absolutely I would. One way I would make this happen and have it actually be heated again would be for a returning Orton to interfere in the Championship match b/t Punk and Cena on Raw 1000. Thus costing Cena the title and his MITB chance. Can you imagine how pissed Cena would be? They could then have a program leading up to a match at SummerSlam and maybe carrying over to PPV or two afterwards.
I don't really remember what these guys were feuding over other than the punt to Mr. Cena. Obviously the belt played a factor but overall i think the feud was kind of lame and nothing special. these two do have the potential for a great feud down the road but the first go around i dont feel really delivered
Real lame fued in 09. I think part of the problem was that WWE was and still is PG. Think of how personal it could of been if it was like a blood bath in the HIAC, Iron Man match and The I Quit. I think because they were so limited to what they could say on the mic and what weapons they could use it didn't seem that personal and all the matches felt like a bit of a letdown.
I was a fan of the feud, but i do think that it got stale in 09. I would have to say my favorite match of their feud was the iron man match at bragging rights. It was a good match, and orton was freakin insane. He tried to blow up cena with the entrance pyro. I would like to see it again, but anytime soon. I think the best place to do it wiould be wrestlemania 30. A big milestone for wwe, with the two biggest stars of their era facing off. That match shouldnt have any titles involved though.
#1. Were you a fan of this rivalry? Why or why not?

Yes. I'm a huge fan of Randy Orton, and anytime he takes on the face of the company it's good for him.

#2. What was their best match, in your opinion? Why?

My favorite match involving the two is when they teamed to take on the entire locker room (which turned out to be like 10 mid card guys).

None of there matches against each other were note worthy because neither Cena nor Orton are "ring generals". Both men are capable of 5 star matches, but neither are that good at calling the matches. IMO that's why none of there matches stood out to me.

#3. Would you like to see it again in the future? And how do you think it would work?

Yes I would like to see it again. I think both men have grown considerably, both in the ring and in character. Orton seems to have gotten much better at calling matches which can really help them out in the ring.

I think eventually Randy will turn heel again and go with the jealousy angle. This will probably happen after next years Mania. After the PPV (where Cena will have faced either Rock, Lesnar, or Taker) Orton will attack him complaining that Cena is in main events at Mania while Orton is wasting away in meaningless matches. I think that could be a good basis for a feud possibly leading to a title unification.
I was a fan of their rivalry but both men bore me personality wise. As far as matches go, unlike most wrestling fans here, I don't recall many wrestling matches. I certaintly don't remember every match a wrestler or two had. That makes watching he DVDs a lot more entertaining to me. So, I don't have a favorite match. I would like to see it again in the future because I want Orton to take Cena's title away very soon.
I was a fan of their rivalry but both men bore me personality wise. As far as matches go, unlike most wrestling fans here, I don't recall many wrestling matches. I certaintly don't remember every match a wrestler or two had. That makes watching he DVDs a lot more entertaining to me. So, I don't have a favorite match. I would like to see it again in the future because I want Orton to take Cena's title away very soon.

What title is it you think Cena has right now? Last I checked, the scruffy guy in your sig has the title.

As for the feud. I always felt like the matches were good but the storyline was always lacking. I think enough time has gone by for this feud to be fresh again, but the story has to be there this time around.
Like many have said, their feud wasn't really well written and it hasn't happened at WM so for me I would like to see again, this time "properly". The thing about keeping a feud between two guys who have fought numerous times before fresh, is if they were heel/face in their last encounters. So i think it needs to be Super-Cena vs. Super-Orton for a title and let the fans decide who to cheer for.

Much like I always wanted a Triple threat for the title between, Austin/Rock/HHH, I always wanted Cena/Orton/Batista. Never say never, but these three where the top guys coming out of their generation. That would be the feud I would like to see even more than Cena/Orton.

But back to superCena vs superOrton, this can be simply one of them having the title, the other winning the royal rumble and then having this rivalry of who is finally the better of the two. Bryan and Punk have been trying to put on matches to say they are, I say let Cena or Orton prove why they are at the top of the food chain.

