Orton vs. Cena-- The road to WM23


Pre-Show Stalwart
this is how i predict that it will come down to orton n cena at WM. Cena will lose the TLC match and go to smackdown. He will fued with eitehr batista or booker (who ever is WHC) and finally win the belt. Randy will win the RR and decided he wants to win the belt that he origionally won so he will jump back over to smackdown. I can see WWE doing this in all honesty....Edge could go on to fued with jeff after he won the TLC match n orton could fued with hhh.....then it would all work out in perfict timeing for a Edge vs. HHH at main for the WWE Championship n Orton vs. Cena for the WHC......what do you guys think?
I agree with you on the most part, and would like to see Cena/Orton at 'Mania and I think it'll happen. I just don't know about Edge/HHH though, let me think.:headscratch:
in my opinion that would be a horrible match i dont see whats so good about orton he does a good drop kick and an rko that looks pretty weak and cena is flat out horrible hes got 5 moves
I don't want to see that match at a wrestlemania, i want undertaker and kane to headline this wrestlemania, at wm24 i wouldn't mind seeing orton/cena, but not in the last match of the night.
Randy Orton vs John Cena for the WWE title at WM23

Legend Killer vs Hip Hop Fighter

That what i think will happen but can be a BIIIIIGGG letdown
Dude I would love to see Randy and Cena go at it @ Wrestlemania!!!!!! ^_^
I really dont see Edge nor Cena holding either title till Mania.... Its still so far away... Tho I could see Orton win the Rumble and jump to SD!.... But in my opinion its way to early to be calling this stuff,,,
WTF! This is all so soo sooo wrong! Randy Orton isn't goin back over to SmackDown! He is going to be RAW's Top Heel and win the Eliminataion Chamber match at New Year's Resolution and fued with Cena for the WWE Title... While Edge is on SmackDown fueding with Batista or Booker!!!
Ok.... Edge is not gonna ever go to SD! mark my words... He doesnt fit SD!... Orton doesnt have the potention to be Raws top heel... He'll always be #2 or #3..... Another thing is this Orton vs Cena thing everyone wants to see is so overrated its unbelieveable.... If anyone saw there match on Raw to a Tribute to Eddie.... You know what Im talking bout..... Another thing I guarntee Cena will be a heel by then... Its not gonna happen... Not for the Title atleast...

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