Orton VS. Bryan Looks To Be A Long Feud


According to a story that's featured on the main page and a few others, it's looking like WWE is going to have Orton vs. Bryan as the top feud running at least through Night of Champions, Battleground and Hell in a Cell. There's no word yet on whether Orton drops the title to Bryan but, reportedly, Orton is scheduled to be in the WWE Championship picture up until the Royal Rumble in 2014.

As for what I think will happen, I think Orton will manage to retain against Bryan at NOC and at Battleground. I think it'll most likely happen in some controversial fashion such as interference from The Shield or Triple H. I could also see some sort of screwjob ending involving Vince at either NOC or Battleground. Maybe someone who appears to be an ally of Bryan will turn against him at some point, winding up the newest member of this new power structure. I don't see Orton retaining cleanly against Bryan as it could result in Bryan losing momentum and the heels losing heat. They're getting great heat right now with their smugness and continuing to screw Bryan out of the title while keeping him looking strong can make them want to see the heels get their comeuppance all the more. I think Bryan will ultimately wind up having one more shot at HIAC and will regain the title. From there, he continues his feud by defending the title against Orton at Survivor Series and TLC. There's a possibility that their feud might go on as far as the Rumble with Orton getting one more chance to regain. Again, that's just my speculation as to how it will play out.
The pay off with Bryan to put him over the top as a star is to have him win the title at Mania and not before. He can still feud with the First Family without being is title match after title match. Yes, he'll fight Irton at NoC, and we'll likely see a screwy finish, probably with the Shield. Then, at Battleground, Bryan against Orton in a no DQ. Shield costs him the title. In November at SS, have a 4 on 4 with Bryan, Miz, Show and Ziggler and the Shield and Orton. At HITC, Bryan vs Orton one on one in the Cell, where if Orton wins Bryan doesn't get another rematch, and Daniel loses. For the weeks leading up to RR, Bryan says that he actually can still get a shot by winning the Rumble. The First Family tells him that he has to qualify for the Rumble and they throw every obstacle at him, but he makes it. At the Rumble, Cena returns at number 30 again, and when it comes down to him and Bryan, Cena eliminates himself, out of respect. As a result, Bryan chooses Orton for the title at Mania. Also, HHH being pissed at Cena tells him that he has to fight the only man to decimate him at Mania, the Undertaker.
While I like the idea of an extended feud because it has that old school feel to it like Orton and Christian did a couple years ago, I just hope the life isn't sucked out of it and people stop caring by the time Bryan does actually win the title. Some things need to happen to keep it fresh if they plan to keep it going on as long as these reports indicate. I think Orton wins in controversial fashion at NOC, Battleground, and maybe even HIAC.

Eventually Bryan will get help (most likely from Big Show, Henry and Ziggler - maybe even Miz) so that Raw doesn't continue to end with Bryan getting laid out. I think Triple H also recruits 1 more guys, most likely Ryback or Barrett. What I really wouldn't mind seeing is a traditional Survivor Series elimination match where Orton and The Shield have to defend all their titles in the same match. I think Bryan is WWE Champion no later than TLC and goes into WMXXX to defend against Royal Rumble winner CM Punk.
I like the part of the feud stretching to Hell in a Cell. These two are magic in the ring together. However, I don't like the fact that it says Orton will be in the title picture till Royal Rumble, that should be Bryan. I will be super pissed if Bryan drops the title back to Orton and is relegated down the card. He deserves better. I want him to eventually win the title and he be the man to go to the Rumble with the title, and possibly even Mania vs CM Punk.
The pay off with Bryan to put him over the top as a star is to have him win the title at Mania and not before. He can still feud with the First Family without being is title match after title match. Yes, he'll fight Irton at NoC, and we'll likely see a screwy finish, probably with the Shield. Then, at Battleground, Bryan against Orton in a no DQ. Shield costs him the title. In November at SS, have a 4 on 4 with Bryan, Miz, Show and Ziggler and the Shield and Orton. At HITC, Bryan vs Orton one on one in the Cell, where if Orton wins Bryan doesn't get another rematch, and Daniel loses. For the weeks leading up to RR, Bryan says that he actually can still get a shot by winning the Rumble. The First Family tells him that he has to qualify for the Rumble and they throw every obstacle at him, but he makes it. At the Rumble, Cena returns at number 30 again, and when it comes down to him and Bryan, Cena eliminates himself, out of respect. As a result, Bryan chooses Orton for the title at Mania. Also, HHH being pissed at Cena tells him that he has to fight the only man to decimate him at Mania, the Undertaker.