Always loved the AA into the RKO spot too!!!
First I want to point out an observation that contradicts supposed reports about John Cena not liking Orton. In Orton's documentary Cena spoke highly of Orton and is seen playing with Orton's child. Orton even spoke highly of Cena. When Cena was supposedly fired during the Nexus angle, the last person to pay Cena respect as he walked out the door was Orton (before I catch grief, yes I know this was a work and scripted). So if there is any potential bad blood between them, they obviously hide it well and are professional with one another.

Now to answer the question:
#1. Yes, I wanted this rivalry the second both men were showing themselves to be the top guys and when they finally squared off I was excited. I was much more of a mark at that time and didn't care at all for any backstage crap. I was still fully immersed in the storyline cause I wanted to still enjoy the show for what it was. And at that time, the WWE made me a mark of this rivalry.

#2. Probably the HIAC match.. Like someone else stated, it was brutal and made it seem very personal.

#3. Yes, I'd love to see this feud play out. Honestly, if I had it my way, I'd have Orton make Cena be the first to fail when cashing in his contract. I know he's suspended but it's his hometown. I'd have him come back with just the heel badass persona. I think even Orton wants to be the heel again. I would also like him to bring back the punt. The story would initially involve Punk simply because he would make it seem as though Punk needed the assistance, let him get pissed about that and be in it just so that when he gets ruled out of the story like he seems to be with the current AJ/DBryan story, it would allow Orton and Cena to carry on even longer. I also liked the originators ideas about one day using these two to unify the belts. I would of course like to see that play out a bit differently. Have them fight for the unification, but have Ziggler cash in and be the actual guy who holds the unified belt. I think that would be the biggest possible rub he could achieve and it'd be from the two largest names in the company. Maybe I'm just dreaming but that's how I would like it to play out. I know my idea has a lot of holes in it and I'm fine with that, I am just thinking end results.
#1. Were you a fan of this rivalry? Why or why not?
No, I don't think they have much in ring chemistry and Orton can't keep up with Cena on the mic.

#2. What was their best match, in your opinion? Why?
Summerslam 2007, it's probably the best because it was the simplest which I think suited them, they had a straight up wrestling match with a good story and a smart finish.

#3. Would you like to see it again in the future? And how do you think it would work?

Not really, I'd rather see another Punk/Orton feud and a Cena/Bryan feud than to see them wrestle each other again.
#1. Were you a fan of this rivalry? Why or why not?

I was a fan of this rivalry to a point. They put on great matches, but I think a match should have happened at Mania. I don't think the feud was done exactly right, and I think it kind of went on a little long. For the most part I was a fan of the matches though.
#2. What was their best match, in your opinion? Why?

I have to say my favorite match was the one from Bragging Rights 09 simply because I was there. The one thing that I noticed at that time was a lot of kids in the audience were big Orton fans even then. They took the match all over the arena and was just great to be there live.

#3. Would you like to see it again in the future? And how do you think it would work?

I would like to see this feud done again in time, and done a little better this time. I would like to see the big match of the feud done at Mania. I think it would work well after Orton has some time to reestablish himself. The two biggest stars of this era should have a proper match at Mania to solidify it as a huge important feud.
This rivalry always was solid, but at the same time always seemed to lack something to me.

I personally think that Orton's rivalry with Triple H is far better and Cena's rivalry with Edge is one of the best in wrestling history, so I guess that left me hoping for more memorable moments whenever these two guys hooked it up.

I think the point made by LK716 is dead on. Both of these guys can put on great matches, but for some reason, they seem a little out of sorts with each other in the ring.

Obviously, they will get a lengthy feud again at some point in the future. They are both legit top 5 guys, which means they will have to mix it up and will probably be a Main Event at WrestleMania again at some point. But I would hope to see something different from them.

They need to make it about MORE than just the WWE championship.

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