I was with you up until here. That wouldn't happen, nor would it make any sense. Why would he enter the Rumble for a title shot, only to give it up when he's down to the final two?
For the title picture to garnish that much interest, Bryan will probably regain the belt just to lost it again in the following month. Only way I can see that working. Jackhammer called it I'm positive; someone close to Bryan is going to turn on him and join Triple H's regime. That will give Daniel Bryan someone to face at the next pay per view to give a short break, and then Bryan could pick up where he left off with Orton after that.
I was with you up until here. That wouldn't happen, nor would it make any sense. Why would he enter the Rumble for a title shot, only to give it up when he's down to the final two?

In the real world, you are totally right. But the E needs a reason for Cena to come back and stay out of the title picture. Yes, they could have Bryan eliminate Cena, BUT, the E will want people to pop for Cena. They will want people to see him 'do the right thing'. His promo the next night explains in that him and Bryan fought hard, he got beat and Bryan got screwed and has continued to. He can even claim that Vince was rushing him to come back to be in the Rumble trying to say he should get revenge on Bryan and that he wasn't really ready.
They CANNOT have them face each other one on one at three consecutive PPVs and still hope that people care. One DQ, fine. One no DQ screwy finish, ok. Then it has to be a team elimination before they go one on one. Even at that, the BIG feud is with the First Family, with Orton being the rep. It has to look like Bryan is beating the odds and not just one guy. He needs to beat different guys to earn the top spot and the payoff is 70 000 people screaming YES, YES, YES at the Superdome. Anything else, or Bryan touching the title before that will be a failure.
I've said it before, Bryan should have a short title reign between now and Wrestlemania. It gives the crowd a reason to stay behind Bryan is he beats Orton, only to get screwed by another heel from the Corporation. Then you slap the title on Bryan in a triumphant win at Wrestlemania.

There's only so many times we can watch Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton. Sure, they have great matches, but matches are only half of a feud. You also need angles and promos to keep the feud hot on TV. How long can they really drag that angle out without people losing interest? I mean, it's a good feud and a good angle, but it's not the NWO, it doesn't have a year's worth of potential to keep it going.

So yeah, give Bryan the title at Survivor Series or Hell in a Cell, then have him screwed out of the title by someone other than Orton. Get the Corporation a major new recruit (maybe Show, Henry, Miz or Ziggler if you want to swerve people), have him beat Bryan by interference, then Bryan wins the Rumble and takes the title back at Wrestlemania.
Seeing as this feud is just not Bryan and Orton but Bryan vs. Orton, Triple H, The Shield, and The McMahons, and could go further by adding some faced to ally with Bryan like CM Punk, Ziggler, Big Show, etc. I think it's feasible to extend the feud until Royal Rumble or the end of 2013. There's so much the WWE can do too keep things interesting just because of the parties involve, so mixing and matching could keep things fresh. I can see the following scenario

-> Orton retains at Battle Ground after a screwy finish
-> Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H (stipulation where if DB wins he can get another title shot but if he loses he can never get a title shot again).
-> Bryan wins the title at HIAC
-> 10 Man Survivor Series Match
-> TLC Match with Orton and Daniel Bryan, Bryan retails
-> Royal Rumble ... anything can happen maybe Orton vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H, or maybe Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan with Orton being at the Rumble.

Of course this is just the direction I think it could and it won't be 100% exact but I can see the scenario play out like this.
This is my fantasy booking of how I would like the whole thing to go down, highly unlikely and probably containing a few plot holes but meh, onwards!:
At Battle Ground, as has been mentioned before, have him lose to Orton thanks to a screwy finish involving The Shield. The following night have Triple H cut a heel promo about how Bryan will never be in the title picture again, this could lead to the faces who have been uncomfortable with Bryans treatment like Ziggler, Show etc. leading a strike of the faces in protest of the way the McMahons have handled the situation, this will force HHH to grudgingly offer Bryan one last chance if he can overcome the gauntlet with the Shield. Bryan earns another shot and wins in Hell in a Cell with the faces preventing the Shield from interfering. The next night have Bryan celebrate his victory only to be brutally attacked by The Shield and ending the show with Orton delivering a punt. Have the McMahons award Orton the title on the next weeks Raw and have him defend the title against either Ziggler or CM Punk at Survivor Series and TLC. In the build up to Royal Rumble have Bryan do video promos about trying to get back in shape for the Rumble only to have the McMahons refuse to allow him into the Rumble due to him ‘not being medically cleared’ according to their experts. At Royal Rumble Cena can make his return as the first entrant of the Rumble and come out giving a promo about how he had a lot of time to think of what he wanted to achieve when he came back, how he has been the Champ and beat them all, he has won the Rumble and the only thing left to do is end the Streak. Have him say he found someone who he thinks deserves this shot more than him as he has worked hard for it only to have it taken away from him at every turn. BOOM! Daniel Bryanss music comes on, he makes his way down and shakes Cenas hand before going on to win the Rumble from number 1. Bryan goes on to beat Orton at Mania and Cena gets his shot at the streak.
This is my first post, so go easy. LOL. Let me throw a swerve at you if you will. So who will help Daniel Bryan?? Let s go off the map a little an d say....
Batista . Just a hunch. I remember not long ago reading that he was in talks to make an appearance or a return. Would it make sense to have him jump into this feud, help Daniel?
This "report" kind of backs up my fears that this story line has nothing to do with Bryan at all. Just simply a case of Triple H using a stars massive popularity to put himself and a guy he likes over. Maybe this whole angle was made for Orton to be the centerpiece after all, and not Bryan. Leave it to Vince and The Game to put a two strikes diva ahead of the best worker in the business.
At the Rumble, Cena returns at number 30 again, and when it comes down to him and Bryan, Cena eliminates himself, out of respect. As a result, Bryan chooses Orton for the title at Mania. Also, HHH being pissed at Cena tells him that he has to fight the only man to decimate him at Mania, the Undertaker.

I don't see Cena eliminating himself, it goes against "NEVER GIVE UP" attitude he shows. Cena vs Undertaken looks nice though.

I have a bad feeling that they're going to screw this whole thing up and have Cena be the guy to take the corporation down when he comes back.

I have this feeling too, especially when i think he's returning out of injury. They obviously wanna position him nice when he returns. But would be hugely disappointed if Cena gets the limelight.
This seems pretty easy. Bryan wins title from someone, holds it till Mania. Cena returns at Rumble and wins- challenges Bryan at Mania for rematch. Set up Face vs Face with the two tagging together and feuding in between (as has been done many times). Cena over Bryan at Mania for big Magazine cover photo. Thats pretty easy booking. Then you can color it in with HHH, Vince etc...
Perfected123 - "I like the part of the feud stretching to Hell in a Cell. These two are magic in the ring together. However, I don't like the fact that it says Orton will be in the title picture till Royal Rumble, that should be Bryan. I will be super pissed if Bryan drops the title back to Orton and is relegated down the card. He deserves better. I want him to eventually win the title and he be the man to go to the Rumble with the title, and possibly even Mania vs CM Punk."

Well, the way that the report was worded didn't necessarily suggest that Bryan was going to be out of the title picture. Doesn't necessarily say that he'll be in it either, but the fact that it's ambiguous about Bryan leaves me hopeful. As I said in my OP, one possibility of Orton staying in the title picture for that long includes Orton dropping it and ultimately having several rematches just as the plan for Bryan seems to be.

oldschool123 - "I have a bad feeling that they're going to screw this whole thing up and have Cena be the guy to take the corporation down when he comes back."

I think that's generally the #1 concern that a lot of people have and that Bryan could be used simply as a placeholder until John Cena return and ultimately saves the day. It'll be an absolute waste of a MASSIVE opportunity on WWE's part.
If Orton-Bryan is to be a long feud, a substantial part of the reason is the absence of John Cena. Even when he isn't the champion, Cena is involved in goings-on at the top, and if he isn't going to be around, management has to find other stuff to fill the void. Orton-Bryan is as good a program as any to do that.

How many of us wondered whether Randy was going to be ascending to the top once more? He's proven time and again to be an undependable entity outside the ring. Yes, his transgressions occur seldom, but if you want the company to put their faith in you, they can't happen at all. Whether it be illegal substances or torn up hotel rooms, the elite guy of the organization has to be clean as......well, John Cena.

The big surprise here is that Orton is holding the title while Daniel is chasing it. Many thought it might be the other way around.....and, of course, the notion of Randy Orton being anyone's "corporate" champion is so unusual that I wonder how many fans truly get the irony.

But yes, the feud will be of long duration. The two can deliver outstanding matches and it wouldn't be surprising to see Daniel break through and win the title, to the dismay of the McMahons and Levesques......only to have Randy win it back through some corporate chicanery, accompanied by damn fine ring wrestling by Orton.

So, there's your world title picture for awhile. It will also be interesting to see how they keep CM Punk otherwise engaged while all this is going on.
Some good ideas and thoughts here. I think we are going to see the exact build of Austin McMahon fall 1998 into the Rumble 1999 with Triple H being the new version of McMahon, Vince taking a Shane McMahon role, Stephanie playing the part of the stooges, Bryan in the Austin role & Orton in the role of the Rock...

NoC I see Bryan winning but winning by DQ - intentional outside interference

Battleground - (see Unforgiven 98) I see the title being held up from either a double pin, or Bryan wins but Triple H pulling a dusty finish and demanding the title be held up

HITC - Orton regains the title due to someone betraying Bryan in the Cell ... Most likely Big Show... The way they are building him, plus his history with Bryan and the fact Show has down 2 face turns already this year... I could see Triple H making him an offer he couldn't refuse...

He's where they incorporate new angles..Bryan vs Show (David vs Goliath), add Ziggler into the Mankind role or perhaps CM Punk now. Survivor Series could have all titles in a traditional SS match...

TLC - Bryan must win a TLC match to qualify for the Rumble (Austin Buried Alive Match against Taker)

Orton retains into the Rumble against CM Punk who beats Orton (exactly one year ago he lost to the Rock)

Bryan wins the Rumble ....

Elimination Chamber would have CM Punk defend against Orton , the Shield & Ziggler... Bryan Vs Triple H with a stipulation if Triple H wins he loses his Mania spot.. Bryan wins thanks to JOHN CENA RETURNING (Austin 1999) ...Triple H now focuses on Cena and books John Cena vs The Undertaker (CAREER ENDING MATCH)

We have Punk retain to main event against Bryan

Also Lesnar would probably be there...

Ziggler vs World Champion

**** Anyway that's just my fantasy booking, but I think they'll mirror the Austin run from 98 into 99 while bringing in other angles.
I have a bad feeling that they're going to screw this whole thing up and have Cena be the guy to take the corporation down when he comes back.

Exactly this.

Isn't the WWE all about Cena? Daniel Bryan won't be the top guy at all. Cena is, and no matter what, this is a huge set up for Cena to come back and take all the glory away from Bryan an Orton.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be wrong here but deep down this is all I see happening. If Bryan wins, which he will, he is only going to lose it to Cena once again. They'll relive their feud between the two an it will hopefully end at Wrestlemanina.

It is going to be a long feud an so far, it has been great. It has made Orton step his game up an same with Bryan. I just hope that what I posted is wrong. Cena shouldn't play a roll in all of this so I hope he doesn't. Let's just see how it all pans out.
The one flaw in how Cena evolved was that his big win was actually his first - but it was behind Batista's in that Evolution's breakup was kinda the bigger deal. What popped Cena was the draft to RAW and the reaction to it the next night. It's still one of the best "fake shockers" they have managed... you knew it was coming, but it worked perfectly and Jericho sold it to the point where Cena was now the guy...it then took time to ever feel he was threatened...

In Bryan's case they popped him too early with the reign he had - sure he had awesome matches etc, but he too just "cashed in" when attention was elsewhere...and then screeched it to a halt in the worst fashion imaginable... to make Bryan like Cena they need that "moment" and they can't just pop it as they did with Cena.

So this feud works... Orton is gonna have people out to kill him by the end of it, the IWC will be spitting fire that they have to wait till Mania... Bryan is gonna have to win at Survivor Series (Batista his teammate I am betting), win the Rumble from #1 and THEN win Elimination Chamber or beat Triple H to go to Mania... when he wins at Mania, it won't be in 18 seconds nor will it be a shock - but it will be that "confetti moment" the roof will blow off and Bryan will be where Bret was at Mania X... the rightful champ for the right time.
I wouldn't be surprised if this lasted, indirectly, until WM30. These two are both great in the ring and will be able to put on great matches every time they compete. Moreover, the HHH angle means that it shouldn't get boring.

There are 7 PPVs between now and WM30. Even if Bryan and Orton face each other twice in singles competition there are still plenty of options for both with the possibility of a climax at WM. I would have no problem if these two had a long feud because it will be of a very high quality.
Another key thing about the way this report is worded is it says Orton will be 'in the title picture'. Doesn't exactly mean he will have the belt the whole time.
If Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Title before the Wrestlemania main event, I will be disappointed.

It can't be too difficult to keep Bryan and Orton from having too many 1-on-1 matches (especially if you have Triple H waive the 30-day defense rule, or ignore its existence. With the Shield, and the possibility of bringing a World Heavyweight Champion into the mix, plus Ziggler, Miz and Show etc., there must be some way).

I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't last that long though, and even without the highest of expectations, I'm fucking excited.
I think they can stretch things out until the Hell In A Cell pay per view, but nothing beyond on that. After a while, something has to give. Orton loses the title, or Bryan becomes WWE Champion for the second time. You can only do so many screwy finishes, where Orton retains via Triple H interference, The Shield, or cheating before the fans lose interest in Bryan altogether, because they'll have no reason to believe he'll win the championship (think Ryback and a WWE Champion Punk).

Although, IF Orton VS Bryan makes it to a part three, it'll be interesting to see, if they go with a Cell match. If I'm not mistaken, Punk VS Ryback was the only Cell match at last year's pay per view. And with the PG era really restricting the violence and mayhem in Cell matches, you don't want to have a show with too many damn Cell matches, because no matter how you place them on the card, the live crowd will get burnt out after a while. But if there's one current feud in WWE that's worthy of a Cell match to finish things off, it's Orton VS Bryan.

I'm enjoying the feud so far. Bryan is doing a phenomenal job as the scrappy and relentless underdog, who won't back down from a fight. The storyline of Triple H being the obsessive dick of a heel boss, who abuses his power with Orton as his representative and hand picked champion is working really well right now. But soon enough, I think WWE either needs to pull the trigger on Bryan as champion, or take him out of the title picture. Because a constant barrage of screwy finishes won't help Orton or Bryan.

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